



  • 中文名:物流專業英語:微課版
  • 作者:王風麗,劉微
  • 類別:教材
  • 出版社:人民郵電出版社
  • 出版時間:2021年
  • 開本:128 開
  • 裝幀:平裝-膠訂
  • ISBN:9787115560414


本書主要給讀者傳遞實用、典型、核心、前沿的物流專業知識。全書共分3 個模組:第1 模組為基礎篇(共3章),涉及物流概論、著名物流公司介紹及物流商務禮儀等;第2 模組為專業篇(共12 章),分別為倉儲、採購、配送、運輸、包裝、國際貨運代理、物流信息管理、供應鏈管理、第三方物流、逆向物流、物聯網、大數據在物流行業中的套用;第3 模組為業務篇(共4 章),涉及國際物流業務中所運用的相關檔案。各模組分別包含學習目標、課文、辭彙、短語和表達、注釋、案例分析、補充閱讀、練習等內容。


Module One Background Knowledge of Logistics—Logistics Culture
Chapter One A General Introduction to Logistics 2
1.1 Definition of Logistics 3
1.2 Analysis of Logistics Definition 3
1.3 Importance of Logistics 4
1.4 Main Activities of Logistics System 5
Chapter Two Famous Logistics Companies 9
2.1 DHL 9
2.2 FedEx 11
2.3 UPS 12
2.4 Maersk 14
2.5 COSCO 15
2.6 China Post (EMS) 16
Chapter Three Business Etiquette of Logistics 20
3.1 Personal Appearance 20
3.2 Common Ceremonial Reception 25
3.3 Etiquette in Different Parts of the World 27
Module Two Professional English of Logisticsn Chapter Four Warehousing 34
4.1 Role of Warehousing 34
4.2 Main Components of Warehousing 35
4.3 Types of Warehouses 35
4.4 Warehousing Activities 37
Chapter Five Purchasing 43
5.1 Definition of Purchasing 43
5.2 Role of Purchasing 44
5.3 Need of Purchasing 44
5.4 Decision of Purchasing 44
5.5 Purchasing Process 44
Chapter Six Distribution 52
6.1 Concept of Distribution 52
6.2 Significance and Effect of Distribution 53
6.3 Factors of Distribution 53
6.4 Operation Targets of Distribution 55
6.5 General Operation of Distribution 56
Chapter Seven Transportation 64
7.1 Definition of Transportation 64
7.2 Purpose of Transportation 65
7.3 Importance of Transportation 66
7.4 Transportation Modes 66
Chapter Eight Packaging 74
8.1 Functions of Packaging 75
8.2 Types of Packaging 76
Chapter Nine International Freight Forwarding 82
9.1 An Introduction to FIATA 83
9.2 Steps of Performing International Freight Forwarders 83
9.3 Differences for Work as a Forwarder Between the Consignor and Consignee 84
9.4 Trade Terms of International Freight Forwarders 85
Chapter Ten Logistics Information Management 91
10.1 General Introduction to Information Logistics 91
10.2 Information Technologies and Tools 93
10.3 Role of Information Management 94
10.4 Logistics Management Information System 95
Chapter Eleven Supply Chain Management 106
11.1 Definition and Types of Supply Chains 106
11.2 SCM and Logistics 107
11.3 Supply Chain Management: Analysis,Design, and Integration 108
Chapter Twelve Third Party Logistics (3PL) 116
12.1 An Overview of Third Party Logistics (3PL) 116
12.2 3PL Providers 118
12.3 Reasons for Growth of 3PL 120
Chapter Thirteen Reverse Logistics 126
13.1 Definition and Activities 126
13.2 Reverse vs. Forward Logistics 127
13.3 Challenges of Reverse Logistics 128
13.4 Leveraging the Power of Reverse Logistics 129
Chapter Fourteen The Internet of Things 136
14.1 Definition of the Internet of Things 136
14.2 Historical Evolution of the Internet of Things 137
14.3 Importance of the Internet of Things 137
14.4 Global View 138
Chapter Fifteen Application of Big Data in Logistics Industry 145
15.1 Concept of Logistics Big Data 146
15.2 Impact of Big Data on Logistics Enterprises 146
15.3 Application of Big Data in Logistics Industry 147
Module Three The Practice of Logistics English—Logistics Document Chapter Sixteen Business Letters 158
16.1 Introduction to Business Letters 158
16.2 Principals of Business Letter-Writing 159
16.3 Parts of a Business Letter 160
16.4 Business Letter Format 162
Chapter Seventeen Contract 166
Chapter Eighteen Bill of Lading 173
Chapter Nineteen Letter of Credit 178
附錄 物流術語 184
References 192


王風麗 一直從事大學英語的教學與研究工作以前出版的教材: 1. 2011年8月《報關與國際貨運專業英語》(中國海關出版社),主審 2. 2011年9月《高等學校英語套用能力考試教程(天津版)》(上海交通大學出版社),主編 3. 2012年7月 《新編實用英語》Book 2(天津版)高等教育出版社,副主編 4. 2013年9月《物流專業英語》(人民郵電出版社),主編 5. 2015年9月《汽車專業英語》(人民郵電出版社),主編


