王亞平(Ya Ping Wang),出生於陝西岐山,中國現代城市問題研究專家,英國社會科學院院士,愛丁堡皇家學會院士,英國格拉斯哥大學教授,陝西師範大學地理科學與旅遊學院教授、博士生導師。
- 科研綜述
- 學術論著
刊發時間 | 論文名稱 | 期刊名稱 |
2009年 | A planner's profile | 《Scottish Planner》 |
Housing migrant workers in rapidly urbanizing regions: A study of the Chinese model in Shenzhen | 《Housing Studies》 | |
2010年 | Housing affordability and market stability | |
2011年 | The new affordable and social housing provision system in China: Implications for comparative housing studies | 《International Journal of Housing Policy》 |
The achievement, questions and visions of China's housing reform | 《Community Design》 | |
2012年 | The maturation of the neo-liberal housing market in urban China | 《Housing Studies》 |
Urbanisation in China | 《Real Estate Research Quarterly》 | |
Housing the urban poor in a marketised system in China | 《Urban Policy and Research》 | |
2014年 | The new chinese model of public housing: a step forward or backward? | 《Housing Studies》 |
2015年 | Pre-reform socialist welfare housing estates in China: physical conditions and social profiles | 《Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering》 |
2017年 | Pro-poorness of planning policies in Bangladesh: the case of Khulna city | 《International Planning Studies》 |
2018年 | (De-)activating the growth machine for redevelopment: the case of Liede urban village in Guangzhou | 《Urban Studies》 |
Understanding the living conditions of Chinese urban neighborhoods through social infrastructure configurations: the case study of Tianjin | 《Sustainability》 | |
Negative emotion under haze: an investigation based on the microblog and weather records of Tianjin, China | 《International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health》 | |
2019年 | Spatial organization of hierarchical medical services within the city proper of Tianjin, China: towards efficient medical alliances | 《Sustainability》 |
Livability of high-rise housing: international experiences and implications on China | 《Journal of Human Settlements in West China》 | |
Promoting green residential buildings in China: bridging the gap between design and operation to improve occupants’ residential satisfaction | 《Sustainability》 | |
Sustainable, healthy and learning cities and neighbourhoods | 《Environment and Urbanization ASIA》 | |
2020年 | The (re)making of polycentricity in China’s planning discourse: the case of Tianjin | 《International Journal of Urban and Regional Research》 |
2021年 | Urban expansion and land use changes in Asia and Africa | 《Environment and Urbanization ASIA》 |
參考資料 |
- 平台建設
- 科研項目
時間 | 項目名稱 | 項目來源 | 擔任角色 |
2017年 | 可持續,健康,學習型城市與社區 | 英國研究與創新部國際研究挑戰基金 | 首席科學家 |
- 指導學生
姓名 | 文論題目 | 學位類別 |
TIANYI TANG | Urban greening, socio-spatial inequalities, and gentrification: a case study of Shanghai, China | postgraduate research students |
時間 | 榮譽表彰 | 授予單位 |
2022年 | 愛丁堡皇家學會院士 | |
2015年 | 英國社會科學院院士 | 英國社會科學院 |
擔任職務 |
《Housing Studies》編委、客座編輯 |
《International Journal of Housing Policy》編委、客座編輯 |
《Asian Geographer》編委、客座編輯 |