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  • 中文名:王國梁
  • 畢業院校:南京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:恢復生態學和水土保持
  • 任職院校:西北農林科技大學






[1] Jing Hang, Zhang Peng, Li Jingjing, Yao Xu, Liu Guobin, Wang Guoliang. Effect of nitrogen addition on the decomposition and release of compounds from fine roots with different diameters: the importance of initial substrate chemistry, Plant and Soil, 2019 online通訊作者
[2] Liu Ying, Wang Guoliang, Yu Kunxia, Li Peng, Xiao Lie, Liu Guobin. A new method to optimize root order classification based on the diameter interval of fine root. Scientific reports.2018, 8:2960 通訊作者
[3] Wang Guoliang, Liu Fang, Xue Sha. Nitrogen addition enhanced water uptake by affecting fine root morphology and coarse root anatomy of Chinese pine seedlings. Plant and Soil. 2017, 418:177 – 189.
[4] Wang Guoliang, Xue Sha, Liu Fang, Liu Guobin. Nitrogen addition increases the production and turnover of the lower-order roots but not of the higher-order roots of Bothriochloa ischaemum. Plant and Soil. 2017, 415: 423–434
[5] Jing Hang , Zhou HaoXiang, Wang Guoliang , Xue Sha , Liu GuoBin , Duan MengCheng. Nitrogen addition changes the stoichiometry and growth rate of different organs in Pinus tabuliformis seedlings. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2017,8:1922. 通訊作者
[6] Lv Fenglian, Xue Sha, Wang Guoliang, Zhang Chao. Nitrogen addition shifts the microbial community in the rhizosphere of Pinus tabuliformis in Northwestern China. PLoS ONE. 2017, 12(2): e0172382. 通訊作者
[7] Liu Ying, Li Peng, Wang Guoliang, Liu Guobin, Li Zhanbin. Above- and below-ground biomass distribution and morphological characteristics respond to nitrogen addition in Pinus tabuliformis. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science. 2016, 46:25通訊歸姜承作者
[8] Wang Guoliang, Liu Fang. Carbon allocation of Chinese pine seedlings along a nitrogen addition gradient. Forest Ecology and Management. 2014, 334: 114-121
[9] Wang Guoliang, Timothy J. Fahey, Xue Sha, Liu Fang. Root morphology and architecture respond to N addition in Pinus tabuliformis, west China. Oecologia. 2013, 171: 583–590
[10] Wang Guoliang, Liu Fang. The influence of gap creation on the regeneration of Pinus tabuliformis planted forest and its role in the near-natural cultivation strategy for planted forest management. Forest Ecology and Management.2011, 262:413-423
[11] Wang Guoliang, Liu Guobin, Xu Mingxiang. Above- and belowground dynamics of plant community succession following abandonment of farmland on the Loess Plateau, China. Plant and Soil. 2009, 316: 227–239


1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:黃土高原土壤有效N對油松細根生產與周轉的影響,2009-2012;
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:土壤有效N 影響油松細根分解的過程和機制,2014-2017;
3. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:土壤有效N影響油松非結構性碳水化合物分配的機制,2017-2020;
4. “十一五”科技支撐專題:不同地區天然植被封育及人工促進恢復技術,2011-2015;
5. “十二五”科技支撐課題:陝北水蝕區生態恢復與植被功能最佳化技術與示範,2015-2018;
6. “十三五”重點研發計畫專題:水土保持林結構調整與功能提升技術,2017-2020.
[6] Lv Fenglian, Xue Sha, Wang Guoliang, Zhang Chao. Nitrogen addition shifts the microbial community in the rhizosphere of Pinus tabuliformis in Northwestern China. PLoS ONE. 2017, 12(2): e0172382. 通訊作者
[7] Liu Ying, Li Peng, Wang Guoliang, Liu Guobin, Li Zhanbin. Above- and below-ground biomass distribution and morphological characteristics respond to nitrogen addition in Pinus tabuliformis. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science. 2016, 46:25通訊作者
[8] Wang Guoliang, Liu Fang. Carbon allocation of Chinese pine seedlings along a nitrogen addition gradient. Forest Ecology and Management. 2014, 334: 114-121
[9] Wang Guoliang, Timothy J. Fahey, Xue Sha, Liu Fang. Root morphology and architecture respond to N addition in Pinus tabuliformis, west China. Oecologia. 2013, 171: 583–590
[10] Wang Guoliang, Liu Fang. The influence of gap creation on the regeneration of Pinus tabuliformis planted forest and its role in the near-natural cultivation strategy for planted forest management. Forest Ecology and Management.2011, 262:413-423
[11] Wang Guoliang, Liu Guobin, Xu Mingxiang. Above- and belowground dynamics of plant community succession following abandonment of farmland on the Loess Plateau, China. Plant and Soil. 2009, 316: 227–239


1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:黃土高原土壤有效N對油松細根生產與周轉的影響,2009-2012;
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:土壤有效N 影響油松細根分解的過程和機制,2014-2017;
3. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:土壤有效N影響油松非結構性碳水化合物分配的機制,2017-2020;
4. “十一五”科技支撐專題:不同地區天然植被封育及人工促進恢復技術,2011-2015;
5. “十二五”科技支撐課題:陝北水蝕區生態恢復與植被功能最佳化技術與示範,2015-2018;
6. “十三五”重點研發計畫專題:水土保持林結構調整與功能提升技術,2017-2020.


