- 中文名:王智
- 國籍:中國
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:強流加速器物理與技術
- 職務:副教授
- 2015/09-2016/04,美國勞倫斯-伯克利國家實驗室,訪問學者
- 2013/07-至今,北京大學,物理學院,副教授
- 2010/08-2013/07,北京大學,物理學院,講師
- 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,強流RFQ&SFRFQ組合加速器中關鍵物理問題的研究,批准號:10905003,項目起止時間:2010.1-2012.12,主持,已結題。
- 973重大基礎研究計畫,強流高功率新結構離子直線加速器RFQ研究,批准號:2014CB845500,項目起止時間:2014.1-2018.12,參加,在研。
- 國家自然科學基金重點項目,高電荷態重離子RFQ加速器研究,批准號:11079001,項目起止時間:2011.1-2014.12,參加,已結題。
- 國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫培育項目,ADS用新型電漿窗,批准號:91026012,項目起止時間:2011/01-2013/12,參加,已結題。
- J.Qiang, Z.Wang, H.P.Li, A new RFQ model and symplectic multi-particle tracking in the IMPACT code suite, Jacow Proceedings of HB2016: THPM7Y01. (2016)
- W.L. Xia, Z. Wang(通訊作者), Y.R. Lu, J. Chen, J. Zhao, H.T. Ren, K. Zhu, S.X. Peng, J.E. Chen,Beam optimization of helium injector for coupled RFQ–SFRFQ linac,Nuclear Instrument and Methods in Physics Research A 756:55-61(2014)
- W. L. Xia, Z. Wang(通訊作者),Y. R. Lu, K. Zhu, S. L. Gao, S. X. Peng, J. Zhao, X. Q. Yan, Z. Y. Guo, J. E. Chen,Study of the energy modulated electron cyclotron resonance ion source for the coupled RFQ-SFRFQ cavity,Jacow Proceedings of IPAC2014: TUPME053. (2014)
- M.L.Kang,Z.Wang (通訊作者), J.E.Chen, Y.R.Lu, K.Zhu, S.L.Gao, X.Q.Yan, S.X.Peng, J.Zhao, H.T.Ren,Z.Y.Guo. Beam experiments on the RFQ and SFRFQ combined accelerator system, Nuclear Instrument and Methods in Physics Research A 701:273-277 (2013)
- G.Liu, Y.R.Lu, Y.He,Z.Wang (通訊作者), C.Xiao, S.L.Gao, Y.Q.Yang, K.Zhu, X.Q.Yan,J.E.Chen, Y.J.Yuan, H.W.Zhao, Design of a CW high charge state heavy ion RFQ for SSC-LINAC, Nuclear Instrument and Methods in Physics Research A 701:186-193 (2013)
- Z.Wang, J.E.Chen, M.L.Kang, Y.R.Lu, W.L.Xia, S.L.Gao, Z.Y.Guo, G.Liu, S.X.Peng, H.T.Ren, X.Q.Yan, J.Zhao, and K.Zhu. Design of coupled cavity with energy modulated electron cyclotron resonance ion source for materials irradiation research, Physical Review Special Topics-Accelerators And Beams, 15:050101(2012)
- Z.Wang, W.L.Xia, J.E.Chen, Y.R.Lu, S.L.Gao, S.X.Peng, Z.Y.Guo,X.Q.Yan, K.Zhu, J.Zhao. Progress on coupled RFQ-SFRFQ accelerator for materials irradiation research , Jacow Proceedings of IPAC2012: THPPC013. (2012)
- G. Liu, Y. R. Lu,Z. Wang,K.Zhu, X.Q.Yan, S.L.Gao,Q.F.Zhou,J.E.Chen, Y.He, C.Xiao, Y.Q.Yang,Y.J.Yuan,H.W.Zhao. A CW high charge state heavy ion RFQ accelerator for SSC-LINAC injector, Jacow Proceedings of IPAC2012: THPPP041. (2012)