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4. Frontiers in Synthetic Biology, Associate Editor


1. 美國化學學會(American Chemical Society)會員
2. 美國微生物學會(American Society for Microbiology)會員
3. 美國植物生物學家學會(American Society of Plant Biologist)會員
4. 國際實驗生物學學會(Society of Experimental Biology)會員
5. 全球植物研究理事會(Global Plant Council)會員
6. 湖北省生物化學學會,理事
7. 中國植物生理與植物分子生物學學會,光合作用專業委員會,委員
8. 中國植物生理與植物分子生物學學會,植物生物質與生物能源專業委員會,委員
9. 中共武漢市委統戰部智庫專家
10. 瞭望智庫專家
11. 中美環境增值能源國際會議學術委員會委員


1. Giordano M, Wang Q. Microalgae for Industrial Purposes. In: Vaz Jr S, (ed). Biomass and Green Chemistry: Building a Renewable Pathway. Cham: Springer Nature Publishing, 2018, 133-167
2. Chen H, Wang J, Zheng Y, Zhan J, He C, Wang Q. Algal biofuel production coupled bioremediation of biomass power plant wastes based on Chlorella sp. C2 cultivation. Applied Energy, 2018, 211: 296-305
3. Zhang X, Ma F, Zhu X, Zhu J, Rong J, Zhan J, Chen H, He C, Wang Q. The Acceptor Side of Photosystem II Is the Initial Target of Nitrite Stress in Synechocystis sp. Strain PCC 6803. Appl Environ Microbiol, 2017, 83(3)
4. Zhan J, Rong J, Wang Q. Mixotrophic cultivation, a preferable microalgae cultivation mode for biomass/bioenergy production, and bioremediation, advances and prospect. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(12): 8505-8517
5. Ma F, Zhang X, Zhu X, Li T, Zhan J, Chen H, He C, Wang Q. Dynamic Changes of IsiA-Containing Complexes during Long-Term Iron Deficiency in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Mol Plant, 2017, 10(1): 143-154
6. Hu J, Li T, Xu W, Zhan J, Chen H, He C, Wang Q. Small Antisense RNA RblR Positively Regulates RuBisCo in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Front Microbiol, 2017, 8(231): 231
7. Chen H, Zhou W, Chen W, Xie W, Jiang L, Liang Q, Huang M, Wu Z, Wang Q. Simplified, rapid, and inexpensive estimation of water primary productivity based on chlorophyll fluorescence parameter Fo. J Plant Physiol, 2017, 211: 128-135
8. Chen H, Zheng Y, Zhan J, He C, Wang Q. Comparative metabolic profiling of the lipid-producing green microalga Chlorella reveals that nitrogen and carbon metabolic pathways contribute to lipid metabolism. Biotechnol Biofuels, 2017, 10(1): 153
9. Zhu X, Rong J, Chen H, He C, Hu W, Wang Q. An informatics-based analysis of developments to date and prospects for the application of microalgae in the biological sequestration of industrial flue gas. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2016, 100(5): 2073-2082
10. Zhu J, Chen W, Chen H, Zhang X, He C, Rong J, Wang Q. Improved Productivity of Neutral Lipids in Chlorella sp. A2 by Minimal Nitrogen Supply. Front Microbiol, 2016, 7: 557
11. Zhan J, Zhu X, Zhou W, Chen H, He C, Wang Q. Thf1 interacts with PS I and stabilizes the PS I complex in Synechococcus sp. PCC7942. Mol Microbiol, 2016, 102(4): 738-751
12. Li T, Xu G, Rong J, Chen H, He C, Giordano M, Wang Q. The acclimation of Chlorella to high-level nitrite for potential application in biological NOx removal from industrial flue gases. J Plant Physiol, 2016, 195: 73-79
13. Chen W, Zhang S, Rong J, Li X, Chen H, He C, Wang Q. Effective Biological DeNOx of Industrial Flue Gas by the Mixotrophic Cultivation of an Oil-Producing Green Alga Chlorella sp. C2. Environ Sci Technol, 2016, 50(3): 1620-1627
14. Qiao Y, Rong J, Chen H, He C, Wang Q. Non-Invasive Rapid Harvest Time Determination of Oil-Producing Microalgae Cultivations for Biodiesel Production by Using Chlorophyll Fluorescence. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2015, 3
15. Mo R, Yang M, Chen Z, Cheng Z, Yi X, Li C, He C, Xiong Q, Chen H, Wang Q, Ge F. Acetylome analysis reveals the involvement of lysine acetylation in photosynthesis and carbon metabolism in the model cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. J Proteome Res, 2015, 14(2): 1275-1286
16. Daddy S, Zhan J, Jantaro S, He C, He Q, Wang Q. A novel high light-inducible carotenoid-binding protein complex in the thylakoid membranes of Synechocystis PCC 6803. Sci Rep, 2015, 5: 9480
17. Chen Z, Zhan J, Chen Y, Yang M, He C, Ge F, Wang Q. Effects of Phosphorylation of beta Subunits of Phycocyanins on State Transition in the Model Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Plant Cell Physiol, 2015, 56(10): 1997-2013
18. Chen H, Qiu T, Rong J F, He C L, Wang Q. Microalgal biofuel revisited: An informatics-based analysis of developments to date and future prospects. Applied Energy, 2015, 155: 585-598
19. Chen H, Hu J, Qiao Y, Chen W, Rong J, Zhang Y, He C, Wang Q. Ca(2+)-regulated cyclic electron flow supplies ATP for nitrogen starvation-induced lipid biosynthesis in green alga. Sci Rep, 2015, 5: 15117
20. Zhang X, Rong J, Chen H, He C, Wang Q. Current Status and Outlook in the Application of Microalgae in Biodiesel Production and Environmental Protection. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2014, 2
21. Zhang X, Chen H, Chen W, Qiao Y, He C, Wang Q. Evaluation of an oil-producing green alga Chlorella sp. C2 for biological DeNOx of industrial flue gases. Environ Sci Technol, 2014, 48(17): 10497-10504
22. Xu W, Chen H, He C L, Wang Q. Deep sequencing-based identification of small regulatory RNAs in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. PLoS One, 2014, 9(3): e92711
23. Chen H, Zhang Y, He C, Wang Q. Ca2+ signal transduction related to neutral lipid synthesis in an oil-producing green alga Chlorella sp. C2. Plant Cell Physiol, 2014, 55(3): 634-644
24. Chen G, Qu S, Wang Q, Bian F, Peng Z, Zhang Y, Ge H, Yu J, Xuan N, Bi Y, He Q. Transgenic expression of delta-6 and delta-15 fatty acid desaturases enhances omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid accumulation in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. Biotechnol Biofuels, 2014, 7(1): 32
25. 張芯, 張雲明, 何晨柳, 王強. 微藻生物能源的產業化進程及其在CO_2減排中的套用進展. 生物產業技術, 2013(5): 45-51
26. Zhang Y M, Chen H, He C L, Wang Q. Nitrogen starvation induced oxidative stress in an oil-producing green alga Chlorella sorokiniana C3. PLoS One, 2013, 8(7): e69225
27. Wang Q. Three Step Dissociation and Covalent Stabilization of Phycobilisome. Photosynthesis Research for Food, Fuel and the Future: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, 156-166


