程銘,王新華. Denopelopia Roback & Rutter from China with emendation of the generic diagnosis (Diptera : Chironomidae : Tanypodinae). ZOOTAXA -1042-55. 2005-1-1
程銘,王新華. Two new species Trissopelopia Kieffer from China, with emendation of the generic diagnosis and a key to the adult male T. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 116-1-15. 2005-1-1
郭玉紅,王新華. A review of the genus neozavrelia goetghebuer from China (Diptera : Chironomidae : Chironominae : Tanytarsini). ORIENTAL INSECTS 39--187. 2005-1-1
郭玉紅,王新華. Stempellina and Zavrelia from China (Diptera, Chironomidae, Tanytarsini). AQUATIC INSECTS 26-3-4-183. 2005-1-1
劉躍丹,王新華 . Synorthocladius Thienemann from China, with a review of the genus (Diptera : Chironomidae : Orthocladiinae). ZOOTAXA -1057-51. 2005-1-1
劉躍丹,王新華 . A review of the genus Parorthocladius Thienemann from China (Diptera : Chironomidae : Orthocladiinae). ZOOTAXA -802-1. 2005-1-1
唐紅渠,郭玉紅,王新華 . The pupa and larva of Propsilocerus taihuensis (Wen, Zhou & Rong) (Diptera : Chironomidae), with complete keys to all im. AQUATIC INSECTS 26-3-4-265. 2005-1-1
王新華. A new Chironomus species of the plumosus sibling-group (Diptera, Chironomidae) from China. AQUATIC INSECTS 27-3-199. 2005-1-1
王新華 . Karyotype of Propsilocerus akamusi (Tokunaga) from China (Diptera : Chironomidae). ZOOTAXA -765-1. 2005-1-1
王新華,郭玉紅 . Paratanytarsus Thienemann & Bause from China (Diptera : Chironomidae : Tanytarsini). ZOOTAXA -940-1. 2005-1-1
王新華,郭玉紅 . A review of the genus Cladotanytarsus Kieffer from China, with the description of three new species (Diptera : Chironomi. ZOOTAXA -750-1. 2005-1-1
閆春財,唐紅渠,王新華. A review of the genus Cryptotendipes Lenz (Diptera : Chironomidae) from China. ZOOTAXA -1086-1. 2005-1-1
閆春財,唐紅渠,王新華. Demicryptochironomus Lenz from China (Diptera : Chironomidae). ZOOTAXA -910-1. 2005-1-1
閆春財,唐紅渠,王新華 . Nilothauma Kieffer from China (Diptera : Chironomidae). AQUATIC INSECTS 27-3-213. 2005-1-1
張瑞雷,王新華 . Polypedilum (Cerobregma) Saether & Sundal from China (Diptera : Chironomidae). AQUATIC INSECTS 27-1-47. 2005-1-1
Yan, CC; Wang, XH. Robackia Saether from China (Diptera : Chironomidae). ZOOTAXA -1361-53. 2006-1-1
Cheng, M; Wang, XH. Nilotanypus Kieffer from China (Diptera : Chironomidae : Tanypodinae). ZOOTAXA -1193-49. 2006-1-1
Liu, YD; Wang, XH. Tokunagaia Saether from China (Diptera : Chironomidae : Orthocladiinae). ZOOTAXA -1183-43. 2006-1-1
Cheng, M; Wang, XH. Natarsia Fittkau (Diptera : Chironomidae : Tanypodinae) from China. ZOOTAXA -1111-59. 2006-1-1
Cheng, M; Wang, XH. Psectrotanypus Kieffer (Diptera : Chironomidae : Tanypodinae) from China. ZOOTAXA -1128-49. 2006-1-1
Cheng, M; Wang, XG. Review of Hayesomyia Murray & Fittkau (Diptera : Chironomidae : Tanypodinae) from China. ZOOTAXA -1147-35. 2006-1-1
Qi, X; Wang, XH. A review of Microtendipes Kieffer from China (Diptera : Chironomidae). ZOOTAXA -1108-37. 2006-1-1
Yan, CC; Wang, XH. Microchironomus Kieffer from China (Diptera : Chironomidae). ZOOTAXA -1108-53. 2006-1-1
Fu, Y. & WANG, XH . Four new species of Nanocladius Kieffer from Oriental China (Diptera: Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae) . Zootaxa -1985-43-51. 2009-1-21
Qi X. SHI, SD & Wang, XH . A review of Paratendipes Kieffer from China (Diptera: Chironomidae) . Aquatic Insects 31-1-63-70. 2009-3-1
Cheng M. & Wang, XH,. Thienemannimyia Fittkau (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanypodinae) from China Zootaxa 2074:50-60 . Zootaxa -2074-50-60. 2009-2-16
Qi Xin,Shi Shi-Di, Wang Xin-Hua. A New Species And Two New Record Species Of The Genus Stictochironomus Kieffer In China (Diptera, Ch. 昆蟲分類學報 30-4-280-286. 2008-12-1
YUE FU, OLE A. S?THER2& XINHUA WANG. Corynoneura Winnertz from East Asia, with a systematic review of the genus (Diptera: Chironomidae:. Zootaxa -2287:-1-44. 2009-11-11
Zhang,QT, Wang, XH & Hu GK. Evaluation of estimation methods for meiofounal biomass from a meilfaunal survey in Bohai Bay . Chinese journal of Oceanology and Limnology 28-1-82-87. 2010-1-1
Fu Y & Saether, OA. & Wang XH . Thienemanniella Kieffer from East Asia,with systematic review on the genus (Diptera: Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae). Zootaxa -2431-1–42. 2010-4-20
FU Y. , WANG X.H , & ANDERSEN T. . Chinese Paracladius Hirvenoja, with the description of P. ovatus sp. n.(Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae). Zootaxa -2453-62-68. 2010-5-13
ZHAO Yanmin (趙艷民) WANG Xinhua (王新華), QIN Yanwen (秦延文)??, ZHENG Binghui (鄭丙輝). Mercury (Hg2+) effect on enzyme activities and hepatopancreas histostructures of juvenile Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 28-3-427-434. 2010-5-1
Yu X, Wang XH . Xenochironomus Kieffer from China (Diptera, Chironomidae) . 動物分類學報 35-3-481-485. 2010-7-1
Du Jing, Wang Xin-Hua . Three New Species of Bryophaenocladius Thienemann, From Oriental China, With Inconspicuous Inferior Volsella (Diptera: Chironomidae) . 動物分類學報 36-4-750-755. 2010-10-1
KONG FQ, WANG XH . Heterotrissocladius Sp?rck from China (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa -2733-63-68. 2011-1-6
Du J,Wang XH & Saether OA. Redescriptions of species of Bryophaenocladius Thienemann, 1934 (Diptera: Chironomidae) described by Brundin (1947), with a new record of B. pectinatus Albu, 1974. Zootaxa -2743-40-48. 2011-1-18
QIAN WANG MING CHENG1 & XINHUA WANG . Three New Species of Macropelopia Thienemann from China (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanypodinae). Africa. African Journal of Agricultural Research 6-7-4122-4130. 2011-9-1
Yan,CC,Saether , OA & Wang,XH . Saetheria Jackson from the Sino-Indian Region (Diptera: Chironomidae) . Zootaxa -3040-34-42. 2011-9-23
QI Xin,SHI Shidi,LIN Xiaolong WANG Xinhua . The Genus Stenochironomus Kieffer (Diptera: Chironomidae) with Three Newly Recorded Species from China. 昆蟲分類學報 33-3-220-230. 2011-9-1