- 中文名:王雨
- 畢業院校:香港大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:水治理、環境政治、公共事務治理、社會組織
- 任職院校:中山大學
- Wang, R. Y., Ng, C. N., & Qi, X. X*. (forthcoming). The Chinese Characteristics of Payments for Ecosystem Services: A Conceptual Analysis of Water Eco-compensation Mechanisms.International Journal of Water Resources Development.doi:(SCI, Q2)
- Dai, L., van Doorn-Hoekveld, W. J.,Wang, R. Y.*, & van Rijswick, H. F. M. W. (forthcoming). Dealing with distributional effects of flood risk management in China: compensation mechanisms in flood retention areas.Water International. doi:(SCI, Q2)
- Liu, Q., &Wang, R. Y.*(2019). Peasant Resistance Beyond the State: Peasant–NGO Interactions in Post Wenchuan Earthquake Reconstruction, China.Journal of Contemporary China,28(115), 151-166. doi:(SSCI, Q1)
- Wang, R. Y., Liu, T., & Dang, H. (2018). Bridging critical institutionalism and fragmented authoritarianism in China: An analysis of centralized water policies and their local implementation in semi-arid irrigation districts. Regulation & Governance, 12(4), 451-465.doi:(SSCI, Q1)
- 劉曉鳳,王雨*, 葛岳靜. (2018). 環境政治中國際非政府組織的角色:基於批判地緣政治的視角.人文地理,33(5), 123-132. doi:(CSSCI)
- 劉濤, 史秋潔,王雨*, 楊宇. (2018). 中國城鄉建設占用耕地的時空格局及形成機制.地理研究,37(8), 1609-1623. doi:(CSSCI, 1A)
- Wang, Z., Li, J., Lai, C.*,Wang, R. Y.*, Chen, X., & Lian, Y. (2018). Drying tendency dominating the global grain production area.Global Food Security, 16, 138-149. doi:(SCI, Q1)
- Qi, X.,Wang, R. Y.,Li, J., Zhang, T., Liu, L.*, & He, Y. (2018).Ensuring food security with lower environmental costs under intensive agricultural land use patterns: A case study from China.Journal of Environmental Management, 213, 329-340.doi:(SCI, Q1)
- Qi, X., Fu, Y.,Wang, R. Y., Ng, C. N., Dang, H. P.*, & He, Y. (2018). Improving the sustainability of agricultural land use: An integrated framework for the conflict between food security and environmental deterioration.Applied Geography, 90, 214-223. doi:(SSCI, Q1)
- Vollmer, D., Shaad, K., Souter, N. J., Farrell, T., Dudgeon, D., Sullivan, C. A., Fauconnier, I.,. . .Wang, R. Y., Lai, C. G., Wang, Z.L., Regan, H. M. (2018). Integrating the social, hydrological and ecological dimensions of freshwater health: The Freshwater Health Index.Science of the Total Environment, 627, 304-313. doi:(SCI, Q1)
- Chen, Y., Liu, X.*, Gao, W.,Wang, R. Y., Li, Y., & Tu, W. (2018). Emerging social media data on measuring urban park use and their relationship with surrounding areas—A case study of Shenzhen.Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 31, 130-141. doi:(SSCI, SCI, Q1)
- 王雨. (2017). 一國兩制下的跨境水資源治理.熱帶地理, 37(2), 154-162. (中文核心)
- Wang, R. Y.,Ng, C. N., Lenzer Jr, J. H., Dang, H. P., Liu, T*& Yao, S. J. (2017). Unpacking Water Conflicts: A Reinterpretation of Coordination Problems in China’s Water Governance System.International Journal of Water Resources Development.33(4), 553-569. doi:(SCI, Q2)
- Liu, T. Cao, G. Z., Yan, Y., &Wang, R. Y*. (2016). Urban Land Marketization in China: Central Policy, Local Initiative, and Market Mechanism.Land Use Policy, 57, 265-276. doi:(SSCI, Q1)
- Jia, S. F., Long, Q. B.,Wang, R. Y.*, Yan, J. B., & Kang, D. Y. (2016).On the Inapplicability of the Cobb-Douglas Production Function for Estimating the Benefit of Water Use and the Value of Water Resources.Water Resources Management, 30(10), 3645-3650. doi:(SCI, Q1)
- Wang, R. Y., Si, Z. Z.*, Ng, C. N., & Scott, S. (2015).The transformation of trust in China's alternative food networks: disruption, reconstruction, and development.Ecology and Society, 20(2). doi:(SSCI, SCI, Q1)
- Wang, R. Y.*, & Ng, C. N. (2015).Can Centralized Sanctioning Promote Trust in Social Dilemmas? A Two-Level Trust Game with Incomplete Information.Plos One, 10(4), e0124513. doi:
- Ng, C. N.,Wang, R. Y.*, & Zhao, T. (2013).Joint Effects of Asymmetric Payoff and Reciprocity Mechanisms on Collective Cooperation in Water Sharing Interactions: A Game Theoretic Perspective.Plos One, 8(8), e73793. doi:(SCI, Q1)
- 主持 (Principal investigator),國際河流的地緣政治格局及其形成機制研究:以瀾湄跨境水治理為例 (The geopolitics of international rivers: A case study of Lancang-Mekong transboundary water governance). 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目 (41801132)(Young Scientists Fund, National Natural Science Foundation of China). 2019-2021.
- 主持 (Principal investigator),瀾湄合作下的跨境水資源治理研究--基於批判地緣政治學和國際非營利組織視角 (Trans-boundary Water Governance under the Lancang-Mekong Collaboration Mechanism: From thePerspectives of Geopolitics and International Non-profit Organizations). 教育部人文社會科學研究青年基金項目 (17YJCZH183)(The Ministry of Educationproject of Humanities and Social Science Research). 2017-2020.
- 主持 (Principal investigator),批判地緣政治視角下的瀾湄跨境水治理--基於國際非營利組織的研究 (A Critical Geopolitical Analysis of Transboundary Water Governance in the Lancang-Mekong: Evidence Based on International Non-profit Organizations). 廣東省自然科學基金自由申請項目 (2018A030313964) (General Fund, Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province). 2018-2021.
- 主持 (Principal investigator),新型城鎮化下的基層資源環境治理研究:以土地流轉和水權交易為例 (Local Natural Resources and Environmental Governance in the Context of New Urbanization: A Case Study of Land Use Rights and Water Rights Transfer). 中山大學青年教師重點培育項目 (Key Research Fundfor Junior Scholars, Sun Yat-sen University). 2017-2018.
- 主持 (Principal investigator),中山大學百人計畫科研啟動項目 (Startup Research Fund, Sun Yat-sen University). 2017-2019.
- 主持 (Principal investigator),水權視角下的中國水資源管理研究:以寧夏河套灌區為例 (The Promises and Limitations of a Rights-based Approach to Water Management in China: ACase Study of the Ningxia Hetao Region in the Upper Reaches of the Yellow River). 香港大學 (The University of Hong Kong). 2015-2016.
- 參與(Co-investigator),食品信任:香港居民對食品安全和食品管理體系態度的調查(Trust in Food: An Investigation of Public Perception of Food Safety, Food Networks and Regulatory Institutions in Hong Kong). 香港大學 (The University of Hong Kong). 2014-2016.
- 主持 (Principal investigator),社會理論研討會:信任,社會網路與社會資本 (Workshop on Social Theory: Trust, Social Networks and Social Capital). 香港研究資助局(The Research Grant Council of Hong Kong). 2013.
- Examining the implementation of water eco-compensation mechanism in the Dongjiang River, China: State policies, Local agenda and rural development.Paper presented at the European Environmental Law Forum conference, Aug 28-30, 2019, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
- Institutional Adaptations to Evolving Collective Action Problems: Insights from Semi-Arid Irrigation Districts in Upstream Yellow River in China. Paper presented at the Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop (WOW6), Jun 19-21, 2019, Bloomington, Indiana, USA.
- “一帶一路”下的跨境環境治理:基於 “瀾湄合作”的地緣政治分析.第八屆中國城市管理高峰論壇,2018.8.8-10. 貴陽.
- Moving beyond state-NGO relations: The local development strategies of an international environmental NGO in rural China. 第九屆中美公共管理國際學術研討會,2018.6.15-17. 北京
- 批判地緣政治視角下國際環境政治中的INGO角色研究.第二屆(2017)地緣關係學術研討會, 2017.11.11-12.北京.
- Probing the interfaces between centralized water policies and their local implementation: Insights from irrigation management in semi-arid northwest China. Paper presented at the 2017 Tsinghua Commons workshop, October 14-15, 2017, Beijing, China.
- Probing the micro-processes of water governance in southern China: State policies, rural development and public engagement. Paper presented atthe XVI Biennial IASC-Conference, July 10-14, 2017, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
- “One Country, Two Systems”: The Water, Food and People that Flow across Hong Kong-Mainland Boundaries.Paper presented at the 2ndInternational Conference of Political Geography, August 27-30, 2016, Kunming, China.
- Probing the Fragmentation in China’s Authoritarian Water Governance System: Local Experiments and Policy Implementation.Paper presented at the 33rdInternational Geographical Congress, August 21-25, 2016 Beijing, China.
- Food Safety and Trust: A Survey of Food Consumption in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 33rdInternational Geographical Congress, August 21-25, 2016 Beijing, China.
- Power, Technocracy and Neoliberalism: the Political Ecology the Middle Route of China’s South-to-North Water Diversion Project. Paper presented at the the Annual Meeting of The Association of American Geographers, April 21-25, 2015, Chicago, USA.
- Asymmetric Payoff Mechanism and Information Effects in Water Sharing Interactions: A Game Theoretic Model of Collective Cooperation. Paper presented at the The 14th Global Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons, June 3-7, 2013, Japan.
- In Coping with the Tragedy of the Commons: A Game Theoretic Perspective on Water Sharing Interactions and Cooperation. Paper presented at the Sino-European Symposium on Environment and Health, Aug 20-25, 2012, Galway, Ireland.
- Information and Cooperation in Water Pollution Dilemma: A Game Theoretic Perspective. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of The Association of American Geographers. Feb 24-28, 2012, New York, USA.
- Wang, R. Y., Ng, C. N., & Qi, X. X*. (forthcoming). The Chinese Characteristics of Payments for Ecosystem Services: A Conceptual Analysis of Water Eco-compensation Mechanisms.International Journal of Water Resources Development.doi:(SCI, Q2)
- Dai, L., van Doorn-Hoekveld, W. J.,Wang, R. Y.*, & van Rijswick, H. F. M. W. (forthcoming). Dealing with distributional effects of flood risk management in China: compensation mechanisms in flood retention areas.Water International. doi:(SCI, Q2)
- Liu, Q., &Wang, R. Y.*(2019). Peasant Resistance Beyond the State: Peasant–NGO Interactions in Post Wenchuan Earthquake Reconstruction, China.Journal of Contemporary China,28(115), 151-166. doi:(SSCI, Q1)
- Wang, R. Y., Liu, T., & Dang, H. (2018). Bridging critical institutionalism and fragmented authoritarianism in China: An analysis of centralized water policies and their local implementation in semi-arid irrigation districts. Regulation & Governance, 12(4), 451-465.doi:(SSCI, Q1)
- 劉曉鳳,王雨*, 葛岳靜. (2018). 環境政治中國際非政府組織的角色:基於批判地緣政治的視角.人文地理,33(5), 123-132. doi:(CSSCI)
- 劉濤, 史秋潔,王雨*, 楊宇. (2018). 中國城鄉建設占用耕地的時空格局及形成機制.地理研究,37(8), 1609-1623. doi:(CSSCI, 1A)
- Wang, Z., Li, J., Lai, C.*,Wang, R. Y.*, Chen, X., & Lian, Y. (2018). Drying tendency dominating the global grain production area.Global Food Security, 16, 138-149. doi:(SCI, Q1)
- Qi, X.,Wang, R. Y.,Li, J., Zhang, T., Liu, L.*, & He, Y. (2018).Ensuring food security with lower environmental costs under intensive agricultural land use patterns: A case study from China.Journal of Environmental Management, 213, 329-340.doi:(SCI, Q1)
- Qi, X., Fu, Y.,Wang, R. Y., Ng, C. N., Dang, H. P.*, & He, Y. (2018). Improving the sustainability of agricultural land use: An integrated framework for the conflict between food security and environmental deterioration.Applied Geography, 90, 214-223. doi:(SSCI, Q1)
- Vollmer, D., Shaad, K., Souter, N. J., Farrell, T., Dudgeon, D., Sullivan, C. A., Fauconnier, I.,. . .Wang, R. Y., Lai, C. G., Wang, Z.L., Regan, H. M. (2018). Integrating the social, hydrological and ecological dimensions of freshwater health: The Freshwater Health Index.Science of the Total Environment, 627, 304-313. doi:(SCI, Q1)
- Chen, Y., Liu, X.*, Gao, W.,Wang, R. Y., Li, Y., & Tu, W. (2018). Emerging social media data on measuring urban park use and their relationship with surrounding areas—A case study of Shenzhen.Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 31, 130-141. doi:(SSCI, SCI, Q1)
- 王雨. (2017). 一國兩制下的跨境水資源治理.熱帶地理, 37(2), 154-162. (中文核心)
- Wang, R. Y.,Ng, C. N., Lenzer Jr, J. H., Dang, H. P., Liu, T*& Yao, S. J. (2017). Unpacking Water Conflicts: A Reinterpretation of Coordination Problems in China’s Water Governance System.International Journal of Water Resources Development.33(4), 553-569. doi:(SCI, Q2)
- Liu, T. Cao, G. Z., Yan, Y., &Wang, R. Y*. (2016). Urban Land Marketization in China: Central Policy, Local Initiative, and Market Mechanism.Land Use Policy, 57, 265-276. doi:(SSCI, Q1)
- Jia, S. F., Long, Q. B.,Wang, R. Y.*, Yan, J. B., & Kang, D. Y. (2016).On the Inapplicability of the Cobb-Douglas Production Function for Estimating the Benefit of Water Use and the Value of Water Resources.Water Resources Management, 30(10), 3645-3650. doi:(SCI, Q1)
- Wang, R. Y., Si, Z. Z.*, Ng, C. N., & Scott, S. (2015).The transformation of trust in China's alternative food networks: disruption, reconstruction, and development.Ecology and Society, 20(2). doi:(SSCI, SCI, Q1)
- Wang, R. Y.*, & Ng, C. N. (2015).Can Centralized Sanctioning Promote Trust in Social Dilemmas? A Two-Level Trust Game with Incomplete Information.Plos One, 10(4), e0124513. doi:
- Ng, C. N.,Wang, R. Y.*, & Zhao, T. (2013).Joint Effects of Asymmetric Payoff and Reciprocity Mechanisms on Collective Cooperation in Water Sharing Interactions: A Game Theoretic Perspective.Plos One, 8(8), e73793. doi:(SCI, Q1)
- 主持 (Principal investigator),國際河流的地緣政治格局及其形成機制研究:以瀾湄跨境水治理為例 (The geopolitics of international rivers: A case study of Lancang-Mekong transboundary water governance). 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目 (41801132)(Young Scientists Fund, National Natural Science Foundation of China). 2019-2021.
- 主持 (Principal investigator),瀾湄合作下的跨境水資源治理研究--基於批判地緣政治學和國際非營利組織視角 (Trans-boundary Water Governance under the Lancang-Mekong Collaboration Mechanism: From thePerspectives of Geopolitics and International Non-profit Organizations). 教育部人文社會科學研究青年基金項目 (17YJCZH183)(The Ministry of Educationproject of Humanities and Social Science Research). 2017-2020.
- 主持 (Principal investigator),批判地緣政治視角下的瀾湄跨境水治理--基於國際非營利組織的研究 (A Critical Geopolitical Analysis of Transboundary Water Governance in the Lancang-Mekong: Evidence Based on International Non-profit Organizations). 廣東省自然科學基金自由申請項目 (2018A030313964) (General Fund, Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province). 2018-2021.
- 主持 (Principal investigator),新型城鎮化下的基層資源環境治理研究:以土地流轉和水權交易為例 (Local Natural Resources and Environmental Governance in the Context of New Urbanization: A Case Study of Land Use Rights and Water Rights Transfer). 中山大學青年教師重點培育項目 (Key Research Fundfor Junior Scholars, Sun Yat-sen University). 2017-2018.
- 主持 (Principal investigator),中山大學百人計畫科研啟動項目 (Startup Research Fund, Sun Yat-sen University). 2017-2019.
- 主持 (Principal investigator),水權視角下的中國水資源管理研究:以寧夏河套灌區為例 (The Promises and Limitations of a Rights-based Approach to Water Management in China: ACase Study of the Ningxia Hetao Region in the Upper Reaches of the Yellow River). 香港大學 (The University of Hong Kong). 2015-2016.
- 參與(Co-investigator),食品信任:香港居民對食品安全和食品管理體系態度的調查(Trust in Food: An Investigation of Public Perception of Food Safety, Food Networks and Regulatory Institutions in Hong Kong). 香港大學 (The University of Hong Kong). 2014-2016.
- 主持 (Principal investigator),社會理論研討會:信任,社會網路與社會資本 (Workshop on Social Theory: Trust, Social Networks and Social Capital). 香港研究資助局(The Research Grant Council of Hong Kong). 2013.
- Examining the implementation of water eco-compensation mechanism in the Dongjiang River, China: State policies, Local agenda and rural development.Paper presented at the European Environmental Law Forum conference, Aug 28-30, 2019, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
- Institutional Adaptations to Evolving Collective Action Problems: Insights from Semi-Arid Irrigation Districts in Upstream Yellow River in China. Paper presented at the Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop (WOW6), Jun 19-21, 2019, Bloomington, Indiana, USA.
- “一帶一路”下的跨境環境治理:基於 “瀾湄合作”的地緣政治分析.第八屆中國城市管理高峰論壇,2018.8.8-10. 貴陽.
- Moving beyond state-NGO relations: The local development strategies of an international environmental NGO in rural China. 第九屆中美公共管理國際學術研討會,2018.6.15-17. 北京
- 批判地緣政治視角下國際環境政治中的INGO角色研究.第二屆(2017)地緣關係學術研討會, 2017.11.11-12.北京.
- Probing the interfaces between centralized water policies and their local implementation: Insights from irrigation management in semi-arid northwest China. Paper presented at the 2017 Tsinghua Commons workshop, October 14-15, 2017, Beijing, China.
- Probing the micro-processes of water governance in southern China: State policies, rural development and public engagement. Paper presented atthe XVI Biennial IASC-Conference, July 10-14, 2017, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
- “One Country, Two Systems”: The Water, Food and People that Flow across Hong Kong-Mainland Boundaries.Paper presented at the 2ndInternational Conference of Political Geography, August 27-30, 2016, Kunming, China.
- Probing the Fragmentation in China’s Authoritarian Water Governance System: Local Experiments and Policy Implementation.Paper presented at the 33rdInternational Geographical Congress, August 21-25, 2016 Beijing, China.
- Food Safety and Trust: A Survey of Food Consumption in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 33rdInternational Geographical Congress, August 21-25, 2016 Beijing, China.
- Power, Technocracy and Neoliberalism: the Political Ecology the Middle Route of China’s South-to-North Water Diversion Project. Paper presented at the the Annual Meeting of The Association of American Geographers, April 21-25, 2015, Chicago, USA.
- Asymmetric Payoff Mechanism and Information Effects in Water Sharing Interactions: A Game Theoretic Model of Collective Cooperation. Paper presented at the The 14th Global Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons, June 3-7, 2013, Japan.
- In Coping with the Tragedy of the Commons: A Game Theoretic Perspective on Water Sharing Interactions and Cooperation. Paper presented at the Sino-European Symposium on Environment and Health, Aug 20-25, 2012, Galway, Ireland.
- Information and Cooperation in Water Pollution Dilemma: A Game Theoretic Perspective. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of The Association of American Geographers. Feb 24-28, 2012, New York, USA.