1. Modelling to increase the eco-efficiency of a wheat-maize double cropping system.Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment.2015, 210:36-46
2. A reappraisal of the critical nitrogen concentration of wheat and its implications on crop modeling. Field Crops Research. 2014, 164:66-73
3. Accuracy of root modelling and its impact on simulated wheat yield and carbon cycling in soil. Field Crops Research. 2014, 165:99-110
4. Remobilization of water soluble carbohydrates in non-leaf organs and contribution to grain yield in winter wheat under reduced irrigation. International Journal of Plant Production. 2013, 7(1): 97-
5. Is grain zinc concentration in wheat limited by source? Australian Journal of Crop Science. 2014, 8(11): 1534-1541
6. iTRAQ-based quantitative proteome and phosphoprotein characterization reveals the central metabolism changes involved in wheat grain development. BMC Genomics. 2014, 15:1029
7. Effect of source-sink manipulation on photosynthetic characteristics of flag Leaf and the remobilization of dry Mass and nitrogen in vegetative organs of wheat. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2014, 13(8): 1680-1690
8. Grain yield and water use efficiency in extremely-late sown winter wheat cultivars under two irrigation regimes in the North China Plain. PLoS ONE, 2016, 11(4): e0153695. doi:10.1371journal.pone.015369
9. Characteristics of canopy structure and contributions of non-leaf organs to yield in winter wheat under different irrigated conditions. Field Crops Research,2011,123(1):187-195
10. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity in ear organs is related to protein concentration in grains of winter wheat. Journal of Cereal Science, 2008,47 (1):386-391
11. Recovery of Residual Fertilizer-Nitrogen by Wheat in a Winter Wheat–Summer Maize Rotation in the North China Plain: A Soil Column Study. Agronomy Journal, 2009,101:925-932
12. The nitrate leached below maize root zone is available for deep-rooted wheat in winter wheat-summer maize rotation in the North China Plain. Environmental Pollution, 2008,152 (2):723-730
13. Roles of carbohydrate supply and ethylene polyamines in maize kernel set. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2011, 53 (5):388-398
14. Characteristics of water consumption in water-saving winter wheat and effects on the utilization of subsequent summer rainfall in the North China Plain. International Journal of Plant Production, 2011,5(2):167-180
15. Photosynthetic characteristics of non-leaf organs of winter wheat cultivars differing in ear type and their relationship with grain weight per ear. Photosynthetica,2001,39(2):239-244
16. Effect of heat stress during grain filling on photosynthetic Characteristics of different green organs in winter wheat. Acta Bot Sin, 2001, (5):571-577
17. Effect of soil drought on C4 photosynthesis enzyme activities of flag leaf and ear in wheat. Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2003,2(4): 413-417
18. Effect of heat stress on activities of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase and Ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate Carboxylase in different green organs of winter wheat during grain filling. Photosynthetica,2004,42(2):317-320
19. Performance of temperate aerobic rice under different water-regimes in North China. Agricultural Water Management 2005,74:107-122
20. Performance of aerobic rice varieties under irrigated conditions in North China. Field Crops Research, 2006,97:53-65
21. Effects of sucrose and ammonium nitrate on phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase activities in wheat ears. Australian Journal of Crop Science. 2012,6(5):822-
22. Effect of source-sink manipulation on accumulation of micronutrients and protein in wheat grains. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 2012,175(4):1-8
23. 華北地區冬小麥-夏玉米種植體系土壤硝態氮的殘留與再利用研究I.夏玉米生育期土壤硝態氮的動態與殘留積累.生態學報2005,25(7):1620-1625
24. 華北地區冬小麥-夏玉米種植體系土壤硝態氮的殘留與再利用研究II.節水栽培冬小麥對下層土壤殘留氮素的利用.生態學報2005,25(8):1869-1873
25. 不同供水條件下冬小麥葉與非葉綠色器官光合日變化特徵.生態學報,2011,31(5):1312-1322
26. 限水灌溉冬小麥冠層氮分布與轉運特徵及其對供氮的回響. 生態學報,2011,31(17):4941-4950
27. 春灌模式對晚播冬小麥水分利用及產量形成的影響.生態學報,2009.29(4):2035-2043
28. 不同水分條件對冬小麥根系時空分布、土壤水利用和產量的影響.生態學報,2010.30(19):5296-5305
29. 不同供水條件下小麥不同綠色器官的氣孔特性研究.作物學報2006,32(1):70-75
30. 冬小麥節水栽培三種灌溉模式的水氮利用與產量形成.作物學報,2009,35(11):2045-2054
31. 不同水分供給對小麥葉與非葉器官葉綠體結構和功能的影響. 作物學報, 2008.34(7):1213-1219
32. 春玉米葉面積係數動態特徵的密度效應.作物學報,2009,35(6):1097
33. 源庫調節對小麥不同品種籽粒微量元素及蛋白質含量的影響.作物學報, 2008.34(9):1629-1636
34. 基於控制授粉技術的玉米籽粒建成與碳_氮供應關係.作物學報,2011,37(8):1415-1422
35. 基於控制授粉技術的玉米籽粒生育特性與建成機制.作物學報,2011,37(9):1605-1615
36. 土壤乾旱對小麥綠色器官光合電子傳遞和
37. 小麥不同綠色器官光合速率與碳同化酶活性及其基因型差異研究.作物學報2007,33(9):1426-1431
38. 野生一粒麥與普通栽培小麥不同綠色器官光合特性與葉綠體結構特徵. 作物學報,2002.28(3):351-354
39. 開花後水分脅迫對小麥不同器官C4光合酶活性的影響.中國農業科學,2003,36(5):508-512
40. 冬小麥節水高產栽培群體光合特徵.中國農業科學,2003. 36(10):1143-1149
41. 15_N標記和土柱模擬的夏玉米氮肥利用特性研究. 中國農業科學,2011,44(12):2446-2453
42. 論作物生產系統產量分析理論模式及其發展.中國農業大學學報, 2009.14(1):1-7
43. 窄行勻播對晚播冬小麥群體環境、個體性狀和物質生產的影響. 生態學報, 2015, 35(16): 1-14
44. 有限供水下冬小麥全程耗水特徵定量研究. 生態學報, 2014, 34(10):2567-2580
45. 灌漿期高溫對小麥旗葉與非葉器官光合和抗氧化酶活性的影響. 作物學報, 2015, 41(1): 136-144
46. 冬小麥節水栽培群體穗葉比及其與產量和水分利用的關係. 生態學報, 2013, 33(12):3657-3667
47. 夏玉米不同施氮水平土壤硝態氮累積及對後茬冬小麥的影響. 中國農業科學, 2013, 46(6): 1182-1190
6. iTRAQ-based quantitative proteome and phosphoprotein characterization reveals the central metabolism changes involved in wheat grain development. BMC Genomics. 2014, 15:1029
7. Effect of source-sink manipulation on photosynthetic characteristics of flag Leaf and the remobilization of dry Mass and nitrogen in vegetative organs of wheat. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2014, 13(8): 1680-1690
8. Grain yield and water use efficiency in extremely-late sown winter wheat cultivars under two irrigation regimes in the North China Plain. PLoS ONE, 2016, 11(4): e0153695. doi:10.1371journal.pone.015369
9. Characteristics of canopy structure and contributions of non-leaf organs to yield in winter wheat under different irrigated conditions. Field Crops Research,2011,123(1):187-195
10. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity in ear organs is related to protein concentration in grains of winter wheat. Journal of Cereal Science, 2008,47 (1):386-391
11. Recovery of Residual Fertilizer-Nitrogen by Wheat in a Winter Wheat–Summer Maize Rotation in the North China Plain: A Soil Column Study. Agronomy Journal, 2009,101:925-932
12. The nitrate leached below maize root zone is available for deep-rooted wheat in winter wheat-summer maize rotation in the North China Plain. Environmental Pollution, 2008,152 (2):723-730
13. Roles of carbohydrate supply and ethylene polyamines in maize kernel set. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2011, 53 (5):388-398
14. Characteristics of water consumption in water-saving winter wheat and effects on the utilization of subsequent summer rainfall in the North China Plain. International Journal of Plant Production, 2011,5(2):167-180
15. Photosynthetic characteristics of non-leaf organs of winter wheat cultivars differing in ear type and their relationship with grain weight per ear. Photosynthetica,2001,39(2):239-244
16. Effect of heat stress during grain filling on photosynthetic Characteristics of different green organs in winter wheat. Acta Bot Sin, 2001, (5):571-577
17. Effect of soil drought on C4 photosynthesis enzyme activities of flag leaf and ear in wheat. Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2003,2(4): 413-417
18. Effect of heat stress on activities of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase and Ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate Carboxylase in different green organs of winter wheat during grain filling. Photosynthetica,2004,42(2):317-320
19. Performance of temperate aerobic rice under different water-regimes in North China. Agricultural Water Management 2005,74:107-122
20. Performance of aerobic rice varieties under irrigated conditions in North China. Field Crops Research, 2006,97:53-65
21. Effects of sucrose and ammonium nitrate on phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase activities in wheat ears. Australian Journal of Crop Science. 2012,6(5):822-
22. Effect of source-sink manipulation on accumulation of micronutrients and protein in wheat grains. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 2012,175(4):1-8
23. 華北地區冬小麥-夏玉米種植體系土壤硝態氮的殘留與再利用研究I.夏玉米生育期土壤硝態氮的動態與殘留積累.生態學報2005,25(7):1620-1625
24. 華北地區冬小麥-夏玉米種植體系土壤硝態氮的殘留與再利用研究II.節水栽培冬小麥對下層土壤殘留氮素的利用.生態學報2005,25(8):1869-1873
25. 不同供水條件下冬小麥葉與非葉綠色器官光合日變化特徵.生態學報,2011,31(5):1312-1322
26. 限水灌溉冬小麥冠層氮分布與轉運特徵及其對供氮的回響. 生態學報,2011,31(17):4941-4950
27. 春灌模式對晚播冬小麥水分利用及產量形成的影響.生態學報,2009.29(4):2035-2043
28. 不同水分條件對冬小麥根系時空分布、土壤水利用和產量的影響.生態學報,2010.30(19):5296-5305
29. 不同供水條件下小麥不同綠色器官的氣孔特性研究.作物學報2006,32(1):70-75
30. 冬小麥節水栽培三種灌溉模式的水氮利用與產量形成.作物學報,2009,35(11):2045-2054
31. 不同水分供給對小麥葉與非葉器官葉綠體結構和功能的影響. 作物學報, 2008.34(7):1213-1219
32. 春玉米葉面積係數動態特徵的密度效應.作物學報,2009,35(6):1097
33. 源庫調節對小麥不同品種籽粒微量元素及蛋白質含量的影響.作物學報, 2008.34(9):1629-1636
34. 基於控制授粉技術的玉米籽粒建成與碳_氮供應關係.作物學報,2011,37(8):1415-1422
35. 基於控制授粉技術的玉米籽粒生育特性與建成機制.作物學報,2011,37(9):1605-1615
36. 土壤乾旱對小麥綠色器官光合電子傳遞和
37. 小麥不同綠色器官光合速率與碳同化酶活性及其基因型差異研究.作物學報2007,33(9):1426-1431
38. 野生一粒麥與普通栽培小麥不同綠色器官光合特性與葉綠體結構特徵. 作物學報,2002.28(3):351-354
39. 開花後水分脅迫對小麥不同器官C4光合酶活性的影響.中國農業科學,2003,36(5):508-512
40. 冬小麥節水高產栽培群體光合特徵.中國農業科學,2003. 36(10):1143-1149
41. 15_N標記和土柱模擬的夏玉米氮肥利用特性研究. 中國農業科學,2011,44(12):2446-2453
42. 論作物生產系統產量分析理論模式及其發展.中國農業大學學報, 2009.14(1):1-7
43. 窄行勻播對晚播冬小麥群體環境、個體性狀和物質生產的影響. 生態學報, 2015, 35(16): 1-14
44. 有限供水下冬小麥全程耗水特徵定量研究. 生態學報, 2014, 34(10):2567-2580
45. 灌漿期高溫對小麥旗葉與非葉器官光合和抗氧化酶活性的影響. 作物學報, 2015, 41(1): 136-144
46. 冬小麥節水栽培群體穗葉比及其與產量和水分利用的關係. 生態學報, 2013, 33(12):3657-3667
47. 夏玉米不同施氮水平土壤硝態氮累積及對後茬冬小麥的影響. 中國農業科學, 2013, 46(6): 1182-1190