在Acta Materialia,Philosophical Magazine Letters和Journal of Alloy and Compounds等期刊發表論文25篇,其中SCI收錄19篇,並受到美國科學促進會(AAAS)主辦的全球網際網路新聞發布平台EurekAlert!和中國科學院主辦的Chinese Science Bulletin發表專題評論。近年來主要研究成果:
[1]W.L.Wang, Z.Q.Li and B. Wei, “Macrosegregation Pattern and Microstructure Feature of Ternary Fe-Sn-Si Immiscible Alloy Solidified under Free Fall Condition”,Acta Materialia,2011, 59: 5482-5493.
[2]W.L.Wang, C.L.Shen, B.C.Luo and B.Wei. “Sluggish Dendrite Growth in Substantially Undercooled Liquid Fe-Sb Alloy”,Philosophical Magazine Letters, 2009, 89 (7): 409~418.
[3]W.L.Wang, X.M.Zhang, H.Y.Qin and B.Wei, “Macroscopic Phase Separation and Primary FeSi Compound Growth within Undercooled Ternary Fe-Sn-Si Monotectic Alloy”,Philosophical Magazine Letters, 2009, 89 (11): 683~693.