- 中文名:王文潔
- 性別:女
- 教學職稱:講師
- 衝擊動力學
- 混凝土複合材料動力性能研究
- 結構防災減災
- 本科生:振動力學(全英文)
- 本科生:材料力學
- 國家自然科學基金青年項目, 52008105, 鋼纖維混凝土火災後剩餘抗衝擊性能研究, 主持
- 江蘇省自然科學基金青年項目, BK20200374, 鋼纖維混凝土火災損傷後剩餘抗衝擊承載力研究, 主持
- 江蘇省雙創博士項目, 1105000424,多災害耦合作用下區域建築群災變行為研究, 主持
- Wang W, Zhang X, Mo Z, et al. A comparative study of impact behaviour between natural flax and glass FRP confined concrete composites.Construction and Building Materials 241, 1-10 2020.
- Wang W, Zhang T, Chouw N, et al. Dynamic compressive behaviour of coconut fibre reinforced concrete composite. Magazine of Concrete Research 72(21), 1125-1134, 2020.
- Wang W, Zhang X, Chouw, N, et al. Strain rate effect on the dynamic tensile behaviour of flax fibre reinforced polymer, Composite Structures 200, 135-143, 2018.
- Wang W, Chouw N., Experimental and theoretical studies of flax FRP strengthened coconut fibre reinforced concrete slabs under impact loadings, Construction and Building Materials 171, 546-557, 2018.
- Wang W, Chouw N. Flexural behaviour of FFRP wrapped CFRC beams under static and impact loadings, International Journal of Impact Engineering 111, 46-54, 2018.
- Wang W, Chouw N. Behaviour of CFRC beams strengthened by FFRP laminates under static and impact loadings, Construction and Building Materials 155, 956-964. 2017.
- Wang W, Chouw N. The behaviour of coconut fibre reinforced concrete (CFRC) under impact loading. Construction and Building Materials 134, 452-461, 2017.
- Wang W, Chouw N, Jayaraman K. Effect of thickness on the impact resistance of flax fibre-reinforced polymer. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 35 (17), 1277-1289, 2016.