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2) B. L. Golden and Q. Wang,"An Alternate Measure of Consistency",The Analytic Hierarchy Process: Applications and Studies (B. Golden,E. Wasil,and P. Harker,eds.),Springer -Verlag,68-81,1989.
3) S. Kotz and Q. Wang,"Interrelation among Various Definitions of Positive Dependence",Topics in Statistical Dependence (H. Block,A. Sampson,and T. Savits,eds.),IMS Lecture Notes/Monograph Series,1990.
4) N. Johnson,S. Kotz,and Q. Wang,"Randomized-Sequential Group Testing Procedures",Sequential Analysis,9 ⑵,1990.
5) J. Suryanarayanan,B. L. Golden,and Q. Wang,"A New Heuristic for the Linear Placement Problem",Computers & Operations Research,18 ⑶,255-262,1991.
6) L. DeSilets,B. L. Golden,Q. Wang,and R. Kumar,"Predicting Salinity in the Chesapeake Bay Using Backpropagation",Computers & Operations Research,1992.
7) Q. Wang,B. L. Golden,E. A. Wasil,and G,DiNardo,"Modeling Salinity Dynamics in the Chesapeake Bay",American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences,Volume 12 (2 & 3),227-245,1992.
8) L. DeSilets,B. L. Golden,R. Kumar,and Q. Wang,"A Neural Network Model for Cell Suppression of Tabular Data",Proceeding,Volume Ⅲ,203-214,International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,INNS and IEEE,Baltimore,Maryland,June,1992.
9) L. DeSilets,B. L. Golden,Q. Wang,S. Luco,and A. Peck,"A Neural Network Model for the Wire Bonding Process",Proceeding,Volume I,140-153,International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,INNS,IEEE NNC,and CNNC,Beijing,China,November,1992.
10) Q. Wang,X. Sun,B. L. Golden,E. A. Wasil,S. Luco,and A. Peck,"Validating a Neural Network Model for Predicting Wire Bond Quality",Proceeding,Volume Ⅲ,44-49,International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,INNS,IEEE NNC,and CNNC,Beijing,China,November,1992.
11) Q. Wang,X. Sun,B. L. Golden,L. DeSilets,E. A. Wasil,S. Luco,and A. Peck,"A Neural Network Model for the Wire Bonding Process",Computer & Operations Research,Vol. 20,No. 8,879-888,1993.
12) Q. Wang,X. Sun,and B. L. Golden,"Neural Networks as Optimizers: A Success Story",Intelligent Engineering Systems through Artificial Neural Networks,Vol. 3 (C. Dagli,L. Burke,B.Fernandez,and J.Ghosh,eds.),ASME Press,649-656,1993.
17) Q. Wang,J. Lv and B. Wang,“Two-Boundary Back-Propagation Algorithm for the Prediction of Stock Return on Shenzhen Market”,Proceedings of International Conference on Neural Information Processing,(ICONIP’95),Publishing House of Electronics Industry,China,Vol. 1,473--476,1995.
18) Q. Wang,X. Sun,B. Golden,“Using Artificial Neural Network to Solve the Touring Route Problem”,Conference Proceedings,IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks and Signal Processing,The People’s Posts and Telecomunications Publishing House,ISBN 7-115-05952-7/TN.1010,1995.
19) Q. Wang,X. Sun,B.L. Golden and J. Jia,“Using Artificial Neural Networks to Solve the Orienteering Problem”,Annals of Operations Research,61,111-120,1995.
20) Q.Wang,B.Golden,E. Wasil,and S. Bashyam,“An Operational Analysis of Shell Planting Strategies for Improving the Survival of Oyster Larvae in the Chesapeake Bay”,INFOR vol. 34,no. 3,Aug. 1996.
21) Q. Wang,X. Sun,and B.L. Golden,“Using Artificial Neural Networks to Solve Generalized Orienteering Problems”,Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks: Volume 6 (C. Dagli,M. Akay,C. Chen,B. Fernandez,and J. Ghosh,eds.),ASME Press,1063-1068,1996.
34) Timothy Swanson,Wang Qiwen,Andreas Kontoleon,Qiao Xuejun,and Yang Tao,"The Economics of Panda Reserve Management",A Publication of the China Council,Aileen International Press,USA,2001.2.
39) Wang Qiwen,Chen L.H.,“Using Confidence Expected Monetary Value for Decision Making With Risk”,Preceding of 2002WDSI Conference (Thirty-Second Annual Meeting of Western Decision Sciences Institute),Las Vegas,2002.4.