


  • 中文名:王光輝
  • 出生地:河北省任丘市
  • 出生日期:1983年8月 
  • 畢業院校:西北農林科技大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:植物病理學
  • 任職院校:西北農林科技大學
  • 職稱:助理研究員


2018/09至今: 西北農林科技大學植保學院,助理研究員
2015/11-2018/08: 福建農林大學植保學院植物病理學,博士後
2010/09-2015/06: 西北農林科技大學植保學院植物病理學,博士
2007/09-2010/06: 西北農林科技大學植保學院植物病理學,碩士
2003/09-2007/07: 西北農林科技大學植保學院,學士
2016/03-2016/09: 台灣中興大學植物病理系,訪問學者
2011/09-2013/09: 美國普度大學植物病理系,訪問學者




2.國家自然科學基金面上項目: Retromer介導的蛋白轉運機制及其在稻瘟病菌與水稻互作中的作用研究,2018/01-2021/12,60.00萬,參與。


1. Ren Jingyi*, Li Chengliang, Gao Chengyun, Xu Jin-Rong, Jiang Cong, and Wang Guanghui. (2019) Deletion of FgHOG1 is suppressiveto the mgv1 mutant by stimulatingGpmk1 activation and avoidingintracellular turgor elevation in Fusarium graminearum .Frontiers in Microbiology .
2. Wang Guanghui*, Sun Peng*, Gong Ziwen, Gu Lianfeng, Lou Yi, Zhang Lianhu, Su Li, Wang Baohua, Zhou Jie, Xu Jin-Rong, Wang Zonghua, and Zheng Wenhui. (2018) Srk1 kinase, a SR protein-specific kinase, is important for sexual reproduction, plant infection and pre-mRNA processing in Fusarium graminearum . Environmental Microbiology .
3. Zhang Xiaojie*, Wang Guanghui*, Yang Chengdong, Huang Jun,Chen Xiaofeng, Zhou Jie, Li Guangpu, Norvienyeku Justice,and Wang Zonghua. (2017) A HOPS protein, MoVps41, is crucially important for vacuolar morphogenesis, vegetative growth, reproduction and virulence in Magnaporthe oryzae . Frontiers in Plant Science . (並列第一作者)
4.Li Yang*, Wang Guanghui, Xu Jin-Rongand Jiang Cong. (2016) Penetration peg formation and invasive hyphae development require stage-specific activation of Mo GTI1 in Magnaporthe oryzae. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions .
5.Wang Guanghui*, Li Guotian, Zhang Shijie, Jiang Cong, Qin Jun, and Xu Jin-Rong. (2015) Activation of the signaling mucin MoMsb2 and its functional relationship with Cbp1 in Magnaporthe oryzae . Environmental Microbiology .
6.Qin Jun*, Wang Guanghui*, Jiang Cong, Xu Jin-Rong, Wang Chenfang. (2015) Fgk3 glycogen synthase kinase is important for development, pathogenesis, and stress responses in Fusarium graminearum . Scientific Reports .(並列第一作者)
7.Zheng Qian*, Hou Rui*, Zhang Juanyu, Ma Ji-Wen, Wu Zhongshou, Wang Guanghui,Wang Chenfang, and Xu Jin-Rong. (2013) The MAT Locus Genes Play Different Roles in Sexual Reproduction and Pathogenesis in Fusarium graminearum . PloS one .
8.Wang Guanghui*, Wang Chenfang*, Hou Rui, Zhou Xiaoying, Li Guotian,Zhang Shijie and Xu Jin-Rong. (2012) The AMT1 arginine methyltransferase gene is important for plant infection and normal hyphal growth in Fusarium graminearum . Plos One .
9. Li Yimin*, Wang Chenfang*, Liu Wende, Wang Guanghui, Kang Zhensheng,Kistler H. Corby, and Xu Jin-Rong. (2011) The HDF1 histone deacetylase gene is important for conidiation, sexual reproduction, and pathogenesis in Fusarium graminearum . Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions .
10.Wang Chenfang*, Zhang Shijie, Hou Rui, Zhao Zhongtao, Zheng Qian, Xu Qijun, Zheng Dawei, Wang Guanghui, Liu Huiquan, Gao Xuli, Ma Ji-Wen, Kistler H.Corby, Kang Zhensheng and Xu Jin-Rong. (2011) Functional Analysis of the Kinome of the Wheat Scab Fungus Fusarium graminearum . Plos Pathogens .


