



  • 中文名:王茂林
  • 國籍:中國
  • 畢業院校:四川大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職務:四川大學博士生導師
  • 職稱:教授






1. 植物遺傳與育種;
2. 分子生物學及基因工程;


國家863 子課題:2011AA10A10401強優勢油菜雜交種的創製與套用
省科技攻關: 2011YZGG05-4油菜高產高純度繁制種技術體系及雜交種分子檢測技術體系研究
省科技攻關: 2011YZGG05-5突破性油菜新品種選育
協作項目: 12H1174 油菜新品種聯合選育與開發利用


1. Wang M. L.,Y. Zhao,F. Chen and X. C. Yin. Inheritance and potentials of a mutated dwarfing gene ndf1 in Brassica napus,Plant Breeding, 2004, 123(5):449-454.
2.Zhao Y, Wang ML, Zhang YZ, Du LF, Pan T. A chlorophyll-reduced seedling mutant in oilseed rape, Brassica napus, for utilization in F1 hybrid production. Plant Breeding. 2000.119: 131-135.
3.Zhao Yun,Wang Maolin. Inheritance and agronomic performance of an apetalous flower mutant in Brassica napus L, Euphytica, 2004, 137: 381-386.
4. S. Bohman,M. Wang, C. Dixelius.Arabidopsis thaliana-derived resistance against Leptosphaeria maculans in a Brassica napus genomic background,Theor Appl Genet, 2002,105: 498-504.
5. Svante Bohman,Jens staal,Part P.H.J. Thomma,Maolin Wang, Chritina Dixelius. Characterisation of an Arabidopsis-Leptosphaeria maculans pathosystem: resistance partially requires camalexin biosynthesis and is independent of salicylic acid, ethylene and jasmonic acid signalling,The Plant Journal, 2004, 37:9-20.
6. Wang Maolin, Zhao Yun. Breeding double low super hybrids with dominant genic male sterility three lines in Brassica napus, High Technology Letters, 2005, 11(4):427-431.
7.Hu Y-h, Wang M-l, Zhang N-h, Liao W-t and Zhao Y. Molecular Cloning and Sequence Analysis of the Toc33 cDNA in Brassica napus Line Cr3529. Agricultural Sciences in China, 2005, 4(4): 252-256.
8.Yong Gao, Yun Zhao, Tingting Li, Yang Liu, Caixia Ren and Maolin Wang. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of an F-box protein gene responsive to plant hormones in Brassica napus. Molecular Biology Reports: Volume 37, Issue 2 (2010), Page 1037-1044. (通訊作者)
9.Yong Gao, Yun Zhao, Tingting Li, Yang Liu, Caixia Ren and Maolin Wang. Cloning and characterization of a G protein β subunit gene responsive to plant hormones and abiotic stresses in Brassica napus. Plant Mol Biol Rep (2010) 28:450–459. (通訊作者)
10.Yong Gao, Yun Zhao, Tingting Li, Yang Liu, Caixia Ren and Maolin Wang . Characterization of the gibberellic acid response of the Brassica napus L. dwarf mutant NDF-1", Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 2010 Feb, 27:481-485. (通訊作者)
11.Yong Gao, Yun Zhao, Tingting Li, Yang Liu, Caixia Ren and Maolin Wang . Isolation and characterization of gene encoding G protein α subunit protein responsive to plant hormones and abiotic stresses in Brassica napus Plant Molecular Biology Reports, (2010) 37:3957–3965. (通訊作者)
12.Yong Gao, Tingting Li, Yun Zhao, Caixia Ren, Maolin Wang .Isolation and characterization of a G protein γ subunit gene responsive to plant hormones and abiotic stresses in Brassica napus. Acta Physiol Plant (2011) 33: 391–399(通訊作者)
13. Huapeng Li, Yun Wang, Xiaocheng Li, Yong Gao, Zhijun Wang, Yun Zhao, Maolin Wang. A GA-insensitive dwarf mutant of Brassica napus L. correlated with mutation in pyrimidine box in the promoter of GID1. Molecular Biology Reports (2011) 38:191–197. (通訊作者)
14.Wei Deng · Lin Zhou · Yuntao Zhou ·Yujia Wang · Maolin Wang · Yun Zhao. Isolation and characterization of three duplicated PISTILLATA genes in Brassica napus Mol Biol Rep, (2011) 38:3113–3120.
15.Yong Gao, Jianmin Chen, Yun Zhao, Tingting Li and Maolin Wang. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of a RGA-like gene responsive to plant hormones in Brassica napus, Mol Biol Rep,2012 Feb;39(2):1957-62.(通訊作者)
16. Haifeng Su, Juan Jiang, Qiuli Lu, Zhao Zhao, Tian Xie, Hai Zhao and Maolin Wang. Engineering rynebacterium crenatum to produce higher alcohols for biofuel using hydrolysates of duckweed (Landoltia punctata) as feedstock. Microbial Cell Factories (2015) 14:16(通訊作者)
17. Haifeng Su,Yun Zhao, Maolin Wang, Yuanjian Xu. Development and application of a novel screening method and experimental use of the mutant bacterial strain Clostridium beijerinckii NCIMB 8052 for production of butanol via fermentation of fresh cassava .RSC Adv., 2015,5, 12624-12637 (通訊作者 )
18. Cheng,W,Z Jin,C Ding,M Wang. Simultaneous sorption and reduction of U(VI) on magnetite–reduced graphene oxide composites investigated by macroscopic, spectroscopic and modeling techniques. Rsc Advances, 2015, 5:59677-59685(通訊作者 )
19.Wencai Cheng, Congcong Ding , Yubing Sun, Maolin Wang.The sequestration of U(VI) on functional b-cyclodextrinattapulgite nanorods. J Radioanal Nucl Chem, 2014(4), 302:385–391. (通訊作者 )
20. Haifeng Su, Yun Zhao, Juan Jiang, Qiuli Lu, Qing Li, Yao Luo, Hai Zhao, Maolin Wang. Use of Duckweed (Landoltia punctata) as a Fermentation Substrate for the Production of Higher Alcohols as Biofuels. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28(5):3206–3216. (通訊作者 )
21. Haifeng Su, Yun Zhao, Hai Zhao, Maolin Wang, Qing Li, Juan Jiang, Qiu Lin Lu. Identification and assessment of the effects of yeast decarboxylases expressed in Escherichia coli for producing higher alcohols. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2014, 117: 127-138. (通訊作者 )
22. Haifeng Su, Qiuli Lu, Yun Zhao, Juan Jiang, Zhao Zhao, Maolin Wang, Preliminary investigation of metabolic engineering in a novel host bacterium Corynebacterium crenatum for alcohol biofuel production, RSC Adv., 2014, 110:65021–65030. (通訊作者 )
23.李清,趙雲,蘇海峰,楊華,楊朋娜,王茂林. 甘藍型油菜2個BnPLD基因的克隆與表達. 西北植物學報,2014,34(6):1090-1098
24.史慧娟, 趙 昭, 陽治國, 楊朋娜, 王茂林. 甘藍型油菜均隆油 5 號特徵指紋圖譜構建和雜種純度鑑定. 種 子 ( Seed) Vol. 2014,33(8):16-20
25.程文財,丁聰聰,趙雲,王茂林. 油菜BnCYP83B1基因的克隆與生長素相互作用的研究[J]. 四川大學學報(自然科學版). 2014(05):1092-1098
26.劉彩霞,程文財,王茂林. 甘藍型油菜BnBRI1基因的克隆及表達分析[J]. 四川大學學報(自然科學版). 2014(02): 391-395
27.宋傲男,程文財,劉彩霞,趙雲,王茂林* 甘藍型油菜BnCYP79B1基因的克隆與表達,西北植物學報,2013,33(6):1085-1090
28.張藝瓊; 劉洋; 王茂林* 甘藍型油菜G蛋白β亞基過量表達載體和RNA干擾載體的構建及遺傳轉化 四川大學學報(自然科學版) 2013,No4:197-201
30.任彩霞; 張藝瓊; 王茂林;非生物脅迫對油菜脯氨酸積累與BnGG2基因表達的影響。四川大學學報(自然科學版) , 2012,49(3)
32.楊朋娜,張璐,史慧娟,李清,王茂林. 甘藍型油菜矮稈突變基因ndf1的分子標記遺傳連鎖作圖. 四川大學學報(自然科學版),2015,(5).


