

王佳堃,浙江大學教授 ,求是青年學者,博士生導師。國家自然科學基金優秀青年基金獲得者。現任浙江大學動物科學學院動物科技系副系主任、奶業科學研究所副所長。擔任浙江省畜牧獸醫學會副秘書長、浙江省畜牧獸醫學會草食動物與草業分會會長、中國畜牧獸醫學會養羊學分會理事等職。主持國家自然科學基金、國家科技支撐計畫、省重大專項等項目16項。在國內外學術刊物發表論文70餘篇,其中SCI收錄論文40餘篇。授權國家發明專利4項、實用新型專利1項。獲國家農業部三等獎、環保部二等獎和北京市農業技術推廣獎三等獎各1項。


  • 中文名:王佳堃
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業教師
  • 畢業院校:東北農業大學/浙江大學
2012.03-2016.11 浙江大學副教授,博士生導師
2009.12-2012.02 浙江大學副教授,碩士生導師
2008.09-2009.11 浙江大學講師
2006.04-2008.08 浙江大學生物學博士後流動站,師資博士後
2003.03-2006.03 浙江大學攻讀博士學位
1999.09-2002.07 東北農業大學攻讀碩士學位
1994.09-1998.07 東北農業大學攻讀學士學位
2015.11-2015.12 University of Alberta, Bioinformatics, Visit for Scholarly Exchange
2009.07-2011.05 CSIRO Livestock Industries, Applied Microbiology, Visit Scientist
2005.08-2005.09 Humboldt-University,InternationalSummer School
2016年: 獲得國家自然科學基金優秀青年科學基金
2015年: 環境保護科學技術獎二等獎(3/9)
2013年: 入選浙江大學農業生命環境學部優秀人才培育計畫
2012年: 浙江大學求是青年學者
2010年: 入選國家留學基金委高等學校青年骨幹教師出國研修項目
2009年: 入選浙江大學學術帶頭人後備人才出國研究專項計畫(新星計畫)
2008年: 浙江大學優秀博士後
2007年: 2006-2007年度,浙江大學動物科學學院先進工作者
1. 微生物與胃腸道發育。探索消化道發育過程中微生物菌群棲居與消化、黏膜免疫等功能之間的關係,
2. 胃腸道微生態與養分代謝。研究草食動物胃腸道內微生態、纖維物質消化與甲烷生成的微生物學機制,胃
3. 胃腸道微生物資源開發利用。宏基因組學、體外定向進化和細胞表面展示技術相結合,開發胃腸道微生物
4. 功能性植物次生代謝產物研究與開發。傳統營養學與微生物組學技術相結合,篩選調節甲烷生成的活性物
Wang JK*, Liu M, Wu YL, Wang L,Liu JX, Jiang LS, Yu ZT. 2016. Medicinal herbs as a potential strategy
todecrease methane 1 production by rumen microbiota: A systematic evaluation witha focus on Perilla
frutescens seedextract. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. DOI: 10.1007/s00253-016-7830-z
☆ Yang CL, Mi L, Hu XL,Liu JX, Wang JK*. 2016. Investigationinto Host Selection of the Cecal Acetogen
Population in Rabbits after Weaning. PLoS One.11(7): e0158768
☆ Peng YJ, Wang JK*, Lin J, Liu JX. 2016.Effect of dietary soybean oil and antioxidants on fatty acids and
volatilecompounds of tail subcutaneous and perirenal fat tissues in fattening lambs. J AnimSci
Biotechnol. 7:24
☆ Wang Q,Luo Y, He B, Jiang LS, Liu JX, Wang JK*.2015. Characterization of a novel xylanase gene from
rumen content of Hu sheep. ApplBiochem Biotechnol. 177(7):1424-1436
☆ Yang B,He B, Wang SS, Liu JX, Wang JK*.2015. Early supplementation of starter pellets with alfalfa
improves theperformance of pre- and postweaning Hu lambs.J Anim Sci. 93(10):4984–4994
Wang JK*,He B, Du W, Luo Y, Yu ZT, Liu JX. 2015. Yeast with surface displayed xylanaseas a new dual
purpose delivery vehicle of xylanase and yeast. AnimFeed Sci Technol. 208:44-52
☆ Yi XW, Yang F, Liu JX, Wang JK*.2015. Efects of replacement of concentrate mixture by broccoli
byproducts on milk performance in lactating dairy cows. Asian Austral J Anim Sci. 28(10):1449-1453
☆Yang CL, Guan LL, Liu JX, Wang JK*.2015. Rumen fermentation and acetogen population changes in
response to anexogenous acetogen TWA4 strain and saccharomycescerevisiae fermentation product.
J Zhejiang Univ Sci B. 16(8):709-719
☆ WangQ, Du W, Weng XY, Liu MQ, Wang JK*,Liu JX. 2015. Recombination of thermo-alkalistable,high
xylooligosaccharides producing endo-xylanase from thermobifida fusca and expression in pichia pastoris.
Appl Biochem Biotechnol.175(3):1318-1329
☆ Sun HZ, Wang DM, Wang B, Wang JK*,Liu HY, Guan LL, Liu JX*. 2015. Metabolomics of four biofluids
from dairy cows:potential biomarkers for milk production and quality. JProteome Res. 14(2):1287-1298
☆ Liu J, Pu YY, Xie Q, Wang JK*, LiuJX*. 2015. Pectin induces an in vitrorumen microbial population shift
attributed to the pectinolytic treponema group.Curr Microbiol. 70(1):67-74
☆ Gagen EJ1, Wang JK1 (1 equal contribution), PadmanabhaJ, Liu J, Carvalho de Carvalho IP, Liu JX,
Webb RI, Al Jassim R, Morrison M,Denman SE, McSweeney CS. 2014. Investigation of a new acetogen
isolated from anenrichment of the tammar wallaby forestomach.BMC Microbiol. 14(1):314
☆ Du W, Wang Q, Wang JK*,Liu JX. 2014. Enhancing catalytic activity of a xylanase retrieved from a
fosmid library of rumen microbiota in Hu sheep by directed evolution. J Anim Vet Adv.13(8):538-544
Wang JK*,Sun ZY, Zhou Y, Wang Q, Ye JA, Chen ZM, Liu JX. 2012. Screening of a xylanaseclone from
a fosmid library of rumen microbiota in Hu sheep. AnimBiotechol. 23(3): 156-173
Wang JK, Ye JA, Liu JX.2012. Effects of tea saponins on rumen microbiota, rumen fermentation,
methaneproduction and growth performance-a review.Trop Anim Health Prod. 44(4):697-706
☆ Zhou YY, Mao HL, Jiang F, Wang JK*,Liu JX*, McSweeney CS. 2011. Inhibition of rumen
methanogenesis by tea saponins with reference to fermentation to fermentation pattern and microbial
communities in Hu sheep. Anim Feed Sci Technol. 166-67(SI):93-100
Wang JK, Chen XL, Liu JX,Wu YM, Ye JA. 2008. Histological changes of tissues and cell wall of rice
straw influenced by chemical pretreatments. Asian Austral J Anim Sci. 21(6): 824-830
Wang JK, Liu JX, Li JY, WuYM, Ye JA. 2007. Histological and rumen degradation changes of rice straw
stemepidermis as influenced by chemical pretreatment. AnimFeed Sci Technol. 136(1-2): 51-62
Wang JK, Mao HL, Zhou YW,Liu JX, Yan XJ. 2007. Feasibility of porphyra haitanensis as protein source
for ruminants. J Anim Feed Sci. 16(Suppl.): 278-283
☆ Wang JK, Liu JX, Wu YM, Ye JA. 2006.Improvement of organic matter digestibility along with changes
of physicalproperties of rice straw by chemical treatments. J AnimFeed Sci. 15(1): 147-157


