

王萬林,男,中南大學冶金與環境學院教授、博士生導師、冶金與環境學院副院長、鋼鐵研究所所長。2000年中南大學冶金工程本科畢業;2003年獲得美國猶他大學冶金工程系科學碩士學位;2007年獲得美國卡內基梅隆大學材料科學與工程系博士學位,師從國際著名冶金材料專家,美國礦物、冶金、材料協會(AIME)主席Alan W. Cramb教授。 2007-2009,利潔時北美研發中心任高級研究科學家。 2009年中南大學升華學者特聘教授。已在國際材料冶金重要刊物或會議上發表文章100餘篇。獲得了英國皇家協會牛頓高級學者基金、國家優秀青年基金、新世紀優秀海外人才、湖南省傑青、魏壽昆冶金青年獎、中國金屬協會冶金先進青年科技工作者、首屆“湖南省優秀科技工作者”等。


  • 中文名:王萬林
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:安徽滁州 
  • 出生日期:􀀔1976年7月 
  • 職業:教師 
  • 畢業院校:Carnegie Mellon University 
1.高溫過程; 鋼鐵冶金;連鑄;凝固過程
a.Metallurgical Materials Transactions
b. Steel Research International
c. ISIJ International
d. Chemical Engineering Communications
e. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry
f. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects
g. Materials Science & Technology
h. Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
Organizer and Editor of the 6International Congress on the Science and Technology of Steelmaking (ICS 2015), Session of Steelmaking Fundamentals
Symposium: Real-Time Corrosion Monitoring: Benefits of Automation and Better Process Control for Reducing Corrosion - STG 62, NACE 2009, Atlanta, GA
Chair of Session of Steelmaking Fundamentals, 6International Congress on the Science and Technology of Steelmaking, Beijing, China, 2015
Chair of the 6China-Korea Joint Symposium on Advanced Steel Technology, Nanjing, China, 2014
Chair of Session of Energy technology and Carbon Dioxide Management, 143th TMS Annual Conference, CA, USA, 2014
Chair of Section: Continuous Casting, Baosteel Biennial Academic Conference 2010, Shanghai, China
Chair of Section:Casting and fluxesI,9International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts, 2012, Beijing,China
Chair of Section:Casting and fluxesII,9International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts, 2012, Beijing,China
Organizer of Symposium: Automation & Control/Advanced Online Metallurgical Models/ Sensors, MS&T 2005, Pittsburgh, PA
Member of ASM International (美國國際金屬協會)
Member of AIST (美國鋼鐵協會)
Member of ISIJ (日本鋼鐵協會)
Member of TMS (國際礦物冶金材料協會)
Member of NACE International (國際腐蝕工程協會)
1.Lejun Zhou, Wanlin Wang, Kechao Zhou, “The Optimization of Mold Flux for Casting Al Containing Steels”, 6China-Korea Joint Symposium on Advanced Steel Technology, Nanjing, China, 2014(特邀報告)
2.Haihui Zhang, Wanlin Wang, Dong Zhou, “Initial Solidification Behaviors of Medium Carbon Steels During Continuous Casting Process”, 8European Continuous Casting Conference, Graz, Austria, 2014
3.Wanlin Wang, “The Current Steel Research and Funding system in China”, Future Steel Expert Forum, Korea Iron and Steel Association, Seoul, South Korea, 2014(專題報告)
4.Wanlin Wang, Juan Wei,Boxun Lu, “Green Slag System Design during Continuous Casting”, Iron and Steel Energy Technology, TMS, San Diego, 2014(特邀報告)
5.Wanlin Wang, Haihui Zhang, Dong Zhou, “Study of Initial Solidification During Continuous Casting”, BAC International Conference, Shanghai, China, 2013, (特邀報告)
1.Dan Xiao, Wanlin Wang, Boxun Lu, “Effects of B2O3on the Crystallization Behavior of CaO-Al2O3- Based Mold Flux for Casting High-Al Steels,Metallurgical Materials Transactions B, Vol. 46, No.2, pp. 873-881, 2015
2.Boxun Lu, Wanlin Wang, “Effects of Fluorine and BaO on the Crystallization Behavior of Lime-Alumina- Based Mold Flux for Casting High-Al Steels,Metallurgical Materials Transactions B, Vol. 46, No.2, pp. 852-862, 2015
3.Chao Xu, Wanlin Wang, Lejun Zhou, Senlin Xie, Chen Zhang, “The effects of Cr2O3on the Melting, Viscosity, Heat transfer and Crystallization Behaviors of Mold Flux Used for the Casting of Cr-Bearing Alloy Steels”,Metallurgical Materials Transactions B, Vol. 46, No.2, pp. 882-892, 2015
4.Lejun Zhou, Wanlin Wang,Boxun Lu,Guanghua Wen, Jian Yang “Effect of Basicity and B2O3on Viscosity, Melting and Crystallization Behaviors of Low Fluorine Mold Fluxes for Casting Medium Carbon Steels”,Metal Materials International, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 126-133, 2015
5.Lejun Zhou, Wanlin Wang, Kechao Zhou, “The Optimization of Mold Flux for Casting Al Containing Steels”, Proceedings of 6China-Korea Joint Symposium on Advanced Steel Technology, Nanjing, China, pp. 180-188, 2014
6.Lejun, Wanlin Wang, “Energy Saving Through the Control of Initial Solidification During Continuous Casting”,JOM, Vol. 66, No. 9, pp. 1595-1602, 2014
7.Boxun Lu, Wanlin Wang, Kun Chen, Binbin Jiang, “Effects of Li2O and Na2O on the Crystallization Behavior of Lime-Alumina Based Mold Flux for Casting High-Al Steels”,Metallurgical and Materials Transaction B, Vol. 45B, No.4, pp. 1496-1509, 2014
8.Huan Zhao, Wanlin Wang, Lejun Zhou, Boxun-Lu and Youn-Bae Kang, “Effects of MnO on Crystallization, Melting and Heat Transfer of Cao-Al2O3Based Mold Flux Used for High Al-TRIP Steel Casting”,Metallurgical and Materials Transaction B, Vol. 45B, No.4, pp. 1510-1519, 2014
9.Haihui Zhang, Wanlin Wang, Dong Zhou, “A Study for Initial Solidification of Sn-Pb Alloy during Continuous Casting: Part I The Development of the Technique”,Metallurgical and Materials Transaction B, Vol. 45B, No.3, pp. 1038-1047, 2014
10.Dong Zhou, Wanlin Wang, Haihui Zhang, Funjun Ma, Kun Chen and Lejun Zhou,“A Study for Initial Solidification of Sn-Pb Alloy during Continuous Casting: Part II Effect of Casting Parameters on Initial Solidification and Shell Surface”,Metallurgical and Materials Transaction B, Vol. 45B, No.3, pp.1048-1056, 2014
11.Binbin Jiang, Wanlin Wang, Il Sohn, Juan Wei, Lejun Zhou and Boxun Lu, “A Kinetic Study of the Effect of ZrO2and CaO/Al2O3ratios on the crystallization behavior of a CaO-Al2O3based Slag System”,Metallurgical and Materials Transaction B, Vol. 45B, No.3, pp.1057-1067, 2014
12.Haihui Zhang, Wanlin Wang, Dong Zhou, “Initial Solidification Behaviors of Medium Carbon Steels During Continuous Casting Process”,Proceedings of 8European Continuous Casting Conference, Graz, Austria, pp. 1150-1159, 2014
13.Lejun Zhou, Boxun Lu, Huan Zhao, and Wanlin Wang, “New Development of Mold Flux for Casting of High Aluminum Containing Steels”,Proceedings of 8European Continuous Casting Conference, Graz, Austria, pp. 1394-1403, 2014
14.Juan Wei, Wanlin Wang, Boxun Lu, Lejun Zhou, “Green Slag System Design during Continuous Casting”, Energy Technology:Proceedings of Caron Dioxide Management and Other Technologies, TMS, San Diego, pp. 63-70, 2014
15.Senlin Xie, Lejun Zhou, Wanlin Wang, “Distribution of P2O5 between Solid Solution and Liquid Phases in CaO-SiO2-Fe2O3 System Containing Na2O or B2O3”,Proceedings of EPD Congress 2014, TMS, San Diego, pp. 317-326, 2014


