- 提出“雷射熔覆多元多相過渡金屬矽化物高溫耐磨耐蝕多功能塗層”研究新方向,研究出Cr3Si/Cr2Ni3Si等耐磨性能優異並同時具有“反常磨損-載荷特性”、“反常磨損-溫度特性”、“不粘金屬特性”等性質的過渡金屬矽化物多功能塗層材料新體系10餘個,系列研究論文被《Advanced Coatings & Surface Technology 》國際期刊“專題報導”;
- 在對鈦合金非接觸雷射熔化冶金晶體擇優生長特性深入實驗與理論研究的基礎上,發明“定向生長柱晶鈦合金雷射區域約束熔鑄冶金材料製備與發動機葉片等複雜零件雷射直接成形新技術”,鈦合金高溫持久壽命提高10倍以上;
- H.M. Wang, F. Cao, L.X. Cai, H.B. Tang, L.Y. Zhang, Microstructure and tribological properties of laser clad Ti2Ni3Si/NiTi intermetallic coatings, Acta Materialia, 51(2003)20:6319-6327
- H.B. Tang, Y.L. Fang, H.M. Wang: Microstructure and dry sliding wear resistance of a Cr13Ni5Si2 ternary metal silicide alloy, Acta Materialia, 52(2004)7: 1773-1783
- X.D. Lu, H.M. Wang, High-temperature phase stability and tribological properties of laser clad Mo2Ni3Si /NiSi metal silicide coatings, Acta Materialia, 52(2004)18: 5419-5426
- H.M. Wang, G. Duan, Wear and Corrosion Behavior of Laser Clad Cr3Si Reinforced Composite Coatings, Intermetallics, 11(2003)8: 555-562
- H.M. Wang, D.Y. Luan, L.X. Cai, Microstructure and sliding wear behaviors of tungsten reinforced W-Ni-Si metal silicides in-situ composites, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 34A(2003)9: 2005-2015
- H.M. Wang, C.M. Wang, L.X. Cai, Wear and corrosion resistance of laser clad Ni2Si/NiSi nickel silicides composite coatings, Surface and Coatings Technology, 168(2003)2-3: 202-208
- H.M. Wang, D.Y. Luan, L.Y. Zhang, Microstructure and wear resistance of laser melted W/W2Ni3Si metal silicides matrix in-situ composites, Scripta Materialia, 48(2003)8: 1179-1184
- X.D. Lu, H.M. Wang, Microstructure and high-temperature sliding wear properties of laser clad Mo2Ni3Si/NiSi metal silicide composite coatings, Applied Surface Science, 214(2003)1-4: 190-195
- Y. Chen, H.M. Wang, Microstructure and high-temperature wear resistance of a laser surface alloyed -TiAl with carbon, Applied Surface Science, 220(2003): 186-192
- Y. Chen, H.M. Wang, Microstructure and Wear Resistance of Laser Clad TiC Reinforced FeAl Intermetallic Matrix Composite Coatings, Surface and Coatings Technology, 168(2003)1: 30-36
- X.D. Lu, H.M. Wang, Microstructure and dry sliding wear properties of laser clad Mo2Ni3Si/NiSi metal silicide composite coatings, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 359(2003)287-293
- Y. Chen, H.M. Wang, Growth morphologies and mechanism of TiC in laser surface alloyed coating on the substrate of TiAl intermetallics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 351(2003): 304-308
- H.M. Wang and G. Duan: Microstructure and wear resitance of laser clad Cr3Si reinforced metal silicide composite coatings, Materials Science and Engineering A, A336 (2002) 1-2: 117-123
- H.M. Wang and Y.F. Liu: Microstructure and wear resistance of laser clad Ti5Si3/NiTi2 composite coating on titanium alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, A338 (2002) 1-2: 126-132
- H.M. Wang, Y.L. Yu, S.Q. Li: Microstructure and tribological properties of laser clad CaF2/Al2O3 self-lubrication wear-resistant ceramic matrix composite coatings, Scripta Materialia, 47(2002)1:57-61
- G. Duan, H.M. Wang: High-Temperature Wear Resistance of A Laser-Clad Cr3Si/ Metal Silicide Composite Coating, Scripta Materialia, 46(2002)1: 107-111
- G. Duan, H.M. Wang: Microstructure of Laser Melted/Rapidly Solidified /Cr3Si Silicide alloys, Journal of Materials Science, 37(2002)10: 1981-1985
- Y. Chen, H.M. Wang: Rapidly solidified MC carbide morphologies of a pulsed laser surface alloyed -TiAl intermetallic with carbon, Scripta Materilia, 50(2004)507-510 (SCI, IF=1.633)
- L.X. Cai, H.M. Wang, C.M. Wang, Corrosion resistance of laser clad Cr-alloyed Ni2Si/NiSi intermetallic coatings, Surface and Coatings Technology, 182(2004)2-3: 294-299
- Y. Chen, H.M. Wang, High-temperature wear resistance of laser clad TiC reinforced FeAl in-situ composite coating, Surface and Coatings Technology, 179(2004): 252-256
- Y. Chen, H.M. Wang, Microstructure and wear resistance of a laser clad TiC reinforced nickel aluminides matrix composite coating, Materials Science and Engineering A, 368(2004)1-2: 80-87
- Y. Wang, H.M. Wang: Wear resistance of laser clad Ti2Ni3Si reinforced intermetallic composite coatings on titanium alloy, Applied Surface Science, 229(2004)1-4: 81-86
- L.X. Cai, H.M. Wang: Microstructure and dry sliding wear resistance of laser clad tungsten reinforced W5Si3/W2Ni3Si intermetallic coatings, Applied Surface Science, 235(2004): 501-506
- X.D. Lu, H.M. Wang, Z.R. Zou, Small amplitude reciprocating sliding wear behavior of laser clad Mo2Ni3Si/NiSi metal silicide composite coatings, Applied Surface Science, 240(2004): 432-440
- H.M. Wang, H.B. Tang, L.X. Cai, F. Cao, L.Y. Zhang, R.L. Yu, Microstructure and wear properties of laser clad Ti2Ni3Si/Ni3Ti multiphase intermetallic coatings, Applied Physics A: 80(2005)8: 1677-1683
- Y. Liu, H.M. Wang: Elevated temperature wear behaviors of a Co-Mo-Si ternary metal silicide alloy, Scripta Materialia, 52(2005)12: 1235-1240
- Y.X. Yin, H.M. Wang: Microstructure and wear resistance of Cuss-toughened Cr5Si3/CrSi metal silicide alloys, Journal of Materials Research, 20(2005)5: 1122-1130
- X.D. Lu, H.M. Wang: Dry sliding wear behavior of laser clad Mo2Ni3Si/NiSi metal silicide composite coatings, Thin Solid Films, 472(2005)1-2: 297-301
- N.L. Jian, H.M. Wang, Microstructure and wear behaviors of laser-clad Cr13Ni5Si2-based metal-silicide coatings on a titanium alloy, Surface and Coatings Technology, 192(2005)2-3:305-310
- X. D. Lu, H. M. Wang, Metallic tribological compatibility .of laser clad Mo2Ni3Si/NiSi metal silicide coatings, Surface and Coatings Technology, 200(2005)2380-2385
- Y. Liu, H.M. Wang: Microstructure and high-temperature wear property of Coss/Co3Mo2Si metal silicide alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A, 396(2005)1-2: 240-250
- X. D. Lu, H. M. Wang, Reciprocating dry sliding wear behavior of laser clad small amplitude Mo2Ni3Si/NiSi metal silicide composite coatings, Applied Surface Science, 240(2005): 432-440
- X. D. Lu, H. M. Wang, Corrosive sliding wear behavior of laser clad Mo2Ni3Si/NiSi intermetallic coatings, Applied Surface Science, 245(2005)1-4: 346-352
- Y. Xue, H. M. Wang, Microstructure and wear properties of laser clad TiCo/Ti2Co intermtallic coatings on titanium alloys, Applied Surface Science, 243(2005)1: 278-286
- Y. Chen, H.M. Wang, Laser melted TiC reinforced nickel aluminide matrix composites, Journal of Alloys and compounds, 391(2005)1-2: 49-54
- Y. Chen, H.M. Wang, Microstructure and wear resistance of laser-melted TiC reinforced nickel aluminide dual-phase matrix in-situ composites, Intermetallics, 14(2006)325-331
- Y. Chen, H.M. Wang, Microstructure and wear resistance of laser-melted TiC reinforced nickel aluminide dual-phase matrix in-situ composites, Intermetallics, 14(2006)325-331
- Y.L. Fang, H.B. Tang, H.M. Wang: A wear resistant ductile metal-toughened Cr13Ni5Si2 ternary metal silicide alloy, Intermetallics, v 14, n 7, July, 2006, p 750-75
- Yin, Y.X. Wang, H.M. Microstructure and tribological properties of Cuss-toughened Cr-Cu-Si metal silicide alloys,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v 420, n 1-2, Aug 31, 2006, p 218-224
- Chen, Yao,Wang, H.M.,Growth morphologies and mechanisms of non-equilibrium solidified MC carbide,Journal of Materials Research, v 21, n 2, February, 2006, p 375-379
- 看著零件像樹苗發芽一樣,一毫米一毫米地堆積成長,雷射掃描一下,零件就長高一層,那種感覺非常神奇。
- 我生活中沒有什麼其他的愛好,有時候看電視三小時,脖子會痛,而工作三小時,我卻渾然不覺。
- 做人最重要的是要有責任心,要盡最大努力把每件小事做好。
- 我深刻地感受到,自己的每一點進步和每一點成績,都同中國共產黨的英明領導和國家科技、經濟、社會全面高速發展的大好環境密不可分,和北航及材料學院領導、同志們的關懷、培養和鼓勵密不可分,同老教師以及同事們的無私幫助與支持密不可分,同雷射材料加工製造技術實驗室研究團隊全體老師和同學們的辛勤努力密不可分。