




  • 中文名:王修喜
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1980年10月
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:構造地貌學
  • 籍貫:山東省高密市
  • 性別:男
  • 職稱:副教授
  • 工作單位:蘭州大學西部環境與氣候變化研究院




2008-2009 :義大利波羅尼亞大學大學聯合培養學習。
2010.06 :蘭州大學自然地理學博士學位;
2010-2012 :蘭州大學地質科學與礦產資源學院,博士後。
2014- :蘭州大學資源環境學院副教授




主持 國家自然科學基金面上項目(低溫熱年代學重建貴德地區新生代構造地貌發育過程;批准號:41671001),項目起止年月:2017年01月至 2020年 12月主持 江蘇省地質調查研究院項目 (江蘇平原區第四沉積物磁性地層研究),項目起止年月:2020年01月至 2024年 12月


1.Zattin M., Wang X., 2019. Exhumation of the western Qinling mountain range and the building of the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 177: 307-313.
2.Wang X., Deng L., Zattin M., Ji M., Li J., 2017. Palaeogene growth of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau: Detrital fission track and sedimentary analysis of the Lanzhou basin, NW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 147: 322-331.
3.He P., Wang, X., Song C., Wang Q., Deng L., Zhong S., 2017. Cenozoic evolution of the Western Qinling Mt. Range based on thermochronologic and sedimentary records from the Wudu Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 138: 484-494.
4.Sun B., Wang X., Ji M., Pang L., Shi Q., Hou S., Sun D., Wang S., 2017.Miocene mammalian faunas from Wushan, China and their evolutionary, biochronological and biogeographic significances. Palaeoworld, 27,258-270.
5. Wang, X., Song, C., Zattin, M., He, P., Song, A., Li, J., Wang, Q., Cenozoic pulse deformation history of northeastern Tibetan Plateau reconstructed from fission-track thermochronology, Tectonophysics, 2016, 672-673:212-227.
6. Wang, X., Zattin, M., Li, J., Song, C., Chen S., Yang C., Zhang S., Yang J., 2013. Cenozoic Tectonic Uplift History of Western Qinling: Evidence from Sedimentary and Fission-Track Data. Journal of Earth Sciences, 24: 491-505.
7. Wang, X., Li, J., Song, C., Zattin, M., Zhang J., Zhao, Z., Zhang, Y., 2012. Late Cenozoic orogenic history of Western Qinling inferred from sedimentation of Tianshui basin, northeastern margin of Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 101:1345-1356.
8. Wang X., Zattin, M., Li, J., Song, C., Peng, T., Liu, S., Liu, B., 2011. Eocene to Pliocene exhumation history of the Tianshui-Huicheng region determined by Apatite fission-track thermochronology: Implications for evolution of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau margin. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 42:97-110
.9. Wang X., LI J., Song C., Zhang J., Zhao Z. Gao J. Pan M., 2007. Cenozoic uplift of West Qinling, northeast margin of Tibetan Plateau-a detrital apatite fission track record from the Tianshui basin. Frontiers of Earth Science in China, 1: 304-308.
10. Zhang J., Li J., Song, C., Zhao Z., Xie G., Wang X., Hui Z., Peng T.,Paleomagnetic ages of Miocene fluvio-lacustrine sediments in the Tianshui Basin, western China, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2013, 62:341-348
11. Liu S., Li J., Stockli D.F., Song C., Nie J., Peng T., Wang X., He K., Hui Z., Zhang J., Late Tertiary reorganizations of deformation in northeastern Tibet constrained by stratigraphy and provenance data from eastern Longzhong Basin, Journal of Geophysical Research:Solid Earth, 2015,120.
12. Alonso-Zarza, A. M., Zhao, Z., Song, C., Li, J., Zhang, J., Martín-Pérez, A., R. Martín- Gar cía a, Wang, X., Zhang, Y., Zhang, M., 2009. Mudflat/distal fan and shallow lake sedim -entation (upper Vallesian–Turolian) in the Tianshui Basin, Central China: Evidence against the late Miocene eolian loess. Sedimentary Geology, 222: 42-51.
13. Alonso-Zarza, A. M., Zhao, Z., Song, C., Li, J., Zhang, J., Martín-Pérez, A., R. Martín- Gar cía a, Wang, X., Zhang, Y., Zhang, M., 2010. Reply to the comment on 'Mudflat /distal fan and shallow lake sedimentation (upper Vallesian-Turolian) in the Tianshui Basin, Central China: Evidence against the late Miocene eolian loess' by A.M. Alonso-Zarza, Z. Zhao, C.H. Song, j.j. Li, J. Zhang, A. Martin-Perez, R. Martfn-Garcia, X.X. Wang, Y. Zhang and M.H. Zhang. Sedimentary Geology, 230:90-93.
14. Li J., Zhang J., Song C., Zhao Z., Zhang Y., Wang X., Zhang J., Cui Q., 2006. Miocene Bahean stratigraphy in the Longzhong Basin, northern central China and its implications in environmental change. Science in China (Ser D), 49 (12): 1270-1279.
15.王修喜, 2017.低溫熱年代學在青藏高原構造地貌發育過程研究中的套用. 地球科學進展, 32(3):234-244.
16. 王修喜,陳述,何鵬舉,宋艾,王強強,裂變徑跡熱年代學自動測試技術研究進展及實例分析,蘭州大學學報(自然科學版),2016,52(1):1-7.
17. 王修喜,李吉均,宋春暉,等. 青藏高原東北緣西秦嶺新生代抬升——天水盆地碎屑顆粒磷灰石裂變徑跡記錄.沉積學報,2006,24(4):783-789.
18. 王修喜,李吉均,宋春暉,等.天水盆地古近紀地層年代及其意義.蘭州大學學報(自然科學版), 2007. 43(5):1-6.
19. 李吉均,張軍,宋春暉,張軍,張勇,王修喜,張建明,崔巧玉,隴中盆地灞河期地層的發現及意義. 中國科學(D輯),2007,37(1):1-9.


