
王根洪,2012至今,西南大學特聘副教授。主要從事家蠶功能基因組學研究,家蠶病毒防禦機制研究,利用轉基因、RNAi等技術方法探索製作性狀改良的家蠶新品系。作為家蠶基因組研究團隊成員,先後參加了家蠶全基因組晶片的研製及家蠶基因組計畫。參加了“十一五”、“十二五”家蠶“973”、“863”項目及國家自然科學基金及省部級等項目數項,主持完成國家自然科學基金青年基金1 項、省部級項目2 項。近年來已在國內外高水平期刊發表論文20 余篇,其中 SCI 論文10 余篇,參與編寫專著2部;獲得國家專利3 項。


  • 中文名:王根洪
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 性別:男


1999-2003, 西南農業大學本科生;


1. 利用轉基因等技術方法,探索家蠶抗病毒分子育種策略並進行素材創新;
2. 家蠶的病毒防禦機制研究。


1. Genhong Wang, Liang Jiang, Li Zhu, Ting-Cai Cheng, Wei-Huan Niu, Ya-Fei Yan and Qing-You Xia*, Characterization of Argonaute family members in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Insect Science, 00:1-14, 2013.
2. Genhong Wang, Qingyou Xia*, Daojun Cheng, Jun Duan, Ping Zhao, Jie Chen and Li Zhu. Reference genes identified in the silkworm Bombyx mori during metamorphism based on oligonucleotide microarray and confirmed by qRT-PCR. Insect Science, 15, 405-413, 2008.
3. Genhong Wang, Chun Liu, Xingfu Zha, Jie Chen, Liang Jiang and Xia Qingyou*. Cathepsin B protease is required for metamorphism in silkworm, Bombyx mori. Insect Science, 15, 201-208. 2008.
4. Zhao Ping, Wang Genhong, Dong, Zhaoming, Duan Jun, Xu Pingzhen, Cheng Tingcai, Xiang Zhonghuai and Xia Qingyou*. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of serine proteases and homologs in the silkworm Bombyx mori. BMC Genomics, 11, 405. 2010.
5. Jiang Liang, Genhong Wang, Tingcai Cheng, Qiong Yang, Shengkai Jin, Gai Lu, Fuquan Wu, Yang Xiao, Hanfu Xu and Qingyou Xia*. Resistance to Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus via overexpression of an endogenous antiviral gene in transgenic silkworms. Arch Virol. 157:1323-1328. 2012.
6. Liang Jiang, Ping Zhao, Genhong Wang, Tingcai Cheng, Qiong Yang, Shengkai Jin,Ping Lin, Yang Xiao, Qiang Sun, Qingyou Xia*. Comparison of factors that may affect the inhibitory efficacy of transgenic RNAi targeting of baculoviral genes in silkworm, Bombyx mori. Antiviral Research. 97, 255-263.2013.
7. Xia Qingyou, Cheng Daojun, Duan Jun, Wang Genhong, Cheng Tingcai, Zha Xingfu, Liu Chun, Zhao Ping, Dai Fangyin, Zhang Ze, He Ningjia, Zhang Liang* and Xiang Zhonghuai. Microarray-based gene expression profiles in multiple tissues of the domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori. Genome Biol, 8, R162. 2007.
8. Liang Jiang, Ping Zhao, Tingcai Cheng, Qiang Sun, Zhengwen Peng, Yinghui Dang, Xiangwei Wu, Genhong Wang, Shengkai Jin, Ping Lin, Qingyou Xia*. A transgenic animal with antiviral properties that might inhibit multiple stages of infection. Antiviral Research 98.171–173. 2013.
9. Zhao Ping, Zhaoming Dong, Jun Duan, Genhong Wang, Lingyan Wang, Youshan Li, Zhonghuai Xiang and Qingyou Xia*. Genome-wide identification and immune response analysis of serine protease inhibitor genes in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. PLoS One 7(2): e31168. 2012.
10. Xie xiaodong, Tingcai Cheng, Genhong Wang, Jun Duan, Weihuan Niu and Qingyou Xia*. Genome-wide analysis of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter gene family in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Mol Biol Rep. DOI 10.1007/s11033-012-1558-3. 2012.
11. Liang Jiang, Tingcai Cheng, Ping Zhao, Qiong Yang, Genhong Wang, Shengkai Jin, Ping Lin,Yang Xiao, Qingyou Xia*. Resistance to BmNPV via Overexpression of an Exogenous Gene Controlled by an Inducible Promoter and Enhancer in Transgenic Silkworm, Bombyx mori.” Plos One 7(8): e41838. 2012.
12. Xingtan Zhang, Tingcai Cheng, Genhong Wang, Yafei Yan, Qingyou Xia*. Cloning and evolutionary analysis of tobacco MAPK gene family. Mol Biol Rep. DOI 10.1007/s11033-012-2184-9. 2012.
13. Cheng Daojun, Xia Qingyou*, Duan Jun, Wei Ling, Huang Chong, Li Zhiqing,Wang Genhong and Xiang Zhonghuai. Nuclear receptors in Bombyx mori: Insights into genomic structure and developmental expression. Insect Biochem Mol Biol, 38, 1130-7. 2008.
14.The International Silkworm Genome. 2008. The genome of a lepidopteran model insect, the silkworm Bombyx mori. Insect Biochem Mol Biol, 38, 1036-45. (the 28,author in the Chinese group).
15. 王根洪, 劉春, 楊遠萍, 吳雪峰 和 夏慶友*. siRNA介導的家蠶ABC轉運蛋白相關基因的干涉研究. 蠶業科學, 117-120,i001. 2005.
16. 王根洪, 祝慧敏, 羅會松, 王軻軻, 楊小波, 蔣亮 和 夏慶友*. 細菌表達dsRNA介導的家蠶FTZ-F1基因的RNA干擾. 昆蟲學報, 54, 596-601. 2011.
17. 艾均文, 王根洪, 李艷紅, 余泉友, 張學松, 朱勇* 和 向仲懷. 家蠶P450基因CYP18A1的克隆、序列分析及轉錄活性. 昆蟲學報, 3, 237-245. 2008.
18. 程廷才, 王根洪, 李娟 和 夏慶友*. 昆蟲抗菌肽基因表達調控機理. 蠶學通訊, 20-26. 2004.
19. 解敏敏, 程廷才, 王根洪 和 夏慶友*. 菸草損傷信號分子機制及其相關基因表達的研究進展. 植物生理學通訊, 46, 749-758. 2010.
20. 王振興, 王璞, 姚玲, 曾智東, 徐漢福, 段軍, 王根洪 和 夏慶友*. 家蠶細胞凋亡相關基因BmlCAD的克隆、序列和功能分析及其在精巢中特異表達的初步研究. 遺傳, 838-844. 2006.
21. 徐漢福, 王 峰, 王根洪, 段曉利, 馬三垣 和 夏慶友*. 家蠶Poly(A)結合蛋白基因BmPABP的克隆及序列與功能分析. 蠶業科學, 37, 412-418. 2011.
22. 楊遠萍, 劉春, 王子龍, 王根洪 和 夏慶友*. 家蠶組織蛋白酶D基因的克隆、序列分析及其表達譜研究. 昆蟲學報, 172-178. 2006.
23.夏慶友 和 向仲懷 主編. 蠶的基因組,科學出版社,72.3萬字,2013. (承擔13章部分內容).


