在鳥類行為生態和遺傳進化領域取得了系列進展:包括整合種群譜系特徵,分析重要表型性轉的遺傳和進化;通過不同物種和種群比較來研究表型和遺傳的分化;採用大數據分析聯合國際多個實驗室,總結和揭示了170多個鳥類物種重要繁殖行為策略的模式和相關影響機制;代表鳥類物種不同繁殖策略的適合度差異等。相關論文發表在Nature Communications, The Innovation、Plos Biology、Evolution、Nature Ecology&Evoltion、 Animal Behaviour、The American Naturalist、Journal of Animal Ecology 和Journalof Applied Ecology等知名期刊上。
(1)Wang D, Forstmeier W,Farine D, et al. Machine learning reveals cryptic dialects that explain matechoice in a songbird. Nature Communications, 2022, (13):1630
(2)X Guan, Rao X, Song G, WangD #. The evolution of courtship displays in Galliformes. Avian Research, 2022,13:100008. (#通訊作者).
(3)Wang D, Liu X #. Behavioral innovation promotesalien bird invasions. The Innovation, 2021, 2(4).
(4)Forstmeier W #, Wang D #,Martin K, et al. Fitness costs of female choosiness are low in a sociallymonogamous songbird. PLOS Biology, 2021, 19(11).
(5)Wang D #, Forstmeier W,D’Amlio P, et al. Is female mate choice repeatable across males with nearlyidentical songs? Animal Behaviour, 2021, 181(137-149).
(6)Wang D, Forstmeier W,Martin K, Wilson A and Kempenaers B. 2020. The role of genetic constraints andsocial environment in explaining female extra-pair mating. Evolution,74(3):544-558.
(7)Pei Y, Forstmeier W, WangD, Martin K, Rutkowska J and Kempenaers B. 2020. Proximate causes of variationin infertility, embryo mortality, and other fitness components in captive zebrafinches. The American Naturalist, 196(3): 577-596.
(8)Song S, Chang Y, Wang D,Jiang T, Feng J and Lin A. 2020. Chronic traffic noise increases foodconsumption and alters gene expression associated with metabolism and diseasein bats. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57(10):1915-1925.
(9)Delhey K, Guallar S,Hernandez RR, Valcu M, Wang D and Kempenaers B. 2020. Partial or complete? Theevolution of post-juvenile moult strategies in passerine birds. Journal ofAnimal Ecology, 89(12):2896-2908.
(10)Wang D, Forstmeier W, ValcuM, Dingemanse N, Bulla M, Both C, Duckworth R A, Kiere L M, P. Karell, AlbrechtT, and Kempenaers B. 2019. Scrutinizing assortative mating in birds. PLOSBiology, 17(2): e3000156.
(11)Wang D, Forstmeier W, IhleM, Khadraoui M, Jerónimo S, Martin K, and Kempenaers B. 2018. Irreproducibletext‐book ‘knowledge’: The effects of color bands on zebra finch fitness.Evolution, 72(4):961-976.
(12)Jeronimo S, Khadraoui M,Wang D, Martin K, Lesku JA, Robert KA, Schlicht E, Forstmeier W, and KempenaersB. 2018. Plumage color manipulation has no effect on social dominance orfitness in zebra finches. Behavioral Ecology, 29(2):459-467.
(13)Wang D, Forstmeier W, andKempenaers B. 2017. No mutual mate choice for quality in zebra finches: Time toquestion a widely held assumption. Evolution, 71:2661-2676.
(14)Wang D, Kempenaers N,Kempenaers B, and Forstmeier W. 2017. Male zebra finches have limited abilityto identify high-fecundity females. Behavioral Ecology, 28(3):784-792.
(15)Knief U, Forstmeier W, PeiY, Ihle M, Wang D, Martin K, Opatova P, Albrechtova J, Wittig M, Franke A,Albrecht T, and Kempenaers B. 2017. A sex-chromosome inversion causes strongoverdominance for sperm traits that affect siring success. Nature Ecology &Evolution, 1:1177-1184.