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  1. Wang S.K., Sheng Qiang, Feng Zhao, Tingting Zhang,Ping Zhuang. Variable effects on benthic community from diking to eradicateinvasive plants in the Yangtze Estuary salt marsh. Frontiers in Marine Science.2021, 8:706353.
  2. Wang S.K., He Qiang, Zhang Youzheng, Sheng Qiang, Li Bo, WuJihua.Habitat-dependent impacts of exotic plant invasions on benthic food webs in acoastal wetland. Limnology and Oceanography. 2021, 66(4):1256-1267.
  3. Wang S.K., Zhang T., Yang G., Wang Y.,Zhao F., Zhuang P. Migration and feeding habits of juvenile Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis Gray 1835) in theYangtze Estuary: Implications for conservation. Aquatic Conservation: Marineand Freshwater Ecosystems. 2018, 28(6): 1329–1336.
  4. Wang S.K., Xu C., Wang Y., Yang G.,Zhang T.T., Zhao F., Zhuang P. Nonlethal sampling for stable isotope analysis of juvenile Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis): Comparing δCand δN signatures in muscle and fin tissues. Journal of AppliedIchthyology. 2017, 33(5): 877–884.
  5. Wang S.K., Jin B.S., Qin H.M., Sheng Q., Wu J.H. Trophic dynamics of filterfeeding bivalves in the Yangtze Estuarine Intertidal Marsh: stable isotope andfatty acid analyses. PLoS ONE. 2015, 10(8):e0135604.
  6. Wang S.K., Chu T.J., Huang D.Q., Li B., Wu J.H., 2014. Incorporation of exotic Spartina alterniflora into diet ofdeposit-feeding snails in the Yangtze River estuary salt marsh: stable isotopeand fatty acid analyses. Ecosystems. 2014, 17:567-577.
  7. 王思凱, 苗中博, 盛強, 趙峰, 吳紀華.長江口崇明東灘鹽沼濕地圍堤工程對底棲動物群落的影響.生態學報.2020, 40(3):1021-1030.
  8. 王思凱, 張婷婷, 高宇, 趙峰, 莊平. 萊茵河流域綜合管理和生態修復模式及其啟示[J].長江流域資源與環境,2018,27(01):215-224.
  9. 王思凱, 盛強, 儲忝江, 李博, 陳家寬, 吳紀華. 植物入侵對食物網的影響及其途徑[J]. 生物多樣性, 2013, 21(3):249-259.
  10. Jin, B., Winemiller, K. O., Ren, W., Tickner, D.,Wei, X., Guo, L., Li, Q., Zhang, H., Pompeu, P. S., Goichot, M., Wang, S., Shen, R., & Wu, X.. Basin-scaleapproach needed for Yangtze River fisheries restoration. Fish and Fisheries, 2022.https://doi.org/10.1111/faf.12657
  11. 彭彪彪, 王思凱, 趙峰, 楊剛, 莊平. 長江口鹽沼濕地3種亞生境中國花鱸的碳、氮穩定同位素特徵及基礎食源差異. 中國水產科學. 2022, 29(2): 295–303.
  12. Benwei Shi, Shi Lun Yang, Stijn Temmerman, TjeerdBouma, Tom Ysebaert, Sikai Wang, YingxinZhang,Jihua Wu,Haifei Yang,Longhui Zhang, Liqin Zuo, YaPing Wang. Effect oftyphoon-induced intertidal-flat erosion on dominant macrobenthic species (Meretrix meretrix). Limnology and Oceanography, 2021, 66(12),4197–4209.
  13. 彭彪彪, 趙峰, 王思凱, 張濤, 楊剛, 苗中博, 莊平. 中國花鱸在長江口不同亞生境中的棲息特徵[J]. 南方水產科學, 2021, 17(4): 1-8.
  14. 宋超, 張濤, 趙峰, 劉鑒毅, 張婷婷, 王思凱, 楊剛, 莊平. 長江口鰻鱺親體標誌放流的初步研究[J]. 海洋漁業, 2020, 42(6): 699-710.
  15. 苗中博, 王思凱, 彭彪彪, 趙峰, 莊平. 長江口鹽沼濕地魚類群落優勢種的時空生態位特徵. 中國水產科學. 2020, 27(10): 1210–1221
  16. 徐超, 王思凱, 趙峰, 楊剛, 莊平. 長江口水生動物食物網營養結構及其變化[J]. 水生生物學報, 2019, 43(1): 155-164. doi:10.7541/2019.019
  17. 張婷婷,趙峰,張濤,王思凱,宋超,莊平,陸亞男. 中國鰻魚產業發展及其資源保護建議. 漁業信息與戰略.2019,34 (4):235-243
  18. SunL.T. Zhao F., Wang S.K., Wang Y,Yang G, Zhuang P. Growth and feeding ecology of juvenile Chinese sturgeon, Acipensersinensis, in the Yangtze Estuary. Journalof Applied Ichthyology. 2019, 35(1):47–53.
  19. Ma R.R., WangS.K., Zhao F., Xu C., Ji Y., Song C., Wang Y., Zhuang P. Comparative studyon intestinal bacterial communities of Boleophthalmuspectinirostris and Periophthalmusmagnuspinnatus with different sexes and feeding strategies[J]. Annals ofMicrobiology, 2018, 68(3):123-133.
  20. ZhangTT, Zhao F, Wang SK, Zhang T, Liu JY, Gao Y, Zhuang P*. Estimating the macrobenthicspecies richness with an optimized sampling design in the intertidal zone ofChangjiang Estuary. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 2019,38(2):114–124
  21. Song C, Feng Zhao, Feng G P, Wang S K, Zhuang P. Comparative study of nutritional composition ofadults and juveniles of Coilia mystuscollected from the Yangtze Estuary [J]. Indian Journal of Animal Research.2018. B980:1-5. DOI: 10.18805/ijar.B-980
  22. 徐超, 王思凱, 趙峰, 宋超, 莊平. 基於ecopath模型的長江口生態系統營養結構和能量流動研究. 海洋漁業, 2018, 40(3): 309-318
  23. 趙峰, 王思凱, 張濤, 楊剛, 王妤, 莊平. 春季長江口近海中華鱘的食物組成[J]. 海洋漁業, 2017, 39(4):427-432.
  24. Huang X R, Zhuang P*, Feng G P, Zhao F, Liu J Y,Zhang T, Wang Y, Wang S K.Cryopreservation of chinese mitten crab, Eriocheirsinensis, embryos by vitrification (Decapoda, Brachyura) [J].Crustaceana, 2017, 90 (14):1765-1777


