



  • 中文名:王義鵬
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:山東臨沂
  • 出生日期:1982年7月
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院昆明動物研究所
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:生物製藥
  • 職稱蘇州大學藥學院 教授




1. 工作經歷:
2020.07-至今, 教授,博士生導師蘇州大學藥學院
2. 學習經歷:


1. 天然藥用蛋白/多肽發掘研究:利用生物化學、分子生物學等手段從各種生物體中發掘天然活性蛋白/多肽分子,揭示其發揮活性的分子機理,建立天然活性蛋白/多肽分子資源庫,為新型蛋白/多肽類藥物開發提供模板分子。
2. 藥用多肽設計改造和套用研究:以天然多肽為模板,利用序列剪下、定點突變和分子修飾等方法進行構效關係研究,揭示影響多肽分子活性和穩定性的關鍵結構參數,為相關多肽分子在藥物研發等領域的套用奠定基礎。
3. 多肽與天然免疫:綜合利用各種生物學技術研究外源和內源多肽在各種人類疾病發生和免疫應答中的作用及機理。


到目前為止,共發表SCI研究論文70篇,其中通訊作者和第一作者論文48篇(二區以上34篇),ESI高被引論文1篇,總被引用2200餘次,單篇最高被引270餘次(Google Scholar),總影響因子超過290,H index=27。申請國家發明專利90餘項,其中67項已獲得授權。主持國家自然科學基金面上項目(2項)、青年項目、江蘇省重點研發計畫項目和江蘇省自然科學基金面上項目等各類項目共15項,參與項目17項。
1. Zhu Y, Wang K, Jia X, Fu C*, Yu H*, Wang Y*. Antioxidant peptides, the guardian of life from oxidative stress. Med Res Rev. 2023 DOI: 10.1002/med.21986.(TOP,一區,IF 13.3)
2. Chen Y, Ye Z, Zhen W, Zhang L, Min X, Wang Y*, Liu F*, Su M*. Design and synthesis of broad-spectrum antimicrobial amphiphilic peptidomimetics to combat drug-resistance. Bioorg Chem. 2023 140: 106766.(Top,一區,IF 5.1)
3. Wang X, Shi W, Wang K, Ye Z, Wang R, Wang H, Yang H, Xie Z*, Yu H*, Wang Y*. Rationally Designed Nonapeptides with Great Skin Photoprotective Effect through Producing Type 1 Collagen and Blocking the mTOR Pathway. J Med Chem. 2023 66(11):7615-7628.(Top,一區,IF 8.039)
4. Wu J, Xu C, Ye Z, Chen H, Wang Y*, Yang K*, Yuan B*. Transition between Different Diffusion Modes of Individual Lipids during the Membrane-Specific Action of As-CATH4 Peptides. Small. 2023 19(34):e2301713. doi: 10.1002/smll.202301713.(Top,一區,IF 15.153)
5. Zhang M, Ouyang J, Fu L, Xu C, Ge Y, Sun S, Li X, Lai S, Ke H, Yuan B, Yang K, Yu H*, Gao L*, Wang Y*. Hydrophobicity determines the bacterial killing rate of α-helical antimicrobial peptides and influences the bacterial resistance development. J Med Chem. 2022 65(21):14701-14720.(Top,一區,IF 8.039)
6. Zhu Y, Hao W, Wang X, Ouyang J, Deng X, Yu H, Wang Y*. Antimicrobial peptides, conventional antibiotics, and their synergistic utility for the treatment of drug-resistant infections. Med Res Rev. 2022 42(4):1377-1422. (TOP,一區,IF 12.944,ESI高被引論文)
7. Chen Z, Zhang J, Ming Z, Tong H, Wu J, Chen Q, Wang Y, Luo F, Wang Y*, Feng T*. As-Cathelicidin4 enhances the immune response and resistance against Aeromonas hydrophila in caridean shrimp. J Fish Dis. 2022 45(5):743-754 (IF 2.767)
8. Duan Y, Ouyang J, Mo G, Hao W, Zhang P, Yang H, Liu X, Wang R, Cao B, Wang Y*, Yu H*. Defensing role of novel piscidins from largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) with evidence of bactericidal activities and inducible expressional delineation. Microbiol Res. 2022 256:126953.(二區,IF 5.415)
9. Ouyang J, Zhu Y, Hao W, Wang X, Yang H, Deng X, Feng T, Huang Y, Yu H*, Wang Y*. Three naturally occurring host defense peptides protect largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) against bacterial infections. Aquaculture. 2022 546:737383. (TOP,一區,IF 4.242)
10. Luo X, Ouyang J, Wang Y, Zhang M, Fu L, Xiao N, Gao L, Zhang P, Zhou J*, Wang Y*. A novel anionic cathelicidin lacking direct antimicrobial activity but with potent anti-inflammatory and wound healing activities from the salamander Tylototriton kweichowensis. Biochimie. 2021 191:37-50. (IF 4.079)
11. Wang Y, Ouyang J, Luo X, Zhang M, Jiang Y, Zhang F, Zhou J*, Wang Y*. Identification and characterization of novel bi-functional cathelicidins from the black-spotted frog (Pelophylax nigromaculata) with both anti-infective and antioxidant activities. Dev Comp Immunol. 2021 116:103928.(TOP,IF 3.192)
12. Zhang F, Zhang M, Chen Y, Ouyang J, Wang Y, Yang H, Luo X, Zhang D, Lu Y, Yu H*, Wang Y*. Antimicrobial, anti-biofilm properties of three naturally occurring antimicrobial peptides against spoilage bacteria, and their synergistic effect with chemical preservatives in food storage. Food Control. 2021 123:107729.(TOP,一區,IF 5.548)
13. Gao J, Zhang M, Zhang F, Wang Y, Ouyang J, Luo X, Yang H, Zhang D, Chen Y, Yu H*, Wang Y*. Design of sea snake antimicrobial peptide derivative with therapeutic potential against drug-resistant bacterial infection. ACS Infect Dis. 2020 6:2451-2467.(二區,IF 4.614)
14. Qiao X, Yang H, Gao J, Cai S, Shi N, Wang M, Wang Y*, Yu H*. A small cytotoxic peptide from frog elicits potent anti-tumor immunity to prevent local tumor growth and metastases. Future Med Chem. 2019 11(19):2505-2525.(二區,IF 3.617)
15. Chen C, Wang A, Zhang F, Zhang M, Yang H, Li J, Su P, Chen Y, Yu H*, Wang Y*. The protective effect of fish-derived cathelicidins on bacterial infections in zebrafish, Danio rerio. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2019 92:519-527. (Top,一區,IF 3.185)
16. Qiao X, Yang H, Gao J, Zhang F, Chu P, Yang Y, Zhang M, Wang Y*, Yu H*. Diversity, immunoregulatory action and structure-activity relationship of green sea turtle cathelicidins. Dev Comp Immunol. 2019 98:189-204. (Top,IF 2.913)
17. Wang A, Zhang F, Guo Z, Chen Y, Zhang M, Yu H*, Wang Y*. Characterization of a cathelicidin from the Colubrinae snake Sinonatrix annularis. Zool Sci. 2019 36(1):68-76. (IF 0.906)
18. Zhang F, Guo ZL, Chen Y, Li L, Yu HN*, Wang YP*. Effects of C-terminal amidation and heptapeptide ring on the biological activities and advanced structure of amurin-9KY, a novel antimicrobial peptide identified from the brown frog, Rana kunyuensis. Zool Res. 2019 40(3):198-204. (TOP,一區,IF 2.638)
19. Qi RH, Chen Y, Guo ZL, Zhang F, Fang Z, Huang K, Yu HN*, Wang YP*. Identification and characterization of two novel cathelicidins from the frog Odorrana livida. Zool Res. 2019 40(2):94-101. (TOP,一區,IF 2.638)
20. Shi N, Cai S, Gao J, Qiao X, Yang H, Wang Y*, Yu H*. Roles of polymorphic cathelicidins in innate immunity of soft-shell turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis. Dev Comp Immunol. 2019 92:179-192. (Top,IF 2.913)
21. Feng L, Shi N, Cai S, Qiao X, Chu P, Wang H, Long F, Yang H, Yang Y, Wang Y*, Yu H*. De novo Molecular Design of Novel Octapeptide that Inhibits In Vivo Melanogenesis with Great Transdermal Ability. J Med Chem. 2018 61(15):6846-6857.(Top,一區,IF 6.253)
22. Cai S, Qiao X, Feng L, Shi N, Wang H, Yang H, Guo Z, Wang M, Chen Y, Wang Y*, Yu H*. Python Cathelicidin CATHPb1 Protects against Multidrug-Resistant Staphylococcal Infections by Antimicrobial-Immunomodulatory Duality. J Med Chem. 2018 61(5):2075-2086.(Top,一區,IF 6.253,該工作被美國化學會旗下《化學與工程新聞》(C&EN) 在Drug Discovery欄目以“Snake peptide bites bacteria”為題介紹)
23. Guo Z, Qiao X, Cheng R, Shi N, Wang A, Feng T, Chen Y, Zhang F, Yu H*, Wang Y*. As-CATH4 and 5, two vertebrate-derived natural host defense peptides, enhance the immuno-resistance efficiency against bacterial infections in Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2017 71:202-209.(Top,一區,IF 3.148)
24. Wang A, Chen Y, Yu H*, Wang Y*. Novel cathelicidins with potent antimicrobial, biofilm inhibitory, and anti-inflammatory activities from the frog Fejervarya multistriata. Asian Herpetol Res. 2017 8(3):199-212. (IF 0.385)
25. Chen Y, Cai S, Qiao X, Wu M, Guo Z, Wang R, Kuang Y, Yu H*, Wang Y*. As-CATH1-6, novel cathelicidins with potent antimicrobial and immunomodulatory properties from Alligator sinensis, play pivotal roles in host anti-microbial immune responses. Biochem J. 2017 474(16):2861-2885. (TOP,二區,IF 3.797)
26. Yu H*, Wang C, Feng L, Cai S, Liu X, Qiao X, Shi N, Wang H, Wang Y*. Cathelicidin-trypsin inhibitor loop conjugate represents a promising antibiotic candidate with protease stability. Sci Rep. 2017 7(1):2600. (二區,IF 4.259)
27. Yu H*, Wang H, Liu X, Feng L, Qiao X, Cai S, Shi N, Wang Y*. Identification, eukaryotic expression and structure & function characterizations of β-defensin like homologues from Pelodiscus sinensis. Dev Comp Immunol. 2017 68:108-117. (Top,二區,IF 3.218)
28. Yu H*, Cai S, Gao J, Wang C, Qiao X, Wang H, Feng L, Wang Y*. Express sequence tag analysis-identification of anseriformes trypsin genes from full-length cDNA library of the duck (Anas platyrhynchos) and characterization of their structure and function. Biochemistry (Moscow). 2016 81(2):152-162.(IF 1.421)
29. Yu H*, Liu X, Wang C, Qiao X, Wu S, Wang H, Feng L, Wang Y*. Assessing the potential of four cathelicidins for the management of mouse candidiasis and Candida albicans biofilms. Biochimie. 2016 121:268-277. (IF 3.017)
30. Wei L, Gao J, Zhang S, Wu S, Xie Z, Ling G, Kuang Y, Yang Y, Yu H*, Wang Y*. Identification and Characterization of the First Cathelicidin from Sea Snakes with Potent Antimicrobial and Anti-inflammatory Activity, and Special Mechanism. J Biol Chem. 2015 290(27):16633-16652.(Top,二區,IF 4.573,該工作被Chem Res Toxicol雜誌作為Spotlight介紹)
31. Yu H*, Lu Y, Qiao X, Wei L, Fu T, Cai S, Wang C, Liu X, Zhong S, Wang Y*. Novel Cathelicidins from Pigeon Highlights Evolutionary Convergence in Avain Cathelicidins and Functions in Modulation of Innate Immunity. Sci Rep. 2015 5:11082. (二區,IF 5.578)
32. Yu H*, Qiao X, Wang C, Cai S, Liu X, Feng L, Wang H, Wang Y*. Identification and Characterization of Novel Antioxidant Peptides Involved in Redox Homeostasis of Frog, Limnonectes fragilis. Protein Pept Lett. 2015 22(9):776-84. (IF 1.068)
33. Ling G, Gao J, Zhang S, Xie Z, Wei L, Yu H*, Wang Y*. Cathelicidins from the bullfrog Rana catesbeiana provides novel template for peptide antibiotic design. PLoS ONE. 2014 27 9(3):e93216. (二區,IF 3.534)
34. Ling G, Li L, Gao J, Yu H, Wang Y*, Zhou J*. Geographically distinct expression profile of host defense peptides in the skin of the Chinese Odorous frog, Odorrana margaretae. Asian Herpetol Res. 2013 4(4):288-297.(IF 0.681)
35. Yu H*, Cai S, Gao J, Zhang S, Lu Y, Qiao X, Yang H, Wang Y*. Identification and polymorphism discovery of the cathelicidins, Lf-CATHs in ranid amphibian (Limnonectes fragilis). FEBS J. 2013 280(23):6022-6032.(二區,IF 4.25)
36. Li Z, Zhang S, Guang H, Gao J, Guo H, He W, Wang Y*, Yu H*. Structural and functional characterization of CATH_BRALE, the defense molecule in the ancient salmonoid, Brachymystax lenok. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2013 34(1):1-7.(Top,一區,IF 2.964)
37. He W, Feng F, Huang Y, Guang H, Zhang S, Li Z, Liu J, Wang Y*, Yu H*. Host defense peptides in skin secretions of Odorrana tiannanensis: proof for other survival strategy of the frog than merely antimicrobial. Biochimie. 2012 94(3):649-655. (IF 3.022)
38. Cui H, Wang Y, Wang Y, Qin S*. Genome-wide analysis of putative peroxiredoxin in unicellular and filamentous cyanobacteria. BMC Evol Biol. 2012 12:220. (二區,共一,IF 3.521)
39. Zhang S, Guo H, Shi F, Wang H, Li L, Jiao X, Wang Y*, Yu H*. Hainanenins: A novel family of antimicrobial peptides with strong activity from Hainan cascade-frog, Amolops hainanensis. Peptides. 2012 33(2):251-257. (IF 2.434)
40. Wang Y, Zhang Z, Chen L, Guang H, Li Z, Yang H, Li J, You D, Yu H*, Lai R*. Cathelicidin-BF, a snake cathelicidin-derived antimicrobial peptide, could be an excellent therapeutic agent for acne vulgaris. PLoS ONE. 2011 6(7):e22120. (二區,IF 4.411)
41. Yang H, Wang Y, Xiao Y, Wang Y, Wu J, Liu C, Ye H, Li F, Yu H*, Lai R*. A bi-functional anti-thrombosis protein containing both direct-acting fibrin(ogen)olytic and plasminogen-activating activities. PLoS ONE. 2011 14 6(3):e17519. (二區,共一,IF 4.411)
42. Wang Y, Lu Z, Feng F, Zhu W, Guang H, Liu J, He W, Chi L*, Li Z, Yu H*. Molecular cloning and characterization of novel cathelicidin-derived myeloid antimicrobial peptide from Phasianus colchicus. Dev Comp Immunol. 2011 35(3):314-22.(Top,二區,IF 3.293)
43. Feng F, Chen C, Zhu W, He W, Guang H, Li Z, Wang D, Liu J, Chen M, Wang Y*, Yu H*. Gene cloning, expression, and characterization of avian cathelicidin orthologue, Cc-CATHs, from Coturnix coturnix. FEBS J. 2011 278(9):1573-84. (二區,IF 3.129)
44. Wu J, Wang Y, Liu H, Yang H, Ma D, Li J, Li D, Yu H*, Lai R*. Two immunoregulatory peptides with antioxidant activity from tick salivary glands. J Biol Chem. 2010 28 285(22):16606-13. (Top,二區,共一,IF 5.328)
45. Lu Z, Wang Y, Zhai L, Wang H, Che Q, Du S, Wang D, Feng F, Liu J, Lai R*, Yu H*. Novel cathelicidin-derived antimicrobial peptides from Equus asinus. FEBS J. 2010 277(10):2329-39. (二區,共一,IF 3.042)
46. Ma D, Wang Y, Yang H, Wu J, An S, Gao L, Xu X, Lai R*. Anti-thrombosis repertoire of blood-feeding horsefly salivary glands. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2009 8(9):2071-9. (一區,共一,IF 8.834)
47. Wang Y, Hong J, Liu X, Yang H, Liu R, Wu J, Wang A, Lin D*, Lai R*. Snake cathelicidin from Bungarus fasciatus is a potent peptide antibiotics. PLoS ONE. 2008 16 3(9):e3217.(二區,IF 4.41,該工作於2008年入選Nature China研究亮點)
48. Liu X, Wang Y, Cheng L, Song Y, Lai R*. Isolation and cDNA cloning of cholecystokinin from the skin of Rana nigrovittata. Peptides. 2007 28 (8):1540-4.(共一,IF 2.57)
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1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(32070439),2021年1月-2024年12月
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(31772455),2018年1月-2021年12月
3. 國家自然科學基金青年基金(41206153),2013年1月-2015年12月
4. 江蘇省科技計畫專項資金(重點研發計畫社會發展)項目(BE2022723),2022年7月-2025年6月
5. 江蘇省自然科學基金面上項目(BK20171214),2017年7月-2020年6月
6. 江蘇省農業科技自主創新資金項目[CX(19)3009],2019年7月-2021年6月
7. 江蘇省高校自然科學研究面上項目(16KJB350004),2016年9月-2018年8月
8. 蘇州市農業科技創新面上項目(SNG2022054),2022年7月-2025年6月


