- 中文名:王如志
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 畢業院校:湘潭大學檢測技術與儀器儀表專業
- 性別:男
- 最高學位:博士
教授、博士生導師,1997年本科畢業於湘潭大學物理系,2000年獲湘潭大學凝聚態物理碩士學位,2003年獲北京工業大學材料學博士學位,2005年從復旦大學物理學博士後流動站出站。2008年入選北京市科技新星計畫,2012年入選北京市青年拔尖人才計畫,2013年入選北京工業大學京華人才支持計畫。曾在香港,義大利、日本及美國等國家地區進行合作訪問交流。2007年應邀成為國際學術期刊the Open Condensed Matter Physics Journal編委。在半導體低維納米材料的設計與預測、新能源材料設計與套用、新型納米場發射材料製備與器件套用等研究領域上取得了一系列具有良好科學意義與套用價值的科研成果。已在國際學術刊物上發表SCI收錄論文80多篇,其中,以第一或通訊作者發表的SCI影響因子超過3.5的國際知名學術期刊的科研論文20餘篇。第一發明人國家授權發明專利10項。主持了包括4項國家自然科學基金、北京市科技新星計畫及北京市自然科學基金等科研項目10餘項,作為骨幹參與國家重大專項、國家自然科學基金重點基金等科研項目多項。
1) Two dimensional Dirac carbon allotropes from graphene,Nanoscale6 (2), 1113 (2014)
2)Si Doping at GaN Inversion Domain Boundaries: an Interfacial Polar Field for Electrons and Holes Separation.J. Mater Chem. A, 2, 9744(2014)
3)Crystallization Effects of NanocrystallineGaN Films on Field Emission.J. Phys. Chem. C117, 1518-1523 (2013)
4)From powder to nanowire: a simple and environmentally friendly strategy for optical and electrical GaN nanowire films.Crystengcomm15, 1626-1634 (2013)
5)Wurtzite-type CuInSe2 for high-performance solar cell absorber: ab initio exploration of the new phase structure.J. Mater. Chem.22, 21662-21666 (2012)
6)Giant magnetoresistance effect in graphene with asymmetrical magnetic superlattices.Appl. Phys. Lett.101, 152404 (2012).
7)Order Structures of AlxGa1-xN Alloys: First-Principles Predictions.J. Phys. Chem. C116, 1282-1285 (2012)
8)Enhanced Field Emission from GaN and AlN Mixed-Phase Nanostructured FilmJ. Phys. Chem. C116 (2), 1780-1783 ( 2012)
9)Electron field emission enhanced by geometric and quantum effects from nanostructured AlGaN/GaN quantum wells.Appl. Phys. Lett.98, 152110 (2011)
10)Strain-induced negative differential resistance in armchair-edge graphenenanoribbons.Appl. Phys. Lett.98, 082108 (2011)
11)Field Emission Enhancement in Semiconductor Nanofilms by Engineering the Layer Thickness: First-Principles Calculations.J. Phys. Chem. C114, 11584-11587 (2010)
12)Ultra-Low-Threshold Field Emission from Oriented Nanostructured GaN Films on Si Substrate.Appl. Phys. Lett.96(9), 092101(2010)
13)Field emission enhancement by the quantum structure in an ultrathin multilayer planar cold cathode.Appl. Phys. Lett.92(14), 142102 (3) (2008)
14)Spin transport in an asymmetrical magnetic superlattice.Phys. Rev. B74(2), 024417 (5) (2006)
15)Strain-induced Raman-mode shift in single-wall carbon nanotubes: Calculation of force constants from molecular-dynamics simulations.Phys. Rev. B77(19), 195440 (5) (2008)
16)Anomalous pressure behavior of tangential modes in single-wall carbon nanotubes.Phys. Rev. B76(3), 033402 (4) (2007)
17)Pressure-induced Raman-active radial breathing mode transition in single-wall carbon nanotubes.Phys. Rev. B2007, 75(4), 045425 (5) (2007)
18)Structural enhancement mechanism of field emission from multilayer semiconductor films.Phys. Rev. B, 72(12), 125310 (6) ( 2005)
19)Multipeak characteristics of field emission energy distribution from semiconductors.Phys. Rev. B, 70(19),195305 (6) (2004)
20)Band Bending Mechanism for Field Emission in Wide Band Gap Semiconductors.Appl. Phys. Lett.,81(15), 2782~2784 (2002)