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  • 中文名:牛海軍
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 畢業院校:西安交通大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:生物醫學工程
  • 主要成就:北京航空航天大學教授






主要研究方向為醫學超聲及儀器、生理信號檢測與康復工程。近年來主持國家自然科學基金、國家863重大課題、國家863子課題、國家科技支撐計畫課題、國家重點實驗室開放課題等國家與省部級項目30餘項。提出基於超聲的組織多參數模型與檢測方法,研發了國內首款聲調可調人工喉(通過國家級檢測中心檢測);骨質疏鬆檢測儀(二類醫療器械),在國內外著名期刊Journal of Biomechanic、Journal of Biomechanical Engineering、JMBBM、IEEE TNSRE、MBEC、中國科學、科學通報、力學學報、醫用生物力學等期刊和知名國際會議發表SCI/EI收錄論文110多篇,授權發明專利20餘項;在國外與法國巴黎索邦大學(原巴黎六大)、法國CNRS格勒諾布爾語音研究所、紐約州立大學石溪分校、克萊姆森大學等建立了良好的合作關係。
(1)我國每年新增20萬喉癌患者,喉切除給患者帶來身體痛苦的同時還喪失了發聲功能,生活質量嚴重下降。團隊與北京市生物醫學工程高精尖中心、國家康復輔具研究中心合作,突破基於生理信息的漢語人工喉聲調調控技術,本研究不但幫助喉切除患者更好實現言語功能補償,而且從論文、專利、標準、產品等方面取得鏈條性成果。從設計、布局到產品示範,形成了言語輔具產業鏈,已經陸續收穫了經濟和社會效益。研究論文發表於康復工程頂刊IEEE TNSRE、言語聽覺期刊JSLHR和國際生物醫學工程聯合會會刊MBEC等著名期刊,受到國際同行關注。申請國家專利14項,其中發明專利9項,授權13項,軟著1項。研製的電子喉及訓練系統通過中國食品藥品檢定研究院檢測後(檢測報告),在同仁醫院等機構開展了套用示範,並且被科技部推薦參加2016年十二五科技成果展、2017年23部委參加的康復輔具部際聯席會展覽、2018年香港“創科博覽”科技展,獲得大量觀眾與患者關注。同時制定並公開了我國第一個電子喉國家標準,提交了國家科技計畫科技報告,規範了我國電子喉產品的工藝與技術指標。
(2)人體肌骨組織力學特性的無創和精準檢測,對於理解組織韌度機理與功能、提高肌骨疾病診斷準確率和最佳化植入醫療器械設計都具有重要意義,無論如何,常規的生物材料測試方法無法滿足無創精準檢測的要求。在國家自然科學基金和北京市高精尖中心支持下,團隊與法國國家科研中心LIB所就生物組織超聲檢測方法開展深入研究,提出了非規則生物組織力學特性的測量超聲共振譜(RUS)測量方法,打破了現有RUS方法的局限性,並已被套用於人體組織測量,基於此項工作開發的超聲骨密度儀已通過二類醫療器械檢測。研究論文發表於Ultrasonics、J Mech Behav Biomed、Biomed Res Int、中國科學、力學學報和無損檢測等著名期刊。該工作不但被超聲領域最著名國際會議IEEE IUS(英國)錄為口頭報告,還被邀請在國際骨超聲會議(ISUCB2019)上作特邀口頭報告。該研究同時獲得國家自然科學基金項目和國家科技支撐計畫項目資助,新方法同時可以為醫用植入物的研製、設計、製備與評價提供更先進的測量手段。
Bao Li, Wenxin Wang, Boyan Mao, Haisheng Yang, Haijun Niu, Jianhang Du, Xiaoling Li. Long-term hemodynamic mechanism of enhanced external counterpulsation in the treatment of coronary heart disease: a geometric multiscale simulation. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing (Acceptted).
Qiang. Zhang, Fan. Fan, Rui. Wang, Haijun. Niu*, Pascal. Laugier, A Resonant Frequency Retrieving Method for Low Q-factor Materials Based on Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy, Ultrasonics, 2019, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultras.2019.105971. ( Q1, 7 / 40, 2.94)
RuiWang, FanFan, QiangZhang, XiaomingLi, HaijunNiu*, PascalLaugier. Elastic constants identification of irregular hard biological tissue materials using FEM-based resonant ultrasound spectroscopy. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. Volume 96, August 2019, Pages 20-26. (Q1, 20 / 83, 3.82)
Zhaopeng Qian , Li Wang , Shaochuan Zhang , Chan Liu, Haijun Niu*. Mandarin Electrolaryngeal Speech Recognition Based on WaveNet-CTC. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 2019 Jul 14;62(7):2203-2212. (Q1, 11 / 54 , 2.09)
Xiaoke Chai, Zhimin Zhang, Kai Guan, Haijun Niu*. A Radial Zoom Motion-Based Paradigm for Steady State Motion Visual Evoked Potentials. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13 April 2019. DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2019.00127 (Q1, 12 / 59, 2.96)
Xing Gao; Li Wang; Fei Shen; Yingnan Ma; Yubo Fan; Haijun Niu*. Dynamic walking stability of elderly people with various BMIs. Gait & Posture. V68,:168-173, 2019 (Q2, 31/81, 2.273)
Li Wang , Zhaopeng Qian , Yijun Feng , Haijun Niu* Design and Preliminary Evaluation of Electrolarynx With F0 Control Based on Capacitive Touch Technology. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Mar 2018, 26(3):629-636.(Q1, 20 / 111, 4.37).
Haijun Niu*, Fan Fan, Rui Wang, Qiang Zhang, Fei Shen, Pengling Ren, Tao Liu, Yubo Fan, Pascal Laugier Elastic Properties Measurement of Human Enamel Based on Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials.( Q1, 20/83, 3.239.)
Ren Pengling, Niu Haijun, Gong He, Zhang Rui, Fan Yubo. Morphological, biochemical and mechanical properties of articular cartilage and bone in rat tibial plateau are age-related [J]. Journal of Anatomy 232(3), December 2017.( Q1, 9 / 36,2.59)
Fan Fan, Dandan Feng, Rui Wang, Haijun Niu*. The Elasticity Coefficients Measurement of Human Dentin Based on RUS [J]. BioMed Research International, 2017:1-7. doi:10.1155/2017/7852971.(Q2, 67/160, 2.476 2016, ET6KU)
Guan Hao, Liu Tao, Jiang Jiyang, Tao Dacheng, Zhang Jicong, Niu Haijun, Zhu Wanlin, Wang Yilong, Cheng Jian, Kochan Nicole A. Classifying mci subtypes in community-dwelling elderly using cross-sectional and longitudinal mri-based biomarkers [J]. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 2017, 9: 309. (Q1, 4.5042016, 7/49, FI0HC)
Li Wang, Yijun Feng, Ze Yang, Haijun Niu*. Development and evaluation of wheel‑controlled pitch‑adjustable electrolarynx [J]. Med Biol Eng Comput, 2016:1-10. (Q2, 52/105, 1.9162016, FD1PX)
Liu Haifeng, Ding Xili, Zhou Gang, Li Xiaoming, Li Ping, Gong Xianghui, Gu Xuenan, Pu Fang, Niu Haijun, Li Deyu. Developing Practical Abilities through a Teaching Reform of Tissue Engineering Course for Undergraduates [J]. International Journal of Engineering Education. 2016, 35(5):2025-2032. (Q4, 35/41, 0.609, 2016, ED8VA)
XiaoFei Li, XiRan Cai, Fan Fan, HaiJun Niu*. Observation of sGAG content of human hip joint cartilage in different old age groups based on epic Micro-CT [J]. Connective Tissue Research, 2015, 56:99-105. (Q3, 38/74,1.4112015, CE8IO)
Wang Q, Yang YY, Niu HJ. An ultrasound study of altered hydration behaviour of proteoglycan-degraded articular cartilage [J]. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2013, 14(11):289-289. (Q2, 25/67, 1.898, 2013, 266UD, 5)
Li Xinwei, Pu Fang, Fan Yubo, Niu Haijun, Li Shuyu, Li deyu. Age-related changes in brain structural covariance networks [J]. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 2013,7:98.(Q2, 2.895, 27/72, 114FT, 13)
Pu Fang, Xu Liqiang, Li Deyu, Fan Yubo, Niu Haijun, Li Shuyu. Comparison of two nonlinear registration techniques to investigate brain atrophy patterns in normal aging [J]. Journal of Neuroradiology, 2013, 40(5):326-334.(Q4, 13/14, 1.132, 2013, 286OD)
Sun LW, Blottner D, Luan HQ, Salanova M, Wang C, Niu HJ, Felsenberg D, Fan YB. Bone and muscle structure and quality preserved by active versus passive muscle exercise on a new stepper device in 21 days tail-suspended rats [J]. Journal of Musculoskeletal & Neuronal Interactions, 2013, 13(2): 166-177. (Q3, 156/252, 2.400, 2013, 176TI, 9)
Niu haijun*, Qing Wang, Yuexiang Wang, et al. Ultrasonic reflection coefficient and surface roughness index of OA articular cartilage: relation to pathological assessment [J]. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2012, 13:34. (Q2, 24/65, 1.875, 2012, 941XX)
Niu haijun*, Liu Chengrui, LI Ang, et al. Relationship between triphasic mechanical properties of articular cartilage and osteoarthritic grade [J]. Science China Life Sciences, 2012, 55(6): 444–451. (Q2, 27/85, 1.512, 2012, 950KX, 2)
Niu Haijun*, LI Lifeng, Liao Kai, et al. Preliminary animal studies on observation of injured spinal cord with intraoperative ultrasound backscatter microscopy [J]. Chin. Sci. Bull., 2012, 57(18): 2280-2284.(Q2, 18/56, 1.3192012, 958IF)
HaiJun Niu*, Qing Wang, YueXiang Wang, et al. The study on the mechanical characteristics of articular cartilage in simulated microgravity [J]. Acta Mechanica Sinica. 2012, 28 (5): 1488-1493. (Q3, 71/125, 0.688, 2012, 034PB, 3)
Chengrui L, Haijun N*, Yubo F, et al. Bone QUS measurement performed under loading condition, a more accuracy ultrasound method for osteoporosis diagnosis [J]. Medical Hypotheses, 2012, 79(4):539-41. (Q4, 94/121, 1.0542012, 024QF, 1)
Liu C R, Niu H J*, Fang P, et al. The effect of physical loading on calcaneus quantitative ultrasound measurement: a cross-section study [J]. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2012, 13(11):1106-1106.(Q2, 24/65, 1.8752012, 001YM, 2)
Lian Wen Sun, Chao Wang, Fang Pu, De Yu Li, Hai Jun Niu, et al. Comparative study on measured variables and sensitivity to bone microstructural changes induced by weightlessness between in vivo and ex vivo Micro-CT scans [J]. Calcif Tissue Int, 2011 88: 48-53. (Q3, 66/122, 2.376, 2011, 706ES, 11)
Wang Yuexiang, Guo Yizhu, Zhang Lihai, Niu Haijun, Xu Meng, Zhao Bin, Wan Wenbo. Ultrasound Biomicroscopy for the Detection of Early Osteoarthritis in an Animal Model [J]. Academic radiology.2011, 18(2): 167-173. (Q2, 57/116, 1.692, 2011, 712XI, 3)
Li Shuyu, Xia Mingrui, Pu Fang, Li Deyu, Fan Yubo, Niu Haijun, Pei Baoqing, He Yong. Age-related changes in the surface morphology of the central sulcus[J]. Neuroimage, 2011, 58(2):381-390.(Q1, 27/244, 5.895, 2011, 815KR, 8)
Niu H J*, Li L F, Feng S, et al. Ultrasound speed and attenuation in progressive trypsin digested articular cartilage [J]. Science China Life Sciences, 2011, 54(11):1029-1035. (Q1, 19/85, 2.204, 2011, 863VN, 5)
Zhong Jinrong, Jia Shuhan, Pu Fang, Niu Haijun, Li Shuyu, Li Deyu, Fan Yubo. Ultrasound Estimation of Female Bladder Volume Based on Magnetic Resonance Modeling [J]. Journal of urology. 2010, 183(1):216-220. (Q1, 10/69, 3.862, 2010, 531FO, 3)
Niu H*, Shao X, Fan Y, et al. The study of ultrasound speed and microstructure parameters in cancellous bone during decalcification [J]. Bone, 2010, 47: S408-S409. (Q1, 26/116, 4.601, 2010, 694EQ)
Niu haijun*, Wang qing, Zheng yongping, et al. A new method for computing the uniaxial modulus of articular cartilages using modified inhomogeneous triphasic model [J]. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2010, 26(1), 121-126. (Q2, 50/122, 0.749, 2010, 557YX, 5)
Wang Q, Zheng YP, Niu HJ, Mak AFT. Extraction of mechanical properties of articular cartilage from osmotic swelling behavior monitored using high frequency ultrasound [J]. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the Asme, 2007, 129 (3):413-422. (Q2, 20/44, 1.5912007, 178KL, 14)
Zheng YP, Niu HJ, Mak FTA, Huang YP. Ultrasonic measurement of depth-dependent transient behaviors of articular cartilage under compression [J]. Journal of biomechanics, 2005, 38(9): 1830-1837. (Q1, 8/41, 2.364, 2005, 955UQ, 25)
Liu HJ, Wan MX, Wang SP, Niu HJ. Aerodynamic characteristics of laryngectomees breathing quietly and speaking with the electrolarynx. Journal of voice, 2004, 18(4):567-577. (Q3, 18/29, 0.686, 2004, 880VI, 8)
Niu HJ*, Wan MX, Wang SP, Liu HJ. Enhancement of electrolarynx speech using adaptive noise cancelling based on independent component analysis. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 2003, 41(6): 670-678. (Q2, 32/83, 0.744, 2003, 752YG, 11)
王蕊, 樊璠, 張強, 沈飛,牛海軍*. 基於超聲共振譜法的非規則固體材料彈性常數估計方法[J]中國科學(2019出版中)
沈飛, 樊璠, 王蕊, 張強, 牛海軍*.基於PSO 的超聲共振譜法測量材料彈性常數[J]. 無損檢測(2019出版中).
Chai, Xiaoke; Zhang, Zhimin; Lu, Yangting; Niu Haijun*. A Hybrid BCI-Based Environmental Control System Using SSVEP and EMG Signals. IUPESM World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Prague JUN 03-08, 2018, IFMBE Proceedings vol 68: 59-63, 2019
Chai, Xiaoke; Zhang, Zhimin; Lu, Yangting; Niu Haijun*. Quantitative EEG in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease by AR-Spectral and Multi-scale Entropy Analysis. IUPESM World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Prague JUN 03-08, 2018, IFMBE Proceedings vol 68: 159-163
Niu, Haijun*; Fan, Fan; Wang, Rui et al. Measurement of Mechanical Properties of Enamel Based on Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy. IUPESM World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Prague JUN 03-08, 2018, IFMBE Proceedings vol 68: 583-586
Feng Dandan, Fan Fan, Wang Rui, Zhang Qiang, Niu Haijun*. Measurement of Human Enamel Mechanical Characteristics with Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy[C]. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), 2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, IEEE Press, 2017: 2912-2915.
Wang Li, Feng Yijun., Yang Ze, Niu Haijun*. Development and Perceptual Evaluation of Pitch Controllable Electrolarynx [C]. IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical & Health Informatics (BHI), 2017: 305-308.
馮丹丹, 樊璠, 王蕊, 牛海軍*. 基於超聲共振譜方法的人牙釉質材料力學特性研究[J]. 醫用生物力學, 2017, 32(5): 448-453.
郭佳瑩; 尉振剛; 王立; 牛海軍*. 帶有表面肌電反饋功能的電刺激系統[J]. 中國醫療器械雜誌, 2016,40(5) 326-330.
李陽; 王立; 馮亦軍; 牛海軍*. 基於譜減法的變頻電子喉語音增強方法對比研究[J].北京生物醫學工程, 2016,35(2) 137-141.
Yang Li, Li Wang, Yijun Feng, Haijun Niu*. Contrastive study on the enhancement of pitch adjustable electrolarynx speech based on spectral subtraction technology [C]. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE), 2015:143-150.
Chenxu Yu, Jiaying Guo, Zhengang Yu, Haijun Niu*, et al. The design of a rehabilitation training system with EMG feedback for stroke patients [C]. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE), 2015: 277-282.
Fan Fan, Li Xiaofei, Ren Pengling, Cai Xiran, Yan Yan, Fan Yubo, Niu Haijun*. Correlations between x-ray attenuation and GAG content of different cartilage layers based on contrast agent enhanced Micro-CT [C]. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE. IEEE Press, 2015: 6366-6369.
Pengling Ren, Xiaofei Li, Fan Fan, Xiran Cai, He Gong, Yubo Fan, Haijun Niu*. Ultrasound observation of gag content of human hip joint cartilage in different old age groups [C]. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE. IEEE Press, 2015: 2697-2700.
Fan Fan, Li Xiaofei, Ren Pengling, Cai Xiran, Yan Yan, Fan Yubo, Niu Haijun*. Correlations between x-ray attenuation and gag content of different cartilage layers based on contrast agent enhanced Micro-CT [C]. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE. IEEE Press, 2015: 6366–6369.
於晨旭, 王崢, 尉振剛,牛海軍*. 腦卒中患者表面肌電反饋康復訓練系統設計[J]. 中國醫療器械雜誌, 2015, 39(3):187-189.
董睿, 李立峰, 牛海軍*. 基於語音轉換技術的國語電子喉語音增強方法研究[J]. 北京生物醫學工程, 2015(4):361-366.
Cai X, Fan F, Li X F, B.Q. PEI, H.J. NIU*. The comparison of tissue vibration signal extraction algorithms in shearwave dispersion ultrasound vibrometry [C]. 9th Asian-Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering, 2014.
NIU Haijun*, SHI Wanqing, WANG Li, et al. Enhancement of mandarin electrolarynx speech based on voice conversion [C]. 9th Asian-Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering, 2014.
蔡夕然, 樊璠, 李曉斐, 牛海軍*. SDUV方法中組織振動信號提取算法比較 [J]. 北京航空航天大學學報, 2014, 40(12):1761-1766.
任鵬玲, 李立峰, 陳龍圖, 牛海軍*. 養老機構老年人移動體徵監測系統設計 [J]. 中國醫療器械雜誌, 2014, 2:110-113.
Niu H*, Fan F, Yan Y, et al. Assessment of glycosaminoglycan in progressive trypsin digested cartilage based on contrast-agent enhanced Micro-CT [C]. Medical Imaging Physics and Engineering (ICMIPE), 2013 IEEE International Conference on IEEE, 2013:34-37.
Li X, Fan F, Niu H*. The observation of hip joint cartilage of elderly people based on EPIC Micro-CT [C]. Medical Imaging Physics and Engineering (ICMIPE), 2013 IEEE International Conference on IEEE, 2013:93-96.
Sheng G, Wang L, Ma D, Fan F, Niu H*. The design of a rehabilitation training system with EMG feedback [C]. 2012 International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (iCBEB), 2012:917-920.
Yan Y, Li X, Cai X, Niu H*. Exploration of imaging method of degenerate articular cartilage based on EPIC Micro-CT [C]. 2012 International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (iCBEB), 2012:797-800.
Xu, M., Pu, F., Li, S. Y., Niu, H. J., Fan, Y. B., Li, D. Y. Image Reconstruction with Perturbed Trajectories in C-arm CT [M]. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering May 26-31, 2012, Beijing, China. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013:120-127.
F Fan, C Huang, X Zhang, H Niu*. The correlation study of ultrasonic parameters and young’s modulus of cancellous bone during decalcification [C]. 2012 World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, 2013: 1097-1100.
Wang L, Niu H*, Yan Y, et al. The observation of the PG-depletion in progressive trypsin digested articular cartilage based on conventional a-mode ultrasound [C]. 2012 World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, 2013:1101-1104.
Liu, C., Niu, H*., Wang, L., Fan, Y., & Li, D. Study on the effect of physical loading on bone broadband ultrasound attenuation[M]. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering May 26-31, 2012, Beijing, China. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013:1105-1108.
Pan, C., Li, S., Pu, F., Niu, H, Li, D., & Fan, Y. Inter-regional gray matter correlation changes in normal aging[C]. International Symposium on It in Medicine and Education. IEEE, 2012:252-256.
牛海軍*,劉誠睿,李昂,鄢嫣,王青,王月香,李德玉,樊瑜波.關節軟骨三相力學特性與骨關節炎等級關係研究 [J].中國科學:生命科學,2012,42(07):572-578.
牛海軍*,李立峰,廖凱,李曉光,樊瑜波.基於超聲顯微鏡的脊髓損傷的術中觀測:動物預研 [J].科學通報,2012,57(18):1666-1670.
牛海軍*, 王月香, 樊瑜波. 不同病理學等級關節炎軟骨的三相力學特性 [J]. 醫用生物力學, 2012, 27(3):276-281.
牛海軍*, 王青, 王月香, 等. 模擬微重力對大鼠關節軟骨力學特性的影響 [J]. 醫用生物力學, 2012, 27(5):572-576.
Niu H*, Yang S, Liu C, et al. Design of an ultrasound bladder volume measurement and alarm system [C]. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE), 2011.
Niu H*, Tian H, Chang C, et al. Development of a device for negative pressure wound therapy based on arm9 embedded system [C]. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE), 2011.
Pan, C., Li, S., Pu, F., Niu, H, Li, D., & Fan, Y., et al. Sulcal morphology differences between mild cognitive impairment patients and normal elderly subjects[C]. 2011 4th international conference on biomedical engineering and informatics. 2011:513-517.
Ren L, Li D, Liu C, Yang Y, Qian Y, Yang S, Pu F, Niu H. Design of in-shoe plantar pressure monitoring system for daily activity exercise stress assessment [C]. International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics. IEEE, 2011:1367-1370.
Pan, Cuicui; Li, Shuyu; Pu, Fang; Niu, Haijun; Li, Deyu; Fan, Yubo. Inter-regional gray matter correlation changes in normal aging. ITME 2011 - Proceedings: 2011 IEEE International Symposium on IT in Medicine and Education.
牛海軍*, 樊瑜波, 楊松岩, 等. 基於ARM和DSP的超聲膀胱容積檢測與預警系統的設計[J]. 儀器儀表學報, 2011, 32(8):1858-1863.
牛海軍*, 邵曉寧, 王立, 等. 脫鈣過程中松質骨骨量、微結構和聲學參數的相關性研究 [J]. 醫用生物力學, 2011, 26(6):527-533.
Wu Z, Niu H*, Li D, et al. A virtual sEMG prosthetic hand development system based on LabVIEW and PCI-1710HG A/D card [C]. 2010 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI), 2010:1743-1745.
Shao X, Niu H*, Fan Y, et al. Correlations between speed of sound and microstructure in swine cancellous bone during decalcification [C]. 2010 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI), 2010:833-837.
Niu H*, Wu Z, Zhang X, et al. A Preliminary observation of intra-operative ultrasound backscatter microscopy of spinal cord injury [C]. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE), 2010.
Xia, M., Li, S., Pu, F., Pei, B., Niu, H., Li, D., et al. Evaluation of the robustness of BrainVISA software on brain sulcus extraction. International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, 2010:240-243.
Wang Q, Zheng Y P, Niu H J. Changes in triphasic mechanical properties of proteoglycan-depleted articular cartilage extracted from osmotic swelling behavior monitored using high-frequency ultrasound [J]. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics Mcb, 2010, 7(1):45
Niu, H.*., Li, L., Ma, F., & Pu, F. The Study of Nonlinear Change of Bladder During Urinary Store Based on MRI [C]. International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics. 2009.
Niu H*, Sun F, Wang Y, Li L, Li D, Fan Y. Virtual Ultrasonic Waveform Acquisition and Analysis System Based on LabVIEW and PCI-12400 A/D Card [C]. International Conference on Electronic Measurement & Instruments, IEEE. 2009: 1617-1620
Sun Feng, Wu Zhiyong, Shao Xiaoning, Wang Yuexiang, Zhang Lihai, Niu Haijun*. The characteristics of ultrasound speed and attenuation in progressive trypsin digested articular cartilage [C]. 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. 2009.
Niu H*, He W, Wu M, et al. Reconstruction of 3D Bladder Model and Computation of Intra-Vesical Volume During Storing Based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging[C].International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. IEEE, 2008:1840-1842.
Niu H*, Li R, Liu G, et al. Using EMG to Evaluate Muscular Fatigue Induced during Video Display Terminal Keyboard Use Task [M]. 7th Asian-Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008:329-332.
Niu H*, Pu, F., Li, D., & Fan, Y. Intelligibility of Mandarin Speech Produced Using Different Vocal Rehabilitation Technique in Quiet and in Noise [C]. IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering, IEEE. 2007,1194-1197.
Niu H*, Wang Q, Zheng Y, et al. Computation of Uniaxial Modulus of the Normal and Degenerated Articular Cartilage Using Inhomogeneous Triphasic Model[C]. International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation. Springer-Verlag, 2007:104-110.
Niu, Haijun*; Badin, Pierre Airflow, pressure and acoustic characteristics of Mandarin aspirated, and unaspirated stops. 7th International Conference of Chinese Computing (ICCC 2007) OCT 13-15, 2007
Pu, F., Jin, D., Li, S., Li, D., Niu, H., Yang, Y., et al. Reconstruction of Three-dimensional Model of Normal Female Pelvic Cavity Based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging [C]. IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering. IEEE, 2007:732-735.
Fang Pu, Dan Jin, Shuyu Li, Deyu Li, Haijun Niu, Yang Yang, Yubo Fan Reconstruction of Three-dimensional Model of Normal Female Pelvic Cavity Based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2007 IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering , CME 2007 p732–735.


