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  • 中文名:王祿生
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 性別:男
  • 教學職稱:教授


2004年7月 北京郵電大學通信工程學士
2010年1月 巴黎高科學院集團Telecom ParisTech(Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications de Paris)計算機與網路博士
2010年2月—12月 里昂套用科學學院(INSA Lyon)電信與業務創新研究中心(CITI)博士後
2011年1月—2012年6月 EURECOM移動通信系,士後
2012年9月 合肥工業大學研究員、黃山青年學者











發表SCI期刊近30篇,其中包括IEEE Commun. Surveys Tuts、IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun、IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol、China Communications等高水平國際期刊,另有國際會議論文與國內期刊論文總計30餘篇。
  • 王祿生、王文浩、汪晏如、陳文強、黃維文,基於CRE與ABS的異構蜂窩干擾協調方案研究,數據採集與處理(約稿),31(3):473-481。
  • L. Wang*, Y. Wang, W. Chen, C. Kai, and L. Wu, Dynamic interference coordination with analytical near-optimum of power allocation toward high user fairness, China Communications, accepted. [SCI]
  • L. Wang*, F. Fang, N. Nikaein, and L. Cottatellucci, An analytical framework for multi-layer partial frequency reuse scheme design in mobile communication systems, IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 65, no. 9, pp. 7593-7605, Sept. 2016. [SCI, 2014IF1.978,二區]
  • L. Wu, Y. Wang, J. Han, W. Chen, and L. Wang*, Optimal power allocation for wireless uplink transmissions using successive interference cancellation, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 2081-2101, May 2016. [SCI]
  • L. Wang*, W. Chen, Z. Ding, W. Guo, and M. Peng, Practical framework for ultra-fair dynamic interference coordination in mobile communication systems, IET Commun., vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 372-380, March 2016. [SCI, 2014IF0.742]
  • L. Wang*, Y. Wang, Z. Ding, and X. Wang, Cell selection game for densely-deployed sensor and mobile devices in 5G networks integrating heterogeneous cells and the Internet of things, Sensors, vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 24230-24256, Sept. 2015. [SCI, 2014IF2.245,儀器與儀表小類二區]
  • H. Lin, L. Wang*, and R. Kong, Energy efficient clustering protocol for large-scale sensor networks, IEEE Sensors J., vol. 15, no. 12, pp. 7150-7160, 2015. [SCI, 2014IF1.852]
  • L. Wang*, C. Goursaud, N. Nikaein, L. Cottatellucci, and J.-M. Gorce, Cooperative scheduling for coexisting body area networks, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 123 - 133, Jan. 2013. [SCI, 2012IF2.586,二區]
  • L. Wang and G.S. Kuo*, Mathematical modeling for network selection in heterogeneous wireless networks - a tutorial, IEEE Commun. Surv. & Tut., vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 271 - 293, First Quarter 2013. [SCI, 2012IF6.311,一區]
  • W. Chen, L. Wang*, Y. Fan, H. Lin, and X. Wei, Efficient resource allocation and interference management using compressive sensing in dense mobile communication systems, in Proc. WCSP, Yangzhou, Oct. 2016.
  • L. Wang*, W. Huang, Y. Fan, and X. Wang, Priority-based cell selection for mobile equipments in heterogeneous cloud radio access networks, in Proc. ICCVE 2015, pp. 62 - 67, Shenzhen, Oct. 2015. [EI]
  • L. Wang*, W. Chen, Y. Fan, Performance evaluation of dynamic interference coordination algorithms, in Proc. ChinaCom 2015, pp. 61 - 66, Shanghai, Aug. 2015.
  • L. Wang*, F. Fang, K. Min, N. Nikaein, and L. Cottatellucci, Toward multi-layer partial frequency reuse in future mobile communication systems, in Proc. IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), pp. 647 - 652, Shanghai, Oct. 2014. [EI]
  • W. Liao, L. Wang*, and J. Li Congestion game with inter-cell interference for cell selection in heterogeneous cellular network, in Proc. IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), pp. 603 - 608, Shanghai, Oct. 2014. [EI]
  • L. Wang*, Y. Sui, Q. Zhou, and S. Liao, Enhancement of grouping scheme for dynamic inter-cell interference coordination in massive-terminal 4G system, in Proc. IET International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), pp. 135 - 139, Nanjing, May 2014. [EI]
  • L. Wang*, F. Wang, and L. Du, Highly dynamic or semi-static: resource allocation for high-speed mobile terminals in 4G, in Proc. International Workshop on High Mobility Wireless Communications (HMWC), pp. 77 - 81, Shanghai, Nov. 2013. [EI]
  • L. Wang*, Q. Zhou, and H. Lin, Toward high-payoff Nash equilibria for interference game between body area networks, in Proc. CyberC, International Workshop on Smart Sensor Networks (IWSSN), pp. 433 - 437, Beijing, Oct. 2013. [EI]
  • W. Guo, X. Wang, J. Li, and L. Wang*, Dynamic fair scheduling for inter-cell interference coordination in 4G cellular networks, in Proc. IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), pp. 84 - 88, Xi'an, Aug. 2013. [EI]
  • L. Wang* and D. Binet, Best permutation: a novel network selection scheme in heterogeneous wireless networks, in Proc. International Wireless Communciations and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), pp. 894 - 899, Leipzig, June 2009. [EI]
  • L. Wang* and D. Binet, TRUST: a trigger-based automatic subjective weighting method for network selection, in Proc. Advanced International Conference of Telecommunications (AICT), pp. 362 - 368, Venice, May 2009. [EI]
  • L. Wang* and D. Binet, MADM-based network selection in heterogeneous wireless networks: a simulation study, in Proc. Wireless Vitae, pp. 559 - 564, Aalborg, May 2009. [EI]
  • L. Wang* and D. Binet, Mobility-based network selection in heterogeneous wireless networks, in Proc. IEEE VTC Spring, pp. 1 - 5, Barcelona, April 2009. [EI]
  • L. Wang*, B. Gaabab, D. Binet, and D. Kofman, Novel MAP selection scheme using location history in hierarchical MIPv6 networks, in Proc. IEEE WCNC, pp. 2420 - 2425, Las Vegas, April 2008. [EI]




