- 中文名:王鈺軻
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 畢業院校:河海大學
- 學位/學歷:博士/博士研究生
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:岩土工程
2023.01-現在 鄭州大學水利與土木工程學院,教授,博士生導師
2018.06-2022.12 鄭州大學水利科學與工程學院,副教授(直聘),碩士生導師
2016.06-2018.06 鄭州大學水利工程博士後科研流動站,合作導師:王復明 院士
2011.09-2016.06 河海大學,岩土工程,工學博士(碩博連讀),導師:高玉峰 教授
2007.09-2011.07 內蒙古工業大學,土木工程,工學學士
國際SCI期刊《Marine Georesources & Geotechnology》編委
1、主持 國家自然科學基金面上項目《大豆脲酶固化黃河泥沙用作路基填料的宏微觀效果與機理研究》
2、主持 國家自然科學基金青年項目《考慮初始狀態變化的黃泛區粉土路基災變機理與沉降計算方法研究》
3、主持 國家重點研發計畫子課題《土石堤壩滲漏險情搶險關鍵技術與裝備研究》
4、主持 河南省優秀青年基金《高聚物微型樁加固邊坡的地震破壞機理及穩定性分析方法》
5、主持 河南省青年人才托舉工程項目《交通荷載作用下黃泛區路基長期累積變形特性研究》
7、主持 河南省自然科學基金青年項目《多維度耦合下飽和軟黏土的變形及軟化特性試驗研究》
8、主持 河南省重點研發與推廣專項(科技攻關)《交通荷載作用下各向異性固結軟黏土非共軸變形特性》
9、主持 河南省高等學校重點科研項目《非水反應類高聚物注漿技術在隧道突湧水及滲漏處治中的套用》
10、主持 中國博士後面上基金二等資助《考慮主應力軸旋轉的飽和軟黏土長期循環軟化特性研究》
11、主持 中國博士後面上基金一等資助《主應力軸旋轉下軟黏土的非共軸變形特性及本構理論研究》
12、主持 河南省博士後基金《高聚物注漿技術在隧道及地下工程滲漏處治中的套用研究》
13、主持 岩土力學與工程國家重點實驗室開放基金項目 《主應力軸旋轉下飽和軟黏土累積變形特性試驗研究》
14、主持 岩土力學與堤壩工程教育部重點實驗室開放基金項目《天然軟黏土在主應力軸旋轉下靜動力特性試驗研究》
1. Wang, Y., Wang, Z., Chen, Y.*, Cao,T., Yu, X., Pang, R. Experimental Study on Bio-treatment Effect of the DredgedYellow River Silt based on Soybean Urease Induced Calcium CarbonatePrecipitation, Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 75: 106943
2. Wang, Y., Chen. H., Chen, Y.*,Jiao, M., Fan, Z. Experimental study onmacro-micro effectiveness of YellowRiver silt solidified by using soybean-induced carbonate precipitation (SICP)technology. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology. 2024
3. Wang, Y., Shao, L., Wan, Y.*, Chen,H. Reliability analysis of three-dimensional reinforced slope considering thespatial variability in soil parameters, Stochastic Environmental Researchand Risk Assessment, 2023
4. Wang, Y., Shao, L., Wan, Y.*,Jiang, Y., Yu, X. Three-dimensional reliability stability analysis ofearth-rock dam slopes reinforced with permeable polymer. ProbabilisticEngineering Mechanics. 2023, 74: 103537
5. Wang, Y., Jiang, R., Jiao, M.*, Cao, T., Yu, X. Macro and microexperimental study on solidification of Yellow River silt based on differentbiomineralization technologies. Environmental Earth Science. 2023, 82(3): 86
6. Wang, Y., Jiang, R., Gan, Wang., Jiao, M.* Study on mechanicalproperties of Yellow River silt solidified by MICP technology. Geomechanicsand Engineering. 2023, 32, (3) : 347-359
7. Wang, Y., Jiang, R., Gao, Y.*, Shao, J. Resilient strain andstiffness degradation of Yellow River silt under long-term cyclic loads. Proceedingsof ICE – Geotechnical Engineering. 2023:1-10
8. Wang, Y., Cao, T., Shao, J., Song, Y.*, Wan, Y. Experimental study onstatic characteristics of the Yellow River silt under (triaxial) consolidatedundrained conditions. Marine Georesources& Geotechnology. 2023,41(3) :285-294
9. Wang, Y., Wang, G., Zhong, Y.*, Shao, J., Zhao,J., Li, D. Comparison of different treatment methods on macro-micro characteristicsof Yellow River silt solidified by MICP technology. MarineGeoresources & Geotechnology.2023, 41(4) :425-435
10. Chen, Y., Wang, Y.*, Hazarika, H., Wan, Y. Strength and deformationbehavior of Yellow River silt under triaxial drained condition with consideringcharacteristic states. Journal of Mountain Science. 2023, 20(1) :273-284
11. Wan, Y., Fu, H., Wang Y*. Study on the influence of spatialvariability of soil strength parameters on reliability and slip surfaces ofcofferdam slope reinforced by geosynthetic reinforcement. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology. 2023.
12. Wang, Y., Cao, T., Gao, Y.*, Shao, J. Experimental study onliquefaction characteristics of saturated Yellow River silt under cyclesloading. Soil Dynamic and Earthquake Engineering. 2022, 163(10):107457
13. Wang, Y., Wang, G., Wan, Y.*, Yu, X., Shao, J.,Zhao, J. Recyclingof dredged river silt reinforced by an eco-friendly technology as microbialinduced calcium carbonate precipitation (MICP). Soils and Foundations. 2022,62 (6): 10216
14. Wang, Y., Fu, H., Wan Y., Yu, X. Reliability and parametersensitivity analysis on geosynthetic-reinforced slope with consideringspatially variability of soil properties. Constructionand Building Materials. 2022, 350: 128806
15. Wang, Y., Han, M., Li, B.*, Wan, Y. Stability evaluation ofearth-rock dam reinforcement with new permeable polymer based on reliabilitymethod. Construction and BuildingMaterials. 2022, 320: 126294
16. Wang, Y.*, Han, M. Optimal design of slope reinforcementby a new developed polymer micro anti-slide pile in case of emergency anddisaster relief. Natural Hazards. 2022, 112: 899-917
17. Wang, Y., Yu, B., Wan, Y.*, Yu, X., Song, Y. Experimentalinvestigation and numerical verification on diffusion of permeable polymers insandy soils with considering grouting parameters. International Journal ofCivil Engineering. 2022, doi: 10. 1007. S40999-022-00780-7.
18. Wang, Y., Li, J., Yu, X., Lin, X.*, Shao, J.,Zhao, J. Studyon fractional-order elastic-plastic constitutive model of river silt based oncritical state theory. MarineGeoresources & Geotechnology.2022.
19. Wang, Y., Fu, H., Cai, Y., Yu, X., Zhao, J. Seismic subsidence of softsubgrade with considering principal stress rotation. International Journalof Civil Engineering. 2022, 20: 827-837
20. Yu, X., Wang, Y.*, Wang, G., Xue, B., Zhao, X.,& Du, X. Study on working behaviors and improvement strategies of concretecutoff wall with slurry cake in thick soil foundation. International Journalof Geomechanics, 2022, 22(6), 04022075.
21. Yu X., Wang G., Wang Y.*, Du X., Qu Y. Large deformationperformance of the anti-seepage system connection part in earth core dam builton thick overburden[J]. Geomechanics and Engineering, 2022, 29(6):683-696.
22. Wang, Y., Han, M., Cao, T., Yu, X.*, Song, Y. Cyclic interfacebehavior of non-water reactive polymer and concrete during dam restoration. Structures. 2021. 34: 748–757
23. Wang, Y., Wan, Y., Guo, C.*, Zeng, C., Shao, J., Wang, F. Experimentalinvestigation on the monotonic, cyclic and post cyclic interfacial behavior ofnon-water reacted polymer and concrete. Constructionand Building Materials. 2021, 292: 123323
24. Wang, Y., Wan, Y., Ruan, H., Yu, X. *, Shao, J.,& Ren, D.Pore pressure accumulation of anisotropically consolidated soft clay subjectedto complex loads under different stress paths. China Ocean Engineering.2021. 35(3): 465–474
25. Wang, Y., Wan, Y., Wan, E., Zhang, X.*, Zhang, B., & Zhong, Y.* The pore pressure anddeformation behavior of natural soft clay caused by long-term cyclic loadssubjected to traffic loads. MarineGeoresources & Geotechnology.2021. 39(4):398-407
26. Wang Y, Han M, Lin X*, Li D, YuH and Zhu L. Influence of Rainfall Conditions on Stability of Slope Reinforcedby Polymer Anti-slide Pile. Front. Earth Sci. 2021. 9:774926. doi:10.3389/feart.2021.774926
27. Ruan, H., Wang, Y.*,Wan, Y., Yu, X., Zeng, C., Shao, J. Three-dimensional numerical modeling ofground deformation during shield tunneling with considering principal stressrotation. International Journal ofGeomechanics. 2021, 21(7): 04021095
28. Yu, X., Wang,Y.*, Tulamaiti, Y., Zhou, C., Zhou., Y., Wang, G. Refined numericalsimulation of a concrete cut-off wall in the thick overburden of damfoundation. Structures. 2021, 33: 4407-4420.
29. Wang, Y., Han, M., Yu, X.*,Wan, Y., Shao, J., Ren, D. Stiffness degradation of natural soft foundation inembankment dam under complex stress paths with considering different initialstates. Applied Ocean Research. 2020,104: 1-22.
30. Wang Y., Wan Y., Liu M, Guo C.*, Zeng C., Wu D. Undrainedmulti-dimensional deformation behavior and degradation of natural soft marineclay from HCA experiments. Soils and Foundations. 2020. 60(1), 103-114
31. Wang, Y., Gao, Y.*, Li, B., Guo, L., Cai, Y., & Mahfouz, A. H. Influence ofinitial state and intermediate principal stress on undrained behavior of softclay during pure principal stress rotation. ActaGeotechnica. 2019, 14(5):1379-1401.
32. Wang, Y., Zeng, C.*,Heyang Jia, Hongjian Cai, Xiangyuan Zhang. Cyclic behavior of natural organicclay under variable confining pressure that match traffic loading condition. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology. 2019, 37(3): 402-407.
33. Wang, Y.*, Li, B.*, Chen, C., & Jia, H.Influence of Groundwater Level Fluctuation on Lateral Deformation of CantileverEnclosure structure of Pit-in-Pit. MarineGeoresources & Geotechnology.2020, 38(1): 108-113.
34. Wang, Y., Gao, Y.*, Cai, Y., & Guo, L. Effect of initial state andintermediate principal stress on noncoaxiality of soft clay involved cyclicprincipal stress rotation. InternationalJournal of Geomechanics. 2018, 18(7), 04018081.
35. Wang, Y., Gao, Y.*, Guo, L., &Yang, Z. Influence of intermediate principal stress and principal stressdirection on drained behavior of natural soft clay. International Journal of Geomechanics. 2018, 18(1),04017128.
36. Wang, Y.*, Gao, Y.*, Zeng, C.,& Mahfouz, A. H. Undrained cyclic behavior of soft marine clay involvedcombined principal stress rotation. AppliedOcean Research. 2018, 81:141-149.
37. Wang, Y., Gao, Y., Guo, L.*, Cai,Y., Li, B., Qiu, Y., & Mahfouz, A. H. Cyclic response of natural softmarine clay under principal stress rotation as induced by wave loads. OceanEngineering, 2017, 129, 191-202.
38. Wang, Y., Zhang, J.*, Ma, L., & Wu, D. Anisotropic deformationcharacteristics of soft marine clay involved the change of b-values and stressdirection. Marine Georesources&Geotechnology. 2017, 35(7):954-960.
39. Wang, Y., Gao, Y.*, Li, B., Fang,H., Wang, F., Guo, L., & Zhang, F. One-way cyclic deformation behavior ofnatural soft clay under continuous principal stress rotation. Soils and Foundations. 2017, 57(6),1002-1013.
40. Wang, Y., Wu, D.*, Qiu, Y., & Wang, D. Experimental Investigation on cyclic deformation behavior ofsoft marine clay involved principal stress rotation. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology. 2017, 35(4):571-577.
41. Wang, Y., Guo, L.*, Gao, Y. F.,Qiu, Y., Hu, X. Q., & Zhang, Y. (2016). Anisotropic drained deformationbehavior and shear strength of natural soft marine clay. Marine Georesources& Geotechnology, 34(5), 493-502.
42. Ma, L., Wang, Y.*, Wang, W., Xu, X., & Li, S. An analysis method oflaterally loaded pile in cohesive soil. MarineGeoresources & Geotechnology. 2018.36(1):2-9.
43. Ma, L., Wang, Y.*. Calculation and analysisof negative skin of monopile applied for offshore wind turbine. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology.2017, 35(2):275-280.
44. 王鈺軻, 蔣睿, 賈朝軍, 余翔, 鐘燕輝. 長期循環荷載下黃泛區黃河泥沙的變形特性及安定性分析. 鐵道科學與工程學報. 2024
45. 王鈺軻,陳浩,宋迎賓,王振海,鐘燕輝,張蓓.大豆脲酶誘導碳酸鈣固化黃河泥沙水穩定性試驗研究. 水利學報. 2024, 55 (1): 71-79
46. 王鈺軻,尚海威,賈朝軍,余翔,鐘燕輝.新型高聚物微型樁加固工程斜坡的抗滑性能模型試驗研究. 中南大學學報(自然科學版). 2024
47. 王鈺軻,李朕宇,鐘燕輝,余翔,張蓓,馮大闊.滲透型高聚物與過江盾構隧道接縫混凝土界面特性. 岩土工程學報. 2023, 45
48. 王鈺軻,馮爽,鐘燕輝,張蓓. 基於集成學習模型的正常固結土抗剪強度指標預測方法. 岩土工程學報.2023, 45
49. 王鈺軻, 萬永帥, 方宏遠, 曾長女, 石明生, 吳迪. 圓形應力路徑下軟黏土的動力特性試驗研究. 岩土力學.2020, 41(5): 1643-1652.
50. 王鈺軻, 曹天才, 宋迎賓, 邵景乾, 余翔, 董博文. 基於菌促方法和酶促方法的黃河泥沙加固參數試驗研究. 浙江大學學報(工學版).2023, 57(06):1100-1110.
51. 王鈺軻, 李俊豪, 邵景乾, 余翔. 不同影響因素下路用黃河泥沙動剪下模量和阻尼比試驗及理論模型研究. 工程科學學報. 2023, 45(3):509-519.
52. 王鈺軻, 陳宇源, 邵景乾, 宋迎賓, 鐘燕輝. 考慮不同初始狀態的黃河泥沙三軸靜力剪下特性試驗研究. 工程科學學報,2023,45(10):1782-1794.
53. 王鈺軻, 萬永帥, 劉琪, 郭成超*, 石明生. 非水反應高聚物與土工材料的界面剪下特性. 建築材料學報. 2021,24(1): 115-120.
54. 王鈺軻, 黃文清, 萬永帥, 余翔*, 韓沐森, 郭成超. 不同初始狀態軟黏土在主應力軸耦合旋轉下的孔壓及三維變形規律.工程科學與技術. 2021,53(2):1-11
55. 王鈺軻, 於博文, 曹天才, 郭成超,鐘燕輝,石明生.非水反應高聚物-混凝土界面單調剪下特性及本構模擬.工程科學與技術. 2021,53(6):121-130
56. 王鈺軻, 馬露, 曾長女*, 張沖博, 陳燦.主應力軸連續旋轉下軟黏土的軟化特性試驗研究.建築材料學報. 2019,22(5):148-155.
57. 王鈺軻, 黎冰*. 扭剪作用下飽和軟黏土的單向循環變形特性試驗研究. 東南大學學報 (自然科學版). 2019, 49(5):981-988.
58. 王鈺軻,付宏松, 馬露. 行車荷載與基坑開挖對新建及既有基坑坑底、地連牆的影響研究.三峽大學學報(自然科學版). 2022. 44(2):1-6
59. 郭林, 王鈺軻, 王軍*, 鄭敏, 伍婷玉. 中主應力與主應力方位角對軟粘土排水變形特性影響.岩土力學.2016, 37(5):1380-1387.
60. 馬露, 王鈺軻*, 于敏, 王偉, 徐曉陽. 基於有效應力法的單樁負摩阻力計算研究. 水文地質工程地質. 2017. 01(1):71-77.
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2. 河南省交通運輸科學技術進步獎特等獎,2021,排名第1;
3. 河南省第五屆自然科學學術獎一等獎,2021,排名第1;
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