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  • 中文名:王路達
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:基於納流體的微納感測器;血液透析、海水淡化等液態分離等
  • 任職院校:北京大學
  • 職稱:研究員


美國麻省理工學院 博士後(2014-2018),美國科羅拉多大學博爾德分校 博士(2009-2014),北京航空航天大學 碩士(2006-2009),北京航空航天大學 學士(2002-2006),是Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Nanoscale, J. of Materials Chemistry A, Nanotechnology, Langmuir, Applied Physics Letters等多個雜誌的特邀審稿人。




發展了一種在石墨烯及二維超薄膜上製造亞納米孔的新方法,系統研究了氣體通過亞納米孔的輸運機理,首次實現了分子級彆氣體的流動調控,證實了高強度石墨烯膜在高壓套用中的可行性,為未來製造新一代擁有分子高傳輸量、分子間高選擇率和膜高機械強度等優異性能的分離膜提供了材料支撐。在微納檢測、血液透析、海(鹹)水淡化、氣體分離、生物分子分離和燃料電池中的質子交換等方面有廣泛的套用前景。王路達總共發表論文24篇。2012年以來,共發表文章17篇,包括Nature Nanotechnology (三篇,其中兩篇為一作),Nano Letters (三篇,其中兩篇為一作),Advanced Materials (三篇),ACS Nano,Science Advance,J. of Membrane Science和Nanoscale等。被多所知名大學邀請作學術報告多次,包括麻省理工學院(兩次)、賓州州立大學密西根州立大學香港科技大學、北京大學、清華大學等。
1. L. D. Wang, L. W. Drahushuk, L. Cantley, S. P. Koenig, X. H. Liu, J. Pellegrino, M. S. Strano, J. S. Bunch*. “Molecular Valves for Controlling Gas Phase Transport Made from Discrete Angstrom-sized Pores in Graphene”. Nature Nanotechnology, 10 (9), 785-790, 2015
2. L. D. Wang, M. S. H. Boutilier, P. Kidambi, D. Jang, N. G. Hadjiconstantinou, R. Karnik*, “Fundamental Transport Mechanisms, Fabrication and Potential Applications of Nanoporous Atomically Thin Membranes” Nature Nanotechnology, 12 (6). 509-522, 2017
3. L. Wang*, C. M. Williams, M. S. H. Boutilier, P. R. Kidambi, R. Karnik* “Single-Layer Graphene Membranes Withstand Ultrahigh Applied Pressure” Nano Letters, 17 (5), 3081-3088, 2017
4. L. D. Wang, J. J. Travis, A. S. Cavanagh, X. H. Liu, S. P. Koenig, P. Y. Huang, S. M. George, J. S. Bunch*. “Ultrathin Oxide Films by Atomic Layer Deposition on Graphene” Nano Letters, 12 (7), 3706-3710, 2012
5. S. P. Koenig, L. D. Wang, J. Pellegrino, J. S. Bunch*. “Selective Molecular Sieving through Porous Graphene”. Nature Nanotechnology, 7 (11), 728-732, 2012
6. L. W. Drahushuk, L. Wang, S. P. Koenig, J. S. Bunch, M. S. Strano*. “Analysis of Time-varying, Stochastic Gas Transport through Graphene Membranes” ACS Nano, 10 (1), 786-795, 2016
7. P. R. Kidambi*, M. S. B. Boutilier, L. D. Wang, D. Jang, J. Kim, R. Karnik* “Selective Nanoscale Mass Transport across Atomically Thin Single Crystalline Graphene Membranes” Advanced Materials, 29 (19), 1605896, 2017
8. P. R. Kidambi*, R. A. Terry, L. D. Wang, M. S. B. Boutilier, D. Jang, J. Kong, R. Karnik* “Assessment and Control of the Impermeability of Graphene for Atomically Thin Membranes and Barriers” Nanoscale, 9, 8496-8507, 2017
9. X. S. Yuan, Z. Y. Guo, H. Z. Geng*, D. S. Rhen, L. D. Wang, X. T. Yuan, J. Li* “Enhanced Performance of Conductive Polysulfone/MWCNT/PANI Ultrafiltration Membrane in an Online Fouling Monitoring Application” J. of Membrane Science 275, 160-169, 2019
10. P. R. Kidambi*, D. Jang, J. C. Idrobo, M. S. B. Boutilier, L. D. Wang, J. Kong, R. Karnik* “Nanoporous Atomically Thin Graphene Membranes for De-salting and Dialysis Applications” Advanced Materials 1700277, 2017
11. W. Wang, L. N. Yao, C. Y. Cheng, T. Zhang, H. Atsumi, L. D. Wang, G. Y. Wang, O. Anilionyte, H. Steiner, J. F. Ou, K. Zhou, C. Wawrousek, K. Petrecca, A. M. Belcher, R. Karnik, X. H. Zhao*, D. I. C. Wang*, H. Ishii* “Harnessing the Hygroscopic and Biofluorescent Behaviors of Genetically Tractable Microbial Cells to Design Biohybrid Wearables” Science Advances, 3 (5), e1601984, 2017
12. L. Lu, C. P. Zeng, L. D. Wang, X. B. Yin, S. Jin, A. H. Lu, Z. J. Ren*. “Graphene Oxide and H-2 Production from Bioelectrochemical Graphite Oxidation”. Scientific Reports, 5, 16242, 2015
13. X. H. Liu, J. W. Suk, N. G. Boddeti, L. Cantley, L. D. Wang, J. M. Gray, H. J. Hall, V. M. Bright, C. T. Rogers, M. L. Dunn, R. S. Ruoff, J. S. Bunch*. “Large Arrays and Properties of 3-Terminal Graphene Nanoelectromechanical Switches”. Advanced Materials, 26 (10), 1571-1576, 2014
14. X. H. Liu, N. G. Boddeti, M. R. Szpunar, L. D. Wang, M. A. Rodriguez, R. Long, J. L. Xiao, M. L. Dunn, J. S. Bunch*. “Observation of Pull-In Instability in Graphene Membranes under Interfacial Forces”. Nano Letters, 13(5), 2309-2313, 2013



