- 中文名:王儒濤
- 國籍:中國
- 出生日期:1986年4月
- 畢業院校:中國科學院蘭州化學物理研究所
- 學位/學歷:博士研究生
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:材料學
- 職稱:山東大學材料科學與工程學院 齊魯青年特聘教授
2018年08月-至今 山東大學材料科學與工程學院 齊魯青年特聘教授
2015年03月-2018年02月 香港中文大學 博士後 合作導師:張立教授
2011年09月-2015年01月 中國科學院蘭州化學物理研究所 博士 專業:材料學 導師:閻興斌研究員
2008年09月-2011年06月 蘭州理工大學 碩士 專業:材料學 導師:康龍和孔令斌教授
2004年09月-2008年06月 山東科技大學 本科 專業:無機非金屬材料
1. 全固態鋰離子電池技術探索與開發;
2. 高比能超級電容器技術的開發和套用,主要包括有機系列對稱和金屬離子電容器(例如:鋰離子電容器);
3. 電極電化學材料表界面行為探索和研究;
4. 多孔炭材料的研究和開發
申報人近年以來一直致力於電極材料的結構設計、製備與儲能機理研究以及超級電容器的設計與組裝等研究工作,取得了一系列創新成果。近五年,作為項目負責人主持了國家自然科學基金青年項目(51902188)、江蘇省自然科學基金項目(SBK20190207)等,獲山東大學“齊魯青年學者特聘教授(2018)”稱號。目前,發表SCI期刊論文40餘篇,其中以第一作者或通訊作者已在Materials Today、Advanced Functional Materials、Nano Energy、NPG Asia Materials、Energy Storage Materials等國際高水平期刊發表論文19篇(IF大於10的論文>10篇,1區文章15篇),另外共同1作2篇,其中發表在Advanced Functional Material的工作連續兩月(2015年3月和4月)被Willy選為Hot Paper,多篇論文入選ESI-Highly Cited Paper(高被引論文)。全部論文SCI被引2500餘次,單篇引用最高260餘次,Hi-index為22,獲得甘肅省自然科學一等獎(排名第四,2019),甘肅省高校科技進步一等獎(排名第五,2014)。
1. Mingjie Shao, Chongxin Li, Tong Li, Weiqin Yu, Jin Zhang*, Rutao Wang*(通訊作者), Longwei Yin*, Pushing the energy output and cycling lifespan of potassium-ion capacitor to high level through metal-organic framework derived porous carbon microsheets anode, Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, Accepted. (IF:16.836, 中科院一區)
2. Y. Bian^, S. J. Wang^, D. D. Jin, R. T. Wang*(通訊作者), C. Chen*, L. Zhang*, A general anion exchange strategy to transform metal-organic framework embedded nanofibers into high-performance lithium-ion capacitors, Nano Energy, 2020, accepted. (IF:16.602,中科院一區)
3. S. J. Wang, D. D. Jin, Y. Bian, R. T. Wang*(通訊作者), L. Zhang*, Electrostatically fabricated three-dimensional magnetite and MXene hierarchical architecture for advanced lithium-ion capacitors, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, accepted.( IF:8.756, 中科院一區)
4. Y. Bian, C. Chen, R. T. Wang, S. J. Wang, Y. Pan, B. Zhao, C. Chen*, L. Zhang*, Effective removal of particles down to 15 nm using scalable metal-organic framework-based nanofiber filters, Applied Materials Today, 2020, accepted.
5. Peng Wang, Yingying Ren, Rutao Wang, Peng Zhang, Mingjie Ding, Caixia Li, Danyang Zhao, Zhao Qian, Zhiwei Zhang, Luyuan Zhang & Longwei Yin, Atomically dispersed cobalt catalyst anchored on nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets for lithium-oxygen batteries, Nature Communications volume 11, Article number: 1576 (2020) .
6. Xianguang Miao, HaoxiangDi, XiaoliGe, DanyangZhao, PengWang, Rutao Wang, ChengxiangWang, LongweiYin, AlF3-modified anode-electrolyte interface for effective Na dendrites restriction in NASICON-based solid-state electrolyte, Energy Storage Materials, 2020, doi.org/10.1016/j.ensm.2020.05.011.
1. S. J. Wang, R. T. Wang*(通訊作者), Y. Bian, D. D. Jing, Y. B. Zhang, L. Zhang*, In-Situ Encapsulation of Pseudocapacitive Li2TiSiO5 Nanoparticles into Fibrous Carbon Framework for Ultrafast and Stable Lithium Storage, Nano Energy, 2019, 55, 173-181. (IF:16.602, 中科院一區)
2. Xu Yu, Mingjie Shao, Xuemei Yang, Chongxing Li, Tong Li, Danyu Li, Rutao Wang*(通訊作者), Longwei Yin*, A high-performance potassium-ion capacitor based on a porous carbon cathode originated from the Aldol reaction product, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2019, DOI: 10.1016/J.CCLET.2019.11.012. (IF:4.632; 中科院一區)
3. Wang, Peng; Li, Caixia; Dong, Shihua; Ge, Xiaoli; Zhang, Peng; Miao, Xianguang; Wang, Rutao; Zhang, Zhiwei; Yin, Longwei*, Advanced Energy Materials, 2019, DOI: 10.1002/AENM.201900788.
4. Zhao, Jingxin; Zhang, Yan; Zhao, Xiaoxin; Wang, Rutao; Xie, Jixun; Yang, Chengfeng; Wang, Juanjuan; Zhang, Qichong; Li, Lele; Lu, Conghua; Yao, Yagang*, Direct Ink Writing of Adjustable Electrochemical Energy Storage Device with High Gravimetric Energy Densities, Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, DOI: 10.1002/ADFM.201900809
1. J. F. Sun, R. T. Wang* (Co-Corresponding Author), C. Z. Yuan*, MoS3 nanoparticles on reduced graphene oxide: For high-performance supercapacitor and batteries, Materials Today, 2018, 21, 193-194 (IF: 26.416)
2. R. T. Wang, S. Wang, D. Jin, Y. Zhang, X. Tao, L. Zhang*, Sodium Storage in Promising MoS2-Carbon Anode: Elucidating Structural and Interfacial Transition in Intercalation Process and Conversion Reactions, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 11165-11175. (IF: 7.233)
3. R. T. Wang, S. Wang, Y. Zhang, D. Jin, X. Tao, L. Zhang*, Graphene Coupled Ti3C2 MXenes-Derived TiO2 Mesostructure: Promising Sodium-ion Capacitor Anode with Fast Ion Storage and Long-Term Cycling, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6, 1017-1027. (IF: 11.301)
4. R. T. Wang, S. Wang, X. Peng, Y. Zhang, D. Jin, P. K. Chu, L. Zhang*, Elucidating the Intercalation Pseudocapacitance Mechanism of MoS2-Carbon Monolayer Interoverlapped Superstructure: Toward High-Performance Sodium-Ion-Based Hybrid Supercapacitor, ACS Applied materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9, 32745–32755 (IF: 8.097)
5. R. T. Wang, S. Wang, D. Jin, Y. Zhang, Y. Cai, J. Ma*, L. Zhang*, Engineering Layer Structure of MoS2-Graphene Composites with Robust and Fast Lithium Storage for High-Performance Li-ion Capacitors. Energy Storage Materials, 2017, 9, 195-205. (IF: 16.28)
6. R. T. Wang, D. D. Jin, Y. Zhang, S. Wang, J. W. Lang, X. B. Yan*, L. Zhang*, Engineering the Metal Organic Framework Derived 3D Nanostructures for High Performance Hybrid Supercapacitor. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 292-302. (IF: 11.301)
7. R. T. Wang, P. Liu, J. W. Lang, L. Zhang*, X. B. Yan*, Coupling effect between ultra-small Mn3O4 nanoparticles and porous carbon microrods for hybrid supercapacitors, Energy Storage Materials, 2017, 6, 53–60. (IF: 16.28)
8. R. T. Wang, J. W. Lang, Y. H. Liu, Z. Y. Lin, X. B. Yan*, Ultra-small, size-controlled Ni(OH)2 nanoparticles: elucidating the relationship between the particle size and their electrochemical performance for advanced energy storage devices, NPG Asia Materials, 2015, 7, e183. (IF: 7.208)
9. R. T. Wang, J. W. Lang, P. Zhang, Z. Y. Lin, X. B. Yan*, Fast and large lithium storage in 3D porous VN nanowires–graphene composite as a superior anode toward high-performance hybrid supercapacitors, Advanced Functional Materials, 2015, 25, 2270–2278. (IF: 16.836) (ESI-Highly cited papers, Hot paper in March and April 2015 by Willy)
10. R. T. Wang,X. B. Yan*, J. W. Lang, Z. M. Zheng, P. Zhang, A hybrid supercapacitor based on flower-like Co(OH)2 and urchin-like VN electrode materials. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2, 12724-12732 (IF: 11.301) (feature as Back Cover) (ESI-Highly cited papers).
11. R. T. Wang, J. W. Lang, X. B. Yan*, Effect of surface area and heteroatom of porous carbon materials on electrochemical capacitance in aqueous and organic electrolytes. SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry, 2014, 57, 1570-1578. (IF: 4.132)
12. R. T. Wang, X. B. Yan*, Superior asymmetric supercapacitor based on Ni-Co oxide nanosheets and carbon nanorods. Scientific Reports, 2014, 4: 3712. (IF: 4.259)
13. R. T. Wang, P. Y. Wang, X. B. Yan*, J. W. Lang, C. Peng, Q. J. Xue. Promising porous carbon derived from celtuce leaves with outstanding supercapacitance and CO2 capture performance. ACS Applied materials & Interfaces, 2012, 4, 5800-5806. (IF: 8.097)
14. R. T. Wang, L. B. Kong*, J. W. Lang, X. W. Wang, S. Q. Fan, Y. C. Luo, L. Kang, Mesoporous Co3O4 materials obtained from cobalt citrate-complex and their high capacitance behavior, Journal of Power Sources, 2012, 217, 358-363. (IF: 6.395)
1.國家自然科學青年基金 (2020-2023),27萬元
2.江蘇省自然科學青年基金 (2019-2022),20萬元