- 中文名:王天嘯
- 國籍:中國
- 畢業院校:山東大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 性別:男
- 職稱:副研究員
- 研究方向:隨機分析,隨機最優控制理論
2003.9-2007.7 太原理工大學 學士
2007.9-2013.7 山東大學 博士
2013.9-2015.12 四川大學 博士後
2016.1—四川大學 特聘副研究員
Tianxiao Wang, Yufeng Shi, Symmetrical solutions of backward stochastic Volterra integral equations and their applications, Discrete and Continuous dynamic systems, Series B, 14, 2010, 251-274.
Yufeng Shi, Tianxiao Wang, Jiongmin Yong, Mean-field backward stochastic Volterra integral equations, Discrete and Continuous dynamic systems, Series B,18,2013, 1929-1967.
Tianxiao Wang, Jiongmin Yong, Comparison theorems for some backward stochastic Volterra integral equations, Stochastic processes and their applications, 125, 2015, 1756-1798.
Jianhui Huang, Xun Li, Tianxiao Wang, Mean-field linear-quadratic-Gausssian (LQG) games for stochastic integral systems, IEEE Transactions on automatic control, 61, 26700-2675.
Jiaqin Wei, Tianxiao Wang, Time-consistent mean-variance asset-liability management with random coefficients, Insurance: mathematics and economics, 77, 2017, 84-96.
Jianhui Huang, Xun Li, Tianxiao Wang, Characterizations of closed-loop equilibrium solutions for dynamic mean-variance optimization problems, System control letter, 110, 2017, 15-20.
Tianxiao Wang, Haisen Zhang, Optimal control problems of forward-backward stochastic Volterra integral equations with closed control regions, SIAM Journal of control and optimization, 55, 2017,2574-2602.
Tianxiao Wang, Linear quadratic control problems of stochastic Volterra integral equations, ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, to appear
11401404 倒向隨機Volterra積分方程及其套用 國家自然科學基金青年項目 主持
2014M562321 時間不一致的隨機線性二次控制問題及其套用 中國博士後科學基金 主持
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