現任國際刊物《International Journal of Operations Research》副主編(Associate Editor)、《JP Journal of Mathematical Sciences》編委、《數理統計與管理》編委、《運籌與模糊》編委。主持國家自然科學基金項目5項、省部級項目2項。已發表學術論文70餘篇,其中28篇SCI檢索論文、35篇EI檢索論文,SCI他引次數120餘次。
- 中文名:王金亭
- 出生日期:1972年9月
- 性別:男
- 文化水平:教授,博士,博士生導師
- 國家自然科學基金數學天元青年基金項目:重試排隊系統的可靠性分析(No. 10526004);2006年1月—2006年12月
- 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目:通訊網路中重試排隊系統的建模及可靠性分析(No.60504016); 2006年1月—2006年12月
- 國家自然科學基金面上基金項目:相位型半馬氏信道模型及其在無線通信中的套用,(No. 10871020);2009年1月—2011年12月
- 國家自然科學基金國際(地區)合作與交流項目:第五屆排隊論及網路套用國際會議(No. 11010301053),2010年7月—2010年12月
- 教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金項目:話務中心的排隊網路模型研究。2004年1月—2005年12月
- 國家自然科學基金面上項目:通信系統中並行多信道ARQ協定的隨機模型及其性能分析(No. 11171019),2012.01—2015.12
- 高校基本科研業務費(專項基金):量子通信中的若干前沿數學問題研究(No. 2011JBZ012),2011.07—2013.12
- 教育部新世紀優秀人才計畫(No.NCET-11-0568):重試排隊系統的均衡分析與最佳化策略研究,2012.01—2014.12
- Feng Zhang, Jinting Wang. Equilibrium Joining Probabilities in Observable Queues with General Service and Setup Times, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, accepted for publication, 2013 (SCI)
- Bin Liu, Jinting Wang and Y. Zhao, Tail Asymptotics of the Waiting Time and the Busy Period for the M/G/1/K Queues with Subexponential Service Times, Queueing Systems, in press, 2013. (SCI)
- Jinting Wang, Huang Y. and Do T.V., A single-server discrete-time queue with correlated positive and negative customer arrivals, Applied Mathematical Modelling, in press, 2013. (SCI)
- Anbazhagan N. and JintingWang, Base stock policy with retrial demands, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Volume 37, 4464-4473, 2013 (SCI)
- Feng Zhang, Jinting Wang,Performance analysis of the retrial queues with finite number of sources and service interruptions, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, Volume 42, Issue 1, 117-131, 2013 (SCI)
- Jinting Wang, Discrete-time Geo/G/1 retrial queues with general retrial time and Bernoulli vacation, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 25: 504–513, 2012. (SCI)
- Jungang Li, Jinting Wang, Fuzzy set-valued stochastic Lebesgue integral, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 200: 48-64, 2012. (SCI)
- Feng Zhang, Jinting Wang, Bin Liu, On the optimal and equilibrium retrial rates in an unreliable retrial queue with vacations,Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Volume 8, Number 4: 861-875, 2012. (SCI)
- B. Liu, J. Wang and Y. Zhao, On the Conditional Probability of a Successful Retrial in Retrial Queues, INFOR, 49(3), 171-182, 2011. (SCI, EI)
- Jinting Wang,Nan Wang and A.S. Alfa, Discrete-time GI/G/1 retrial queues with time-controlled vacation policies, Acta Mathematica Applicatae Sinica English Series, in press, 2012. (SCI)
- Jinting Wang, Huang Y. and Dai Z,A discrete-time on-off source queueing system with negative customers,Computers & Industrial Engineering, 61(4), 1226-1232, 2011. (SCI, EI)
- Jinting Wang, Zhang, F. Equilibrium analysis of the observable queues with balking and delayed repairs, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218(6), 2716-2729, 2011. (SCI, EI)
- Jinting Wang, Zhao, L. Zhang, F. Analysis of the finite source retrial queues with server breakdowns and repairs, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 7(3), 655-676, 2011. (SCI)
- Jinting Wang,Li, J. Analysis of the M/G/1 queues with second multi optional service and unreliable server, Acta Mathematica Applicatae Sinica English Series, 26(3): 353-368, 2010. (SCI)
- Jinting Wang,Zhou, P. A Batch Arrival Retrial Queue with Starting Failures, Feedback and Admission Control,Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 19(3): 306-320, 2010. (SCI, EI)
- Jinting Wang,Li, J. A single-server retrial queue with general retrial times and two-phase service, Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 22 (2), 291-302, 2009. (SCI, EI)
- Jinting Wang,Zhang, P. A discrete-time retrial queue with negative customers and unreliable server,Computers & Industrial Engineering,volume 56, issue 4, pp.1216-1222, 2009 (SCI, EI)
- Jinting Wang and Zhang, P. A single-server discrete-time retrial G-queue with server breakdowns and repairs, Acta Mathematica Applicatae Sinica English Series, 25(4): 675-684, 2009. (SCI).
- Jinting Wang, Cai J. and Alfa A.S.New channel model for wireless communications: Finite-State Phase-Type Semi-Markov channel model, Proceedings ofthe IEEE International Conference on Communication (ICC 2008), pp. 4461-4465. 2008. (EI)
- Jinting Wang,On the single server retrial queue with priority subscribers and server breakdowns, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 21(2): pp. 304-315, 2008. (SCI, EI)
- Jinting Wangand Li, J. A repairable M/G/1 retrial queue with Bernoulli vacation and two-phase service, Quality Technology and Quantitative Management Vol.5, no.2, 179-192, 2008
- Jinting Wang,Liu, B and Li, J. Transient analysis of an M/G/1 retrial queue subject to disasters and server failures. European Journal of Operational Research,189(3): 1118-1132, 2008. (SCI, EI, ISTP)
- Jinting Wang, Zhao, Q.Discrete-time Geo/G/1 retrial queue with general retrial times and starting failures, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 45(7/8), April 2007, P.853-863. (SCI, EI)
- Jinting Wang, Zhao, Q. A discrete-time Geo/G/1 retrial queue with starting failures and second optional service, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 53(1), 115-127, 2007. (SCI, EI)
- Jinting Wang, Reliability analysis of M/G/1 queues with general retrial times and server breakdowns, Progress in Natural Science, 2006 (5): 464-473 (SCI, EI)
- Jinting Wang, An M/G/1 queue with second optional service and server breakdowns, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol.47, Issue 10-11, pp. 1713-1723, 2004. (SCI, EI)
- Jinting Wang, Srinivasan, R. Unreliable production-inventory model with hyper-exponential renewal demand processes, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 164, Issue.2,2005. (SCI, EI)
- Jinting Wang,Cao, J. and Liu, B. Unreliable production-inventory system with superposition of KPoisson demand arrival processes, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, Vol.26, No.1, 47-55, 2003.
- Liu, W., Jinting Wang. A strong limit theorem on gambling systems, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol.84, No.2, 262-273, 2003. (SCI)
- Jinting Wang,Cao, J. and Liu, B.Analysis of a production-inventory system with Erlang demand arrival process, Journal of System Sciences and Complexity, Vol. 16, No.2, 184-190, 2003.
- Jinting Wang,Cao, J. and Liu, B. Unreliable production-inventory model with a two-phase Erlang demand arrival process, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 43: 1-13, 2002. (SCI, EI)
- Jinting Wang,Cao, J. and Li, Q.Reliability Analysis of the Retrial Queue with Server Breakdowns and Repairs. Queueing Systems, Vol. 38, pp. 363-380. 2001. (SCI, EI)
- Jinting Wang,Cao, J.The limiting distribution of the residual discrete-time Markovian repairable systems, Operations Research Transactions, Vol.6, No.2, 27-35, 2002