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  • 中文名:王雨
  • 畢業院校:香港大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:水治理、環境政治、公共事務治理、社會組織
  • 任職院校:中山大學



理學學士 (B.Sc.):北京師範大學地理學與遙感科學學院(School of Geography, Beijing Normal University), 2007
管理學碩士 (M.Phil.):中國人民大學環境學院 (School of Environment & Natural Resources, Renmin University of China), 2009
哲學博士 (Ph.D.):香港大學社會科學學院地理虹乘嘗系 (Department of Geography, Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong), 2014


副教授,中山燥您協大學政治與公共事務管理學院 (Associate Professor, School of Government, Sun Yat-sen University), 2016--
博士後,香港大學社會科學學院 (Post-doctoral fellow, Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong), 2014-2016


荷蘭烏特勒支大學社會學系 (Department of Sociology/ICS, Utrecht University), 2011


廣州市國際城市創新研究中心,副主任 (Guangzhou Institute of Urban Innovation, Vice-director)
中山大學中國公共管理研究中心教育部人文社會科學重點研究基地),研究員 (Center for Chinese Public Administration Research, Sun Yat-sen University, Research Fellow)
北京師範大學中國周邊地緣研究中心,研究員 (Center for Chinese Geo-relational Research, Beijing Normal University, Research Fellow)




本科(undergraduate):中國城鎮化 Urbanization in China;棄烏設可持續發設坑展 Sustainbale Development(全英);環境政策 Environmental Policy(全英拔記獄阿)
研究生(postgraduate):專棕厚項洪業英語 Academic English
MPA:社會研究方法 Social Science Research Methods



注:*為通訊愉阿狼作者 (Note:*Corresponding author)
  1. Wang, R. Y., Ng, C. N., & Qi, X. X*. (forthcoming). The Chinese Characteristics of Payments for Ecosystem Services: A Conceptual Analysis of Water Eco-compensation Mechanisms.International Journal of Water Resources Development.doi:(SCI, Q2)
  2. Dai, L., van Doorn-Hoekveld, W. J.,Wang, R. Y.*, & van Rijswick, H. F. M. W. (forthcoming). Dealing with distributional effects of flood risk management in China: compensation mechanisms in flood retention areas.Water International. doi:(SCI, Q2)
  3. Liu, Q., &Wang, R. Y.*(2019). Peasant Resistance Beyond the State: Peasant–NGO Interactions in Post Wenchuan Earthquake Reconstruction, China.Journal of Contemporary China,28(115), 151-166. doi:(SSCI, Q1)
  4. Wang, R. Y., Liu, T., & Dang, H. (2018). Bridging critical institutionalism and fragmented authoritarianism in China: An analysis of centralized water policies and their local implementation in semi-arid irrigation districts. Regulation & Governance, 12(4), 451-465.doi:(SSCI, Q1)
  5. 劉曉鳳,王雨*, 葛岳靜. (2018). 環境政治中國際非政府組織的角色:基於批判地緣政治的視角.人文地理,33(5), 123-132. doi:(CSSCI)
  6. 劉濤, 史秋潔,王雨*, 楊宇. (2018). 中國城鄉建設占用耕地的時空格局及形成機制.地理研究,37(8), 1609-1623. doi:(CSSCI, 1A)
  7. Wang, Z., Li, J., Lai, C.*,Wang, R. Y.*, Chen, X., & Lian, Y. (2018). Drying tendency dominating the global grain production area.Global Food Security, 16, 138-149. doi:(SCI, Q1)
  8. Qi, X.,Wang, R. Y.,Li, J., Zhang, T., Liu, L.*, & He, Y. (2018).Ensuring food security with lower environmental costs under intensive agricultural land use patterns: A case study from China.Journal of Environmental Management, 213, 329-340.doi:(SCI, Q1)
  9. Qi, X., Fu, Y.,Wang, R. Y., Ng, C. N., Dang, H. P.*, & He, Y. (2018). Improving the sustainability of agricultural land use: An integrated framework for the conflict between food security and environmental deterioration.Applied Geography, 90, 214-223. doi:(SSCI, Q1)
  10. Vollmer, D., Shaad, K., Souter, N. J., Farrell, T., Dudgeon, D., Sullivan, C. A., Fauconnier, I.,. . .Wang, R. Y., Lai, C. G., Wang, Z.L., Regan, H. M. (2018). Integrating the social, hydrological and ecological dimensions of freshwater health: The Freshwater Health Index.Science of the Total Environment, 627, 304-313. doi:(SCI, Q1)
  11. Chen, Y., Liu, X.*, Gao, W.,Wang, R. Y., Li, Y., & Tu, W. (2018). Emerging social media data on measuring urban park use and their relationship with surrounding areas—A case study of Shenzhen.Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 31, 130-141. doi:(SSCI, SCI, Q1)
  12. 王雨. (2017). 一國兩制下的跨境水資源治理.熱帶地理, 37(2), 154-162. (中文核心)
  13. Wang, R. Y.,Ng, C. N., Lenzer Jr, J. H., Dang, H. P., Liu, T*& Yao, S. J. (2017). Unpacking Water Conflicts: A Reinterpretation of Coordination Problems in China’s Water Governance System.International Journal of Water Resources Development.33(4), 553-569. doi:(SCI, Q2)
  14. Liu, T. Cao, G. Z., Yan, Y., &Wang, R. Y*. (2016). Urban Land Marketization in China: Central Policy, Local Initiative, and Market Mechanism.Land Use Policy, 57, 265-276. doi:(SSCI, Q1)
  15. Jia, S. F., Long, Q. B.,Wang, R. Y.*, Yan, J. B., & Kang, D. Y. (2016).On the Inapplicability of the Cobb-Douglas Production Function for Estimating the Benefit of Water Use and the Value of Water Resources.Water Resources Management, 30(10), 3645-3650. doi:(SCI, Q1)
  16. Wang, R. Y., Si, Z. Z.*, Ng, C. N., & Scott, S. (2015).The transformation of trust in China's alternative food networks: disruption, reconstruction, and development.Ecology and Society, 20(2). doi:(SSCI, SCI, Q1)
  17. Wang, R. Y.*, & Ng, C. N. (2015).Can Centralized Sanctioning Promote Trust in Social Dilemmas? A Two-Level Trust Game with Incomplete Information.Plos One, 10(4), e0124513. doi:
  18. Ng, C. N.,Wang, R. Y.*, & Zhao, T. (2013).Joint Effects of Asymmetric Payoff and Reciprocity Mechanisms on Collective Cooperation in Water Sharing Interactions: A Game Theoretic Perspective.Plos One, 8(8), e73793. doi:(SCI, Q1)


  1. 主持 (Principal investigator),國際河流的地緣政治格局及其形成機制研究:以瀾湄跨境水治理為例 (The geopolitics of international rivers: A case study of Lancang-Mekong transboundary water governance). 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目 (41801132)(Young Scientists Fund, National Natural Science Foundation of China). 2019-2021.
  2. 主持 (Principal investigator),瀾湄合作下的跨境水資源治理研究--基於批判地緣政治學和國際非營利組織視角 (Trans-boundary Water Governance under the Lancang-Mekong Collaboration Mechanism: From thePerspectives of Geopolitics and International Non-profit Organizations). 教育部人文社會科學研究青年基金項目 (17YJCZH183)(The Ministry of Educationproject of Humanities and Social Science Research). 2017-2020.
  3. 主持 (Principal investigator),批判地緣政治視角下的瀾湄跨境水治理--基於國際非營利組織的研究 (A Critical Geopolitical Analysis of Transboundary Water Governance in the Lancang-Mekong: Evidence Based on International Non-profit Organizations). 廣東省自然科學基金自由申請項目 (2018A030313964) (General Fund, Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province). 2018-2021.
  4. 主持 (Principal investigator),新型城鎮化下的基層資源環境治理研究:以土地流轉和水權交易為例 (Local Natural Resources and Environmental Governance in the Context of New Urbanization: A Case Study of Land Use Rights and Water Rights Transfer). 中山大學青年教師重點培育項目 (Key Research Fundfor Junior Scholars, Sun Yat-sen University). 2017-2018.
  5. 主持 (Principal investigator),中山大學百人計畫科研啟動項目 (Startup Research Fund, Sun Yat-sen University). 2017-2019.
  6. 主持 (Principal investigator),水權視角下的中國水資源管理研究:以寧夏河套灌區為例 (The Promises and Limitations of a Rights-based Approach to Water Management in China: ACase Study of the Ningxia Hetao Region in the Upper Reaches of the Yellow River). 香港大學 (The University of Hong Kong). 2015-2016.
  7. 參與(Co-investigator),食品信任:香港居民對食品安全和食品管理體系態度的調查(Trust in Food: An Investigation of Public Perception of Food Safety, Food Networks and Regulatory Institutions in Hong Kong). 香港大學 (The University of Hong Kong). 2014-2016.
  8. 主持 (Principal investigator),社會理論研討會:信任,社會網路與社會資本 (Workshop on Social Theory: Trust, Social Networks and Social Capital). 香港研究資助局(The Research Grant Council of Hong Kong). 2013.


  1. Examining the implementation of water eco-compensation mechanism in the Dongjiang River, China: State policies, Local agenda and rural development.Paper presented at the European Environmental Law Forum conference, Aug 28-30, 2019, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
  2. Institutional Adaptations to Evolving Collective Action Problems: Insights from Semi-Arid Irrigation Districts in Upstream Yellow River in China. Paper presented at the Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop (WOW6), Jun 19-21, 2019, Bloomington, Indiana, USA.
  3. “一帶一路”下的跨境環境治理:基於 “瀾湄合作”的地緣政治分析.第八屆中國城市管理高峰論壇,2018.8.8-10. 貴陽.
  4. Moving beyond state-NGO relations: The local development strategies of an international environmental NGO in rural China. 第九屆中美公共管理國際學術研討會,2018.6.15-17. 北京
  5. 批判地緣政治視角下國際環境政治中的INGO角色研究.第二屆(2017)地緣關係學術研討會, 2017.11.11-12.北京.
  6. Probing the interfaces between centralized water policies and their local implementation: Insights from irrigation management in semi-arid northwest China. Paper presented at the 2017 Tsinghua Commons workshop, October 14-15, 2017, Beijing, China.
  7. Probing the micro-processes of water governance in southern China: State policies, rural development and public engagement. Paper presented atthe XVI Biennial IASC-Conference, July 10-14, 2017, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
  8. “One Country, Two Systems”: The Water, Food and People that Flow across Hong Kong-Mainland Boundaries.Paper presented at the 2ndInternational Conference of Political Geography, August 27-30, 2016, Kunming, China.
  9. Probing the Fragmentation in China’s Authoritarian Water Governance System: Local Experiments and Policy Implementation.Paper presented at the 33rdInternational Geographical Congress, August 21-25, 2016 Beijing, China.
  10. Food Safety and Trust: A Survey of Food Consumption in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 33rdInternational Geographical Congress, August 21-25, 2016 Beijing, China.
  11. Power, Technocracy and Neoliberalism: the Political Ecology the Middle Route of China’s South-to-North Water Diversion Project. Paper presented at the the Annual Meeting of The Association of American Geographers, April 21-25, 2015, Chicago, USA.
  12. Asymmetric Payoff Mechanism and Information Effects in Water Sharing Interactions: A Game Theoretic Model of Collective Cooperation. Paper presented at the The 14th Global Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons, June 3-7, 2013, Japan.
  13. In Coping with the Tragedy of the Commons: A Game Theoretic Perspective on Water Sharing Interactions and Cooperation. Paper presented at the Sino-European Symposium on Environment and Health, Aug 20-25, 2012, Galway, Ireland.
  14. Information and Cooperation in Water Pollution Dilemma: A Game Theoretic Perspective. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of The Association of American Geographers. Feb 24-28, 2012, New York, USA.


Award for Outstanding Oral Presentation. The 12th Annual Research Postgraduate Conference, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2012.
Short Stay Fellowships. Utrecht University, the Netherlands, 2011.


Ambio(SCI), Geoforum(SSCI), Water Resources Management(SCI), International Journal of the Commons(SSCI), International Journal of Water Resources Development(SCI), Water Policy(SCI), Water International(SCI), Water Alternatives (SCI)
MPA:社會研究方法 Social Science Research Methods



注:*為通訊作者 (Note:*Corresponding author)
  1. Wang, R. Y., Ng, C. N., & Qi, X. X*. (forthcoming). The Chinese Characteristics of Payments for Ecosystem Services: A Conceptual Analysis of Water Eco-compensation Mechanisms.International Journal of Water Resources Development.doi:(SCI, Q2)
  2. Dai, L., van Doorn-Hoekveld, W. J.,Wang, R. Y.*, & van Rijswick, H. F. M. W. (forthcoming). Dealing with distributional effects of flood risk management in China: compensation mechanisms in flood retention areas.Water International. doi:(SCI, Q2)
  3. Liu, Q., &Wang, R. Y.*(2019). Peasant Resistance Beyond the State: Peasant–NGO Interactions in Post Wenchuan Earthquake Reconstruction, China.Journal of Contemporary China,28(115), 151-166. doi:(SSCI, Q1)
  4. Wang, R. Y., Liu, T., & Dang, H. (2018). Bridging critical institutionalism and fragmented authoritarianism in China: An analysis of centralized water policies and their local implementation in semi-arid irrigation districts. Regulation & Governance, 12(4), 451-465.doi:(SSCI, Q1)
  5. 劉曉鳳,王雨*, 葛岳靜. (2018). 環境政治中國際非政府組織的角色:基於批判地緣政治的視角.人文地理,33(5), 123-132. doi:(CSSCI)
  6. 劉濤, 史秋潔,王雨*, 楊宇. (2018). 中國城鄉建設占用耕地的時空格局及形成機制.地理研究,37(8), 1609-1623. doi:(CSSCI, 1A)
  7. Wang, Z., Li, J., Lai, C.*,Wang, R. Y.*, Chen, X., & Lian, Y. (2018). Drying tendency dominating the global grain production area.Global Food Security, 16, 138-149. doi:(SCI, Q1)
  8. Qi, X.,Wang, R. Y.,Li, J., Zhang, T., Liu, L.*, & He, Y. (2018).Ensuring food security with lower environmental costs under intensive agricultural land use patterns: A case study from China.Journal of Environmental Management, 213, 329-340.doi:(SCI, Q1)
  9. Qi, X., Fu, Y.,Wang, R. Y., Ng, C. N., Dang, H. P.*, & He, Y. (2018). Improving the sustainability of agricultural land use: An integrated framework for the conflict between food security and environmental deterioration.Applied Geography, 90, 214-223. doi:(SSCI, Q1)
  10. Vollmer, D., Shaad, K., Souter, N. J., Farrell, T., Dudgeon, D., Sullivan, C. A., Fauconnier, I.,. . .Wang, R. Y., Lai, C. G., Wang, Z.L., Regan, H. M. (2018). Integrating the social, hydrological and ecological dimensions of freshwater health: The Freshwater Health Index.Science of the Total Environment, 627, 304-313. doi:(SCI, Q1)
  11. Chen, Y., Liu, X.*, Gao, W.,Wang, R. Y., Li, Y., & Tu, W. (2018). Emerging social media data on measuring urban park use and their relationship with surrounding areas—A case study of Shenzhen.Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 31, 130-141. doi:(SSCI, SCI, Q1)
  12. 王雨. (2017). 一國兩制下的跨境水資源治理.熱帶地理, 37(2), 154-162. (中文核心)
  13. Wang, R. Y.,Ng, C. N., Lenzer Jr, J. H., Dang, H. P., Liu, T*& Yao, S. J. (2017). Unpacking Water Conflicts: A Reinterpretation of Coordination Problems in China’s Water Governance System.International Journal of Water Resources Development.33(4), 553-569. doi:(SCI, Q2)
  14. Liu, T. Cao, G. Z., Yan, Y., &Wang, R. Y*. (2016). Urban Land Marketization in China: Central Policy, Local Initiative, and Market Mechanism.Land Use Policy, 57, 265-276. doi:(SSCI, Q1)
  15. Jia, S. F., Long, Q. B.,Wang, R. Y.*, Yan, J. B., & Kang, D. Y. (2016).On the Inapplicability of the Cobb-Douglas Production Function for Estimating the Benefit of Water Use and the Value of Water Resources.Water Resources Management, 30(10), 3645-3650. doi:(SCI, Q1)
  16. Wang, R. Y., Si, Z. Z.*, Ng, C. N., & Scott, S. (2015).The transformation of trust in China's alternative food networks: disruption, reconstruction, and development.Ecology and Society, 20(2). doi:(SSCI, SCI, Q1)
  17. Wang, R. Y.*, & Ng, C. N. (2015).Can Centralized Sanctioning Promote Trust in Social Dilemmas? A Two-Level Trust Game with Incomplete Information.Plos One, 10(4), e0124513. doi:
  18. Ng, C. N.,Wang, R. Y.*, & Zhao, T. (2013).Joint Effects of Asymmetric Payoff and Reciprocity Mechanisms on Collective Cooperation in Water Sharing Interactions: A Game Theoretic Perspective.Plos One, 8(8), e73793. doi:(SCI, Q1)


  1. 主持 (Principal investigator),國際河流的地緣政治格局及其形成機制研究:以瀾湄跨境水治理為例 (The geopolitics of international rivers: A case study of Lancang-Mekong transboundary water governance). 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目 (41801132)(Young Scientists Fund, National Natural Science Foundation of China). 2019-2021.
  2. 主持 (Principal investigator),瀾湄合作下的跨境水資源治理研究--基於批判地緣政治學和國際非營利組織視角 (Trans-boundary Water Governance under the Lancang-Mekong Collaboration Mechanism: From thePerspectives of Geopolitics and International Non-profit Organizations). 教育部人文社會科學研究青年基金項目 (17YJCZH183)(The Ministry of Educationproject of Humanities and Social Science Research). 2017-2020.
  3. 主持 (Principal investigator),批判地緣政治視角下的瀾湄跨境水治理--基於國際非營利組織的研究 (A Critical Geopolitical Analysis of Transboundary Water Governance in the Lancang-Mekong: Evidence Based on International Non-profit Organizations). 廣東省自然科學基金自由申請項目 (2018A030313964) (General Fund, Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province). 2018-2021.
  4. 主持 (Principal investigator),新型城鎮化下的基層資源環境治理研究:以土地流轉和水權交易為例 (Local Natural Resources and Environmental Governance in the Context of New Urbanization: A Case Study of Land Use Rights and Water Rights Transfer). 中山大學青年教師重點培育項目 (Key Research Fundfor Junior Scholars, Sun Yat-sen University). 2017-2018.
  5. 主持 (Principal investigator),中山大學百人計畫科研啟動項目 (Startup Research Fund, Sun Yat-sen University). 2017-2019.
  6. 主持 (Principal investigator),水權視角下的中國水資源管理研究:以寧夏河套灌區為例 (The Promises and Limitations of a Rights-based Approach to Water Management in China: ACase Study of the Ningxia Hetao Region in the Upper Reaches of the Yellow River). 香港大學 (The University of Hong Kong). 2015-2016.
  7. 參與(Co-investigator),食品信任:香港居民對食品安全和食品管理體系態度的調查(Trust in Food: An Investigation of Public Perception of Food Safety, Food Networks and Regulatory Institutions in Hong Kong). 香港大學 (The University of Hong Kong). 2014-2016.
  8. 主持 (Principal investigator),社會理論研討會:信任,社會網路與社會資本 (Workshop on Social Theory: Trust, Social Networks and Social Capital). 香港研究資助局(The Research Grant Council of Hong Kong). 2013.


  1. Examining the implementation of water eco-compensation mechanism in the Dongjiang River, China: State policies, Local agenda and rural development.Paper presented at the European Environmental Law Forum conference, Aug 28-30, 2019, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
  2. Institutional Adaptations to Evolving Collective Action Problems: Insights from Semi-Arid Irrigation Districts in Upstream Yellow River in China. Paper presented at the Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop (WOW6), Jun 19-21, 2019, Bloomington, Indiana, USA.
  3. “一帶一路”下的跨境環境治理:基於 “瀾湄合作”的地緣政治分析.第八屆中國城市管理高峰論壇,2018.8.8-10. 貴陽.
  4. Moving beyond state-NGO relations: The local development strategies of an international environmental NGO in rural China. 第九屆中美公共管理國際學術研討會,2018.6.15-17. 北京
  5. 批判地緣政治視角下國際環境政治中的INGO角色研究.第二屆(2017)地緣關係學術研討會, 2017.11.11-12.北京.
  6. Probing the interfaces between centralized water policies and their local implementation: Insights from irrigation management in semi-arid northwest China. Paper presented at the 2017 Tsinghua Commons workshop, October 14-15, 2017, Beijing, China.
  7. Probing the micro-processes of water governance in southern China: State policies, rural development and public engagement. Paper presented atthe XVI Biennial IASC-Conference, July 10-14, 2017, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
  8. “One Country, Two Systems”: The Water, Food and People that Flow across Hong Kong-Mainland Boundaries.Paper presented at the 2ndInternational Conference of Political Geography, August 27-30, 2016, Kunming, China.
  9. Probing the Fragmentation in China’s Authoritarian Water Governance System: Local Experiments and Policy Implementation.Paper presented at the 33rdInternational Geographical Congress, August 21-25, 2016 Beijing, China.
  10. Food Safety and Trust: A Survey of Food Consumption in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 33rdInternational Geographical Congress, August 21-25, 2016 Beijing, China.
  11. Power, Technocracy and Neoliberalism: the Political Ecology the Middle Route of China’s South-to-North Water Diversion Project. Paper presented at the the Annual Meeting of The Association of American Geographers, April 21-25, 2015, Chicago, USA.
  12. Asymmetric Payoff Mechanism and Information Effects in Water Sharing Interactions: A Game Theoretic Model of Collective Cooperation. Paper presented at the The 14th Global Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons, June 3-7, 2013, Japan.
  13. In Coping with the Tragedy of the Commons: A Game Theoretic Perspective on Water Sharing Interactions and Cooperation. Paper presented at the Sino-European Symposium on Environment and Health, Aug 20-25, 2012, Galway, Ireland.
  14. Information and Cooperation in Water Pollution Dilemma: A Game Theoretic Perspective. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of The Association of American Geographers. Feb 24-28, 2012, New York, USA.


Award for Outstanding Oral Presentation. The 12th Annual Research Postgraduate Conference, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2012.
Short Stay Fellowships. Utrecht University, the Netherlands, 2011.


Ambio(SCI), Geoforum(SSCI), Water Resources Management(SCI), International Journal of the Commons(SSCI), International Journal of Water Resources Development(SCI), Water Policy(SCI), Water International(SCI), Water Alternatives (SCI)


