王春輝(1987.9—),男,浙江寧波人,副研究員,博士,碩士生導師。2019年8月-2020年8月在美國麻薩諸塞大學阿默斯特分校(University Of Massachusetts Amherst)開展合作訪問研究,2016年10月-2018年9月在南京大學地理與海洋科學學院全職從事博士後研究工作,2016年9月博士畢業於南京大學地理與海洋科學學院。2023年5月進入中國科學院城市環境研究所工作。主要研究方向為區域土壤環境質量與風險管控、新興環境污染物的排放、遷移、分布及其健康效應評價等,擅長利用實驗室化學分析、地理信息系統等技術手段獲取相關數據。致力於通過城市土壤等環境介質中的污染物(如多環芳烴、重金屬)含量與空間分布等信息來揭示人類活動對城市環境及其人群健康的影響,從而為城市環境的污染管控和可持續發展提供科學依據。近年來主持了國家自然科學基金、中國博士後科學基金特別資助等項目;參與了包括國家重點研發計畫、國家自然科學基金面上項目等在內的多個科研項目。至今已在國內外期刊上發表學術論文30餘篇,其中以第一/通訊作者在ACS ES&T Water, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Scienceof the Total Environment, Geoderma,Catena等SCI期刊上發表論文16篇。曾獲得由教育部頒發的“博士研究生國家獎學金”;現為中國地理學會會員,長期擔任Field Crops Research, Science of the Total Environment, Chemosphere, Ecological Indicators等十餘本SCI期刊的審稿人。
- 國家自然科學基金青年項目, 區域發展典型過程下城市土壤PAHs的空間分布及其形成機制研究(編號:41801066)
- 浙江省自然科學基金探索一般項目, 微塑膠纖維在聚酯紡織品洗滌過程中的排放及其歸趨研究(編號:LY23D010004)
- 中國博士後科學基金第11批特別資助, 不同城鎮化水平地區城市土壤PAHs分布的形成機制研究(編號:2018T110478)
- 中國博士後科學基金第62批面上項目, 不同城鎮化水平地區土壤PAHs與黑碳的耦合關係及模擬(編號:2017M621699)
- 江蘇省博士後科研資助計畫, 環境多環芳烴污染的人體頭髮回響研究(編號:1701089C)
- 浙江省杭州生態環境監測中心委託項目, 杭州水土生態環境質量評估及對策研究(編號:KYH203121018)
- 黃巖區第三次全國土壤普查表層土壤調查與採樣項目(編號:ZJWS2023-HYNYNCJ01),技術負責人
- 諸暨市第三次土壤普查表層土壤調查與採樣項目(編號:浙江智拓2023-04-30號),技術負責人
- Wang, C., Chen, W., Zhao, H., Tang,J., Li, G., Zhou, Q., Sun, J., Xing, B. 2023. Microplastic Fiber Release byLaundry: A Comparative Study of Hand-washing and Machine-washing. ACS ES&T Water 3 (1), 147-155.
- Wang, C., Zhao, J., Xing, B. 2021. Environmental source, fate, and toxicity of microplastics. Journal of Hazardous Materials407, 124357.
- Wang, C., Zhou, S., Tang, J., Li, Y., Li, H., Du, J., Xu, S., Zhou, Q., Xu, Z., Wu, S. 2021. Elemental carbon components and PAHs in soils from different areas of the Yangtze River Delta region, China and their relationship. Catena199, 105086.
- Wang, C. (*通訊作者), Zhou, S., Song, J., Tang, J., Wu, S. 2020. Formation mechanism of soil PAH distribution: High and low urbanization. Geoderma 367, 114271.
- Wang, C. (*通訊作者), Zhou, S., Wu, S., Tang, J., Li, H., Du, J. 2020. Exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in people living in urban and rural areas revealed by hair analysis. Chemosphere246, 125764.
- Wang, C., Wang, J., Zhou, S., Tang, J., Jia, Z., Ge, L., Li, Y., Wu, S. 2020. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals in urban environments: Concentrations and joint risks surface soils with diverse land uses. Land Degradation & Development 31 (3), 383-391. (封面文章)
- Wang, C. (*通訊作者), Tang, J., Yu, H., Wang, Y., Li, H., Xu, S., Li, G., Zhou, Q. 2022. Microplastic pollution in the soil environment: Characteristics, influencing factors, and risks. Sustainability 14 (20), 13405.
- Wang, C., Zhou, S., Song, J., Wu, S. 2018. Human health risks of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the urban soils of Nanjing, China. Science of The Total Environment 612, 750-757.
- Wang, C., Wu, S., Zhou, S., Wang, H., Li, B., Chen, H., Yu, Y., Shi, Y. 2015. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils from urban to rural areas in Nanjing: concentration, source, spatial distribution, and potential human health risk. Science of The Total Environment527-528, 375-383.
- Wang, C., Shu, L., Yu, H., Zhu, P., Tang, J., Zhou, Q. 2020. Effects of partial root-zone irrigation and nitrogen forms on the movement of nitrate in deep subsoil and its utilization by tomato plants. European Journal of Soil Science 71 (3), 448-458.
- Wang, C., Shu, L., Zhou, S., Yu, H., Zhu, P. 2019. Effects of alternate partial root-zone irrigation on the utilization and movement of nitrates in soil by tomato plants. Scientia Horticulturae243, 41-47.
- Wang, C., Wu, S., Zhou, S., Shi, Y., Song, J. 2017. Characteristics and source identification of PAHs in urban soils: A review. Pedosphere 27 (1), 17-26.
- Wang, C., Zhou, S., Yue, H., Wang, J., Wang, F., Wu, S. 2017. Developing a Black Carbon-Substituted Multimedia Model for Simulating the PAH Distributions in Urban Environments. Scientific Reports 7, 14548.
- Wang, C., Zhou, S., Wu, S., Song, J., Shi, Y., Li, B., Chen, H. 2017. Surface water Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) in urban areas of Nanjing, China. Water Science and Technology 76 (8), 2150-2157.
- Xu, Z., Wang, C. (*通訊作者), Li, H., Xu, S., Du, J., Chen, Y., Ma, C., Tang, J. 2021. Concentration, distribution, source apportionment, and risk assessment of surrounding soil PAHs in industrial and rural areas: A comparative study.Ecological Indicators 125, 107513.
- Wang, Y., Yu, H., Yi, M., Zhou, R., Li, H., Xu, S., Tang, J., Wang, C. (*通訊作者). 2023. Spatial distribution, sources, and risks of heavy metals in soil from industrial areas of Hangzhou, eastern China. Environmental Earth Sciences 82 (4), 95.