



  • 書名:物流專業英語
  • 作者黃星、趙忠興
  • ISBN:9787115275486
  • 定價:22元
  • 出版社人民郵電出版社
  • 出版時間:2012年5月 
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開





Unit 1 What Is the Logistics? 1
Part I Practical Reading 1
Passage A: Introduction to Logistics 1
Notes 2
New Words 3
Phrases and Expressions 4
Passage B: Business Logistics 5
New Words 6
Phrases and Expressions 7
Part II Hand-on Practice 8
Evolution of Logistical Integration, 1960—2000 8
Part III Translation 11
Logistics Field 11
Part IV Simulated Writing 11
匯票 11
Part V Listening and Speaking 13
Visiting Logistics Company 13
Unit 2 Logistic Information 15
Part I Practical Reading 15
Passage A: Logistics Terminology 15
Notes 16
New Words 17
Phrases and Expressions 18
Passage B: Logistics Information Availability 19
New Words 20
Phrases and Expressions 20
Part II Hand-on Practice 22
Logistics Information System 22
Part III Translation 24
Welcome to Logistic Information Consultants 24
Part IV Simulated Writing 24
商業發票 24
Part V Listening and Speaking 26
Talk about logistics information system 26
Unit 3 An Overview of Transportation 28
Part I Practical Reading 28
Passage A: Transportation Modes(I) 28
A Diversity of Modes 28
Notes 30
New Words 30
Phrases and Expressions 30
Passage B: Transportation Modes(II) 32
New Words 33
Phrases and Expressions 33
Part II Hand-on Practice 35
The Reverse Logistics Process 35
The Forward Logistics Process 36
Part III Translation 37
Logistics and Transportation 37
Part IV Simulated Writing 37
外貿裝箱單填寫說明 37
Part V Listening and Speaking 40
Talking About Transportation 40
Unit 4 Logistic Inventory 42
Part I Practical Reading 42
Passage A: Introduction to Inventory 42
Notes 44
New Words 44
Phrases and Expressions 45
Passage B: Need for Inventory Management 46
New Words 47
Phrases and Expressions 48
Part II Hand-on Practice 49
VMI(Vendor Managed Inventory) Service 49
Part III Translation 51
Inventory Costs 51
Part IV Simulated Writing 52
提單樣本填寫說明 52
Part V Listening and Speaking 54
Talk About Inventory 54
Unit 5 Warehousing 56
Part I Practical Reading 56
Passage A: Introduction to Warehousing 56
Notes 58
New Words 58
Phrases and Expressions 59
Passage B: Warehouse Operation and Management 60
New Words 61
Phrases and Expressions 62
Manufacturing/Warehousing 63
Part II Hand-on Practice 63
Typical Warehouse Scenario 63
Part III Translation 65
WMS Benefits 65
Part IV Simulated Writing 66
入境貨物報檢單填制要求 66
(Application for Certificate of Import Inspection) 66
Part V Listening and Speaking 68
In the Warehouse 68
Unit 6 Third-Party Logistics 70
Part I Practical Reading 70
Passage A: What Is Third-Party Logistics? 70
Notes 71
New Words 72
Phrases and Expressions 72
Passage B: Selecting a Third-Party Logistics(3PL) Provider 73
New Words 75
Phrases and Expressions 75
Part II Hand-on Practice 77
3PL Database / Data Warehousing 77
Part III Translation 79
What You Need to Know About Third-party Logistics 79
Part IV Simulated Writing 80
貨物運輸險投保注意要點 80
(Transportation Insurance Application) 80
Part V Listening and Speaking 82
About Third-Party Logistics 82
Unit 7 Packaging 85
Part I Practical Reading 85
Passage A: Functions of Packaging 85
Notes 87
New Words 87
Phrases and Expressions 88
Passage B:Types of Packaging 89
New Words 90
Phrases and Expressions 91
Part II Hand-on Practice 93
Design Process for Appropriate Packaging 93
Part III Translation 95
Types of Packaging Materials 95
Part IV Simulated Writing 96
提單填寫要點 96
Part V Listening and Speaking 98
Introduction to Packaging 98
Unit 8 Purchasing 100
Part I Practical Reading 100
Passage A: Introduction to Purchasing 100
Notes 101
New Words 102
Phrases and Expressions 102
Passage B: Supplier Selection and Evaluation 104
New Words 105
Phrases and Expressions 106
Part II Hand-on Practice 107
Purchasing on Demand 107
Part III Translation 109
Purchasing Managers, Buyers, and Purchasing Agents 109
Part IV Simulated Writing 110
規範填寫海運貨櫃單 110
Part V Listening and Speaking 112
Talking About Suppliers 112
Vocabulary 114
Phrases and Expressions 123
參考譯文 130
參考文獻 148









Unit 1 Introduction to the Logistics
Elements of Logistics
Unit 2 Introduction to Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management
Reasons for Developing Supply Chains
Benefits of Supply Chain Cooperation
The Goal of Supply Chain Management
Unit 3 Logistics Management and Organization
Relationships with Other Corporate Functions
Logistics Organizational Structures
Unit 4 Logistics and Competitive Advantage
Time and Quality Based Competition
Efficiency and Effectiveness
The Marketing/Logistics Strategic Linkage
Logistics Leverage
Unit 5 Planning for Logistics
Tools and Techniques
Unit 6 The Cost of Logistics
The Role of Depots and Warehouses
Costs Relationships
Unit 7 Equipment Storage
Palletized Storage
Small Item Storage Systems
Other Types of Storage
Unit 8 Transportation Management
Importance of an Effective Transportation System
Means of Transportation
Transportation Decision
Unit 9 Inventory Management
Inventory Functionality
Inventory Related Definitions
Inventory Carrying Cost
Unit 10 Information System Functionality and Integration
Information System Functionality
Information System Integration
Unit 11 Packing
Unit 12 International Logistics Strategy
Decision - making Process
Problem Areas and Possible Solutions
Unit 13 International Purchasing
Advantages and Rationale of Buying Overseas
Appendix Logistics Terms


