



  • 中文名:王小芬
  • 畢業院校:中國農業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:農學與生物技術
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學


2015.9-2016.3 英國諾丁漢大學都市農業中心,高訪
2011.9 中國農業大學,農學與生物技術學院,博導
2010.2-2010.9 美國耶魯大學, 博士後
2009.9-2010.2 美國威斯康星大學,博士後
2008.12至今 中國農業大學農學與生物技術學院,生物質工程中心 副教授
2006.9-2008.12 中國農業大學農學與生物技術學院,生物質工程中心工作 講師
2003.11-2005.5 日本東京大學套用工學部套用微生物研究室 合作研究
2000.9-2006.7 中國農業大學 農學與生物技術學院 碩博連讀
1996.9-2000.7 山西農業大學 農學院 本科









1.Yafan C, Jungang W, Yubin Z, Zehui Z, Boting W, ZongJun C,Xiaofen W*. A new perspective of using sequential extraction: To predict thedeficiency of trace elements during anaerobic digestion[J]. Water research, 2018, 140, 335-43. (IF=6.3)
2.Yafan C, Zehui Z, Yubin Z, Zhang Y, Guo S, Cui Z,Wang X*. Effects of molybdenum, selenium and manganese supplementation on theperformance of anaerobic digestion and the characteristics of bacterialcommunity in acidogenic stage[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 266, 166-75. (IF=5.8)
3. Yafan C, Xiaolign Z,Yubin Zhao,Hongling W,Xufeng Y,Wanbin Z,Zongjun C,Xiaofen W*.Optimization of Fe2supplement in anaerobic digestion accounting for theFe-bioavailability [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2018,250, 163-70. (IF=5.8)
4. Yubin Z, Fanrong S, Jiadong Y, Yafan C, Xiaosha L, Zongjun C, Yuegao H,Xiaofen W*. Co-digestion of oat straw and cow manure during anaerobic digestion: Stimulative and inhibitory effects on fermentation [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2018,269, 143-52. (IF=5.8)
5. Yafan C, Binbin H, Lijuan G, Yuegao H, Xufeng Y, Zongjun C, Wanbin Z,Xiaofen W*.Effects of adding trace elements on rice straw anaerobic mono-digestion: Focus on changes in microbial communities using high-throughput sequencing [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2017,239, 454-63. (IF:5.74)
6. XiaolingZ, Kai L, Yue Z, Zehui Z, Yafan C, Boting W, Zongjun C ,Xiaofen W*.Improving the methane yield of maize straw: Focus on the effects of pretreatment with fungi and their secreted enzymes combined with sodium hydroxide[J].Bioresource Technology, 2017, 239, 204-13.(IF:5.74)
7. Xiaoling Z, Jinhuan L, Jingjing L, Fuyu Y, Wanbin Z, Xufeng Y, Yuegao H, Zongjun C,Xiaofen W*.Effect of ensiling and silage additives on biogas production and microbial community dynamics during anaerobic digestion of switchgrass [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 239, 349-59. (IF:5.74)
8.蔡亞凡,王小芬*,崔宗均.厭氧發酵系統中的微量元素及其生物利用度[J].中國農業大學學報, 2017, 22(9)
9. Yubin Z, Jiadong Y, Jingjing L, Hongyan Y, Lijuan G, Xufeng Y, Zongjun C,Xiaofen W*. Material and microbial changes during corn stalk silage and their effects on methane fermentation [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 222, 89-99. (IF:5.74)
10. Binbin H, Jiali D, Bin L, Huan Z, Xufeng Y,Xiaofen W*, Zongjun C. Pretreatment of non-sterile, rotted silage maize straw by the microbial community MC1 increases biogas production[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 216, 699-705. (IF:5.74)
11. Zehui Z, Jinhuan L, Xufeng Y,Xiaofen W*, Wanbin Z, Fuyu Y , Zongjun C. Effect of dairy manure to switchgrass co-digestion ratio on methane production and the bacterial community in batch anaerobic digestion. Applied Energy, 2015, 151, 249-57. (IF:6.332)
12. Botinng W, Xufeng Y, Qingx L, Jingjing L, Jiwei R,Xiaofen W*, Zongjun C. Comparison and evaluation of concurrent saccharification and anaerobic digestion of Napier grass after pretreatment by three microbial consortia. Bioresource Technology, 2015,175, 102-11. (IF:5.74)
13. Jiadong Y, Yubin Z, Huan Z, Binbin H, Xufeng Y, Wanbin Z,Xiaofeng W*, Zongjun C. Hydrolysis and acidification of agricultural waste in a non-airtight system: Effect of solid content, temperature, and mixing mode[J]. Waste Management, 2017,59, 487-97. (IF:4.3)
14. Jungang W, Jiajia L, Jinhuan L, Binbin H,Xiaofen W*, Yucai L, Yanzhuan C, Zongjun C .Influence of Cell Disruption and Elution on Cellulase Release of Clostridium straminisolvens(CSK1). Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2014, 173, 510-21. (IF:1.735)
15.Hui W,Jiajia L,Yucai L,Peng G,Xiaofen W, Zongjun W. Bioconversion of un-pretreated lignocellulosic materials by a microbial consortium XDC-2.Bioresource Technology, 2013, 136, 481-7. (IF:5.039)
16. Xufeng Y, Boting W, Xuguang M, Wanbin Z,Xiaofen W*, Shaojiang C, Zongjun C. Enhancing the anaerobic digestion of lignocellulose of municipal solid waste using a microbial pretreatment method. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 154, 1-9. (IF:4.48)
17. Binbin H, Yucai L, Jungang W, Boting W, Yanzhuan C,Xiaofen W*, Zongjun C. Dynamic Changes in the Composite Microbial System MC1 During and Following its Rapid Degradation of Lignocellulose. Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2014, 172, 951-62. (IF:1.735)
18.HongYan Z, Jie L,JiaJia L, XuFeng Y,Piao RZ, WanBin Z, HuLinL, XiaoFen W, ZongJun C. Organic loading rate shock impact on operation and microbial communities in different anaerobic fixed-bed reactors. Bioresource technology, 2013, 140, 211-19. (IF: 5.039)
19.Boting W, Xufeng Y, Yanzhuan C, Yan L,Xiaofen W*, Zongjun C. Optimization of liquid fermentation of microbial consortium WSD-5 followed by saccharification and acidification of wheat straw. Bioresource Technology, 2012, 118, 141-9(IF4.98)
20. Dongdong Z, Wanbin Z, Can T, Yali S, Lijuan G, Xufeng Y,Xiaofen W*, Zongjun C, Bioreactor performance and methanogenic population dynamics in a low-temperature (5-18°C) anaerobic fixed-bed reactor, Bioresource Technology, 2011, 104, 136-43. (IF4.453)
21. Xiaofen W, Shin Haruta, Pu W, Masaharu Ishii, Yasuo Igarashi, Zongjun C* . Screen a steady Lactic acid bacteria community Al2 as alfalfa silage inoculant and its composition diversity. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2006, 57, 106-15(IF3.598)




