



  • 中文名:王鈺軻
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 畢業院校:河海大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士/博士研究生
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:岩土工程


2016年至今 鄭州大學水利科學與工程學院從事教學與科研工作
2016-2018年 鄭州大學水利工程博士後科研流動站,合作導師:王復明 院士
2011-2016年 河海大學,岩土工程,工學博士(碩博連讀),導師:高玉峰 教授
2007-2011年 內蒙古工業大學,土木工程,工學學士


國際SCI期刊《Marine Georesources & Geotechnology》編委




1、主持 國家重點研發計畫子課題《土石堤壩滲漏險情搶險關鍵技術與裝備研究》(2019-至今)
2、主持 河南省高等學校重點科研項目《非水反應類高聚物注漿技術在隧道突湧水及滲漏處治中的套用》(2019-至今)
3、主持 中國博士後面上基金二等資助《考慮主應力軸旋轉的飽和軟黏土長期循環軟化特性研究》(2019-至今)
4、主持 中國博士後面上基金一等資助《主應力軸旋轉下軟黏土的非共軸變形特性及本構理論研究》(2017-2018年)
5、主持 河南省博士後基金《高聚物注漿技術在隧道及地下工程滲漏處治中的套用研究》(2017-2018年)
6、參與 國家重點研發計畫課題《膨脹土岸坡和堤壩滲透滑動柔性修復加固技術》(2017-至今)


1. Wang Y., Wan Y., Liu M, Guo C.*, Zeng C., Wu D. Undrained multi-dimensional deformation behavior and degradation of natural soft marine clay from HCA experiments. Soils and Foundations. 2020. 60(1), 103-114
2. Wang, Y., Wan, Y., Wan, E., Zhang, X.*, Zhang, B., & Zhong, Y.* The pore pressure and deformation behavior of natural soft clay caused by long-term cyclic loads subjected to traffic loads. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology. 2020. (On line)
3. Zeng, C., Li, X., & Wang Y.* Behaviour of the interface between stored wheat and a steel silo under static and cyclic loading conditions. Biosystems Engineering, 2020, 190, 87-96.
4. Zeng, C., Gu, H., & Wang Y.*. Stress-strain response of sheared wheat granular stored in silos using triaxial compression tests. International Agrophysics. 2020, 1(34), 103-114
5. Wang, Y., Gao, Y.*, Li, B., Guo, L., Cai, Y., & Mahfouz, A. H. Influence of initial state and intermediate principal stress on undrained behavior of soft clay during pure principal stress rotation. Acta Geotechnica. 2019, 14(5):1379-1401.
6. Wang, Y., Zeng, C.*, Heyang Jia, Hongjian Cai, Xiangyuan Zhang. Cyclic behavior of natural organic clay under variable confining pressure that match traffic loading condition. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology. 2019, 37(3): 402-407.
7. Zeng, C.,and Wang, Y.*. Compressive behavior of wheat from confined uniaxial compression tests. International Agrophysics. 2019, 33(3): 347-354.
8. Zeng, C.,and Wang, Y.*. The Shear Strength and Dilatancy Behavior of Wheat Stored in Silos. Complexity. 2019. Article ID 1547616, 9 pages, .
9. Zeng, C.,and Wang, Y.*. Shear Behavior of Wheat-Concrete Interface during Monotonic and Cyclic Loading, Complexity, 2019, Article ID 6792650, 15 pages, 2019. .
10. Wang, Y.*, Li, B., Chen, C., & Jia, H. Influence of Groundwater Level Fluctuation on Lateral Deformation of Cantilever Enclosure structure of Pit-in-Pit. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology. 2020, 38(1): 108-113.
11. Wu, D.*, Wang, Y., Qiu, Y., Zhang, J., & Wan, Y. Determination of Mohr–Coulomb Parameters from Non-linear Strength Criteria for 3D Slope. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2019, Article ID 6927654,
12. Wang, Y., Gao, Y.*, Cai, Y., & Guo, L. Effect of initial state and intermediate principal stress on noncoaxiality of soft clay involved cyclic principal stress rotation. ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics. 2018, 18(7), 04018081.
13. Wang, Y., Gao, Y.*, Guo, L., & Yang, Z. Influence of intermediate principal stress and principal stress direction on drained behavior of natural soft clay. ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics. 2018, 18(1), 04017128.
14. Wang, Y.*, Gao, Y.*, Zeng, C., & Mahfouz, A. H. Undrained cyclic behavior of soft marine clay involved combined principal stress rotation. Applied Ocean Research. 2018, 81:141-149.
15. Fang, H.*, Li, B., Wang,F., Wang, Y., & Cui, C. The mechanical behaviour of drainage pipeline under traffic load before and after polymer grouting trenchless repairing. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2018,74, 185-194.
16. Wang, Y., Gao, Y., Guo, L.*, Cai, Y., Li, B., Qiu, Y., & Mahfouz, A. H. Cyclic response of natural soft marine clay under principal stress rotation as induced by wave loads. Ocean Engineering, 2017, 129, 191-202.
17. Wang, Y., Zhang, J.*, Ma, L., & Wu, D.Anisotropic deformation characteristics of soft marine clay involved the change of b-values and stress direction. Marine Georesources& Geotechnology. 2017, 35(7):954-960.
18. Wang, Y., Gao, Y.*, Li, B., Fang, H., Wang, F., Guo, L., & Zhang, F. One-way cyclic deformation behavior of natural soft clay under continuous principal stress rotation. Soils and Foundations. 2017, 57(6), 1002-1013.
19. Wang, Y., Wu, D.*, Qiu, Y., & Wang, D. Experimental Investigation on cyclic deformation behavior of soft marine clay involved principal stress rotation. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology. 2017, 35(4):571-577.
20. Wang, Y., Guo, L.*, Gao, Y. F., Qiu, Y., Hu, X. Q., & Zhang, Y. (2016). Anisotropic drained deformation behavior and shear strength of natural soft marine clay. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 34(5), 493-502.
21. Ma, L., Wang, Y.*, Wang, W., Xu, X., & Li, S. An analysis method of laterally loaded pile in cohesive soil. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology. 2018.36(1):2-9.
22. Ma, L., Wang, Y.*. Calculation and analysis of negative skin of monopile applied for offshore wind turbine. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology. 2017, 35(2):275-280.
23. 王鈺軻,萬永帥,方宏遠,曾長女,石明生,吳迪.圓形應力路徑下軟黏土的動力特性試驗研究.岩土力學.2020, 41(5):1643-1652
24. 王鈺軻,萬永帥,劉琪,郭成超*,石明生. 非水反應高聚物與土工材料界面剪下特性研究.建築材料學報. 2020
25. 王鈺軻,馬露,曾長女*,張沖博,陳燦.主應力軸連續旋轉下軟黏土的軟化特性試驗研究.建築材料學報. 2019, 22(5):148-155
26. 王鈺軻,黎冰*. 扭剪作用下飽和軟黏土的單向循環變形特性試驗研究. 東南大學學報. 2019, 49(5):981-988
27. 郭林,王鈺軻,王軍*,鄭敏,伍婷玉. 中主應力與主應力方位角對軟粘土排水變形特性影響.岩土力學.2016, 37(5):1380-1387.
28. 馬露,王鈺軻*,于敏,王偉,徐曉陽. 基於有效應力法的單樁負摩阻力計算研究. 水文地質工程地質. 2017. 01(1):71-77
29. 黃勇,梅國雄,王鈺軻. 透水管樁的群樁沉樁室內模型試驗研究.河北工程大學學報(自然科學版), 2016. 33(3):18-23.
30. 邱月,高玉峰,黎冰,王鈺軻,吳迪.傾斜荷載作用下沉箱基礎的極限承載力計算方法[J].長江科學院院報,2017,34(06):103-107.
31. 邱月,黎冰,吳迪,王鈺軻,劉勇. 飽和砂土中吸力式沉箱基礎的極限承載力計算方法. 河北工程大學學報(自然科學版). 2016, 33(2):25-29.


