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  • 中文名:王寧
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:四川省德陽市中江縣
  • 出生日期:1990年
  • 畢業院校電子科技大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:物理學
  • 任職院校:西華大學



2022年7月 — 至今,西華大學,講師、碩士生導師。
2023年3月 — 至今,華東師範大學,博士後。
2016年9月 — 2017年6月,四川師範大學,輔導員。


2018年9月 — 2022年6月,電子科技大學,物理學,博士學位。
2015年9月 — 2018年6月,四川師範大學,凝聚態物理,碩士學位。
2010年9月 — 2014年6月,四川師範大學,物理學 學士學位。


擔任ACS Appl. Energy Mater.、Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.等期刊審稿人。




1. 國家自然科學基金面上基金(No. 11774044):鈷基鈣鈦礦氧化物異質結的界面結構、電子結構和磁有序。
2. 國家自然科學基金聯合基金(No. U1930120):高熵合金結構與儲氫性能的中子衍射和理論研究。
3. 中廣核橫向項目:矽化鈾燃料基本性能的理論研究。


近五年在NPJ Comput. Mater.、Phys. Rev. Lett.、Phys. Rev. Appl.、Nat. Commun.、J. Alloy. Compd.等期刊發表約30篇學術論文,H因子10,引用400餘次。
1. Ning Wang, Menglu Li, Haiyan Xiao, Zhibin Gao, Zijiang Liu, Xiaotao Zu, Sean Li and Liang Qiao. Band degeneracy enhanced thermoelectric performance in layered oxyselenides by first-principle calculations. NPJ Comput. Mater. 7, 18 (2021)
2. Ning Wang, Menglu Li, Haiyan Xiao, Xiaotao Zu and Liang Qiao. Layered LaCuOSe: A promising anisotropic thermoelectric material. Phys. Rev. Appl. 13, 024038 (2020)
3. Ning Wang, Menglu Li, Haiyan Xiao, Hengfeng Gong, Zijiang Liu, Xiaotao Zu and Liang Qiao. Optimizing the thermoelectric transport properties of Bi2O2Se monolayer via biaxial strain. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 15097 (2019)
4. Ning Wang, Chen Shen, Zhehao Sun, Haiyan Xiao, Hongbin Zhang, Zongyou Yin, and Liang Qiao. Ultra-low thermal conductivity and high thermoelectric performance of monolayer Bi2TeSe2. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 5, 2564 (2022)
5. Ning Wang, Hengfeng Gong, Zhehao Sun, Chen Shen, Bingke Li, Haiyan Xiao, Xiaotao Zu, Dawei Tang, Zongyou Yin, Xiaoqiang Wu, Hongbin Zhang, and Liang Qiao. Boosting thermoelectric performance of two- dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides by complex cluster substitution: The role of octahedral Au6 clusters. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 4,12163 (2021)
6. Ning Wang, Chen Shen, Zhehao Sun, Bingke Li, Haiyan Xiao, Xiaotao Zu, Hongbin Zhang, Zongyou Yin, and Liang Qiao. Electronic and mechanical properties of layered LaCuOX (X=S, Se and Te): first- principle calculations. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 5, 6943 (2022)
7. 共一Shan Feng, Ning Wang, Menglu Li, Haiyan Xiao, Zijiang Liu, Xiaotao Zu, Liang Qiao. The thermal and electrical transport properties of layered LaCuOSe under high pressure. J. Alloy. Compd. 157984 (2020)
8. Ning Wang and Lihua Xie. Theoretical explanation of spin- Hamiltonian parameters and local structure for the orthorhombic MnO4 clusters in K2CrO4:Mn crystal. Mol. Phys. 115, 24 (2017)
9. Ning Wang, Lihua Xie and Chao Tu. Theoretical explanation of spin-Hamiltonian parameters and local structure for the orthorhombic MnO4 clusters in K2SO4:Mn crystal. Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 13, 22 (2017)
10. 王寧和謝林華.晶體C3H7NO2:VO的自旋哈密頓參數及局域結構.光子學報. 101,46 (2017)
11. Ning Wang, Menglu Li and Haiyan Xiao. The Thermoelectric Performance of Layered LaOCuSe from First-principles Calculations, International Workshop on Laser and Ion Beams Interactions with Materials (LIBIM). 95-101 (2019)
12. Hangbo Qi, Zhehao Sun, Ning Wang*, Guangzhao Qin, Hongbin Zhang, Chen Shen. Two-dimensional Al2I2Se2: A promising anisotropic thermoelectric material. J. Alloy. Compd. 160191,876 (2021)
13. Bingke Li, Yongsheng Yang, Zhehao Sun, Hangbo Qi, Zhihui Xiong, Keliang Wu, Huanxin Li, Kenan Sun, Xiuchan Xiao, Chen Shen and Ning Wang*. First-principles investigation on the significant anisotropic thermoelectric transport performance of Hf2Cl4 monolayer. J. Phys. Chem. C 126, 1 (2021)
14. Zheng Chang, Ke Liu, Zhehao Sun, Kunpeng Yuan, Shuwen Cheng, Yufei Gao, Xiaoliang Zhang, Chen Shen, Hongbin Zhang, Ning Wang* and Dawei Tang. First-principles investigation on the significant anisotropy and ultrahigh thermoelectric efficiency of a novel two-dimensional Ga2I2S2 at room temperature. Int. J. Extreme Manuf. 4,025001 (2021)
15. Qiang Fan, Jianhui Yang, Hangbo Qi, Linfeng Yu, Guangzhao Qin, Zhehao Sun, Chen Shen and Ning Wang*. Anisotropic thermal and electrical transport properties induced high thermoelectric performance in Ir2Cl2O2 Monolayer. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24, 11268 (2022)
16. Bingke Li, Yongsheng Yang, Hangbo Qi, Zhehao Sun, Fan Yang, Kexin Huang, Zhaoyang Chen, Bing He, Xiuchan Xiao, Chen Shen and Ning Wang*. Monolayer Sc2I2S2: An excellent n-type thermoelectric material with significant anisotropy. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 5, 7230 (2022)
17. Hangbo Qi, Zhehao Sun, Chen Shen, Zheng Chang, Zishen Wang, Xiaoping Wang, Meng Zhang and Ning Wang*. High thermoelectric performance of monolayer Al2X2Se2 (X=Cl, Br, I) with strong anisotropy in lattice thermal conductivity. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 5, 7371 (2022)
18. Shuwen Cheng, Yichuan He, Zheng Chang, Zhehao Sun, Xiaoliang Zhang, Dawei Tang, Gang Kevin Li, Ning Wang*, Chen Shen and Bo Jiang. Structural, elastic, phononic, optical and electronic properties investigation of two-dimensional XIS (X=Al, Ga, In) for photocatalytic water splitting. Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. 47, 41640 (2022)
19. Bingke Li, Chenghua Zhang, Zhehao Sun, Tao Han, Xiang Zhang, Jia Du, Jiexue Wang, Xiuchan Xiao and Ning Wang*. The potential thermoelectric material Tl3XSe4 (X = V, Ta, Nb): a first-principles study. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24, 24447 (2022)
20. Menglu Li, Ning Wang, Ming Jiang, Haiyan Xiao, Haibin Zhang, Zijiang Liu, Xiaotao Zu and Liang Qiao. Improved thermoelectric performance of bilayer Bi2O2Se by the band convergence approach. J. Mater. Chem. C 7, 11029 (2019)
21. Bing Lv, Xiaona Hu, Ning Wang, Jia Song, Xuefei Liu and Zhibin Gao. Thermal transport property of novel two-dimensional nitride phosphorus: An ab initio study. Appl. Surf. Sci. 559, 149463 (2021)
22. Sa Zhang, Jianfeng Wang, Shizheng Wen, Ming Jiang, Haiyan Xiao, Xiang Ding, Ning Wang, Menglu Li, Xiaotao Zu, Sean Li, ChiYung Yam, Bing Huang and Liang Qiao. Approaching charge separation efficiency to unity without charge recombination. Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 176401 (2021)
23. Menglu Li, Ning Wang, Sa Zhang, Jutao Hu, Haiyan Xiao, Hengfeng Gong, Zijiang Liu, Liang Qiao, Xiaotao Zu. A review of the properties, synthesis and applications of lanthanum copper oxychalcogenides. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55, 273002 (2022)
24. Huixiang Sheng, Jin Wang, Juhui Huang, Zhuoyao Li, Guozhang Ren, Linrong Zhang, Liuyingzi Yu, Mengshuai Zhao, Xuehui Li, Gongqiang Li, Ning Wang, Chen Shen, Gang Lu. Strong synergy between gold nanoparticles and cobalt porphyrin induces highly efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution. Nat. Commun. 14, 1528 (2023)
25. Qiang Fan, Jianhui Yang, Ning Wang. Theoretical Prediction of the Monolayer Hf2Br4 as Promising Thermoelectric Material. Materials. 15, 4120 (2022)
26. Peng Gao, Xihao Chen, Jiwen Li, Ning Wang, Hua Tang, Xiang Meng, Zonghang Liu, Donglin Guo, Yuebin Tan, Guangyu Zhu, Fuqiang Zhai. Lower thermal conductivity of body centered cubic carbon (C14): a comparative study with diamond. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24, 23817-23824 (2022)
27. Qiang Fan, Jianhui Yang, Yiding Liu, Weibin Zhang, HaiJun Hou, Ning Wang. Understanding intrinsic phonon thermal transport in two-dimensional γ-GeX (X= S, Se, Te) from first principles. Results Phys. 49, 106528 (2023)
28. Xiaoyan Liu, Jinghao Yu, Pengfei Ye, Liang Gu, Haiming Qin, Ning Wang, Hang Li, Yu Wang, Miaocheng Zhang, Nan He, Xiang Wan, Xiaojuan Lian, Er‐Tao Hu, Yi Tong, Lei Wang. Experimental and First‐Principles Study of Visible Light Responsive Memristor Based on CuAlAgCr/TiO2/W Structure for Artificial Synapses with Visual Perception. Adv. Electron. Mater. 9, 2201320 (2023)
29. Xihao Chen, Wenjie Hou, Fuqiang Zhai, Jiang Cheng, Shuang Yuan, Yihan Li, Ning Wang, Liang Zhang, Jie Ren. Reversible Hydrogen Storage Media by g-CN Monolayer Decorated with NLi4: A First-Principles Study. Nanomaterials. 13, 647 (2023)
30. Peng Gao, Xihao Chen, Ning Wang, Jiwen Li, Hua Tang, Zonghang Liu, Fuqiang Zhai. Heat transport properties of novel carbon monolayer (net-Y): a comparative study with graphene. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 4915-4922 (2023)


2021年9月 四川省優秀畢業生 & 電子科技大學優秀畢業生
2021年9月 研究生國家獎學金


