代表性論著 1. Wang.G. J. Li.X.P. On the convergence of the fuzzy valued functional. J. Fuzzy Mathematics. 1997, Vol.5, No.2, 431-438. 2. Wang.G. J, Jiang T. A weakly equivalent condition of convex fuzzy sets. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 1998,Vol.96, No.3, 385-387.(SCI收錄) 3. Wang. G. J, Li.X.P. The applications of interval valued fuzzy numbers and interval distribution numbers. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 1998,Vol.98, No.3, 331-335. (SCI收錄) 4. Wang. G. J. The interval -valued fuzzy measure. J. Fuzzy Mathematics. 1998, Vol.6, No.3, 525-532. 5. 王貴君. The convergence of fuzzy complex valued series. 模糊系統與數學. 1998,12(3):19-25. 6. 王貴君, 李曉萍. 閉模糊集構成凸模糊集的充要條件. 模糊系統與數學, 1998,12 (4): 85-88. 7. Wang G. J., Li X.P. Correlation and information energy of interval valued fuzzy numbers. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 1999, Vol.103, No.1, 169-175. (SCI收錄) 8. Wang G. J., Li X.P. On the convergence of the fuzzy valued functional defined by integrable fuzzy valued functions. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 1999, Vol.107, No.2, 219-226. (SCI收錄) 9. Wang G. J., He W. L, On the Choquet integral of non-monotonic fuzzy measures, BUSEFAL, 2000, Vol. 81, 45~50. 10. Wang G. J., Li X.P. On the weak convergence of sequences of fuzzy measures and metric of fuzzy measure. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 2000, Vol.112, No.2, 217-222. (SCI收錄) 11. Wang G. J., Li X.P. Generalized Lebesgue integral of fuzzy complex valued functions. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 2002, Vol.127, No.3, 363-370. (SCI、EI收錄) 12. Wang G. J, Li X.P. A few notes on K-quasi-addifive fuzzy integrals. J. Fuzzy Mathematics. 2004, Vol.12, No.4, 783-792.13.王貴君,李曉萍. 正規區間值模糊集上的三角範數. 數學的實踐與認識, 2004, 34 (1): 88-93. 14.王貴君,李曉萍.廣義模糊值Choquet積分的零可加性. 系統工程理論與實踐, 2004,24(2)100-105. 15.王貴君,李曉萍. 基於IVFS的IV-模糊度與IV-貼近度及積分表示. 工程數學學報, 2004, 21(2):195-201. 16.王貴君,李曉萍, K-擬可加模糊數值積分的零可加性與絕對連續性, 系統工程理論與實踐, 2005, 25(1): 117-122. 17.王貴君,李曉萍, 模糊積分與模糊Choquet積分的一致連續性, 數學的實踐與認識, 2005, 35(1): 169-174. 18.王貴君,李曉萍, Autocontinuity and preservation of structural characteristics of generalized fuzzy number-valued Choquet integrals. 數學進展, 2005, 34(1): 91-100.