- 中文名:王錦琰
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 職稱:研究員
性 別: 女
職 稱: 副研究員
學 歷: 博士
1996-7~1998-9 山東省立醫院
2005年10月至今 中科院心理所
1. Li SG, Wang JY,* Luo F*. Adult-age inflammatory pain experience enhances long-term pain vigilance in rats. PLoS One
2. Su YL, Huang J, Wang N, Wang JY,* Luo F*. The effects of morphine on basal neuronal activities in the lateral and medial pain pathways. Neurosci Lett
3. Wang Y, Wang JY*, Luo F*. Why self-induced pain feels less painful than externally generated pain: distinct brain activation patterns in self- and externally generated pain. PLoS One
4. Zhang Y, Wang N, Wang JY, Chang JY, Woodward DJ, Luo F*. Ensemble encoding of nociceptive stimulus intensity in the rat medial and lateral pain systems. Mol Pain
5. Shi M, Wang JY*, Luo F*. Depression shows divergent effects on evoked and spontaneous pain behaviors in rats. J Pain.
6. Shi M, Qi WJ, Gao G, Wang JY*, Luo F*. Increased thermal and mechanical nociceptive thresholds in rats with depressive-like behaviors. Brain Res
7. Wang W, Qi WJ, Xu Y, Wang JY *, Luo F *. The differential effects of depression on evoked and spontaneous pain behaviors in olfactory bulbectomized rats. Neurosci Lett
8. Wang N, Wang JY*, Luo F*. Corticofugal outputs facilitate acute, but inhibit chronic pain in rats. Pain.
9. Wang JY, Huang J, Chang JY, Woodward DJ, Luo F. Morphine modulation of pain processing in medial and lateral pain pathways. Mol pain
10. Wang JY, Zhang HT, Chang JY, Woodward DJ, Baccala LA, Luo F. Anticipation of pain enhances the nociceptive transmission and functional connectivity within pain network in rats. Mol Pain
11. Luo F, Wang JY. Modulation of Central Nociceptive Coding by Acupoint Stimulation. Neurochem Res.
12. Wang JY, Chang JY, Woodward DJ, Luo F. Temporal strategy for discriminating noxious from non-noxious electrical stimuli by cortical and thalamic neural ensembles in rats. Neurosci Lett
13. Hua QP, Zeng XZ, Liu JY, Wang JY, Guo JY, Luo F. Dynamic Changes in Brain Activations and Functional Connectivity during Affectively Different Tactile Stimuli. Cell Mol Neurobio
14. Wang JY, Chang JY, Woodward DJ, Baccalá LA, Han JS, Luo F. Corticofugal influences on thalamic neurons during nociceptive transmission in awake rats. Synapse
15. Huang J, Chang JY, Woodward DJ, Baccalá LA, Han JS, Wang JY, Luo F. Dynamic neuronal responses in cortical and thalamic areas during different phases of formalin test in rats. Exp Neurol.
16. Wang JY, Zhang HT, Han JS, Chang JY, Woodward DJ, Luo F. Differential modulation of nociceptive neural responses in medial and lateral pain pathways by peripheral electrical stimulation: a multichannel recording study. Brain Res.
17. Wang JY, Luo F, Chang JY, Woodward DJ, Han JS. Parallel pain processing in freely moving rats revealed by distributed neuron recording. Brain Res
18. Wang JY, Liu J, Liu C. Effects of nitric oxide in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus on the extrahepatic biliary system in rabbits. Auton Neurosci
1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,疼痛背景下的大腦前注意加工及其對慢性痛發展的預測作用
2. 中國科學院知識創新工程重要方向項目,心理所優秀青年科技專項(傷害性事件感知的認知調節及其神經環路研究)
3. 中國科學院心理健康重點實驗室自主研究重點課題,PTSD特異性“症候群”及內隱性創傷記憶的形成機制研究——恐懼的“焦慮模式”與“崩潰模式”的比較
4. 中國科學院知識創新工程重要方向項目,青年創新促進會會員經費
5. 國家自然科學基金青年基金,大腦皮層對丘腦傷害性信息的下行調製作用
6. 中科院心理所青年基金,情緒和認知因素對痛覺神經網路的調節作用