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2018.04-2019.02:高級副研究員(Senior Research Associate),香港城市大學,能源與環境學院


1、中國卓越期刊《Rare Metals》(中科院二區)和《稀有金屬》(EI)青年編委。
2、《Catalysts》、《Frontiers in Chemistry》和《Frontiers in Energy Research》等雜誌專刊客座編輯。
4、Nano Energy, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Journal of Energy Chemistry, Environmental Science & Technology, Water Research, Journal of Power Sources, Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, Chemosphere, Journal of Alloys and Compounds等十餘本學術期刊審稿人。
Rare Metals(中國卓越期刊)、《物理化學學報》和《稀有金屬》等期刊青年編委;Catalysts、Energies、Front Chem和Front Energy Res等期刊客座編輯。




主持國家自然科學基金等7項課題。已發表SCI學術論文59篇,其中以第一/通訊作者在Cell Rep Phys Sci、Energy Storage Mater (2)、Appl Catal B: Environ、J Energy Chem (2)、Energy Environ Mater、Water Res等國內外知名期刊上發表論文40篇。
* Corresponding author; Co-first author
1. Shuting Sun, Yue Wang, Chaoyue Yang, Jian Zhang,Jianquan Liang, Li Zhao, Wenhui Wang*, Ruhong Li*, Changsong Dai*,“Influence of Solvation Structure on Interphase Components for Tin PhosphideAnode in Potassium-ion Batteries”, Cell Reports Physical Science 3 (2022)100886 (Cell子刊,對標NC)
2. Chuangjian Su, Ruhong Li, Chaolin Li*, WenhuiWang*, “Piezo-promoted regeneration of Fe boostsperoxydisulfate activation by Bi2Fe4O9 nanosheets”,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 310 (2022) 121330 (中科院一區,JCR-Q1, IF= 19.503)
3. Shuting Sun, Wenhui Wang*,Fanrong Kong, Lin Li, Changsong Dai*, “Application and prospective of Sn-Pbased anodes for alkali-ion batteries”, Energy Storage Materials 40 (2021) 292-311 (中科院一區,JCR-Q1, IF=17.789)
4. Zhen Hou, Wenhui Wang, Yikang Yu, Xixia Zhao, Qianwen Chen,Lingfei Zhao, Qian Di, Huanxin Ju, Zewei Quan*, “Poly(vinylidene difluoride)coating on Cu current collector for high-performance Na metal anode”, EnergyStorage Materials 24 (2020) 588-593 (中科院一區,JCR-Q1, IF=17.789)
5. Wenhui Wang, Jiaolong Zhang, Chaolin Li, XiaohangKou, Baohua Li*, Denis Y.W. Yu*, “P2-Na2/3Ni2/3Te1/3O2Cathode for Na-ion Batteries with High Voltage and Excellent Stability”, Energy& Environmental Materials 0 (2022) 1-8 (中科院一區,JCR-Q1, IF=15.122)
6. Jiaolong Zhang, Shuo Wang, WenhuiWang*, Baohua Li*, “Stabilizing sodium metal anode through facileconstruction of organic-metal interface”, Journal of Energy Chemistry 66 (2022) 133-139 (中科院一區,JCR-Q1, IF=9.676,中國科技期刊卓越行動計畫重點期刊)
7. Zhen Hou, Jiaolong Zhang, Wenhui Wang*, Qianwen Chen, Baohua Li,Chaolin Li*, “Towards high-performance lithium metal anodes via themodification of solid electrolyte interphases”, Journal of Energy Chemistry 45(2020) 7-17 (中科院一區,JCR-Q1, IF=9.676,中國科技期刊卓越行動計畫重點期刊)
8. Yiqi Jiang, Chaolin Li*, Yituo Zhang, Ruobin Zhao,Kefen Yan, Wenhui Wang*, “Data-driven method based on deep learningalgorithm for detecting fat, oil, and grease (FOG) of sewer networks in urbancommercial areas”, Water Research 207 (2021) 117797 (中科院一區,JCR-Q1, IF=11.236)
9. Jiaolong Zhang, Wenhui Wang*, Baohua Li*,“Enabling high sodium storage performance of micron-sized Sn4P3anode via diglyme-derived solid electrolyte interphase”, Chemical EngineeringJournal 392 (2020) 123810 (中科院一區,JCR-Q1, IF=13.273)
10. Yiqi Jiang, Chaolin Li*, Hongxing Song, WenhuiWang*, “Deep learning model based on urban multi-source data for predictingheavy metals (Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr) in industrial sewer networks”, Journal ofHazardous Materials 432 (2022) 128732 (中科院一區,JCR-Q1, IF=10.588)
11. Songying Qu, WenhuiWang*, Xingyu Pan, Chaolin Li*, “Improving the Fenton catalytic performanceof FeOCl using an electron mediator”, Journal of Hazardous Materials 384 (2020)121494 (中科院一區,JCR-Q1, IF=10.588)
12. Wenhui Wang, Liang Shi, Danni Lan, Quan Li*, “Improving cycle stability of SnS anode for sodium-ion batteriesby limiting Sn agglomeration”, Journal of Power Sources 377 (2018) 1-6 (中科院一區,JCR-Q1, IF=9.127)
13. Wenhui Wang, Jiaolong Zhang, Denis Y.W. Yu, Quan Li*, “Improving the cycling stability ofSn4P3 anode for sodium-ion battery”, Journal of Power Sources 364 (2017) 420-425 (中科院一區,JCR-Q1, IF=9.127)
14. Dongchuan Xu, Wenhui Wang*, Mingyue Zhu,Chaolin Li*, “Recent advances in desalination battery: an initial review”, ACSApplied Materials & Interfaces 12 (2020) 57671-57685 (中科院一區,JCR-Q1, IF=9.229)
15. Zhen Hou, Wenhui Wang, Qianwen Chen, Yikang Yu, Xixia Zhao, MinTang, Yiyi Zheng, Zewei Quan*, “HybridProtective Layer for Stable Sodium Metal Anodes at High Utilization”, ACSApplied Materials & Interfaces 11 (2019) 37693-37700 (中科院一區,JCR-Q1, IF=9.229)
16. Jiaolong Zhang, Wenhui Wang*, Wei Wang, Shuwei Wang, Baohua Li*, “A comprehensivereview of P2-type Na2/3Ni1/3Mn2/3O2,a potential cathode for practical application of Na-ion batteries”, ACS AppliedMaterials & Interfaces 11 (2019) 22051-22066 (中科院一區,JCR-Q1, IF=9.229)
17. Zhen Hou, Yikang Yu, Wenhui Wang, Xixia Zhao,Qian Di, Qianwen Chen, Wen Chen, Yulian Liu, Zewei Quan*, “Lithiophilic Ag nanoparticle layer on Cu current collectortoward stable Li metal anode”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11 (2019)8148-8154 (中科院一區,JCR-Q1, IF=9.229)
18. Jiaolong Zhang, Wenhui Wang*, Ruiying Shi, Wei Wang, Shuwei Wang, Feiyu Kang,Baohua Li*, “Three-dimensional carbon felt host for stable sodium metal anode”,Carbon 155 (2019) 50-55 (中科院一區,JCR-Q1, IF=9.594)
19. Yituo Zhang, Chaolin Li*,Yiqi Jiang, Lu Sun, Ruobin Zhao, Kefen Yan, Wenhui Wang*, “Accurate prediction of water quality in urbandrainage network with integrated EMD-LSTM model” Journal of CleanerProduction 354 (2022) 131724 (中科院一區,JCR-Q1, IF=9.297)
20. Yiqi Jiang, Chaolin Li*, LuSun, Dong Guo, Yituo Zhang, Wenhui Wang*, “A deep learning algorithm formulti-source data fusion to predict water quality of urban sewer networks”, Journalof Cleaner Production 318 (2021) 128533 (中科院一區,JCR-Q1, IF=9.297)
21. Shuting Sun, Ruhong Li, Wenhui Wang*, Deying Mu, Jianchao Liu, Tianrui Chen, Shuang Tian, WeiminZhu, Changsong Dai*, “One-dimensional coaxial cable-like MWCNTs/Sn4P3@Cas an anode material with long-term durability for lithium ion batteries”, InorganicChemistry Frontiers 7 (2020) 2651-2659 (中科院一區,JCR-Q1, IF=6.569)
22. Xixia Zhao, Wenhui Wang, Zhen Hou, Yikang Yu, Qian Di, Xiaotong Wu,Guijuan Wei, Zewei Quan*, Jun Zhang*, “Monodisperse tin nanoparticles andhollow tin oxide nanospheres as anode materials for high performance lithium ionbatteries”, Inorganic ChemistryFrontiers 6 (2019) 473-476 (中科院一區,JCR-Q1, IF=6.569)
23. Xixia Zhao, Wenhui Wang, Zhen Hou, Xiaokun Fan, Guijuan Wei, YikangYu, Qian Di, Yubin Liu, Zewei Quan*,Jun Zhang*, “Yolk-shell structuredSnSe as a high-performance anode for Na-ion batteries”, Inorganic ChemistryFrontiers 6 (2019) 562-565 (中科院一區,JCR-Q1, IF=6.569)
24. Wenhui Wang, Jiaolong Zhang, Yue Lin, Fei Ding, Zhenyu Chen,Changsong Dai*, “A new carbonadditive compounded Li3V1.97Zn0.05(PO4)3/Ccathode for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles”, Electrochimica Acta 170 (2015)269-275 (中科院一區,JCR-Q1, IF=6.901)
25. Wenhui Wang,Jiaolong Zhang, Yue Lin, Zheng Jia*, Changsong Dai*, “A compromise of electrochemicalperformances of Li3V2(PO4)3/C uponcycling within a suitable potential range”, Electrochimica Acta 116 (2014)490-494 (中科院一區,JCR-Q1, IF=6.901)
26. Wenhui Wang, Zhenyu Chen, Jiaolong Zhang, Changsong Dai*, Jiajie Li, Dalong Ji, “A comparativestructural and electrochemical study of monoclinic Li3V2(PO4)3/Cand rhombohedral Li2.5Na0.5V(2−2x/3)Nix(PO4)3/C”,Electrochimica Acta 103 (2013) 259-265 (中科院一區,JCR-Q1, IF=6.901)
27. Jie Zhao, Chaolin Li*, Gang Chen, Fei Ji, YiyongShen, Juan Peng, Wenhui Wang*, “Rational Design of Sn4P3/Ti3C2Tx CompositeAnode with Enhanced Performance for Potassium-Ion Battery”, RareMetals (2022) In press (Invited, JCR-Q1, IF=4.003,中國科技期刊卓越行動計畫梯隊期刊)
28. Jiaolong Zhang, Chaolin Li, Wenhui Wang*, Denis Y. W. Yu*, “Facile synthesis of hollow Cu3P for sodium-ionbatteries anode”, Rare Metals 40 (2021)3460-3465 (JCR-Q1, IF=4.003,中國科技期刊卓越行動計畫梯隊期刊)
29. Xingyu Pan, XiaokunFan, Aiping Liang, Siqi Zhang, Wenhui Wang*, Songying Qu,Chaolin Li*, “Electron-rich CNTs modified FeOCl/Fe2O3with improved Fenton catalytic performance”, Composites Communications 27(2021) 100811 (JCR-Q1, IF=6.617)
30. Xixia Zhao, Xinyue Yu, GuijuanWei*, Fangong Kong, Wenhui Wang*, “Phosphorus-rich tin phosphide-carbonnanotubes composite as a high-performance anode for potassium ion batteries”, CompositesCommunications 28 (2021) 100938 (JCR-Q1, IF=6.617)
31. Wenhui Wang, Jiaolong Zhang, Baohua Li, Liang Shi*, “Electrochemical investigation ofSn-Co alloys as anode for Na-ion batteries”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 780(2019) 565-569 (JCR-Q1, IF=5.316)
32. Jiaolong Zhang, Wenhui Wang*, Baohua Li, “Effect of particle size on the sodiumstorage performance of Sn4P3”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds771 (2019) 204-208 (JCR-Q1, IF=5.316)
33. Xue Sun, Chaolin Li*, Boping Yu, Jingwen Wang, WenhuiWang*, “Removal of gaseous volatile organic compounds via vacuum ultravioletphotodegradation: Review and prospect”, Journal of Environmental Sciences 125(2023) 427-442 (JCR-Q1, IF=5.565)
34. Yuying Zhu, BaoqiangChang, Xue Sun, Haijian Luo, Wenhui Wang*, Chaolin Li*, “Chloride-mediated electrochemicaldegradation of the venlafaxine antidepressant”, Environmental Technology &Innovation 25 (2022) 102189 (JCR-Q1, IF=5.263)
35. Wenhui Wang, Liang Shi*, Quan Li*, “Porous SnSbNPs@3D-C anode with improved stability for sodium-ionbattery”, Journal of The Electrochemical Society 165(7) (2018) A1455-A1459(JCR-Q1, IF=4.316)
36. Xue Sun, Chaolin Li*, LiyuanRen, Wenhui Wang*, “Efficient mineralization of gaseous benzyl chlorideby VUV/UV photodegradation in humid air”, Environmental Science and PollutionResearch 28 (2021) 27520-27527 (JCR-Q2, IF=4.223)
37. Wenhui Wang, JiaolongZhang, Zheng Jia, Changsong Dai*,Yongfeng Hu, Jigang Zhou, Qunfeng Xiao, “Enhancement of the cycling performanceof Li3V2(PO4)3/C by stabilizing thecrystal structure through Zn doping”, Physical Chemistry ChemicalPhysics 16 (2014) 13858-13865 (JCR-Q1, IF=3.676)
38. Jiaolong Zhang, Wenhui Wang*, Baohua Li*, “Sn4P3/TiCcomposites as Li-ion battery anode with high volumetric capacity and good ratecapability”, Energy Technology 7 (2019) 1900371 (JCR-Q2, IF=3.631)
39. Yue Lin, WenhuiWang*, Jiaolong Zhang, Changsong Dai*,“Preliminary Study of Li3V2(PO4)3/Cfor Aqueous Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries Based on Mild Electrolyte”, ECSElectrochemistry Letters 3(11) (2014) A105-A107 (JCR-Q2)
40. Wenhui Wang, Zhenyu Chen, ChangsongDai*, Dalong Ji, Jiajie Li, Jie Wei,“A Comparative Structural and Electrochemical Study of Monoclinic Li3V2(PO4)3/Cand Rhombohedral Li2.5Na0.5V2(PO4)3/C”,Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 28 (2012) 1070-1074 (JCR-Q4, IF=0.834)




1、發明專利:一種菱方結構磷酸釩鋰基電池材料及其製備方法;戴長松、王文輝、紀大龍、李佳傑,專利號:ZL 2011 1 0451571.3 (已授權)
2、實用新型:一種銅集流體;權澤衛、王文輝、鄭依依,專利號:ZL 2020 2 0952765.6 (已授權)
3、實用新型:一種具有雙層複合保護層結構的銅集流體;權澤衛、王文輝、鄭依依,專利號:ZL 2020 2 0950855.1 (已授權)
4、實用新型:一種用於直飲水製備的太陽能驅動海水淡化裝置;李朝林、徐東川、王文輝、蘇闖建,專利號:ZL 2022 2 0386498.X (已授權)
5、實用新型:一種基於紫外光光解技術的VOCs無害化處理裝置;李朝林、孫雪、王文輝,專利號:ZL 202220635721.X (已授權)


