曾任校十五重點科技發展領域“智慧型控制技術”領導小組副組長。十餘次擔任國際會議主席(副主席)、程式委員會主席、專題會議主席、程式委員會委員、分會主席。是IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics、Computers & Operations Research、Enterprise Information Systems、Expert Systems、Advances in Systems Science and Applications、計算機學報等十餘家國內外刊物客座編輯或審稿人。
在國內外刊物IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics、Expert Systems with Applications、 Expert Systems、Chaos, Solitons and Fractals、Int. J. Distributed Sensor Networks、Systems Research and Behavioral Science、J. Systems Engineering and Electronics、J. System Science and Information、Journal of DCDIS series B(Added volume)、信息與控制、系統工程理論與實踐、系統仿真學報、中國管理科學、系統工程與電子技術、中國軟科學、電機與控制學報、智慧型系統學報,連續性出版物Lecture Notes in Computer Science及重要國際會議IFAC’99、WCICA’2000、WCICA’2002、IEEE ISIC’03、WCICA’04、ISNN’05、ICSCA’06、ICAI’06、ISITAE’07、ISCSNS’08、ICCSE’2009、IEEE ICIT’10上發表論文80餘篇, 其中,論文30餘篇次被國際重要檢索系統SCI、EI、ISTP收錄,近30篇次被INSPEC收錄;
8. Wang Pan, Fan Zhun, Feng Shanet al. A novel hybrid self-adaptive genetic algorithm with conjugate gradient algorithm. Proceedings of WCICA’2000, Press of Univ. of S&T of China, 2000(EI、ISTP收錄)
11. Wang Pan, Li Youfeng, Feng Shan. Convergence of Diagonal Recurrent Neural Networks,Learning (2004年獲武漢市第10屆自然科學優秀科技論文二等獎;EI、ISTP收錄;發表於“Proc. of WCICA’2002”)
13. Wang Pan,Wan Junkang et al. Two Kinds of Novel Evolutionary Fuzzy Controllers. Proc. DCBAES’2004(ISTP收錄)
14. 王攀,李幼鳳,馮珊,多調整因子模糊控制器的進化最佳化,電機與控制學報,2002,No.1
15. Wang Pan, Fan Zhun, Li Youfeng. Sequential Bayesian Learning for Modular Neural Networks. Proc. of ISNN 2005 (Chongqin), LNCS, Sringer-Verlag, 2005(SCI、EI收錄)
16. Wang Pan, Wu Tao et al. A Multimedia Intelligent Meta-synthesis System Orienting to Clinic and Education. Journal of System Science and Information. 2004, No.1
17. Wang Pan, Fan Zhun, Xu Chengzhi. Correlation Analysis and Evolutionary Control of Multi-Staged Inverted Pendulum. 18-th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control - Proceedings,October, 2003. p 920-923, Houston, USA(EI、ISTP收錄)
18. Wang Pan, Fan Zhun, Xu Chengzhi. Evolutionary Linear Control Strategies of Triple Inverted Pendulums and Simulation Studies. Proceedings of the WCICA 2004 - Fifth World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 2004(EI、ISTP收錄)
19. Qin Juanying,Wei Wei, Wang Pan. Robust learning of neural networks ensemble for modeling.Proceedings of the WCICA 2004 - Fifth World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 2004(EI、ISTP收錄)
20.Wang Pan, Fan Zhun, Li Youfeng. Dynamic Integration of Modular Neural Network’s Sub-networks Sub-networks. Journal of DCDIS (Series B), 2006, Added volume (Proc. of ICSCA’06),2280-2283(ISTP收錄)
21.Zhang R., Wang Pan, Feng S. Two kind of Complex Systems’ Multi-objective Decision Making: methods and paradigm. Proc. of ICAI’06, Beijing(ISTP收錄)
22.Zhang Jianjian, Wang Pan. Some Issues on Adaptive Genetic Algorithm. Proc. DCBAES’2004(ISTP收錄)
23. Wang Pan, Xu Chengzhi, Feng Shan, Xu Aihua. A novel evolutionary-fuzzy control algorithm for complex systems. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics vol.13, no.3 : 52-60, 2002
31. Feng Shuai, Wang Pan. A modular neural network simulation system for teaching/research based on .NET framework. Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Information Technologies and Applications in Education (ISITAE 2007, Kunming), IEEE Press(EI、ISTP收錄)
35. Wang Pan, Feng Shuai, Fan Zhun. Some Issues of the Paradigm of Multi-learning Machine - Modular Neural Networks. Proc. of ISCSNS’08, YBS Publishing Co.(ISTP收錄);International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 2009,Vol.5, No.1(SCI(08年影響因子:0.722)收錄)
38. Wang Pan, Zhang Jianjian, Feng Shan. A new measure on adaptation complexity- fitness function classes, their integration and case study. Proc. of Chinese Control and Decision Conference 2008, CCDC 2008, IEEE(EI、ISTP收錄)
40. Wu He, Li D. Xu, Tawnya Means and Pan Wang. Integrating Web 2.0 with the Case-Based Reasoning Cycle: A Systems Approach. Systems Research and Behavioral Science. 2009, Vol.6, No.6(SSCI(08年影響因子:0.689)收錄)
41. Xiaoxin Liao, F. Xu, P. Wang, Pei Yu. Chaos control and synchronization for a special generalized Lorenz canonical system – The SM system. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 39 (2009) 2491–2508(SCI(08年影響因子:2.98),EI收錄)
42. Zhun Fan, Sørensen Torben, Jinchao Liu and Pan Wang. Improved Differential Evolution Algorithm Based on Stochastic Ranking for Robust Layout Synthesis of MEMS Components,2009年第4期(SCI(08年影響因子:5.468)、EI收錄)
43. Wang Pan, Zhu Haoshen. Some Issues on the Weights Analysis in Multi-objective Decision Making and Multiple Learning Machines System. Proc. of ICCSE’2009, IEEE(EI收錄)
44. Pan Wang, Lida, Xu et al. A novel Bayesian learning method for information aggregation in modular neural networks. Expert Systems with Applications. 37 (2010)1071-1074(SCI收錄,該刊08年影響因子:2.596),該文2009年線上發表。
46. Zhu Haoshen, Wang, Pan, Fan Zhun. Evolutionary design optimization of MEMS: A brief review. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, p 1683-1687, 2010(EI收錄)
47. Yu Long, Wang Pan, Zhu Haoshen. A Novel Diversity Preservation Strategy based on Ranking Integration for solving some specific Multi-Objective Problems. Proceedings of the 9th DCABES, 2010(EI收錄)
48. Asli Celikyilmaz, Sheqin Dong, Shin-jer Yang, Hengda Cheng, Xianglong Tang, Tong Li, Pan Wang, Paul Cao, Xiaolong Wang, Xuan Wang, Chunkai Zhang, Thomas Whalen. Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. Vol.8 (Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Information Sciences). Paris/Amsterdam: Atlantis Press, 2008
49. Wang Pan(主編),Proceedings of 2010 WRI the Second Global Congress on Intelligent Systems. IEEE Computer Society, 2010
50. Pan Wang , Jianjian Zhang, Li Xu, Hong Wang, Shan Feng, Haoshen Zhu. “How to measure adaptation complexity in evolvable systems – A new synthetic approach of constructing fitness functions. Expert Systems with Applications,” 38 (2011),No. 8(SCI收錄,該刊2010年影響因子:1.924)
7. Investigation and development of a test bench system for evolutionary algorithms used in automated design of advanced mechatronic systems,與丹麥科技大學合作研究項目,中方負責人,進行中。