王先偉,男,漢族,博士,中山大學 “百人計畫”引進人才,教授,博士生導師,美國地球物理協會、地理學會和中國遙感、水利學會、遙感學會等國際和國內專業協會會員;國際期刊Water的客座編輯,多個國際和國內期刊審稿人。主要從事GIS 空間分析與套用開發、水文與水工遙感測繪、海岸帶洪澇模擬與洪災風險管理等領域的研究。
- 中文名:王先偉
- 民族:漢族
- 畢業院校:University of Texas, San Antonio
- 學位/學歷:理學博士
- 職務:博士生導師
- 職稱:教授
2004.08-2008.05,博士,環境科學與工程,University of Texas at San Antonio, TX, USA,美國;
1999.09-2002.07,碩士,環境科學,中國科學院南海海洋研究所, 廣州;
2016.12-2017.12,訪問學者,University of Bristol, Bristol, UK.
2015.08-2015.09,訪問學者,Montana Tech of the University of Montana, Butte, MT, USA.
2015.01- 目前, 教授,中山大學地理科學與規劃學院,廣州
2008.06-2011.01,博士後,University of California, Irvine, CA, USA
Guest editor of Water for a special issue: Applications of Remote Sensing/GIS in Water Resources and Flooding Risk Managements.
期刊審稿人:Remote Sensing of Environment, Journal of Geophysical Research, Cold Regions Science and Technology, Water Resource Research, Journal of Hydrology, Hydrological Processes, Journal of Hydroinformatics, Quaternary International, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Advances in Polar Research, 《遙感學報》、《冰川凍土》、《極地科學》等.
行業協會會員:中國地理學會、遙感學會、水利學會會員; 全球華人地理信息科學協會(CPGIS), 美國地球物理協會 (AGU), 美國地理學會 (AAG),國際冰川協會(IGS), 國際水文協會(IAHS)等.
《地理科學導論》:2013、2014 學年秋,本科(合講)
(1) 洪澇(Flood) :暴雨 Storm + 風暴潮 Storm surge +洪澇災害 Flood hazard
8)Wang, D.S.,X. Wang*,L. Liu*, D.G. Wang, X. Liang, C. Pan and H. Huang. (2018). Comprehensive evaluation of TMPA 3B42V7, GPM IMERG and CMPA precipitation estimates in Guangdong Province, China.International Journal of Climatology, 2018, 1-18; DOI: 10.1002/joc.5839.(IF_2017=3.100)
7)Wang*, X.,and H. Xie*. (2018). A Review on Applications of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Water Resources and Flood Risk Management.Water,2018, 10, 608; doi:10.3390/w10050608.(IF_2017=2.069)
6) Huang, H., X. Chen, Z. Zhu, Y. Xie, L. Liu,X. Wang, X.N. Wang, and K. Liu. (2018). The changing pattern of urban flooding in Guangzhou, China.Science of the Total Environment, 622-623: 394-401. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.11.358. (IF_2017=4.610)
5) Wang, X.N.,X. Wang*, J. Zhai, X. Li, H. Huang and H. Sun. (2017). Improvement to flooding risk assessment of storm surges by residual interpolation in the coastal areas of Guangdong Province, China.Quaternary International,doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2016.12.025. (IF_2017=2.163)
4) Wang, R., J. Chen* andX. Wang*.(2017). Comparison of IMERG Level-3 and TMPA 3B42V7 in estimating typhoon-related heavy rain.Water, 9(4), 276; doi:10.3390/w9040276 (2017=2.069)
3) Pan, C.,X. Wang*, L. Liu*, H. Huang and D.S. Wang. (2017). Improvement to the Huff Curve for Design Storms and Urban Flooding Simulations in Guangzhou, China.Water,9(6), 411; doi:10.3390/w9060411. (2017=2.069)
2) Wang, D.S.,X. Wang*,L. Liu*, H. Huang, C. Pan, and D.G. Wang. (2016). Evaluation of CMPA precipitation estimate in the evolution of typhoon-related storm rainfall events in Guangdong province, China.Journal of Hydroinformatics, jh2016241, doi: 10.2166/hydro.2016.241.(IF_2016=1.634)
1) Liu*,L., Y. Liu,X. Wang, D. Yu, K. Liu, H. Huang and G. Hu. (2015). Developing an effective 2-D urban flood inundation model for city emergency management based on cellular automata.Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 15. 381-391, doi:10.5194/nhessd-2-6173-2014. (IF_2014=1.735)
(2) 水文遙感 (Hydrology):降雨 Rainfall + 土壤濕度 Soil moisture + 水庫Reservoir + 乾旱Drought
9) Wang, D.S., D. Wang*,L. LiuandX. Wang. (2018). Use of high-resolution precipitation observations in quantifying the effect of urban extent on precipitation characteristics for different climate conditions over the Pearl River Delta, China.Atmospheric Science letters,DOI: 10.1002/asl.820.(IF_2017=1.198)
8)Wang*, X., M. Liu and L. Liu. (2014). Responses of MODIS spectral indices to typical drought events from 2000 to 2012 in Southwest China.Journal of Remote Sensing,18(2), 433-442.
7)Wang*, X., C. de Linage and H. Xie. (2013). How much water is seeping off the Three Gorges Reservoir?SPIE Newsroom, 10.1117/2.1201308.004952.
6) Wang* X., Y. Chen, L. Song, X. Chen, H. Xie and L. Liu. (2013). Analysis of lengths, water areas and volumes of the Three Gorges Reservoir at different water levels using Landsat images and SRTM DEM data.Quaternary International,304,115-125.(IF_2014=2.062)
5) Wang*, X.,H. Xie, N. Mazari, H. Sharif and J. Zeitler. (2013). Evaluation of the near-real time NEXRAD DSP Product in the evolution of heavy rain events on the Upper Guadalupe River Basin, Texas.Journal of Hydroinformatics, 15.2,doi: 10.2166/hydro.2012.016. (IF_2014=1.388)
4) Wang*, X., C.R., Linage, J. Famiglietti and C. S. Zender. (2011). Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment detection of water storage changes in the Three Gorges Reservoir of China and comparison with in situ measurements.Water Resources Research, 47, 1-13, doi:10.1029/2011WR010534.(IF_2016=4.397)
3) Schnur*, M. T. S., H. Xie andX. Wang. (2010). Estimating Root Zone Soil Moisture at Distant Sites Using MODIS NDVI and EVI in a Semi-Arid Region of Southwestern USA.Ecological Informatics,5, 400-409, doi:10.1016/j.ecoinf.2010.05.001. (IF_2014= 1.727)
2) Wang, X.,H. Xie*, H. Sharif, & J. Zeitler. (2008). Validating NEXRAD MPE and Stage III precipitation products for uniform rainfall on the Upper Guadalupe River Basin of the Texas Hill Country.Journal of Hydrology, 348,73-86.(IF_2014=3.053)
1) Wang, X., H. Xie*,H. Guan, & X. Zhou. (2007). Different responses of MODIS-derived NDVI to root-zone soil moisture in semi-arid and humid regions.Journal of Hydrology, 340, 12-24. (IF_2014=3.053)
(3) 冰雪遙感 (Cryosphere):積雪 Snow + 冰川 Glacier + 海冰 Sea ice
13)Wang*, X.,H. Chen and Y. Chen. (2018). Topography-Related Glacier Area Changes in Central Tianshan from 1989 to 2015 Derived from Landsat Images and ASTER GDEM Data.Water, 10, 555; doi:10.3390/w10050555.(IF_2017=2.069)
12) Wang*, X., H. Chen and Y. Chen. (2017). Large differences between glaciers 3D surface extents and 2D planar areas in Central Tianshan.Water, 9(4), 282; doi:10.3390/w9040282. (2017=2.069)
11)Wang*, X., Y. Zhu, Y. Chen, H. Liu, H. Huang, K. Liu, and Lin Liu. (2017). Influences of forest on MODIS snow cover mapping and snow variations in the Amur River basin in Northeast Asia during 2000–2014.Hydrological Processes,DOI: 10.1002/hyp.11249. (IF_2017=3.182)
10)Wang*, X., F. Guan, J. Liu, H. Xie, and S. Ackley. (2016). An improved approach of total freeboard retrieval with IceBridge Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM) elevation and Digital Mapping System (DMS) images.Remote Sensing of Environment,184, 582-594.doi:10.1016/j.rse.2016.08.002.(IF_2016=6.265)
9)Wang*, X., H. Zheng, Y. Chen, H. Liu, L. Liu, H. Huang and K. Liu. (2014). Mapping snow cover variations using a MODIS daily cloud-free snow cover product in Northeast China.Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 8(1), 084681. doi:10.1117/1.JRS.8.084681.(IF_2016=1.107)
8) Wang*, X., H. Xie, Y. Ke, S. Ackley and L. Liu. (2013). A method to automatically determine sea level for referencing snow freeboard and computing sea ice thickness from NASA IceBridge airborne LIDAR.Remote Sensing of Environment, 131, 160-172.(IF_2014=6.393)
7) Yu, H., X. Zhang, T. Liang*, H. Xie,X. Wang,Q. Feng and Q. Chen. (2012). A new approach of dynamic monitoring of 5-day snow cover extent and snow depth based on MODIS and AMSR-E data from Northern Xinjiang region.Hydrological Processes, 26,3052-3061.(IF_2016=2.3.014)
6)Wang*, X. and C.S. Zender. (2011). Arctic and Antarctic diurnal and seasonal variations of snow albedo from multiyear Baseline Surface Radiation Network measurements.Journal of Geophysical Research,116,F03008,doi:10.1029/2010JF001864. (IF_2014=3. 426)
5)Wang*, X. and C. Zender. (2010). Constraining MODIS snow albedo bias at large solar zenith angles: implications for surface energy budget in Greenland.Journal of Geophysical Research,115, F04015, doi:10.1029/2009JF001436.(IF_2014=3. 426)
4)Wang*, X.and C. Zender. (2010). MODIS snow albedo bias at high solar zenith angles relative to theory and to in situ observations in Greenland.Remote Sensing of Environment,114, 563-575.(IF_2014=6.393)
3)Wang*, X.& H. Xie. (2009). New methods for studying the spatiotemporal variation of snow cover based on combination products of MODIS Terra and Aqua.Journal of Hydrology,371, 192-200. (IF_2014=3.053)
5)Wang, X., H. Xie*, T. Liang & X. Huang. (2009). Comparison and validation of MODIS standard and new combination of Terra and Aqua snow cover products in Northern Xinjiang, China.Hydrological Processes, 23, 419-429. (IF_2014=2.677)
2) Xie*, H.,X. Wang& T. Liang. (2009). Development and assessment of combined Terra and Aqua MODIS snow cover products in Colorado Plateau, USA and northern Xinjiang, China.Journal of Applied Remote Sensing,Vol.3, 033559, 1-14.(IF_2014=1.183)
1)Wang, X., H. Xie*, & T. Liang. (2008). Evaluation of MODIS snow cover and its application in the Northern Xinjiang, China.Remote Sensing of Environment,112, 1497–1513. (IF_2014=6.393)
(4) 其它方向Others
4) Liang, J., X. Liu, K. Huang, X. Li, D. Wang andX. Wang. (2013). Automatic Registration of Multi-Sensor Images Using an Integrated Spatial and Mutual Information (SMI) Metric.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2013.2242895.(IF_2014=3.514)
3) Du, Y., X.Wang, X.Yang, W. Ma, H. Ai and X. Wu. (2013). Impacts of climate change on human health and adaptation strategies in South China.Advances in Climate Change Research,4(4), 208-214.
2) Du, Y., X. Cheng,X. Wang,H. Ai, H. Duan and X. Wu. (2013). A review of assessment and adaptation strategy to climate change impacts on the coastal areas in South China.Advances in Climate Change Research,4(4), 201-207.
1) Du, Y., H. Ai, H. Duan, Y. Hu,X. Wang, J. He, H. Wu and X. WU. (2013). Changes in climate factors and extreme climate events in South China during 1961-2010.Advances in Climate Change Research,4(1), 1-11.
6) 張麟,黃華兵,王先偉,柳林,黃容,郭明月. (2018).城市內澇模型參數靈敏度分析方法比較[J].中國給水排水, 34(3), 129-134.
5) 劉勇, 柳林,王先偉, 劉凱, 黃華兵, 張韶月. (2015). 建築物在減輕城市洪澇災害中的作用分析[J].自然災害學報, 24(5): 68-74.
4) 劉勇, 張韶月, 柳林,王先偉, 黃華兵. (2015). 智慧城市視角下城市洪澇模擬研究綜述[J].地理科學進展, 34(4): 494-504.
3)王先偉*,劉梅, 柳林. (2014). MODIS光譜指數在中國西南乾旱監測中的套用[J],遙感學報,2014, 18(2), 443-453.
2)王先偉, 溫偉英*, 劉翠梅. (2003). 珠江口及附近海域夏季氮的化學形式分布研究[J].海洋科學. 27(4): 49-53.
1) 何雪琴*, 何清溪,王先偉. (2001). 燃煤電廠煙氣脫硫工藝研究進展[J].廣州環境科學, 16(1): 5-8.
4) Xie, H. andX. Wang (Editors). (2018).Applications of Remote Sensing/GIS in Water Resources and Flooding RiskManagements. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI),2018.
3)Wang*, X.(2018). Flooding Hazards and Risk Analysis in the Pearl River Delta, China. Book Chapter in Challenges towards Ecological Sustainability in China: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Edited by Xiaojun Yang and Shijun Jiang. Publisher:Springer, in press.
2) Xie*, H., T. Liang,X. Wangand G. Zhang. (2015). Remote sensing mapping and modeling of snow cover parameters and applications. Chapter 6: Remote Sensing Handbook Volume III: Water Resources, Disasters and Urban-Monitoring, Modeling and Mapping, Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Prasad S. Thenkabail. Publisher:CRC Press.Nov 17, 2015. ISBN-10: 1482218011; ISBN-13: 978-1482218015.
1)Wang*,X.,H. Xie and T. Liang. (2014). Spatiotemporal variation of snow cover from space in Northern Xinjiang. Book Chapter 6: Water Resources Research in Northwest China, Editor: Yaning Chen. Publisher:Springer, DOI:10.1007/978-94-017-8017-9_6.
5) 王先偉,管芳,高金頂,蔣為旭. 2017. 基於機載雷射高程和影像的海表面高程及海冰厚度計算與分析軟體 V1.10, 登記號:2017SR186878,2017/5/18.
4)王先偉,王喜娜,鐘煥珍,黃華兵. 2017. 缺潮位數據地區風暴潮設計潮位計算軟體V1.0,登記號:2017SR255714,登記日期:2017/6/12.
3)王先偉,王喜娜,鐘煥珍,黃華兵. 2017. 風暴潮災害風險評估系統V1.0,登記號:2017SR255711, 登記日期:2017/6/12.
2) 黃華兵,王先偉,柳林,李秋萍. 2017. 城市內澇應急回響示範系統V1.0. 登記號:2017SR630298, 登記日期:2017/11/16.
1)黃華兵,劉勇,王先偉. 2015. 城市內澇精細化模擬平台軟體V1.0,登記號:2015SR055449,2015/3/27.
10) 國家基金面上項目:#41871085,基於RTK觀測與洪潮耦合模擬的珠江三角洲網河水道壅水機制研究,60萬,2019.01-2022.12;
9) 2016廣東省水利科技創新重點項目:#2016-19,機載雷射三維數據河道圍堤險情判別及洪潮變化對江河防洪影響分析,86萬,2016.4-2018.12;
8)國家基金面上項目:#41371404,基於IceBridge 和ICESat雷射雷達高程的南極海冰和積雪厚度分析,75萬,2014.01-2017.12;
7) 國家973基礎研究計畫項目子課題:廣州市城市暴雨內澇災害風險綜合評估,42萬,2012.1-2016.12;
6) 國家863計畫主題項目子課題:城市洪澇應急回響示範系統,94萬,2012.1-2014.12;
4) 廣東省氣象局/北京超圖軟體股份有限公司:廣東山洪地質災害防治氣象保障工程山洪地質災害氣象風險預報系統,50萬,2015.1-2015.12;
3) 荒漠與綠洲生態國家重點實驗室開放基金:天山地區積雪變化對水資源可持續利用的影響,32萬,2014.1-2016.12;
2) 中山大學高校基本科研業務費-青年教師重點培育項目:中亞山地冰雪變化對全球變暖的回響,30萬,2015.1-2016.12;
1) 中山大學百人計畫科研啟動基金,水文遙感,30萬,2011.3-2013.2。