



  • 中文名:王雷敏
  • 出生日期:1989年
  • 畢業院校:華中科技大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:憶阻及憶阻系統,神經網路,有限時間控制
  • 任職院校:中國地質大學(武漢)自動化學院


2012.9-2016.6華中科技大學 控制科學與工程 工學博士學位 博士研究生
2011.9-2012.6華中科技大學 機率論與數理統計 (轉碩博連讀) 碩士研究生
2007.9-2011.6中南民族大學 數學與套用數學 理學學士 本科畢業
2018.12-2019.12美國羅德島大學 電氣、計算機與生物醫學工程系 訪問學者
2016.7-中國地質大學(武漢) 自動化學院


1. 理論方向 憶阻神經網路、憶阻混沌系統動力學行為分析,非線性多智慧型體、機器人有限時間控制,不連續系統穩定及同步
2. 套用方向 基於憶阻的深度學習,憶阻混沌系統圖像加密,憶阻神經網路聯想記憶,神經網路及多智慧型體相關最佳化算法與套用




1. 國基金青年項目,具有混合多時滯的憶阻神經網路穩定性分析與有限時間控制,2018.01-2020.12
2. 中央高校基本科研專項資金,憶阻神經系統動態行為分析與有限時間控制,2016.09-2019.06


1. Leimin Wang, Haibo He, and Zhigang Zeng, Global synchronization of fuzzy memristive neural networks with discrete and distributed delays,IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2019, In press.
2.LeiminWang,HaiboHe, Zhigang Zeng, and Cheng Hu, Global stabilization of fuzzy memristor-based reaction-diffusion neural networks,IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2019, In press.
3.LeiminWang, Haibo He, Zhigang Zeng, andMing-FengGe, Model-independent formation tracking of multiple Euler-Lagrange systems via bounded inputs,IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2019, In press.
4.LeiminWang, Zhigang Zeng, andMing-FengGe. A disturbance rejection framework for finite-time and fixed-time stabilization of delayed memristive neural networks.IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2019.
5. Leimin Wang, Mingfeng Ge, Junhao Hu, Guodong Zhang, Global stability and stabilization for inertial memristive neural networks with unbounded distributed delays,Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 95, no. 2, pp. 943-955, 2019.
6. Leimin Wang, Tiandu Dong, Mingfeng Ge, Finite-time synchronization of memristor chaotic systems and its application in image encryption,Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 347, pp. 293-305, Apr. 2019. (ESI高被引論文,2019.11數據)
7. Leimin Wang, Zhigang Zeng, Xiaofeng Zong, Mingfeng Ge, Finite-time stabilization of memristor-based inertial neural networks with discontinuous activations and distributed delays,Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol. 356, no. 6, pp. 3628-3643, Apr. 2019.
8.Leimin Wang, Ming-Feng Ge, Zhigang Zeng, Junhao Hu. Finite-time robust consensus of nonlinear disturbed multiagent systems via two-layer event-triggered control,Information Sciences, vol. 466, pp. 270-283, Oct. 2018.
9.Leimin Wang,Zhigang Zeng,Ming-Feng Ge,Junhao Hu. Globalstabilization analysis of inertial memristive recurrent neuralnetworks with discrete and distributed delays,Neural Networks,vol. 105,pp. 65-74,Sep. 2018.
10.Leimin Wang,Yi Shen,Guodong Zhang. Finite-time stabilization and adaptive control of memristor-based delayed neural networks,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,vol. 28,no. 11,pp. 2648-2659,Nov. 2017.
11.Leimin Wang, Zhigang Zeng, Junhao Hu, Xiaoping Wang. Controller design for global fixed-time synchronization of delayed neural networks with discontinuous activations,Neural Networks, vol. 87, pp. 122-131, Mar. 2017.
12.Leimin Wang,Yi Shen,Guodong Zhang. Synchronization of a class of switched neural networks with time-varying delays via nonlinear feedback control,IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 46, no. 10, pp. 2300-2310, Oct. 2016.
13.Leimin Wang, Yi Shen,Yin Sheng. Finite-time robust stabilization of uncertain delayed neural networks with discontinuous activations via delayed feedback control,Neural Networks, vol. 76,pp. 46-54,Apr. 2016.
14. Leimin Wang,Yi Shen. Finite-time stabilizability and instabilizability of delayed memristive neural networks with nonlinear discontinuous controller,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,vol. 26,no. 11,pp. 2914-2924,Nov. 2015.
15.Leimin Wang,Yi Shen,Zhixia Ding. Finite time stabilization of delayed neural networks,Neural Networks, vol. 70,pp. 74-80,Oct. 2015.
16.Leimin Wang, Yi Shen,Quan Yin,Guodong Zhang. Adaptive synchronization of memristor-based neural networks with time-varying delays,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,vol. 26,no. 9,pp. 2033-2042,Sep. 2015.


