


  • 中文名:王效科
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 職業:研究員




現任中國科學院北京城市生態系統研究站站長 研究方向:全球環境變化與生態系統碳氮循環。一直開展植物生態學和系統生態學的研究工作,關注生態系統與全球和區域環境變化關係的研究。圍繞全球氣候變化,主要開展(1)農林業生態系統結構和功能及其固碳能力的研究,(2)中國森林生態系統生物量和生產力的研究,(3)中國森林火災釋放的含碳氣體排放量的估算,(4)中國森林生態系統的植物碳庫和固碳潛力的研究,(5)中國陸地生態系統固碳潛力的評價,(6)土地利用變化對土壤碳庫動態的影響,(7)中國農田生態系統N2O排放通量的估算。圍繞區域環境問題,主要開展城市面源污染的監測技術;濕地生態系統的淨化功能研究;大氣污染(主要是O3)對生態系統的影響。 目前主要從事森林生物量和生產力、碳氮生物地球化學循環、生態模擬分析、地理信息系統和遙感分析。在國內外核心雜誌上發表論文100多篇。


Carbon cycle, plant’s response to air pollution, urban ecosystem


Carbon sequestration technology and potential of terrestrial ecosystems,
Urban tree growth in response to elevated ozone concentration under drought stress,
The driving mechanisms of urban ecosystem pattern and processes,
Elevated O3 concentration effects on soil carbon dynamics in cropland ecosystems


1. Wang X and Feng Z, 1995, Atmospheric carbon sequestration through agroforestry in China, Energy
2. Wang X., Feng Z and Ouyang Z, 2001, The impact of human disturbance on vegetative carbon density in forest ecosystems in China. Forest Ecology and Management 148:117-123.
3. Wang X., Manning W.J., Feng Z., Zhu Y. 2007. Ground-level ozone in China: distribution and its effects on crop yields. Environmental Pollution
4. Wang X, Zheng Q., Feng Z, Xie J, Feng Z, Ouyan Z, Manning WJ. 2008. Comparison of a diurnal vs steady state ozone exposure profile on growth and yield of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) in open-top chambers in the Yangtze Delta, China. Environmental Pollution
5. Lu, F., Wang, X.K., et al. 2009. Soil carbon sequestrations by nitrogen fertilizer application, straw return and no-tillage in China's cropland. Global Change Biology
6. Lu F, Wang X, et al. 2010. Net mitigation potential of straw return to Chinese cropland: estimation with a full greenhouse gas budget model. Ecological Applications
7. Chen Z, Wang X, et al. 2010. Impact of elevated ozone concentration on soil microbial community structure and function in a rice (Oryza sativa L.) paddy. Soil Science Society of America Journal
8. Zheng F, Wang X, et al. 2011. Effects of elevated ozone concentration on methane emission from a rice paddy in Yangtze River Delta, China. Global Change Biology
9. Tong L, Wang X, et al. 2011. Diurnal and phenological variations of O3 and CO2 fluxes of rice canopy exposed to different O3 concentrations. Atmospheric Environmen
10. Wang X, et al., 2012. Effects of elevated O3 concentration on winter wheat and rice yields in the Yangtze River Delta, China. Environmental Pollution
11. Yang L, Lu F, Wang X. et al. 2012. Methane emission from the drawdown area of the Three Gorges Reservoir, Journal of Geophysical Research
12. Luo Y, Wang X, et al., 2012. Root:shoot ratios across China’s forests: Forest type and climatic effects. Forest Ecology and Management


