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王毅, 男,1983年1月出生。深圳大學計算機與軟體學院副教授。2014年加入深圳大學國家高性能計算中心深圳分中心。現任國家高性能計算中心深圳分中心副主任、深圳市服務計算與套用重點實驗室副主任。


  • 中文名:王毅
  • 外文名:YI WANG
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:黑龍江省哈爾濱市
  • 出生日期:1983.01
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:哈爾濱工業大學,香港理工大學


王毅於2011年在香港理工大學電子計算機學系獲得計算機科學博士學位,師從邵子立教授和曹建農教授。王毅於2005年及2008年在哈爾濱工業大學分別 獲得本科及碩士學位。2014年5月起在深圳大學計算機與軟體學院國家高性能計算中心深圳分中心(高性能計算所)擔任副教授。現任國家高性能計算中心深圳分中心副主任、深圳市服務計算與套用重點實驗室副主任。在加入深圳大學之前,王毅曾於2011年8月至2014年5月在香港理工大學從事博士後研究。他曾做為訪問學者於2011年2月至2011年8月訪問美國加利福尼亞大學爾灣分校Nikil Dutt教授的研究組。王毅曾於2006年8月至2007年8月在瑞士蘇黎世的飛利浦公司擔任套用工程師。
王毅的主要研究方向是計算機體系結構、存儲系統、非易失性存儲器、雲計算、實時及嵌入式系統。王毅共發表學術論文70餘篇,其中包括30篇IEEE/ACM Transactions 彙刊論文,以及多篇計算機體系結構、存儲系統、電子設計自動化領域著名期刊論文(TC、TPDS、TCAD、TODAES、TECS、TVLSI等)和國際會議論文(DAC、DATE、RTSS、RTAS、LCTES、CODES+ISSS、ISLPED等)。王毅曾獲得CCF B類會議LCTES 2017最佳論文獎。ASP-DAC 2015最佳論文題名。發表的論文中,中國計算機學會CCF推薦A類論文21篇、B類論文31篇、C類論文13篇。引用次數超過1000次,H-index為22。


計算機系統結構 - 存儲系統 - 新型非易失存儲器(快閃記憶體、PCM、新型磁碟) 體系結構最佳化
作業系統 - 實時任務調度、設備驅動
嵌入式系統 - 實時與嵌入式軟體




  1. 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目: 面向新型3D NAND快閃記憶體的嵌入式存儲系統最佳化方法研究。
  2. 廣東省自然科學基金-自由申請項目: 面向新型電荷擷取快閃記憶體的地址映射方法研究及存儲系統原型試製。
  3. 廣東省自然科學基金-博士啟動項目: 基於清潔能源的多核嵌入式計算系統實時調度算法研究。
  4. 深圳市新引進高端人才財政補助科研啟動經費項目: 面向高性能計算的快閃記憶體存儲系統最佳化技術的設計與實現。
  5. 深圳市基礎研究項目: 面向嵌入式套用的新型存儲系統最佳化技術研究。


[1] Exploiting Parallelism for CNN Applications on 3D Stacked Processing-In-Memory Architecture.
Yi Wang, Weixuan Chen, Jing Yang, Tao Li.IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS): August, 2018(CCF-A)
[2] A Thermal-Aware Physical Space Re-Allocation for Open-Channel SSD with 3-D Flash Memory.
Yi Wang, Mingxu Zhang, Xuan Yang, Tao Li.IEEE Transactions on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD): 2018 ,DOI: 10.1109/TCAD.2018.2821442 ,PP(99) (CCF-A)
[3] DCR: Deterministic Crash Recovery for NAND Flash Storage Systems.
Renhai Chen, Chi Zhang, Yi Wang, Zhaoyan Shen, Duo Liu, Zili Shao, Yong Guan.IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD): August, 2018(CCF-A)
[4] Towards Memory-Efficient Allocation of CNNs on Processing-in-Memory Architecture.
Yi Wang, Weixuan Chen, Jing Yang, Tao Li.IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS): 2018 ,Volume: 29, Issue: 6 ,1428 - 1441 (CCF-A)
[5] A Temperature-Aware Reliability Enhancement Strategy for 3D Charge-Trap Flash Memory.
Yi Wang, Jiangfan Huang, Jing Yang, Tao Li.IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD): 2018, DOI:10.1109/TCAD.2018.2808227 (CCF-A)
[6] Optimally Removing Synchronization Overhead for CNNs in Three-Dimensional Neuromorphic Architecture.
Yi Wang, Ruibiao Chen, Rui Mao, Zili Shao.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (TIE): 2018 ,Volume: 65, Issue: 11 ,8973 - 8981 (中科院大類一區)
[7] P-Alloc: Process-Variation Tolerant Management for 3D Charge-Trapping Flash Memory.
Yi Wang, Lisha Dong, Rui Mao. International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS 2017) and ACM Transactions on on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS).: Oct. 15-20, Seoul, South Korea. (CCF-B)
[8] A Reliable Video Storage Architecture in Hybrid SLC/MLC NAND Flash.
Yimei Kang, Xingyu Zhang, Zili Shao, Renhai Chen, Yi Wang. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP): 2018 (CCF-B)
[9] A Block-Level Log-Block Management Scheme for MLC NAND Flash Memory Storage Systems.
Yong Guan, Guohui Wang, Chenlin Ma, Renhai Chen, Yi Wang *, Zili Shao. IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC): 2017 ,66(9) ,1464-1477(CCF-A)
[10] vFlash: Virtualized Flash for Optimizing the I/O Performance in Mobile Devices.
Renhai Chen, Yi Wang, Jingtong Hu, Duo Liu, Zili Shao, Yong Guan.IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD): July 2017 ,Volume: 36, Issue: 7 ,1203 - 1214 (CCF-A)
[11] Heating Dispersal for Self-Healing NAND Flash Memory.
Renhai Chen, Yi Wang, Duo Liu, Zili Shao, Song Jiang.IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC): 2017 ,66(2) ,361-367 (CCF-A)
[12] Durable Address Translation in PCM-Based Flash Storage Systems.
Duo Liu, Kan Zhong, Tianzheng Wang, Yi Wang, Zili Shao, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha, Jingling Xue. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS): 2017 ,28(2) ,475-490(CCF-A)
[13] Fine grained, direct access file system support for storage class memory.
Yi Wang, Tianzheng Wang, Duo Liu, Zili Shao, Jingling Xue. Journal of Systems Architecture - Embedded Systems Design: 2017 ,72 ,80-92 (CCF-B)
[14] Virtual Duplication and Mapping Prefetching for Emerging Storage Primitives in NAND Flash Memory Storage Systems.
Yi Wang, Lisha Dong, Zhong Ming, Yong Guan, Zili Shao. Microprocessors and Microsystems: 2017 (CCF-C)
[15] Exploiting Parallelism for Convolutional Connections in Processing-In-Memory Architecture.
Yi Wang, Mingxu Zhang, Jing Yang. The 54th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC): Jun 18-22, 2017 ,Austin, USA (CCF-B)
[16] Towards Memory-Efficient Processing-in-Memory Architecture for Convolutional Neural Networks.
Yi Wang, Mingxu Zhang, Jing Yang. ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED Conference on Languages, Compilers, Tools and Theory for Embedded Systems (LCTES 2017): 2017(CCF-B, 最佳論文獎)
[17] Temperature-aware data allocation strategy for 3D charge-trap flash memory.
Yi Wang, Mingxu Zhang, Jing Yang. ASP-DAC: 2017 ,572-577 (CCF-C)
[18] An Endurance-Aware Metadata Allocation Strategy for MLC NAND Flash Memory Storage Systems.
Min Huang, Zhaoqing Liu, Liyan Qiao, Yi Wang *, Zili Shao.IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD): 2016 ,35(4) ,691-694(CCF-A)
[19] A Real-Time Flash Translation Layer for NAND Flash Memory Storage Systems.
Yi Wang, Zhiwei Qin, Renhai Chen, Zili Shao, Qixin Wang, Shuai Li, Laurence T. Yang.IEEE Trans. Multi-Scale Computing Systems: 2016 ,2(1) ,17-29
[20] An Adaptive Demand-Based Caching Mechanism for NAND Flash Memory Storage Systems.
Yi Wang, Zhiwei Qin, Renhai Chen, Zili Shao, Laurence T. Yang.ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES): 2016 ,Volume 22 Issue 1 (CCF-B)
[21] Image-Content-Aware I/O Optimization for Mobile Virtualization.
Renhai Chen, Yi Wang, Jingtong Hu, Duo Liu, Zili Shao, Yong Guan. ACM Transcations on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS): 2016 ,16(1) ,1-12 (CCF-B)
[22] Energy-Efficient In-memory Paging for Smartphones.
Kan Zhong, Duo Liu, Liang Liang, Xiao Zhu, Linbo Long, Yi Wang, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha.IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD): Oct. 2016 ,35(10) ,1577-1590 (CCF-A)
[23] Energy-aware assignment and scheduling for hybrid main memory in embedded systems.
Guohui Wang, Yong Guan, Yi Wang *, Zili Shao. Computing: 2016 ,98(3) ,279-301
[24] A Thermal-Aware Physical Space Allocation Strategy for 3D Flash Memory.
Yi Wang, Mingxu Zhang, Lisha Dong, Xuan Yang. Proceedings of the 2016 International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED): 2016 ,290--295 (CCF-C)
[25] On-Demand Block-Level Address Mapping in Large-Scale NAND Flash Storage Systems.
Renhai Chen, Zhiwei Qin, Yi Wang *, Duo Liu, Zili Shao, Yong Guan.IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC): 2015 ,64(6) ,1729-1741 (CCF-A)
[26] Temperature-Aware Data Allocation for Embedded Systems with Cache and Scratchpad Memory.
Zhiping Jia, Yang Li, Yi Wang, Meng Wang, Zili Shao. ACM Transcations on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS): 2015 ,14(2) ,30:1-30:24 (CCF-B)
[27] Towards Write-Activity-Aware Page Table Management for Non-volatile Main Memories.
Tianzheng Wang, Duo Liu, Yi Wang, Zili Shao. ACM Transcations on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS): 2015 ,14(2) ,34:1-34:23 (CCF-B)
[28] Lazy-RTGC: A Real-Time Lazy Garbage Collection Mechanism with Jointly Optimizing Average and Worst Performance for NAND Flash Memory Storage Systems.
Qi Zhang, Xuandong Li, Linzhang Wang, Tian Zhang, Yi Wang, Zili Shao. ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. (TODAES): 2015 ,20(3) ,43 (CCF-B)
[29] A Scale Self-Adaptive Tracking Method Based on Moment Invariants.
Yimei Kang, Bin Hu, Yi Wang, Zili Shao. Signal Processing Systems: 2015 ,81(2) ,197-212
[30] File system-independent block device support for storage class memory.
Yi Wang, Tianzheng Wang, Zili Shao, Duo Liu, Jingling Xue. INFOCOM Workshops: 2015 ,468-473
[31] Optimizing deterministic garbage collection in NAND flash storage systems.
Qi Zhang, Xuandong Li, Linzhang Wang, Tian Zhang, Yi Wang, Zili Shao. RTAS: 2015 ,14-23 (CCF-B)
[32] Unified non-volatile memory and NAND flash memory architecture in smartphones.
Renhai Chen, Yi Wang, Jingtong Hu, Duo Liu, Zili Shao, Yong Guan. ASP-DAC: 2015 ,340-345 (CCF-C)
[33] SmartBackup: An Efficient and Reliable Backup Strategy for Solid State Drives with Backup Capacitors.
Min Huang, Yi Wang, Liyan Qiao, Duo Liu, Zili Shao. HPCC: 2015 ,746-751 (CCF-C)
[34] A Garbage Collection Aware Stripping method for Solid-State Drives.
Min Huang, Yi Wang, Zhaoqing Liu, Liyan Qiao, Zili Shao. ASP-DAC: 2015 ,334-339 (CCF-C, 最佳論文提名)
[35] Optimizing Emerging Storage Primitives with Virtualization for Flash Memory Storage Systems.
Yi Wang, Lisha Dong, Zhong Ming. HPCC: 2015 ,672-677 (CCF-C)
[36] Virtual Machine Image Content Aware I/O Optimization for Mobile Virtualization.
Renhai Chen, Yi Wang, Jingtong Hu, Duo Liu, Zili Shao, Yong Guan. ICESS: 2015 ,1031-1036
[37] A Reliability-Aware Address Mapping Strategy for NAND Flash Memory Storage Systems.
Yi Wang, Min Huang, Zili Shao, Henry C. B. Chan, Luis Angel D. Bathen, Nikil D. Dutt.IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD): 2014 ,33(11) ,1623-1631(CCF-A)
[38] Memory-Aware Task Scheduling with Communication Overhead Minimization for Streaming Applications on Bus-Based Multiprocessor System-on-Chips.
Yi Wang, Zili Shao, Henry C. B. Chan, Duo Liu, Yong Guan.IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS): 2014 ,25(7) ,1797-1807(CCF-A)
[39] A Reliability Enhanced Address Mapping Strategy for Three-Dimensional (3-D) NAND Flash Memory.
Yi Wang, Zili Shao, Henry C. B. Chan, Luis Angel D. Bathen, Nikil D. Dutt.IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. (TVLSI): 2014 ,22(11) ,2402-2410 (CCF-B)
[40] Application-Specific Wear Leveling for Extending Lifetime of Phase Change Memory in Embedded Systems.
Duo Liu, Tianzheng Wang, Yi Wang, Zili Shao, Qingfeng Zhuge, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD): 2014 ,33(10) ,1450-1462(CCF-A)
[41] Loop scheduling with memory access reduction subject to register constraints for DSP applications.
Yi Wang, Zhiping Jia, Renhai Chen, Meng Wang, Duo Liu, Zili Shao. Softw., Pract. Exper.: 2014 ,44(8) ,999-1026 (CCF-B)
[42] Loop Transforming for Reducing Data Alignment on Multi-Core SIMD Processors.
Yi Wang, Linfeng Pan, Zili Shao, Yong Guan, Minyi Guo. Signal Processing Systems: 2014 ,74(2) ,137-150
[43] Analysis of worst-case backlog bounds for Networks-on-Chip.
Junhui Wang, Yue Qian, Yi Wang, Zili Shao, Wenhua Dou, Qiang Dou. Journal of Systems Architecture - Embedded Systems Design: 2014 ,60(6) ,494-508 (CCF-B)
[44] Deterministic Crash Recovery for NAND Flash Based Storage Systems.
Chi Zhang, Yi Wang, Tianzheng Wang, Renhai Chen, Duo Liu, Zili Shao. DAC: 2014 ,148:1-148:6 (CCF-B)
[45] Optimally Removing Intercore Communication Overhead for Streaming Applications on MPSoCs.
Yi Wang, Duo Liu, Zhiwei Qin, Zili Shao.IEEE Trans. Computers (TC): 2013 ,62(2) ,336-350 (CCF-A)
[46] Data-assemblage: a translation-page-aware data block allocation strategy for flash-based solid state drives.
Qi Zhang, Xuandong Li, Linzhang Wang, Tian Zhang, Yi Wang, Zili Shao. Design Autom. for Emb. Sys.: 2013 ,17(3-4) ,565-586
[47] Curling-PCM: Application-specific wear leveling for phase change memory based embedded systems.
Duo Liu, Tianzheng Wang, Yi Wang, Zili Shao, Qingfeng Zhuge, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha. ASP-DAC: 2013 ,279-284 (CCF-C)
[48] Optimizing translation information management in NAND flash memory storage systems.
Qi Zhang, Xuandong Li, Linzhang Wang, Tian Zhang, Yi Wang, Zili Shao. ASP-DAC: 2013 ,326-331 (CCF-C)
[49] DHeating: Dispersed heating repair for self-healing NAND flash memory.
Renhai Chen, Yi Wang, Zili Shao. CODES+ISSS: 2013 ,7:1-7:10 (CCF-B)
[50] FTL^2: a hybrid flash translation layer with logging for write reduction in flash memory.
Tianzheng Wang, Duo Liu, Yi Wang, Zili Shao. LCTES: 2013 ,91-100 (CCF-B)
[51] BLog: block-level log-block management for NAND flash memorystorage systems.
Yong Guan, Guohui Wang, Yi Wang, Renhai Chen, Zili Shao. LCTES: 2013 ,111-120 (CCF-B)
[52] SolarTune: Real-time scheduling with load tuning for solar energy powered multicore systems.
Yi Wang, Renhai Chen, Zili Shao, Tao Li. RTCSA: 2013 ,101-110
[53] Thermal-Aware On-Chip Memory Architecture Exploration.
Yang Li, Lei Ju, Zhiping Jia, Yi Wang, Zili Shao. TrustCom/ISPA/IUCC: 2013 ,1386-1393 (CCF-C)
[54] Optimally Maximizing Iteration-Level Loop Parallelism.
Duo Liu, Yi Wang, Zili Shao, Minyi Guo, Jingling Xue. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst (TPDS).: 2012 ,23(3) ,564-572 (CCF-A)
[55] A Space Reuse Strategy for Flash Translation Layers in SLC NAND Flash Memory Storage Systems.
Duo Liu, Yi Wang, Zhiwei Qin, Zili Shao, Yong Guan. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. (TVLSI): 2012 ,20(6) ,1094-1107 (CCF-B)
[56] Staying-alive path planning with energy optimization for mobile robots.
Hongxing Wei, Bin Wang, Yi Wang, Zili Shao, Keith C. C. Chan. Expert Syst. Appl.: 2012 ,39(3) ,3559-3571 (CCF-C)
[57] Meta-Cure: a reliability enhancement strategy for metadata in NAND flash memory storage systems.
Yi Wang, Luis Angel D. Bathen, Nikil D. Dutt, Zili Shao. DAC: 2012 ,214-219 (CCF-B)
[58] 3D-FlashMap: A physical-location-aware block mapping strategy for 3D NAND flash memory.
Yi Wang, Luis Angel D. Bathen, Zili Shao, Nikil D. Dutt. DATE: 2012 ,1307-1312 (CCF-B)
[59] A block-level flash memory management scheme for reducing write activities in PCM-based embedded systems
Duo Liu, Tianzheng Wang, Yi Wang, Zhiwei Qin, Zili Shao. DATE: 2012 ,1447-1450 (CCF-B)
[60] Real-Time Flash Translation Layer for NAND Flash Memory Storage Systems.
Zhiwei Qin, Yi Wang, Duo Liu, Zili Shao. RTAS: 2012 ,35-44 (CCF-B)
[61] On Improving Real-Time Interrupt Latencies of Hybrid Operating Systems with Two-Level Hardware Interrupts.
Miao Liu, Duo Liu, Yi Wang, Meng Wang, Zili Shao.IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC): 2011 ,60(7) ,978-991(CCF-A)
[62] Overhead-aware energy optimization for real-time streaming applications on multiprocessor System-on-Chip.
Yi Wang, Hui Liu, Duo Liu, Zhiwei Qin, Zili Shao, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha. ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. (TODAES): 2011 ,16(2) ,14:1-14:32 (CCF-B)
[63] MNFTL: an efficient flash translation layer for MLC NAND flash memory storage systems.
Zhiwei Qin, Yi Wang, Duo Liu, Zili Shao, Yong Guan. DAC: 2011 ,17-22 (CCF-B)
[64] An endurance-enhanced Flash Translation Layer via reuse for NAND flash memory storage systems.
Yi Wang, Duo Liu, Zhiwei Qin, Zili Shao. DATE: 2011 ,14-19 (CCF-B)
[65] A Two-Level Caching Mechanism for Demand-Based Page-Level Address Mapping in NAND Flash Memory Storage Systems.
Zhiwei Qin, Yi Wang, Duo Liu, Zili Shao. RTAS: 2011 ,157-166 (CCF-B)
[66] PCM-FTL: A Write-Activity-Aware NAND Flash Memory Management Scheme for PCM-Based Embedded Systems.
Duo Liu, Tianzheng Wang, Yi Wang, Zhiwei Qin, Zili Shao. RTSS: 2011 ,357-366 (CCF-A)
[67] Demand-based block-level address mapping in large-scale NAND flash storage systems.
Zhiwei Qin, Yi Wang, Duo Liu, Zili Shao. CODES+ISSS: 2010 ,173-182 (CCF-B)
[68] Compiler-assisted leakage-aware loop scheduling for embedded VLIW DSP processors.
Meng Wang, Yi Wang, Duo Liu, Zhiwei Qin, Zili Shao. Journal of Systems and Software: 2010 ,83(5) ,772-785 (CCF-B)
[69] Optimal Task Scheduling by Removing Inter-Core Communication Overhead for Streaming Applications on MPSoC.
Yi Wang, Duo Liu, Meng Wang, Zhiwei Qin, Zili Shao. RTAS: 2010 ,195-204 (CCF-B)
[70] RNFTL: a reuse-aware NAND flash translation layer for flash memory.
Yi Wang, Duo Liu, Meng Wang, Zhiwei Qin, Zili Shao, Yong Guan. LCTES: 2010 ,163-172 (CCF-B)
[71] Memory-Aware Optimal Scheduling with Communication Overhead Minimization for Streaming Applications on Chip Multiprocessors.
Yi Wang, Duo Liu, Zhiwei Qin, Zili Shao. RTSS: 2010 ,350-359(CCF-A)
[72] Improving the Reliability of Embedded Systems with Cache and SPM.
Meng Wang, Yi Wang, Duo Liu, Zili Shao. MASS: 2009 ,825-830 (CCF-C)
[73] Loop scheduling with memory access reduction under register constraints for DSP applications
Meng Wang, Duo Liu, Yi Wang, Zili Shao. SiPS: 2009 ,139-144


