



  • 軟體名稱:狗狗整蠱
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:1.64MB


今天就免費下載! 介紹一個有趣的笑話,在那裡你可以隱藏一個吱吱作響的狗玩具,人的床上,將有你的受害者,因為他們試圖找到聲音的來源,心亂如麻的聲音! 現在你可以重新創建這些聲音效果和開車的人,你討厭堅果,不管他們做什麼,他們聽到他們來自一些秘密的地方...設定一個倒計時,60分鐘前惡作劇,然後按按鈕開始惡作劇,看著螢幕上出現一個無辜的關閉模式,默默地等待你的惡作劇受害者。 要更改設定或關閉惡作劇,只需輕按螢幕上任何地方的設定逐漸回到視野。 根據你的技能,完美的隱藏點滑落到這個被忽視的惡作劇,會尋找你的獵物小時!同時,整個時間你的iPhone或iPod touch看起來,如果傻傻關閉。 使其更難為他們找到多久應該作出的噪音,從極其往往每一秒的很少,也許一分鐘一次的設定或多或少。欺騙你的朋友和家人為好! DOWNLOAD FOR FREE TODAY! Introducing a funny joke where you can hide the sounds of a squeaky doggy toy under anyone's bed that will have your victims utterly confused as they try to find the source of the sounds! Now you can recreate these sounds effect and drive people you hate nuts and no matter what they do, they hear them coming from some secret place... set a countdown, up to 60 minutes before the prank and then, press the button to start the prank and watch as the screen fades to an innocent off mode silently awaiting your prank victims. To change a setting or turn the prank off, just tap anywhere on the screen to have the settings fade back into view. Depending on your skills at slipping this unnoticed prank into the perfect hidden spot, your prey will be searching for hours! Meanwhile, the entire time your iPhone or iPod touch looks as if its innocently turned off. Make it even harder for them to locate by setting the how often the noises should be made, from extremely often with every second to rarely maybe once a minute more or less. Trick your friends and family members for good!




