2019/09 廣西大學,農學院,教授
國家能源局國家能源非糧生物質原料研發中心專家庫成員,BMC Research Note, Biotechnology for Biofuel 審稿人。參與籌建國家生物質能二級交叉學科。
1. Cheng LL#, Wang LQ#, Wei LY, Wu Y, Aftab Alam, Xu CB, Wang YT, Tu YY, Peng LC, Xia T* (2019). Employing wheat mutant straw distinctive for Cd phytoremediation and cellulosic ethanol coproduction under combined mild chemical pretreatments. Green Chemistry. 2019 (IF: 9.4、1區SCI,#共同第一作者)
2. Huang JF, Xia T, Li GH, Li XL, Li Y, Wang YT, Wang YM, Chen YY, Xie GS, Bai FW, Peng LC, Wang LQ* (2019). Overproduction of native endo-β-1,4-glucanases leads to largely enhanced biomass saccharification and bioethanol production by specific modification of cellulose features in transgenic rice. Biotechnology for Biofuels. 2019,12:11(IF 6.3、1區SCI,*通訊作者)
3. Hu Z, Zhang GF, Ali Muhammad, Rana Abdul Samad, Wang YM, Jonathan D. Walton, He YQ, Peng LC, Wang LQ * (2018). Genetic loci simultaneously controlling lignin monomers and biomass digestibility of rice straw. Scientific Reports. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-21741-y (*通訊作者)
4. Hu Z, Zhang GF, Chen YY, Wang YM, He YQ, Peng LC, Wang LQ *. (2018). Determination of lignin monomer contents in rice straw using visible and near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Bioresources. DOI:10.15376/biores.13.2.3284-3299(*通訊作者)
5. Li Y, Liu P, Huang JF, Zhang R, Hu Z, Feng SQ, Wang YQ, Wang LQ, Xia T*, Peng LC*. (2018). Mild chemical pretreatments are sufficient for bioethanol production in the transgenic rice straws overproducing glucosidase. Green Chemistry. DOI:10.1039/C8GC00694F (IF: 9.125)
6. Fan CF,Feng SQ, Huang JF, Wang YQ, Wu LM, Li XK, Wang LQ, Xia T, Li JY, Cai XW, Peng LC *. (2017). AtCesA8-driven OsSUS3 expression leads to largely enhanced biomass saccharifcation and lodging resistance by distinctively altering lignocellulose features in rice. Biotechnology for Biofuels. DOI:10.1186/s13068-017-0911-0
7. Zahoor, Sun D, Li Y, Wang J, Tu YY, Wang YQ, Hu Z, Zhou SG, Wang LQ, Xie GS, Huang JJ, Aftab Alam, Peng LC*. (2017). Biomass saccharification is largely enhanced by altering wall polymer features and reducing silicon accumulation in rice cultivars harvested from nitrogen fertilizer supply. Bioresource Technology. 243 957–965.
8. Zahoor, Tu YY, Wang LQ, Xia T, Sun D, Zhou SG, Wang YQ, Zhang HP, Zhang T, Meysam Madadi, Peng LC*. (2017). Mild chemical pretreatments are sufficient for complete saccharification of steam-exploded residues and high ethanol production in desirable wheat accessions. Bioresource Technology. 243 319–326.
9. Li XK#, Guo K#, Zhu XB, Chen P, Li Y, Xie GS, Wang LQ, Wang YT, Persson S* and Peng LC*. Domestication of rice has reduced the occurrence of transposable elements within gene coding regions. BMC Genomics, 2017, 18:55 DOI 10.1186/s12864-016-3454-z.
10. Zhang ML, Wei F, Guo K, Hu Z, Li YY, Xie GS, Wang YT, Cai XW, Peng LC and Wang LQ*. A Novel FC116/BC10 Mutation Distinctively Causes Alteration in the Expression of the Genes for Cell Wall Polymer Synthesis in Rice. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2016, 7:1366.doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01366(*通訊作者)
11. Wu ZL, Hao HH, Zahoor, Tu YY, Hu Z, Wei F, Liu YY, Zhou YX, Wang YT, Xie GS, Gao CB, Cai XW, Peng LC and Wang LQ*. Diverse Cell Wall Composition and Varied Biomass Digestibility in Wheat Straw for Bioenergy Feedstock. Biomass and Bioengery, 2014 (5-Year Impact Factor: 4.164) (*通訊作者)
12. Guo K, Zou WH, Feng YQ, Zhang ML, Zhang J, Tu F, Xie GS, Wang LQ, Wang YT, Sebastian Klie, Staffan Persson and Peng LC*. An integrated genomic and metabolomic framework for cell wall biology in rice. BMC Genomics, 15: 596, 2014 (5-year IF: 4.5)
13. Peng B, Wang LQ*, Fan CC, Jiang GH, Luo LJ, Li YB and He YQ*. Comparative mapping of chalkiness components in rice using five populations across two environments. BMC Genetics, 15:49, 2014 (IF:2.49, *共同通訊作者)
14. Peng B#, Kong HL#, Li YB, Wang LQ, Zhong M, Sun L, Gao GJ, Zhang QL, Luo LJ, Wang GW, Xie WB, Chen JX,Yao W, Peng Y, Lei L, Lian XM, Xiao JH, Xu CG,, Li XH and He YQ*.OsAAP6 functions as an important regulator of grain protein content and nutritional quality in rice. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2014 (IF :10.742)
15. Wu ZL, Zhang ML, Wang LQ*, Tu YY, Zhang J, Xie GS, Zou WH, Li FC, Guo K, Li Q, Gao CB, Peng LC*. Biomass digestibility is predominantly affected by three factors of wall polymer features distinctive in wheat accessions and rice mutants. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 6:183, 2013(IF 6.5,*共同通訊作者)
16. Xie G, Yang B, Xu Z, Li F, Guo K, Xu Z, Li FC, Guo K, Zhang ML, Wang LQ, Zou WF, Wang YT, Peng LC*. Global Identification of Multiple OsGH9 Family Members and Their Involvement in Cellulose Crystallinity Modification in Rice. PLoS ONE 8(1): e50171. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050171, 2013
17. Wang L Q#,Guo K#, Li Y, Tu Y Y, Hu H Z, Wang B R, Cui X C, Peng L C. Expression profiling and integrative analysis of the CESA/CSL superfamily in rice. BMC plant biology, 2010,10:282(IF:4.09 #同等貢獻第一作者)
18. Wang L Q, Zhong M, Li X H, Yuan D J, Xu Y B, Liu H F, He Y Q, Luo L J, Zhang Q F. The QTL controlling amino acid content in grains of rice (Oryza sativa) are co-localized with the regions involved in the amino acid metabolism pathway. Molecular breeding, 2008, 21: 127-137(第一作者)
19. Wang L Q, Liu W J, Xu Y B, He Y Q, Luo L J, Zhang Q F. Genetic basis of 17 traits and viscosity parameters characterizing the eating and cooking quality of the rice grain. Theor Appl Genet, 2007, 115: 463-476(第一作者)
20. Zhong M#, Wang L Q#, Yuan D J, Luo L J, He Y Q. Identification of QTL Affecting Protein and Amino Acid Content in Rice. Rice Science, 2011, 18(3) (#同等貢獻第一作者)
21. Li Y B, Wu C J, Jiang G H, Wang L Q, He Y Q. Dynamic analyses of rice blast resistance for the assessment of genetic and environmental effects. Plant breeding, 2007, 126: 541-547
22. Tian R, Jiang G H, Shen L H, Wang L Q, He Y Q. Mapping quantitative trait loci underlying the cooking and eating quality of rice using a DH population. Molecular breeding, 2005, 15: 117-124
23. Zhu XB, Zhang GF, Wang YM, Staffan persson,Xie GS, Wang LQ. Rapid, T-vector Mediated, Directional Cloning of Short Core-attL Attached PCR Products into Gateway System. Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,2018(中國生物化學與分子生物學報,*通訊作者)
24. 胡煒晨, 張同, 胡振, 王令強*.禾本科植物細胞壁合成調控研究進展[J].江蘇農業學報,2017(*通訊作者)
25. 李旭凱, 彭良才, 王令強*. pep_pattern.pl,搜尋蛋白質序列模體的perl腳本. 華中農業大學學報,4:1-6, 2014(*通訊作者)
26. 劉揚洋, 馬 麗, 周玉霞, 劉雪琴, 王令強*. 2,4-D, Dicamba和KT對小麥成熟胚離體培養的影響. 麥類作物學報,34(8):1044-1048,2014(*通訊作者)
27. 李旭凱, 郭凱, 彭良才, 王令強*. ChooseMaterials.pl,控制變數挑選實驗材料的perl腳本. 生物信息學,2013,11(3):186-191 (*通訊作者)
28. 王川麗, 王令強, 牟同敏*. 水稻脆性突變體nbc(t)的主要特性和脆性基因的初步定位. 華中農業大學學報, 31:159-164, 2012
29. 孔會利, 劉文俊, 王令強, 高冠軍, 何予卿*. 水稻株高QTLQph1的精細定位. 華中農業大學學報, 31: 265-269, 2012
30. 劉文俊, 王令強, 何予卿. 利用兩個相關群體定位和比較水稻株高和抽穗期QTL. 華中農業大學學報, 2007, 26: 161-166
31. 鐘明, 王令強, 羅利軍,何予卿. 利用RIL群體比較定位糙米和精米蛋白質含量的QTL. 分子植物育種, 2007, 5: 631-638
32. 黃天帶, 吳江生, 王令強, 華玉偉. 甘藍型油菜矮稈突變體的遺傳及其矮稈基因的RAPD標記. 農業生物技術學報, 2006, 14: 942-945
33. 彭良才, 王炳銳, 夏濤, 王令強. 植物細胞壁功能基因組學與生物能源作物選育. 遺傳, 2007, 29(10)
1、何予卿, 王令強, 劉文俊. 稻米品質性狀和遺傳改良. 見: 張啟發主編, 綠色超級稻的構想與實踐. 北京:科學出版社, 2009, pp: 107-135.
1、Wang LQ. Diversity in the cell wall composition of chinese wheat relation to their use as biomass and bioenergy feedstock. The Third International Symposium On Bioenergy And Biotechnology, 2012. 10.14-20, China, Wuhan, Oral Report
1. 王令強,彭良才,謝國生,朱曉博,胡慧貞,一種LR酶可識別和作用的位點對和引物對及質粒構建方法,專利號201710150563.2,2017.3.14。
2. 彭良才,范春芬,豐勝求,李英,夏濤,王令強,利用伸展蛋白提高水稻抗倒伏能力的方法,Manipulation of transgenic rice plant that expressed extensin-like gene for high lodging resistance專利號201710034163.5,2017.01.18。
3. 彭良才,豐勝求,謝國生,王令強,王艷婷,李英,范春芬,孫海燕,胡慧貞,利用外切葡聚糖酶提高水稻秸稈降解轉化效率的方法- Manipulation of the transgenic rice plant that expressed exo-beat-1,4-gluconase gene for high biomass enzymatic digestibility,專利號2016110794764,2016.11.30。
1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,31771775,“小麥脆稈基因的圖位克隆和功能解析”,2018/01-2021/12,59萬,在研,主持。
2. 國家重點研發計畫課題任務,湖北單雙季稻混作區周年機械化豐產增效技術集成與示範,2019.01-2020.12,50萬,在研,主持。
3. 中央高校科研基金(國際合作前期培育),2662015PY009,“小麥秸稈細胞壁組成和酶解產糖效率的遺傳關聯分析”,2015/01-2016/12,15萬,結題,主持。
4. 中央高校科研基金(高水平科研論文培育),2662015PY207,“MYB轉錄因子在水稻細胞壁合成調控中的分子機制”,2015/01-2017/12,10萬,結題,主持。
5. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,31171524,“水稻次生細胞壁合成調控網路及其關鍵因子功能分析”,2012/01-2015/12,66萬,結題,主持。
6. 中央高校科研基金(新興研究和學科交叉),2011PY047,“水稻次生細胞壁合成調控網路關鍵基因的篩選和功能研究”,2011/01-2012/12,15萬,結題,主持。
7. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,30900890,“水稻顯性脆桿基因nbc(t)的克隆和功能分析”,2010/01-2012/12,20萬,結題,主持。
8. 湖北省自然科學基金,2009CDB324,“水稻顯性脆稈基因nbc(t)的精細定位和克隆”,2010/01-2011/12,3萬,結題,主持。
9. 全國博士後基金,52201-12925,“植物纖維素合酶相似蛋白D基因家族(CslD)功能和對環境脅迫反應的研究”,2008/01-2009/12,2萬,結題,主持。
10. 2010年國家973計畫前期研究專項“新型能源作物細胞壁生物合成分子機理研究”(2010CB134401)(總經費70萬元,2010.4-2012.8)參加。
11. 2009年國家轉基因生物新品種培育科技重大專項“棉花纖維品質和水稻抗逆相關的纖維素合成關鍵基因的克隆與功能驗證”(2009ZX08009-119B)(總經費274萬元,2009-2010)參加。
12. 廣西大學人才引進項目,2019-2023