- 中文名:王慶恆
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:海產無脊椎動物生物學及增養殖技術
- 任職院校:廣東海洋大學
2004.07-2007.07 廣東海洋大學,水產學院,助教
2007.08-2013.10 廣東海洋大學,水產學院,講師
2013.11-2018.08 廣東海洋大學,水產學院,副教授
2018.09至今 廣東海洋大學,水產學院,教授
2017.12-2018.12 美國Rutgers University,Haskin Shellfish Research laboratory,訪問學者
[1] Qingheng Wang, Ya Liu, Ze Zheng, et al. Adaptive response of pearl oyster Pinctada fucata martensii to low water temperature stress. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2018, 78: 310-315.
[2] Qingheng Wang, Ruijuan Hao, Xiaoxia Zhao, et al. Identification of EGFR in pearl oyster (Pinctada fucata martensii) and correlation analysis of its expression and growth traits. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 2018, 82(7): 1073-1080.
[3] Ruijuan Hao, Zhe Zheng, Qingheng Wang*, et al. Molecular and functional analysis of PmCHST1b in nacre formation of Pinctada fucata martensii. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B, 2018, 225:13-20.
[4] Qingheng Wang, Junhui Li, Feilong Liang, et al. Effects of different substrates on settlement and growth of pearloyster (Pinctada maxima) larvae in hatcheries[J].Aquacultural Engineering, 2017,77:15-19.
[5] Qingheng Wang, Chuangye Yang, Ruijuan Hao, et al. Molecular characterization of CHST11 and its potential role in nacre formation in pearl oyster Pinctada fucata martensii. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 2017, 28:113-119.
[6] Chuangye Yang, Ruijuan Hao, Yuewen Deng, Yongshan Liao,Qingheng Wang*, et al. Effects of protein sources on growth, immunity and antioxidant capacity of juvenile pearl oyster Pinctada fucata martensii. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2017,67:411-418.
[7] Chuangye Yang, Qingheng Wang, Ruijuan Hao, et al. Effects of replacing microalgae with an artificial diet on pearlproduction traits and mineralization-related gene expressionin pearl oyster Pinctada fucata martensii. Aquaculture Research, 2017, 48(10):5331-5337.
[8] Qingheng Wang, Xiaoxia Zhao, Yuewen Deng*, et al. Development of SSR markers using RNA -Seq approach and genetic diversity of two population of asian moon scallop Amusium pleuronectes. International Journal of agriculture and biology, 2017, 19(3):432-436.
[9] Qingheng Wang, Chuangye Yang, Xiaodong Du, et al. Growth performance and biochemical composition of juvenile pearl oyster Pinctada martensii fed on artificial diets. Aquaculture International, 2016, (24):995-1005.
[10] Ronglian Huang, Zhe Zheng, Qingheng Wang*, et al. Mantle Branch-Specific RNA Sequences of Moon Scallop Amusium pleuronectes to Identify Shell Color-Associated Genes [J]. PLoS ONE, 2015,10(10): e0141390.
[11] Qingheng Wang, Yu Jiao, Xiaodong Du*, et al. Molecular characterization and expression analysis of purple acid phosphatase gene from pearl oyster Pinctada martensii[J].Genetics and Molecular Research, 2015,14(1): 552-562.
[12] Xiaoxia Zhao, Qingheng Wang, Yu Jiao, et al. Identification of Genes Potentially Related to Biomineralization and Immunity by Transcriptome Analysis of Pearl Sac in Pearl Oyster Pinctada martensii[J].Marine Biotechnology, 2012,14:730-739.
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[2] 馬氏珠母貝優質抗逆選系苗種規模化繁育與示範養殖(Z2014009).廣東省海洋與漁業廳.
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[4] 馬氏珠母貝高精度遺傳連鎖圖譜構建與生長性狀QTLs的精細定位(2014KTSCX071). 廣東省教育廳.
[5] 光裸星蟲工廠化苗種繁育技術研究(2012B020307008).廣東省科技廳.
[6] 馬氏珠母貝珍珠囊發育轉錄組及數字基因表達譜分析(2012lym_0074). 廣東省教育廳.
[1] 王慶恆, 孫瑞椒, 劉興旺, 楊創業, 鄧岳文,杜曉東. 一種馬氏珠母貝微膠囊飼料及其製備方法, ZL201510462303.X
[2] 王慶恆, 鄧岳文, 黃榮蓮, 焦鈺, 杜曉東. 一種馬氏珠母貝插核術前處理方法, ZL201310197930.3
[3] 鄧岳文, 杜曉東, 符韶, 梁飛龍, 王慶恆. 一種養殖馬氏珠母貝分期式群體選育方法, ZL201010197634.2
[4] 王慶恆, 黃榮蓮, 鄧岳文, 焦鈺, 杜曉東. 一種光裸星蟲車間養殖池, ZL201520246932.4
[5] 王慶恆, 張家煒, 楊創業, 郝瑞娟, 鄧岳文.一種瀕死和死亡光裸星蟲清理器, ZL201720633902.8.
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