1.范志濤, 於昕洋,於超然, 梁瑞, 陳珏,王葵*.(已接受).《青少年體重控制行為量表》的編制.中華健康管理學雜誌(CSCD收錄)
2.Wang, K*., Yu, X. Y., Yu, C. R., Liu, Y. F., Chu, M. Y., Zhang, R. T., Liang, R., Chen, J.* Littleton, H., Shum, D. H. K., Chan, R. C. K. (2020). Validation of the Chinese version of the Body Image Concern Inventory Evaluation & the Health Professions. DOI:10.1177/0163278720979651 (SSCI 收錄)
3.馬敬華,王葵*,崔玉慶.(2020).社會文化因素與身體欣賞:自憫的調節效應.中國臨床心理學雜誌,28(5):960-964. DOI:10.16128/j.cnki.1005-3611.2020.05.021(CSCD收錄)
4.Yu, X. Y, Liao, K. R., Niu, Z. K.,Wang , K.*, Cheung, E. F. C., Li, X. L., Chan R. C. K. (2020). Resting frontal EEG asymmetry and schizotypal traits: a test-retest study. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, DOI: 10.1080/13546805.2020.1800448(SCI 收錄)
5.Duerlund, M.*, Andersen, B.V., Wang, K., Chan, R.C.K., Byrne, D.V.(2020) Post-Ingestive Sensations Driving Post-Ingestive Food Pleasure: A Cross-Cultural Consumer Study Comparing Denmark and China. Foods, 9, 617. doi:10.3390/foods9050617 (SCI 收錄)
6.Yu, C. R.#, Yu, X. Y#., Fan, Z. T., Wang, K.*, Littleton, L. H. (accepted) Development and Validation of a BMI-based Figure Rating Scale for Chinese Adolescents. Evaluation & the Health Professions. DOI:/10.1177/0163278720926714 (SSCI收錄)
7.范志濤,於昕洋,於超然,梁瑞,王葵*.(2020).蘭州市1026名高一新生體重控制行為及其與真實和感知到的體重狀態之間的關係.中國兒童保健雜誌,9:1051-1054 doi:10.11852/zgetbjzz2019-1708
9.Wang, K*., Liang, R., Yu, X.Y., Shum, D. H. K., Roalf, D. Chan, R. C. K. (2020).The thinner the better: Evidence on the internalization of the slimness ideal in Chinese college students. PsyCh Journal. doi: 10.1002/pchj.346 (SSCI收錄)
11.Wang, K*., Zhao, Y. L., Tan, S. P., Zhang, J. G., Li, D., Chen, J. X., Zhang, L. G., Yu, X. Y., Zhao, D., Cheung, E. F. C., Turetsky, B. I., Gur, R. C., Chan, R. C. K*. (2019) Semantic processing event-related potential features in patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. PsyCh Journal. doi: 10.1002/pchj.321(SSCI收錄)
12.於昕洋,王葵*,譚淑平,陳楚僑(2019)靜息態腦電分析在精神分裂症中的套用.中國心理衛生雜誌33(5):394-353. (CSCD收錄)
13.Wang, K.*, Liang, R., Ma, Z. L., Chen, J., Chueng, E. F. C., Roalf, D. R., Gur, R. C., Chan, R. C. (2018). Body image attitude among Chinese college students. PsyCh Journal,7(1):31-40.doi 10.1002/pchj.200 (SSCI收錄)
14.梁瑞,王葵*,陳楚僑.(2017)體像困擾與社會文化因素.心理科學,40(1):187-192. doi: :10.16719/j.cnki.1671-6981.20170128 (CSCD收錄)
15.Liao, X.Y., Wang, K., Lin, K., Chan, R.C.K., Zhang, X.Y.(2017). Neural Temporal Dynamics of Facial Emotion Processing: Age Effects and Relationship to Cognitive Function. Frontiers in Psychology.doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01110 (SSCI收錄)
16.Wang, K.*, Lu, H., Cheung, E. F. C., Neumann, D. L., Shum, D. H. K., Chan, R. D. K*.(2016) “Female Prefonderance” of depression in non-clinical populations: A meta-analytic study. Frontiers in Psychology, 7: 1398. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01398 (SSCI收錄)
17.Wang,F., Wang, C.M., Yin, Q. Wang, K., Li, D.D., Mao, M.C., Zhu, C.Z., Huang, Y.X.(2015). Reappraisal writing relieves social anxiety and may be accompanied by changes in frontal alpha asymmetry Frontiers in Psychology, 6:1604 (SSCI收錄)
18.Su. L., Wyble, B., Zou, L.Q., Wang, K., Wang, Y.N., Chueng, E.E.C., Bowman, H., Chan, R.C.K. (2015). Temporal perception deficits in schizophrenia: Integration is the problem, not deployment of attentions Scientific Reports: 5:9745 (SCI收錄)
19.Zou, L.Q., Wang,K., Qu, C., Lui, S.Y.S., Shum,D., Cheung, E.F.C., Chan, R.C.K. (2014). Verbal self-monitoring in individuals with schizotypal personality traits: An exploratory ERP study. Asian Journal of Psychiatry 11 :53-58
20.Wang, K., Shi, H., Geng, F., Zou, L., Tan, S., Wang, Y., Neuman, D. L., Shum, D. H. K., Chan, R. C. K. Cross-cultural validation of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 in China. Psychological Assessment 2016, 28(5):e88-e100. doi: 10.1037/pas0000207 (SCI收錄)
21.Wang, K*, Umla-Runge, K, Hofmann, J, Ferdinand, N.K, Chan, R.C.(2014). Cultural differences in sensitivity to the relationship between objects and contexts: Evidence from P3. Neuroreport, 25(9):656-660 (SCI收錄)
22.Wang, K#., Song, L-L#., Cheung, E.F., Lui, S. S., Shum, D. H., Chan, R. C*. Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia share a similar deficit in semantic inhibition: A meta-analysis based on Hayling Sentence Completion Test performance. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. 2013, 1:153-60. (共同一作,SCI收錄)
23.Wang, K., Wang, Y., Yan, C., Wang, Y-N., Cheung, E.F.C., Chan, R.C* (2013). Semantic processing impairment in individuals with schizotypal personality disorder features: A preliminary event-related potential study. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. 40:93-102 (SCI收錄)
24.Wang, K., Cheung, E., Gong, Q., Chan, R.*(2011). Semantic processing disturbance in patients with schizophrenia: A meta-analysis of the N400 component. Plos ONE. 6 (10) e25435 (SCI收錄)
25.Wang, K.* (2011). An electrophysiological investigation of the role of orthography in accessing meaning of Chinese single-character words. Neuroscience Letters 3(10) 297-301 (SCI收錄)
26.Wang, K., Mecklinger, A.*, Hofmann, J., Weng, X.,2010. From orthography to meaning: An electrophysiological investigation of the role of phonology in accessing meaning of Chinese single-character words. Neuroscience 165:101-106. (SCI收錄)
1. 王葵《<以家人之名>接近尾聲 重塑單親家庭新觀念》於2020年9月6日首發於科普中國。
2. 王葵《明明不胖,為什麼你一直都喊著要減肥?》於2020年8月31日首發於科學大院。
3. 王葵《暴飲暴食為哪般?》發表於《心理與健康》2020年第8期:89-90。
4. 於昕洋、王葵 《靜息態額葉腦電不對稱性與分裂型特質的不同維度有關》於2020年8月7日首發於中科院心理所官微,並於2020年8月17日被中科院之聲轉載。
5. 王葵 《大學生自身求瘦意願影響對他人吸引力的判斷》於2020年7月28日首發於中科院心理所官微,並於2020年8月4日被中科院之聲轉載,也被搜狐等網頁轉載。
6. 王葵 《成年人,你可讀懂了<小王子>》發表於《心理與健康》2020年第7期:76-77頁。
7. 王葵《暑期兒童安全事故頻發 僅僅是因為知識不夠》於2020年7月14日首發於光明網。
8. 王葵《暴飲暴食反覆發作?或許應該求助精神科醫生》於2020年5月14日首發於光明網。
9. 王葵《為什麼痛苦節食卻效果不佳?心理專家告訴你》於2020年5月12日首發於光明網。
10. 王葵《不輕易盲信所謂“科學”新奇育兒理論》於2020年4月23日發表於新京報評論。
11. 王葵《疫情後期,社會“康復”需要我們做什麼》與2020年3月19日載於《光明日報》16版,並被推薦至中央網信辦全網轉發。
12. 王葵《方艙醫院裡的廣場舞為何令人難忘?》於2020年3月15日載於文匯報科普版,並被學習強國轉載。
13. 王葵《新冠肺炎康復後,如何拯救自己的“玻璃心”》於2020年3月10日首發於光明網,並被中央網信辦推薦全國轉發。
14. 王葵《疫情面前,心懷一些敬畏和尊重》於2020年3月1日首發於科學大院,並被騰訊新聞等媒體轉載。
15. 王葵《抗擊疫情,希望本身就是一味良藥》於2020年02月23日首發於光明日報06版,並被包含“學習強國”在內的多家媒體轉載。
16. 王葵《希望本身,就是一味良藥》2020年02月18日於光明網首發,並被推薦至中央網信辦,目前中央網信辦已經安排全國主要網站轉載。該文同時被“學習強國”轉載。
17. 王葵《疫情終究會過去,如何接納內心的不安全感?》於2020年2月14日首發光明網,並被包含在“學習強國”平台轉載。
18. 王葵《如何調適疫情帶來的焦慮感、無力感》2020年2月11日於光明網,並被推薦至中央網信辦,中央網信辦已經安排全國主要網站轉載。
19. 王葵《居家隔離如何應對孤獨感?》2020年2月10日於光明網首發,並“學習強國”在內轉載。
20. 王葵《隱瞞疫情之心理學分析》2020年2月8日於光明網首發;被包含“旗幟網”在內的多個媒體轉載。
21. 王葵,陳雪峰《除了焦慮和恐慌,疫情還會帶給我們什麼?》於2020年2月7日發布在心理所微信,並被中科院北京分院轉載。
22. 譚淑平,肖春玲,王葵《精神分裂症與我們之間的距離》於2016年2月14日首發於光明網,並被中國青年網等轉載。
Wang, K. Li, X., Chan, R. C. K. Chan (2013). Neural mechanism of semantic processing in schizophrenia. in Zhong-Lin Lu, Yue-Jia Luo. Progress in cognitive science: from cellular mechanisms to computational theories
Wang, K. Semantic processing features in patients with disorder and individuals with schizotypal personality traits. Academic visiting to Department of Psychology in Griffith University
Wang, K.#, Song, L-L.#, Cheung, E.F., Lui, S. S., Shum, D. H., Chan, R. C. Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia share a similar deficit in semantic inhibition: A meta-analysis based on Hayling Sentence Completion Test performance. 14th International Congress on Schizophrenia Research,
Wang, K., Wang, Y., Yan, C., Wang, Y., Zhang, Q., Chan, R. Semantic processing impairment in individuals with schizotypal personality disorder features: Evidence from an ERP study. Institute of Mental Health Conference 2012
Wang, K., Wang, Y., Yan, C., Wang, Y., Zhang, Q., Chan, R. Semantic processing impairment in individuals with schizotypal personality disorder features: A preliminary ERP study. Annual meeting of Psychophisiology (2012)
Wang, K., Wang, Y., Yan, C., Wang, Y., Zhang, Q., Chan, R. Semantic processing impairment in individuals with schizotypal personality disorder features. 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2012
Wang, K., Wang, Y., Yan, C., Wang, Y., Zhang, Q., Chan, R. (2010), An ERP study on semantic processing in individuals with schizotypal personality features. World Psychiatric Association International Congress 2010
Wang, K., Chan, R. (2010). Investigating the semantic activation processes in German using ERP Stroop paradigm. The 7th International Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS2010)
Wang, K., Mecklinger, A., Weng, X. (2009). Comparing the dynamic orthographic processing in German and Chinese languages with Event-Related Potentials. The 11th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages
Wang, K., Mecklinger, A., Hofmann, J., Weng, X. C. (2008). From Visual Shape to Word Meaning: Evidence from a Cross-culture ERP Study. The 29th International Congress of Psychology
精神分裂症語義加工缺損機制的 ERP 研究:工作記憶的可能影響 (國家自然科學基金委)
精神分裂症譜系語義加工二階段特點的ERP研究 (中科院心理所)
精神分裂症譜系語義加工特點的ERP研究 (中國博士後科學基金會)