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  • 中文名:王兵
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:貴州安順
  • 出生日期:1982年7月3日
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院大學
  • 學位/學歷:理學博士
  • 職業:貴州大學教授,碩士研究生導師
  • 專業方向:地球化學
  • 主要成就:貴州省千層次創新型人才,主持國家和省部級科研項目20餘項,發表論文60餘篇。


2012年10月-2013年11月,美國康奈爾大學(Cornell University)農業與生命科學學院,訪問學者(合作者:Johannes Lehmann教授)
2016年6月-2017年6月,美國佛羅里達大學(University of Florida)農業與生物轎危工程系,訪問墊局察提學鍵捆紙者(合作者:Bin Gao教授)
2019年12月-至 今,貴州大學,資源與環境工程學院,貴州大學一流學科特聘教授(B類),碩士研究生導師





1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(41977297):功能化生物炭-海藻酸鈣複合材料對污染土壤中重金屬鈍化作用機制研 究。起止年月:2020.01-2023.12,在研,項目負責人
2. 國家重點研發計畫項目(2016YFC0502600):喀斯特高原石漠化綜合治理生態產業技術與示範項目專題:“坡地保水、保肥漏失阻控的土壤改良技術體系研發示範”,2016.07-2020.12,在研,主持
3. 貴州省高層次留學人才創新創業擇優資助項目,留學人才擇優資助契約(2018)08號,坡地保水、保肥漏慨項設失阻控的土壤改良技術體系研發示範,2019.01-2020.12,在研,項目負責人
4. 貴州大學自然科學專項(特崗)科研基金項目(B類), 貴大特崗合字(2020)01號,功能化生物炭對土壤中重金屬元素的鈍化機理研究,2020.01-2022.12,在研,項目負責人
5. 中國科學院地球化學研究所環境地球化學國家重點實驗室開放課題(2019704):功能化生物炭對重金屬元素鉻的吸附機理研究,2019.01-2019.12,已結題,主持
6. 中國科學院地球化學研究所環境地球化學國家重點實驗室開放課題:海藻酸鈉-生物炭納葛挨宙米複合材料對重金屬離子的吸附機理研究,2018.01-2018.12,已結題,主持
7. 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目(41203057):貴州特色茶葉與產地環境的元素-鍶同位素溯源研究。起止年月:2013.01 -2015.12,項目負責人
8. 貴州省農業科技攻關計畫項目(黔科合NZ[2013]3012號):貴州省特色茶葉產地溯源技術研究。起止年月:2013.06 -2016.05,項茅乘簽才目負責人
9. 中國科學院地球化學研究所環境地球化學國家重點實驗室開放課題:生物炭輸入對農業婚譽槓土壤氮礦化與固持作用影響機理研究,起止年月:2014年1月-2014年12月,項目負責人


1. Zhao, C., Wang, B*., Theng, B.K.G., Wu, P., Liu, F., Wang, S., Lee, X., Chen, M., Li, L., Zhang, X.,. Formation and mechanisms of nano-metal oxide-biochar composites for pollutants removal: A review. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 767, 145305.(一區TOP期刊
2. Cheng, N., Wang, B*., Wu, P., Lee, X., Xing, Y., Chen, M., Gao, B., Adsorption of emerging contaminants from water and wastewater by modified biochar: A review. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 273, 116448.(一區TOP期刊
3. Feng, Q., Wang, B*., Chen, M., Wu, P., Lee, X., Xing, Y.,. Invasive plants as potential sustainable feedstocks for biochar production and multiple applications: A review. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2021, 164, 105204. (一區TOP期刊
4. Wang, B*., Ma, Y., Lee, X., Wu, P., Liu, F., Zhang, X., Li, L., Chen, M., 2020. Environmental-friendly coal gangue-biochar composites reclaiming phosphate from water as a slow-release fertilizer. Science of the Total Environment, 143664.(一區TOP期刊
5. Wang, B*., Lian, G., Lee, X., Gao, B., Li, L., Liu, T., Zhang, X., Zheng, Y.. Phosphogypsum as a novel modifier for distillers grains biochar removal of phosphate from water., Chemosphere, 2020, 238, 124684.(二區TOP期刊
6. Yongjun Qin, Xiaolong Zhu, Qing Su, Abdulraheem Anumah, Bin Gao, Wenqiang Lyu, Xue Zhou, Ying Xing, Bing Wang*. Enhanced removal of ammonium from water by ball-milled biochar. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2020, 42, 1579–1587.
7. Chen, F., Wang, Q., Meng, F., Chen, M., Wang, B*. Effects of long-term zinc smelting activities on the distribution and health risk of heavy metals in agricultural soils of Guizhou province, China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 2020,https://doi.org/10.1007/s10653-020-00716-x.
8. Lian, G., Wang, B*., Lee, X., Li, L., Liu, T., Lyu, W.,. Enhanced removal of hexavalent chromium by engineered biochar composite fabricated from phosphogypsum and distillers grains. Science of the Total Environment. 2019, 697, 134119. (一區TOP期刊
9. B. Wang, X. Lee, B.K.G. Theng, L. Zhang. H. Cheng, J. Cheng, W. Lyu, Biochar addition can reduce NOx gas emissions from a calcareous soil, Environmental Pollutants and Bioavailability, 2019. 31(1), 38-48.
10. Y. Zheng, B. Wang, A.E. Wester, J. Chen, F. He, H. Chen, B. Gao, Reclaiming phosphorus from secondary treated municipal wastewater with engineered biochar, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 362: 460-468. (一區TOP期刊
11. B. Wang, Y. Wan, Y. Zheng, X. Lee, T. Liu, Z. Yu, J. Huang, Y.S. Ok, J. Chen, B. Gao, Alginate-based composites for environmental applications: a critical review, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 2019, 49(4): 318-356. (一區TOP期刊
12. Bing Wang, Bin Gao, Yongshan Wan. Comparative study of calcium alginate, ball-milled biochar, and their composites on methylene blue adsorption from aqueous solution. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(2): 11535-11541.
13. Zhang, X., Xiang, W., Wang, B., Fang, J., Zou, W., He, F., Li, Y., Tsang, D.C.W., Ok, Y.S. and Gao, B. Adsorption of acetone and cyclohexane onto CO2 activated hydrochars. Chemosphere, 2019, 125664.(二區TOP期刊
14. Qian Wang, Bing Wang*, Xinqing Lee, Johannes Lehmann, Bin Gao. Sorption and desorption of Pb (II) to biochar as affected by oxidation and pH. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 634, 188-194. (一區TOP期刊
15. Bing Wang, Bin Gao, Andrew R. Zimmerman, Xinqing Lee. Impregnation of multiwall carbon nanotubes in alginate beads dramatically enhances their sorptive ability to aqueous methylene blue. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2018, 133, 235-242..
16.Wang B., Gao, B., Zimmerman, A.R., Zheng, Y., Lyu, H. Novel biochar-impregnated calcium alginate beads with improved water holding and nutrient retention properties. Journal of Environmental Management, 2018, 209:105-111. (二區TOP期刊
17. Wang B, Gao B, Wan Y. Entrapment of ball-milled biochar in Ca-alginate beads for the removal of aqueous Cd(II). Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2018. 61, 161-168.
18. Bing Wang, Bin Gao, June Fang. Recent advances in engineered biochar productions and applications. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 2017, 47(22): 2158-2207.(一區TOP期刊
19. Bing Wang,Johannes Lehmann, Kelly Hanley, Rachel Hestrin, Akio Enders. Ammonium retention by oxidized biochars produced at different pyrolysis temperatures and residence times. RSC Advances, 2016. 6(48):41907-41913.
20. Bing Wang, Johannes Lehmann, Kelly Hanley, Rachel Hestrin, Akio Enders. Adsorption and desorption of ammonium by maple wood biochar as a function of oxidation and pH. Chemosphere, 2015.138(0):120-126. (二區TOP期刊
21. Bing Wang, Xin-Qing Lee, Benny K.G. Theng, Jian-Zhong Cheng, Fang Yang. Diurnal and spatial variations of soil NOx fluxes in the northern steppe of China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2015. 32. 54-61.
22. Bing Wang, Xin-Qing Lee, Hong-Lin Yuan et al. Distinct weathering in the drainage basins of the Huanghe and Xijiang Rivers, China: Evidences of elements and Sr-isotope. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 2012. 59(SI): 219-230.
23. Yang Fang, Xin-qing Lee, Wang Bing*, Cheng Jianzhong. Effect of biochar addition on short-term N2O and CO2 emissions during drying and rewetting of an anthropogenic alluvial soil. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2016, 39(3):634-647.
24. Teng D, Zhang B, Xu G, Wang B, Mao K, Wang J, et al. Efficient removal of Cd(II) from aqueous solution by pinecone biochar: Sorption performance and governing mechanisms. Environmental Pollution. 2020; 265: 115001. (一區TOP期刊
25. Sun, J., Takahashi, Y., Strosnider, W.H.J., Kogure, T., Wang, B., Wu, P., Zhu, L., Dong, Z.,. Identification and quantification of contributions to karst groundwater using a triple stable isotope labeling and mass balance model. Chemosphere. 2021, 263, 127946.
26. Wang, Y., Tian, F., Guo, P., Fu, D., Heeres, H.J., Tang, T., Yuan, H., Wang, B., Li, J.,. Catalytic liquefaction of sewage sludge to small molecular weight chemicals. Scientific Reports. 2020,10, 18929.
27. Dai W-J, Wu P, Liu D, Hu J, Cao Y, Liu T-Z, Okoli CP, Wang B, Li L. Adsorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from aqueous solution by organic montmorillonite sodium alginate nanocomposites. Chemosphere. 2020, 126074. (二區TOP期刊
28. Duan, X., Cao, Y., Liu, T., Li, L., Wang, B, Wang, X. Nutrient stability and sorption of sewage sludge biochar prepared from co-pyrolysis of sewage sludge and stalks / mineral materials. Environmental Pollutants and Bioavailability. 2020, 32(1), 12-18.
29. Li L, Liao L, Fan Y, Tu H, Zhang S, Wang B, Liu T, Wu P, Han Z. Accumulation and transport of antimony and arsenic in terrestrial and aquatic plants in an antimony ore concentration area (south-west China). Environmental Chemistry. 2020, doi.org/10.1071/EN20003.
30. Xinqing Lee, Yimin Huang, Daikuan Huang, Lu Hu, Zhaodong Feng, Jianzhong Cheng, Bing Wang, Jian Ni, Tserenpil Shurkhuu, Variation of Soil Organic Carbon and Its Major Constraints in East Central Asia, PLos One, 2016, 11(3):e0150709.
31. Liu, T.; Gao, B.; Fang, J.; Wang, B.; Cao, X., Biochar-supported carbon nanotube and graphene oxide nanocomposites for Pb(ii) and Cd(ii) removal. RSC Advances 2016, 6, (29), 24314-24319.
32. Fang, Bin; Lee, Xinqing; Zhang, Jian; Li, Yuqing; Zhang, Like; Cheng, Jianzhong; Wang, Bing; Cheng, Hongguang. Impacts of straw biochar additions on agricultural soil quality and greenhouse gas fluxes in karst area, Southwest China. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2016, 62(5-6):1-8.
33. Cheng, J., Lee, X., Tang, Y., Pan, W., Gao, W., Chen, Y., Wang, B., and Cheng, H. Changes in above-and below-ground nitrogen stocks and allocations following the conversion of farmland to forest in rocky desertification regions. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2016, 232, 9-16. (二區TOP期刊
34. Steven J. Vanek1, Janice Thies, Bing Wang, Kelly Hanley, Nancy Karanja, Johannes Lehmann. Pore-size and water activity effects on survival of Rhizobium tropici in biochar inoculant carriers. Journal of Microbial & Biochemical Technology, 2016, 8(4), 296-306.
35. Fang Yang, Xin-Qing Lee, Bing Wang. Characterization of biochars produced from seven biomasses grown in three different climate zones. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 2015,34(4): 592-600.
36. Cheng, J., Lee, X., Theng, B. K., Fang, B., Yang, F.,Wang, B., and Zhang, L. Spatial Variability of CO2, CH4, and N2O Fluxes during Midsummer in the Steppe of Northern China. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2014, 23.
37. Cheng, J.; Lee, X.; Zhou, Z.; Wang, B.; Xing, Y.; Cheng, H., Nitrous oxide emissions from different land use patterns in a typical karst region, Southwest China. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry. 2013. 32, (2): 137-145.
38. Cheng, J.; Lee, X.; Zhou, Z.; Wang, B.; Xing, Y.; Cheng, H.; Tang, Y., The effects of litter layer and soil properties on the soil-atmosphere fluxes of greenhouse gases in karst forest, Southwest China. Polish Journal of Ecology. 2013. 61, (1):79-92.
39. Wang, Y., Tian, F., Guo, P., Fu, D., Heeres, H.J., Tang, T., Yuan, H., Wang, B., Li, J., 2020. Catalytic liquefaction of sewage sludge to small molecular weight chemicals. Scientific Reports 10, 18929.
40. 馮乾偉, 陳淼, 李心清, 蔣宗宏, 馬先傑, 王兵.紫莖澤蘭製備生物炭及其套用研究進展. 地球與環境. 2020. 48: 736-746.
41. 馮乾偉, 王兵, 馬先傑, 蔣宗宏, 陳淼.黔西北典型鉛鋅礦區土壤重金屬污染特徵及其來源分析. 礦物岩石地球化學通報. 2020. In press.
42. 楊放, 毛志強, 孫璐, 李陽, 吳揚, 王兵. 羥基磷灰石對成都平原水稻土中重金屬的鈍化效果研究. 地球與環境. 2020, 48(5): 567-573.
43. 王兵, 李心清, 袁洪林, 周會, 趙彥龍. 西江幹流河水主要離子及鍶同位素地球化學組成特徵.地球化學, 2009. 38(4):345-353.
44. 王兵, 李心清, 袁洪林, 周會, 趙彥龍. 黃河下游地區河水主要離子化學及鍶同位素地球化學.環境化學. 2009. 28(6):878-884.
45. 王兵, 李心清, 周會. 河流鍶元素及其同位素地球化學研究現狀及問題.地球與環境, 2009. 37(2):170-177.
46. 王兵, 李心清, 袁洪林, 周會, 程紅光, 江偉, 閆慧. 中國中東部地區地表水環境鍶元素地球化學特徵研究.地球與環境, 2009. 37(1):42-49.
47. 王兵, 李心清, 周會, 趙彥龍, 閆慧, 程紅光. 黃河、淮河及長江流域地表水環境中鍶的地球化學特徵研究.礦物岩石地球化學通報, 2007. 26(z1):578-579.
48. 王兵, 李心清, 程紅光, 程建中, 周志紅, 邢英, 房彬, 張立科. 土壤NOx氣體釋放研究進展.土壤通報, 2011. 24(6):1522-1529.
49. 王兵, 李心清, 楊放, 元素-鍶同位素技術在農產品原產地溯源中的套用. 地球與環境, 2012.40(3): 391-396.
50. 周會, 劉叢強, 王兵, 閆慧, 龔國洪, 江偉, 趙彥龍, 丁文慈. 河蜆殼體礦物組成及其對環境的適應性變化. 礦物學報, 2011.31(2):243-249.
51. 邢英, 李心清, 王兵, 周志紅, 程紅光, 程建中, 房彬. 生物炭對黃壤中氮淋溶影響:室內土柱模擬. 生態學雜誌,2011, 30(11): 2483-2488.
52. 楊放, 李心清, 王兵, 程建中. 生物炭在農業增產和污染治理中的套用. 地球與環境, 2012. 40(1):100-107.
53. 楊放, 李心清, 王兵, 孫璐, 何雲勇, 黃一敏, 李陽. 熱解材料對生物炭理化性質的影響. 農業環境科學學報, 2015.34(9), 1822-1828.
54. 李陽; 李心清; 王兵; 王倩; 程紅光; 程建中; 張立科; 黃一敏; 吳維, 四種改良劑對酸性黃壤土壤酸度和肥力的影響. 地球與環境 2016, 44(6):683-690.
55. 周志紅,李心清,王兵,程建中,程紅光,楊放,江偉,閆慧. 中國北方乾旱-半乾旱地區草地NH3通量原位觀測研究.地球與環境,2011.39(3):292-299
56. 房彬, 李心清, 程建中, 王兵, 程紅光, 張立科, 楊放. 西南喀斯特地區輪作旱地土壤CO2通量研究. 生態學報, 2013. 33(17):5299- 5307.
57. 程紅光, 李心清, 袁洪林, 王兵, 程建中. 腕足化石古溫度研究. 地球科學—中國地質大學學報, 2011. 36(4):679-686.
58. 程建中, 李心清, 周志紅, 王兵, 邢英, 彭艷, 程紅光, 閆慧, 龐小兵, 黃代寬, 章炎麟. 西南喀斯特地區幾種主要土地覆被下土壤CO2-C通量研究.地球化學, 2010. 39(3):258-265.
59. 程建中, 李心清, 周志紅, 王兵, 程紅光, 邢英, 唐源. 土壤CO2濃度與地表CO2通量的季節變化及其相互關係. 地球與環境, 2011.39(2):196-202.
60. 秦勇軍, 朱小龍, 蘇晴, 呂文強, 王兵,. 重慶市典型鉛鋅礦區土壤重金屬含量及形態分布特徵. 礦物岩石地球化學通報, 2019.38, 1-6.
61. 房彬, 李心清, 張立科, 程建中, 王兵, 程紅光, 楊放. 西南喀斯特地區灌叢林土壤CO2、CH4通量研究. 地球化學, 2013. 42, (3): 221-228.
62. 周會, 劉叢強, 閆慧, 丁文慈, 王兵, 江偉, 趙彥龍. 中國主要流域河蜆[Corbicula fluminea(Müller,1774)]形態及其對環境的適應性. 生態學雜誌, 2011.30(7):1497-1503.
63. 程建中, 李心清, 唐源, 周志紅, 王兵, 程紅光, 邢英. 貴州喀斯特地區不同土地利用方式土壤CO2濃度變化及其影響因素.生態環境學報, 2010.19(11):2551-2557.
64. 彭艷, 李心清, 程建中, 周志紅, 王兵, 黃代寬, 程紅光. 貴陽次生林不同演替階段土壤微生物生物量與反硝化酶活性的研究.地球化學, 2009. 38(6):600-606.
65. 程紅光, 李心清, 王克卓, 黃思靜, 王兵, 程建中. 廣西六景泥盆系腕足化石殼體的微量元素組成及其對海水信息的保存.礦物岩石地球化學通報, 2007. 26(3):249-253.
66. 楊放, 李心清, 刑英, 程紅光, 張立科, 何雲勇, 王兵. 生物炭對鹽鹼土氮淋溶的影響. 農業環境科學學報, 2014. 33(5), 972-977.
67. 江偉, 李心清, 曾勇, 黃榮生, 譚凌, 徐剛, 王兵. 貴州省遵義地區降水中低分子有機酸及其來源, 環境科學, 2008. 29(9):2425-2431.
68. 程紅光, 李心清, 袁洪林, 王克卓, 王兵, 程建中. 龍門山地區早泥盆世古海洋環境—來自腕足類殼體的地球化學證據.沉積學報, 2008. 26(6):897-903.


1. 王兵, 連國奇, 李心清, 呂文強.一種磷石膏改性生物炭及其套用. 20180851712.2
2. 王兵. 一種提高土壤/水體中銨態氮吸附能力的生物炭改性方法. CN201510107212.4
3. 王兵. 李心清, 張立科. 一種利用生物炭降低石灰土中氮素氣態損失的方法. ZL201510137496.1
4. 李心清, 程紅光, 王兵, 程建中. 一種生物質碳化工藝和設備. ZL201310227613.4
5. 李心清, 程建中, 王兵. 以農村自然村落或家庭為單位的生物質碳化設備. ZL201320330773.7
6. 王兵, 高一寧, 馮乾偉, 趙若涵. 一種用於研究生物炭對土壤肥力影響的實驗裝置. 202120212677.7
7. 王兵, 高一寧, 馮乾偉, 趙若涵. 一種用於研究生物炭對植物生長影響的實驗裝置. 202120212696.X
8. 王兵, 程寧, 高一寧, 趙志鵬. 一種用於水體中氮磷回收利用的生物炭吸附淨化裝置. 202120586748.X


1. 中國科學院研究生院三好學生(2006年)
2. 中國科學院朱李月華優秀博士生獎(2010年)
3. 貴州省“千”層次創新型人才(2015年)
4. 貴州大學一流學科特聘教授(B類)(2019年)
5. 貴州大學卓越基金(青年教師)二等獎(2020年)


《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Chemical Engineering Journal》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Scie ntific Reports》、《Science of the Total Environment 》、《Chemosphere》等20餘個環境領域國際著名刊物審稿人。
8. 貴州省農業科技攻關計畫項目(黔科合NZ[2013]3012號):貴州省特色茶葉產地溯源技術研究。起止年月:2013.06 -2016.05,項目負責人
9. 中國科學院地球化學研究所環境地球化學國家重點實驗室開放課題:生物炭輸入對農業土壤氮礦化與固持作用影響機理研究,起止年月:2014年1月-2014年12月,項目負責人


1. Zhao, C., Wang, B*., Theng, B.K.G., Wu, P., Liu, F., Wang, S., Lee, X., Chen, M., Li, L., Zhang, X.,. Formation and mechanisms of nano-metal oxide-biochar composites for pollutants removal: A review. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 767, 145305.(一區TOP期刊
2. Cheng, N., Wang, B*., Wu, P., Lee, X., Xing, Y., Chen, M., Gao, B., Adsorption of emerging contaminants from water and wastewater by modified biochar: A review. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 273, 116448.(一區TOP期刊
3. Feng, Q., Wang, B*., Chen, M., Wu, P., Lee, X., Xing, Y.,. Invasive plants as potential sustainable feedstocks for biochar production and multiple applications: A review. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2021, 164, 105204. (一區TOP期刊
4. Wang, B*., Ma, Y., Lee, X., Wu, P., Liu, F., Zhang, X., Li, L., Chen, M., 2020. Environmental-friendly coal gangue-biochar composites reclaiming phosphate from water as a slow-release fertilizer. Science of the Total Environment, 143664.(一區TOP期刊
5. Wang, B*., Lian, G., Lee, X., Gao, B., Li, L., Liu, T., Zhang, X., Zheng, Y.. Phosphogypsum as a novel modifier for distillers grains biochar removal of phosphate from water., Chemosphere, 2020, 238, 124684.(二區TOP期刊
6. Yongjun Qin, Xiaolong Zhu, Qing Su, Abdulraheem Anumah, Bin Gao, Wenqiang Lyu, Xue Zhou, Ying Xing, Bing Wang*. Enhanced removal of ammonium from water by ball-milled biochar. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2020, 42, 1579–1587.
7. Chen, F., Wang, Q., Meng, F., Chen, M., Wang, B*. Effects of long-term zinc smelting activities on the distribution and health risk of heavy metals in agricultural soils of Guizhou province, China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 2020,https://doi.org/10.1007/s10653-020-00716-x.
8. Lian, G., Wang, B*., Lee, X., Li, L., Liu, T., Lyu, W.,. Enhanced removal of hexavalent chromium by engineered biochar composite fabricated from phosphogypsum and distillers grains. Science of the Total Environment. 2019, 697, 134119. (一區TOP期刊
9. B. Wang, X. Lee, B.K.G. Theng, L. Zhang. H. Cheng, J. Cheng, W. Lyu, Biochar addition can reduce NOx gas emissions from a calcareous soil, Environmental Pollutants and Bioavailability, 2019. 31(1), 38-48.
10. Y. Zheng, B. Wang, A.E. Wester, J. Chen, F. He, H. Chen, B. Gao, Reclaiming phosphorus from secondary treated municipal wastewater with engineered biochar, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 362: 460-468. (一區TOP期刊
11. B. Wang, Y. Wan, Y. Zheng, X. Lee, T. Liu, Z. Yu, J. Huang, Y.S. Ok, J. Chen, B. Gao, Alginate-based composites for environmental applications: a critical review, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 2019, 49(4): 318-356. (一區TOP期刊
12. Bing Wang, Bin Gao, Yongshan Wan. Comparative study of calcium alginate, ball-milled biochar, and their composites on methylene blue adsorption from aqueous solution. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(2): 11535-11541.
13. Zhang, X., Xiang, W., Wang, B., Fang, J., Zou, W., He, F., Li, Y., Tsang, D.C.W., Ok, Y.S. and Gao, B. Adsorption of acetone and cyclohexane onto CO2 activated hydrochars. Chemosphere, 2019, 125664.(二區TOP期刊
14. Qian Wang, Bing Wang*, Xinqing Lee, Johannes Lehmann, Bin Gao. Sorption and desorption of Pb (II) to biochar as affected by oxidation and pH. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 634, 188-194. (一區TOP期刊
15. Bing Wang, Bin Gao, Andrew R. Zimmerman, Xinqing Lee. Impregnation of multiwall carbon nanotubes in alginate beads dramatically enhances their sorptive ability to aqueous methylene blue. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2018, 133, 235-242..
16.Wang B., Gao, B., Zimmerman, A.R., Zheng, Y., Lyu, H. Novel biochar-impregnated calcium alginate beads with improved water holding and nutrient retention properties. Journal of Environmental Management, 2018, 209:105-111. (二區TOP期刊
17. Wang B, Gao B, Wan Y. Entrapment of ball-milled biochar in Ca-alginate beads for the removal of aqueous Cd(II). Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2018. 61, 161-168.
18. Bing Wang, Bin Gao, June Fang. Recent advances in engineered biochar productions and applications. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 2017, 47(22): 2158-2207.(一區TOP期刊
19. Bing Wang,Johannes Lehmann, Kelly Hanley, Rachel Hestrin, Akio Enders. Ammonium retention by oxidized biochars produced at different pyrolysis temperatures and residence times. RSC Advances, 2016. 6(48):41907-41913.
20. Bing Wang, Johannes Lehmann, Kelly Hanley, Rachel Hestrin, Akio Enders. Adsorption and desorption of ammonium by maple wood biochar as a function of oxidation and pH. Chemosphere, 2015.138(0):120-126. (二區TOP期刊
21. Bing Wang, Xin-Qing Lee, Benny K.G. Theng, Jian-Zhong Cheng, Fang Yang. Diurnal and spatial variations of soil NOx fluxes in the northern steppe of China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2015. 32. 54-61.
22. Bing Wang, Xin-Qing Lee, Hong-Lin Yuan et al. Distinct weathering in the drainage basins of the Huanghe and Xijiang Rivers, China: Evidences of elements and Sr-isotope. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 2012. 59(SI): 219-230.
23. Yang Fang, Xin-qing Lee, Wang Bing*, Cheng Jianzhong. Effect of biochar addition on short-term N2O and CO2 emissions during drying and rewetting of an anthropogenic alluvial soil. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2016, 39(3):634-647.
24. Teng D, Zhang B, Xu G, Wang B, Mao K, Wang J, et al. Efficient removal of Cd(II) from aqueous solution by pinecone biochar: Sorption performance and governing mechanisms. Environmental Pollution. 2020; 265: 115001. (一區TOP期刊
25. Sun, J., Takahashi, Y., Strosnider, W.H.J., Kogure, T., Wang, B., Wu, P., Zhu, L., Dong, Z.,. Identification and quantification of contributions to karst groundwater using a triple stable isotope labeling and mass balance model. Chemosphere. 2021, 263, 127946.
26. Wang, Y., Tian, F., Guo, P., Fu, D., Heeres, H.J., Tang, T., Yuan, H., Wang, B., Li, J.,. Catalytic liquefaction of sewage sludge to small molecular weight chemicals. Scientific Reports. 2020,10, 18929.
27. Dai W-J, Wu P, Liu D, Hu J, Cao Y, Liu T-Z, Okoli CP, Wang B, Li L. Adsorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from aqueous solution by organic montmorillonite sodium alginate nanocomposites. Chemosphere. 2020, 126074. (二區TOP期刊
28. Duan, X., Cao, Y., Liu, T., Li, L., Wang, B, Wang, X. Nutrient stability and sorption of sewage sludge biochar prepared from co-pyrolysis of sewage sludge and stalks / mineral materials. Environmental Pollutants and Bioavailability. 2020, 32(1), 12-18.
29. Li L, Liao L, Fan Y, Tu H, Zhang S, Wang B, Liu T, Wu P, Han Z. Accumulation and transport of antimony and arsenic in terrestrial and aquatic plants in an antimony ore concentration area (south-west China). Environmental Chemistry. 2020, doi.org/10.1071/EN20003.
30. Xinqing Lee, Yimin Huang, Daikuan Huang, Lu Hu, Zhaodong Feng, Jianzhong Cheng, Bing Wang, Jian Ni, Tserenpil Shurkhuu, Variation of Soil Organic Carbon and Its Major Constraints in East Central Asia, PLos One, 2016, 11(3):e0150709.
31. Liu, T.; Gao, B.; Fang, J.; Wang, B.; Cao, X., Biochar-supported carbon nanotube and graphene oxide nanocomposites for Pb(ii) and Cd(ii) removal. RSC Advances 2016, 6, (29), 24314-24319.
32. Fang, Bin; Lee, Xinqing; Zhang, Jian; Li, Yuqing; Zhang, Like; Cheng, Jianzhong; Wang, Bing; Cheng, Hongguang. Impacts of straw biochar additions on agricultural soil quality and greenhouse gas fluxes in karst area, Southwest China. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2016, 62(5-6):1-8.
33. Cheng, J., Lee, X., Tang, Y., Pan, W., Gao, W., Chen, Y., Wang, B., and Cheng, H. Changes in above-and below-ground nitrogen stocks and allocations following the conversion of farmland to forest in rocky desertification regions. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2016, 232, 9-16. (二區TOP期刊
34. Steven J. Vanek1, Janice Thies, Bing Wang, Kelly Hanley, Nancy Karanja, Johannes Lehmann. Pore-size and water activity effects on survival of Rhizobium tropici in biochar inoculant carriers. Journal of Microbial & Biochemical Technology, 2016, 8(4), 296-306.
35. Fang Yang, Xin-Qing Lee, Bing Wang. Characterization of biochars produced from seven biomasses grown in three different climate zones. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 2015,34(4): 592-600.
36. Cheng, J., Lee, X., Theng, B. K., Fang, B., Yang, F.,Wang, B., and Zhang, L. Spatial Variability of CO2, CH4, and N2O Fluxes during Midsummer in the Steppe of Northern China. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2014, 23.
37. Cheng, J.; Lee, X.; Zhou, Z.; Wang, B.; Xing, Y.; Cheng, H., Nitrous oxide emissions from different land use patterns in a typical karst region, Southwest China. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry. 2013. 32, (2): 137-145.
38. Cheng, J.; Lee, X.; Zhou, Z.; Wang, B.; Xing, Y.; Cheng, H.; Tang, Y., The effects of litter layer and soil properties on the soil-atmosphere fluxes of greenhouse gases in karst forest, Southwest China. Polish Journal of Ecology. 2013. 61, (1):79-92.
39. Wang, Y., Tian, F., Guo, P., Fu, D., Heeres, H.J., Tang, T., Yuan, H., Wang, B., Li, J., 2020. Catalytic liquefaction of sewage sludge to small molecular weight chemicals. Scientific Reports 10, 18929.
40. 馮乾偉, 陳淼, 李心清, 蔣宗宏, 馬先傑, 王兵.紫莖澤蘭製備生物炭及其套用研究進展. 地球與環境. 2020. 48: 736-746.
41. 馮乾偉, 王兵, 馬先傑, 蔣宗宏, 陳淼.黔西北典型鉛鋅礦區土壤重金屬污染特徵及其來源分析. 礦物岩石地球化學通報. 2020. In press.
42. 楊放, 毛志強, 孫璐, 李陽, 吳揚, 王兵. 羥基磷灰石對成都平原水稻土中重金屬的鈍化效果研究. 地球與環境. 2020, 48(5): 567-573.
43. 王兵, 李心清, 袁洪林, 周會, 趙彥龍. 西江幹流河水主要離子及鍶同位素地球化學組成特徵.地球化學, 2009. 38(4):345-353.
44. 王兵, 李心清, 袁洪林, 周會, 趙彥龍. 黃河下游地區河水主要離子化學及鍶同位素地球化學.環境化學. 2009. 28(6):878-884.
45. 王兵, 李心清, 周會. 河流鍶元素及其同位素地球化學研究現狀及問題.地球與環境, 2009. 37(2):170-177.
46. 王兵, 李心清, 袁洪林, 周會, 程紅光, 江偉, 閆慧. 中國中東部地區地表水環境鍶元素地球化學特徵研究.地球與環境, 2009. 37(1):42-49.
47. 王兵, 李心清, 周會, 趙彥龍, 閆慧, 程紅光. 黃河、淮河及長江流域地表水環境中鍶的地球化學特徵研究.礦物岩石地球化學通報, 2007. 26(z1):578-579.
48. 王兵, 李心清, 程紅光, 程建中, 周志紅, 邢英, 房彬, 張立科. 土壤NOx氣體釋放研究進展.土壤通報, 2011. 24(6):1522-1529.
49. 王兵, 李心清, 楊放, 元素-鍶同位素技術在農產品原產地溯源中的套用. 地球與環境, 2012.40(3): 391-396.
50. 周會, 劉叢強, 王兵, 閆慧, 龔國洪, 江偉, 趙彥龍, 丁文慈. 河蜆殼體礦物組成及其對環境的適應性變化. 礦物學報, 2011.31(2):243-249.
51. 邢英, 李心清, 王兵, 周志紅, 程紅光, 程建中, 房彬. 生物炭對黃壤中氮淋溶影響:室內土柱模擬. 生態學雜誌,2011, 30(11): 2483-2488.
52. 楊放, 李心清, 王兵, 程建中. 生物炭在農業增產和污染治理中的套用. 地球與環境, 2012. 40(1):100-107.
53. 楊放, 李心清, 王兵, 孫璐, 何雲勇, 黃一敏, 李陽. 熱解材料對生物炭理化性質的影響. 農業環境科學學報, 2015.34(9), 1822-1828.
54. 李陽; 李心清; 王兵; 王倩; 程紅光; 程建中; 張立科; 黃一敏; 吳維, 四種改良劑對酸性黃壤土壤酸度和肥力的影響. 地球與環境 2016, 44(6):683-690.
55. 周志紅,李心清,王兵,程建中,程紅光,楊放,江偉,閆慧. 中國北方乾旱-半乾旱地區草地NH3通量原位觀測研究.地球與環境,2011.39(3):292-299
56. 房彬, 李心清, 程建中, 王兵, 程紅光, 張立科, 楊放. 西南喀斯特地區輪作旱地土壤CO2通量研究. 生態學報, 2013. 33(17):5299- 5307.
57. 程紅光, 李心清, 袁洪林, 王兵, 程建中. 腕足化石古溫度研究. 地球科學—中國地質大學學報, 2011. 36(4):679-686.
58. 程建中, 李心清, 周志紅, 王兵, 邢英, 彭艷, 程紅光, 閆慧, 龐小兵, 黃代寬, 章炎麟. 西南喀斯特地區幾種主要土地覆被下土壤CO2-C通量研究.地球化學, 2010. 39(3):258-265.
59. 程建中, 李心清, 周志紅, 王兵, 程紅光, 邢英, 唐源. 土壤CO2濃度與地表CO2通量的季節變化及其相互關係. 地球與環境, 2011.39(2):196-202.
60. 秦勇軍, 朱小龍, 蘇晴, 呂文強, 王兵,. 重慶市典型鉛鋅礦區土壤重金屬含量及形態分布特徵. 礦物岩石地球化學通報, 2019.38, 1-6.
61. 房彬, 李心清, 張立科, 程建中, 王兵, 程紅光, 楊放. 西南喀斯特地區灌叢林土壤CO2、CH4通量研究. 地球化學, 2013. 42, (3): 221-228.
62. 周會, 劉叢強, 閆慧, 丁文慈, 王兵, 江偉, 趙彥龍. 中國主要流域河蜆[Corbicula fluminea(Müller,1774)]形態及其對環境的適應性. 生態學雜誌, 2011.30(7):1497-1503.
63. 程建中, 李心清, 唐源, 周志紅, 王兵, 程紅光, 邢英. 貴州喀斯特地區不同土地利用方式土壤CO2濃度變化及其影響因素.生態環境學報, 2010.19(11):2551-2557.
64. 彭艷, 李心清, 程建中, 周志紅, 王兵, 黃代寬, 程紅光. 貴陽次生林不同演替階段土壤微生物生物量與反硝化酶活性的研究.地球化學, 2009. 38(6):600-606.
65. 程紅光, 李心清, 王克卓, 黃思靜, 王兵, 程建中. 廣西六景泥盆系腕足化石殼體的微量元素組成及其對海水信息的保存.礦物岩石地球化學通報, 2007. 26(3):249-253.
66. 楊放, 李心清, 刑英, 程紅光, 張立科, 何雲勇, 王兵. 生物炭對鹽鹼土氮淋溶的影響. 農業環境科學學報, 2014. 33(5), 972-977.
67. 江偉, 李心清, 曾勇, 黃榮生, 譚凌, 徐剛, 王兵. 貴州省遵義地區降水中低分子有機酸及其來源, 環境科學, 2008. 29(9):2425-2431.
68. 程紅光, 李心清, 袁洪林, 王克卓, 王兵, 程建中. 龍門山地區早泥盆世古海洋環境—來自腕足類殼體的地球化學證據.沉積學報, 2008. 26(6):897-903.


1. 王兵, 連國奇, 李心清, 呂文強.一種磷石膏改性生物炭及其套用. 20180851712.2
2. 王兵. 一種提高土壤/水體中銨態氮吸附能力的生物炭改性方法. CN201510107212.4
3. 王兵. 李心清, 張立科. 一種利用生物炭降低石灰土中氮素氣態損失的方法. ZL201510137496.1
4. 李心清, 程紅光, 王兵, 程建中. 一種生物質碳化工藝和設備. ZL201310227613.4
5. 李心清, 程建中, 王兵. 以農村自然村落或家庭為單位的生物質碳化設備. ZL201320330773.7
6. 王兵, 高一寧, 馮乾偉, 趙若涵. 一種用於研究生物炭對土壤肥力影響的實驗裝置. 202120212677.7
7. 王兵, 高一寧, 馮乾偉, 趙若涵. 一種用於研究生物炭對植物生長影響的實驗裝置. 202120212696.X
8. 王兵, 程寧, 高一寧, 趙志鵬. 一種用於水體中氮磷回收利用的生物炭吸附淨化裝置. 202120586748.X


1. 中國科學院研究生院三好學生(2006年)
2. 中國科學院朱李月華優秀博士生獎(2010年)
3. 貴州省“千”層次創新型人才(2015年)
4. 貴州大學一流學科特聘教授(B類)(2019年)
5. 貴州大學卓越基金(青年教師)二等獎(2020年)


《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Chemical Engineering Journal》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Scie ntific Reports》、《Science of the Total Environment 》、《Chemosphere》等20餘個環境領域國際著名刊物審稿人。


