王雙虎,2006.7-2010.9 西安工程大學學士,2011.7-2014.9 西安工程大學碩士,中國大陸地區第一個內衣人體工效學碩士,現任陝西服裝工程學院教師,
- 中文名:王雙虎
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 學位/學歷:碩士研究生
- 專業方向:內衣人體工效學
2010.9-2010.7 西安工程大學服裝與藝術設計學院工學學士
2011.9-2014.7 西安工程大學服裝與藝術設計學院專業領域碩士
2015.9-至今 西安工程大學內衣人體工效學碩士在讀
2014.7-2016.12 陝西服裝工程學院教師
(1)Shuang-Hu Wang, Chi-Liu, Ya-Ru Ding“The analysis on Simulating Prolonged Wear“, Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium Proceedings, 2013. ISTP/ISSHP檢索論文
(2)Shuang-Hu Wang, Chi-Liu, Ya-Ru Ding“Investigation on Storage and Treatment of Female Wasted Brassiere“, Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium Proceedings, 2013. ISTP/ISSHP檢索論文
(3)Ya-Ru Ding, Chi Liu, Shuang-Hu Wang “The Relationship between Lateral Tilt Angle and Neckline of Stand Collar”, Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium Proceedings, 2013. ISTP/ISSHP檢索論文
(4)Ya-Ru Ding, Chi Liu, Shuang-Hu Wang “Analyzing Clothing Choice Tendency for College Students”, Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium Proceedings, 2013. ISTP/ISSHP檢索論文
(9) 王雙虎《基於三維人體掃描技術的內衣模杯造型設計方法研究》論文被《國際紡織導報》刊出。
(11)Ya-Ru Ding, Chi Liu, Shuang-Hu Wang “The Relationship between Lateral Tilt Angle and Neckline of Stand Collar”, Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium Proceedings, 2013. ISTP/ISSHP檢索論文
(12)Ya-Ru Ding, Chi Liu, Shuang-Hu Wang “Analyzing Clothing Choice Tendency for College Students”, Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium Proceedings, 2013. ISTP/ISSHP檢索論文