








2. “中國企業對外直接投資:動機,影響與啟示”,教育部人文社會科學重點研究基地重大項目,2012-2014


1. Fan Gang, Bijun Wang and Yiping Huang, 2013“Intraregional Cross-Holding of Reserve Currencies: A Proposal for Asia to Deal with the Global Reserve Risks,” China & World Economy, Vol. 21, No. 4
2. 王碧珺,潘圓圓,張明,2013,“跨境資本重新流入 投資結構略有最佳化——2013年上半年中國跨境資本流動報告”,《國際金融》,2013年07月總第385期
3. 王碧珺, 2013,“被誤讀的官方數據—— 揭示真實的中國對外直接投資模式,”《國際經濟評論》2013年第1期
4. 張明、王碧珺、陳博和潘圓圓,2013, “國際收支平衡新常態正在形成——2012年第4季度中國跨境資本流動報告,”《國際經濟評論》2013年第2期
5. Huang Yiping and Bijun Wang, 2013, “Investing Overseas without Moving Factories Abroad: The Case of Chinese Outward Direct Investment,” Asian Development Review, Vol
6. Huang Yiping and Bijun Wang, 2011, “Chinese Outward Direct Investment: Is There a China Model?” China & World Economy, Vol
7. Huang Yiping and Bijun Wang, 2010, “Cost Distortions and Structural Imbalances in China,” China & World Economy, Vol


1. He Fan and Bijun Wang, 2013, “Chinese Interests in the Global Investment Regime,” the Roundtable and Public Forum, China’s Global Investment & Its Regulation, Australian National University Wednesday, on 10 July 2013, Canberra, Australia.
2. 王碧珺,2013,“對外直接投資促進中國經濟升級,”《中國經濟再平衡與可持續增長》,Huw Mckay和宋立剛主編,社會科學文獻出版社,2013年4月版
3. Wang Bijun, Miaojie Yu, Yiping Huang, 2013, “Financial Constraints on Chinese Outward Direct Investment by the Private Sector,” in: Ross Garnaut, Cai Fang and Ligang Song (Eds.), China: A New Model for Growth and Development, The Australian National University E Press, Canberra, Australia
4. Wang Bijun and Yiping Huang, 2012, “Industry and Ownership Structure of Chinese Overseas Direct Investment,” the Roundtable and Public Forum, China’s Global Investment, at the Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University, on 4-5 September 2012, Canberra, Australia.
5. 王碧珺和王輝耀, 2012, “中國製造業企業對外直接投資:模式、動機和挑戰,”《崛起的中國:全球機遇與挑戰》,社會科學文獻出版社,pp.98-117.
6. Huang Yiping and Bijun Wang, 2011, “From the Asian Miracle to an Asian Century? Economic Transformation in the 2000s and Prospects for the 2010s,” in: The Australian Economy in the 2000s, Reserve Bank of Australia, pp.7-35.
7. Wang Bijun, 2011, “Why China is Under-investing in Manufacturing ODI: Firm Heterogeneity and Institutional Reform,” presented at The Association for Chinese Economic Studies Australia (ACESA) 2011 Annual Conference on “China’s Growth and The World Economy”, UWA Business School, Perth, Australia, July 7-8, 2011.
8. Huang Yiping and Bijun Wang, 2010, “Rebalancing China’s economic structure China,” The Next 20 Years of Reform and Development, Social Sciences Academic Press, pp


