


  • 中文名:王長崴
  • 畢業院校:廈門大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:化學鍵本質的理論研究
  • 任職院校:陝西師範大學化學化工學院



2004-2008: 中山大學 化學與化學工程學院 化學專業 學士
2008-2013:廈門大學 化學與化工學院 物理化學專業 博士研究生
2010-2012: 美國 西密西根大學 聯合培養博士研究生(莫亦榮教授課題組)


2014 07 -2018 07 中國石油大學(華東) 理學院
2018 07至今陝西師範大學 化學化工學院





2. 山東省優秀中青年科學家科研獎勵基金:


1.Wang, C.; Ying, F.; Wu, W.; Mo, Y., Sensing or No Sensing: Can the Anomeric Effect Be Probed by a Sensing Molecule?Journal of the American Chemical Society2011,133(34), 13731-13736.
2.Wang, C.; Chen, Z.; Wu, W.; Mo, Y., How the Generalized Anomeric Effect Influences the Conformational Preference.Chemistry – A European Journal2013,19(4), 1436-1444.
3.Wang, C.; Danovich, D.; Mo, Y.; Shaik, S., On The Nature of the Halogen Bond.Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation2014,10(9), 3726-3737.
4.Wang, C.; Ying, F.; Wu, W.; Mo, Y., How Solvent Influences the Anomeric Effect: Roles of Hyperconjugative versus Steric Interactions on the Conformational Preference.The Journal of Organic Chemistry2014,79(4), 1571-1581.
5.Wang, C.; Mo, Y.; Wagner, P.; Schreiner, P.; Jemmis, E.; Danovich, D.; Shaik, S., Self-association of graphane is driven by dispersion and enhanced by orbital interactions.Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation2015,11(4), 1621-1630.
6.Wang, C.; Guan, L.; Danovich, D.; Shaik, S.; Mo, Y. On the Origins of the Directionality of Noncovalent Intermolecular Interactions.Journal of Computation Chemistry2016,37(1), 34-45.
7.Wang, C.*; Danovich, D.; Shaik, S.; Mo, Y., Halogen Bonds in Novel Polyhalogen Monoanions. Chemistry – A European Journal2017, 23 (36), 8719-8728.
8.Wang, C.*; Danovich, D.; Shaik, S.; Mo, Y., A Unified Theory for the Blue- and Red-Shifting Phenomena in Hydrogen and Halogen Bonds.Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation2017,13(4), 1626-1637
9.Wang, C.*; Danovich, D.; Shaik, S.; Mo, Y., Hydrogen- and Halogen-Bonds Between Ions of Like Charges: Are They Anti-Electrostatic in Nature?Journal of Computational Chemistry2018, 39, 481-487.
10. Mo, Y.;Wang, C.; Guan, L.; Braïda, B.; Hiberty, P. C.; Wu, W., On the Nature of Blueshifting Hydrogen Bonds.Chemistry – A European Journal2014,20(27), 8444-8452.
11. Wu, J.-C.;Wang, C.; McKee, W.; von Ragué Schleyer, P.; Wu, W.; Mo, Y., On the large σ-hyperconjugation in alkanes and alkenes.J Mol Model2014,20(6), 1-9.
12. Cembran, A.; Provorse, M. R.;Wang, C.; Wu, W.; Gao, J., The Third Dimension of a More O’Ferrall–Jencks Diagram for Hydrogen Atom Transfer in the Isoelectronic Hydrogen Exchange Reactions of (PhX)2H· with X = O, NH, and CH2.Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation2012,8(11), 4347-4358.
13. Lynch, K.; Maloney, A.; Sowell, A.;Wang, C.; Mo, Y.; Karty, J. M., Why is sulfuric acid a much stronger acid than ethanol? Determination of the contributions by inductive/field effects and electron-delocalization effects.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics2014,17(1), 138-144.
14. Li, H.; Chang, Y.; Zhu, W.;Wang, C.; Wang, C.; Yin, S.; Zhang, M.; Li, H., Theoretical evidence of charge transfer interaction between SO2 and deep eutectic solvents formed by cholinechloride and glycerol.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics2015,17(43), 28729-28742.


